SSB Sweeps- KF9PL (Long)

Sean E. Kutzko tigger at
Tue Nov 21 01:05:48 EST 1995

1995 SSB Sweepstakes
KF9PL Single op QRP

509 QSO's x 75 Sections = 76,350 points 
Operated from the QTH of NO9Z

Rig: Icom 745 (power adjusted to 5w)
10-20m: KLM KT34XA @ 100'
        Cushcraft A4 @ 70' (fixed to the Northeast)

40m: KLM 2-el @55'
     Inverted Vee @ 60'

80m: Shunt-fed tower (no receive antennas)


This was The Big One. I'd been waiting for this weekend for a long time. 
I wanted to see if the job I did last year was a fluke, or if I could do 
even better.

It almost didn't happen...I petitioned for the time off from work almost 
five months ago. By Wednesday, I still hadn't found a sub. It took a lot 
of bargaining, but I finally managed to find someone to cover my 
broadcasting duties Wednesday night. I was gung-ho from that point on.

I took all the equipment out to Lynn's on Friday, as soon as I got off 
the air. When I get there, I found out Lynn had sprained, possibly 
broken, his ankle. That meant he wasn't going to be in the shack while I 
was running the contest. Too bad...he's a fun guy to have around in the 
heat of battle.

Woke up Saturday in a great mood. I eat and get on the road to Lynn's 
about 1630z. Plenty of time to get the extra work done and grab a nap 
before the start. Put in one of my fave Grateful Dead tapes for the drive, 
just to get me extra-psyched.

Thanks to advice from N4ZR, I decided to put up extra antennas for the 
low bands. While everything at NO9Z's is fed with hardline, the run to 
the 40m beam is well over 200 feet long. I thought this was too much to 
risk. Besides, his 40m beam is set for CW, and I didn't want to run a tuner.
The Inverted Vee I put up was having some interaction with the tower, so I 
spent a lot of time tring to get the SWR down. I finally got it taken 
care of at 20:15, leaving no time to put up the 80m inverted vee. I 
decided to just relax for a little while.

Started on 15m. K7IR was the first in the log. Tuned around, working 
everything I could find. My strategy was to spend the first few hours 
picking off sections, and worry about running later, if I can find a freq. 
In a first for me, I had all four off-continent sections taken care of in the 
first 75 minutes of the contest. 

Went to 20m about 2130. While having two beams was very flexible, the 
activity just proved too much for me. It was very tough to get through.

When the sun set, I went to 40. Putting up the Vee proved extremely 
valuable. Not only was it an incredible time saver from rotating the beam 
all over the place, but since the beam was set for CW, it was unusable 
above 7245. I plodded along, just having a terrible time being heard 
through all the QRM and broadcast noise. 

Went back to 20m just in time to find VY1JA on 14.225 running like crazy. 
I wasted about 40 minutes trying to get through (when will I learn?!). 
Went back to 40m, but the QRM/noise got to me again.

I thought I'd find relief on 80m, but that was even tougher. If you want to try 
an exercise in futility, try working 80 meters QRP sometime. I took a gamble 
and figured the 80m activity would die down by the middle of the night, so 
I took my first off-time at 0530 and grabbed a nap. Got back on at 0900, 
and it was MUCH better.

Dawn arrived, and I went back to 40. S & P'ed my way around for a while, 
then went to 20 and did the same thing. If I heard it, I called it. With 
the big antennas, I was loud on the high bands compared to my signal on 
the low bands. I had relatively little difficulty getting through on 20m.
I was just waiting for 15m to open up again.

Around 1500 I was tired again, so I used the last of my off-time and got 
going again around 1700. Went straight to 15m, pointed the KT34XA to the 
West-Northwest, found a freq high in the band and started calling. 
Wonderful reports from the West coast, and my highest  "last 100" rate of 
the whole contest; a staggering 47.7 (WooWoo!).

When 15 started to die, I went to 40, in an attempt to get the last two 
sections I had a chance of getting (I'd written off VE8 by this point). I 
still needed SC and DEL, and I figured 40m was the best band for them. I 
happened to stumble upon a DEL station who had just got going in the 
contest, but already had quite a crowd. I called for quite a while but 
got nowhere. Suddenly, I hear this LOUD voice; "Hold on, Sean" it said.
it was WX9E. He busts the pile in one call, works the DEL, and says, 
"listen for the QRP'er calling you!" I got the DEL for number 75, thanks 
to Paul. Unfortunately, I forgot his name and called him Chad (sorry, dude).

I stayed on 40, but it was tough with low power and a no-gain antenna. I 
was pusshing my last-year's score at this point, and was trying 
desperately to break it. I ended up going to 20m, and caught a nice 
opening to the south. With 2 hours to go, I was within 35 QSO's of 500. I 
just HAD to break 500 QSO's!

Went to 40 and S & P'ed everybody, then dropped to 80 and did it all over 
again. I ended on 40m frantically calling on 7153, and worked a KC4 for 
the last one at 0259.

Where was South Carolina, and why is there always a problem with that 
section? I may have to go there next year.

Where was AA2U? Never heard him...did he enter this year?

Thanks to everybody who dragged my signal out of the bands, especially on 
80. That was PAINFUL to keep calling.. I can only imagine what it was 
like to try to pull my signal out. Thanks also to NO9Z & XYL Donita, 
N9HQB for letting me use the shack.

See ya next year, but maybe not as a "Q" entrant. I'm getting tired of 
screaming into a mike on 80m with 5 watts.



Sean Kutzko						 Amateur Radio: KF9PL
Urbana, IL						 DXCC: 305 wkd/301 cfmd	

	      "You can't close the door when the wall's caved in."

>From mihry at (michael ihry)  Tue Nov 21 07:55:10 1995
From: mihry at (michael ihry) (michael ihry)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 01:55:10 -0600
Subject: SS SCORE
Message-ID: <199511210755.BAA16324 at>


        Q'S         SECTIONS             SCORE

    192              67                    25,728

>From kb8pk at (Kevin J. Grammes)  Tue Nov 21 10:30:59 1995
From: kb8pk at (Kevin J. Grammes) (Kevin J. Grammes)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 10:30:59 -0000
Subject: score KG8PE
Message-ID: <01BAB7FC.C194B560 at>

sorry abt previous post i sent all but callsign...excited abt sweep
q 504 m 77 h 20

73 mike KG8PE    internet via kb8pk at

>From Bill Turner <wrt at>  Tue Nov 21 10:37:58 1995
From: Bill Turner <wrt at> (Bill Turner)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 02:37:58 -0800
Subject: Greying Contesters
Message-ID: <199511211038.CAA22450 at>

At 10:31 AM 11/20/95 EST, Hans Brakob wrote:
>Maybe (...only maybe) the trend is changing, at least in SS?
>During SS (especially Phone), I had an impression that I was working a lot of
>checks in the 90's (more than I expected, anyhow). Also a seeming increase in
I noticed the same thing.  Someone earlier credited the more "user-friendly"
announcement in QST, and I suspect they're right.  I was also surprised
several times by "check 95" from what sounded like well-seasoned ops.  The
Hope-For-The-Younger-Generation-Meter just rose a few points...

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at

>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at>  Tue Nov 21 12:00:14 1995
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 07:00:14 -0500
Subject: SS Report
Message-ID: <9511211200.AA23588 at>

                        ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1995

      Call: K1KP                     Country:  
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single


      160        1        2        -
       80      634     1268        -
       40       93      186        -
       20      410      820        -
       15      220      440        -
       10        0        0        -

     Totals   1358     2716       77

               Score:  209,132

Power Output: 1500 watts     Hours of operation: 24

Operator List: K1KP, N1OEK, WX1Z

Equipment Description:
              IC-765, IC-735, (2) SB-220
              386, 486, CT 9.26
              KT34-XA (2) 40/70 feet
              2-el Quad 10/15/20
              2-el 40 80 feet
              2-el delta loop 75 meters

Club Affiliation: YCCC

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.


               Tony Brock-Fisher  K1KP
               15 Webster St.
               Andover, MA 01810

We ran a pretty decent Multiop effort, using a second rig for spotting 
rare sections and choosing the best band to run on. When needed sections were 
found with the spotting rig, the run station would be interrupted while the
section was worked on the second station. We obeyed the rule about no two 
simultaneous transmitters.

Big thrill was getting 100 just before the first hour was up; then getting 
number 111 from KY1H (also multiop) for a deat heat a few minutes later!

Lots of packet activity; I really wonder if all those guys report their scores 
as Multiop category!? I don't think anyone should apply for pins or mugs 
unless they report their category correctly!

I thought the best way to describe the fun and flavor of the contest was
to include the talk file from CT:

Nov 18 19:01     10:  Testing
Nov 18 19:08     15:  Hi stn 1
Nov 18 19:10     15:  Hi station one!
Nov 18 20:49     15:  How's the net?
Nov 18 20:49     10:  fb
Nov 18 20:50     15:  If I spot to packet, is that considered two xmtrs?
Nov 18 20:51     10:  nope!
Nov 18 20:51     10:  u wanna start?
Nov 18 20:51     15:  Shall I tune around on 40m?
Nov 18 20:52     15:  
Nov 18 20:54     15:  I'd rather listen in while you est. a run freq.
Nov 18 20:56     15:  How does the black box know what band to filter?
Nov 18 20:56     10:  automatic from rig 
Nov 18 21:47     15:  Really quiet two people calling in 40 KHz
Nov 18 21:51     15:  Half the sections in under an hour!!!
Nov 18 21:54     15:  kl7y at 14303.8
Nov 18 21:57     15:  Use ALT - to put 14303.8 in other VFO turn off split!
Nov 18 21:57     15:  Screw it go for the 100 hour!!!
Nov 18 21:59     15:  I think nebraska is NE not NB.
Nov 18 21:59     15:  Shall I go back and fix them?
Nov 18 22:03     15:  We lost packet
Nov 18 22:14     15:  Can you hear vy1?
Nov 18 22:23     15:  Can't hear the KL7HF off back of beam.
Nov 18 22:23     15:  Can't even hear a pile-up.
Nov 18 22:28     15:  40's picking up pretty good now.
Nov 18 22:33     15:  Rate's about 100/hr.
Nov 18 22:33     10:  let go to 40
Nov 18 22:33     10:  let me know when ur off 40
Nov 18 22:33     15:  This radio on 15m
Nov 18 22:33     10:  find me a fre
Nov 18 22:33     15:  Ok
Nov 18 22:35     15:  7.1927
Nov 18 22:45     10:  Exchange is a mouthful
Nov 18 22:45     15:  you'll get used to it!
Nov 18 23:03     10:  That number should have been 178
Nov 18 23:03     10:  Think I should QSY?
Nov 18 23:04     15:  I say stay on 40 for a while...
Nov 18 23:14     15:  spaghetti's ready - u wanna eat?
Nov 18 23:16     15:  Is glass of water and plate for me?
Nov 18 23:32     15:  Virgin Islands if you get a break.
Nov 19 00:02     15:  coffee?
Nov 19 00:16     15:  SMMMMMMMOOOOKIN' !!!!
Nov 19 01:13     15:  Safe for me to tune around on 40m?
Nov 19 01:28     15:  Is there a ten minute rule for QSY?
Nov 19 01:29     10:  no
Nov 19 01:29     15:  If your rate slows down I can work neveda.
Nov 19 01:31     15:  Something in the amp arc'ed, it may not have keyed.
Nov 19 01:35     15:  40 is really busy, haven't been able to find a quiet 
Nov 19 01:42     15:  I'm on 80m now! U can check my freq ALT-J.
Nov 19 01:49     10:  40 is slow. back to 80?
Nov 19 01:49     15:  Ok. I'll qsy to 15.
Nov 19 01:50     15:  80 is free!!!
Nov 19 01:50     15:  Hoping to get some CA secs on 40.
Nov 19 01:51     15:  Can get tomorrow on 20 and 15.
Nov 19 01:51     15:  I'm on 40 now.  Sorry for diversion.
Nov 19 01:53     15:  I'm pretty happy with our rate so far.
Nov 19 02:13     15:  OH MI OH MI XX MI OH MI  See a pattern?
Nov 19 02:15     15:  Christ you'd think a DE would call.
Nov 19 02:18     15:  What's so funny?
Nov 19 02:54     10:  QRM!!!!!
Nov 19 02:59     15:  gimme a break - got VT on 160
Nov 19 03:04     10:  How come it shows band violation?
Nov 19 03:05     15:  CT is stupid. Uses 10 min rule for all MS
Nov 19 03:23     15:  gimme a break - I'll snag Orange on 40...
Nov 19 03:23     10:  This frequency sucks!
Nov 19 03:38     15:  Deleware at 3794.6!
Nov 19 03:40     15:  3:40z and only 5 to go! Killer!
Nov 19 03:40     10:  shud pick up CA on 40 nw - leaves only pac and ak
Nov 19 03:57     15:  ME2SEX
Nov 19 04:01     15:  Wonder when Randy started?
Nov 19 04:01     10:  whenever he got away fm xyl
Nov 19 04:19     15:  Found a SDG if you want me to try.
Nov 19 04:27     15:  Forget SDG.
Nov 19 04:40     15:  Are U going to stop at 0500 even tho' U have rate?
Nov 19 04:41     10:  nope. rate is king
Nov 19 04:48     15:  We already had San Diego!
Nov 19 04:56     15:  You blew my 10 min rate out of the water!!!
Nov 19 04:59     10:  wanna run?
Nov 19 05:00     15:  What are you going to do?
Nov 19 05:01     10:  find my lips again!
Nov 19 05:02     15:  Hold on.
Nov 19 05:15     10:  Disconnected!!!!!!
Nov 19 05:16     15:  sri - asleep here zzzzzz...
Nov 19 05:19     15:  DIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!
Nov 19 05:52     15:  qsy to 7226 for PAC!
Nov 19 05:58     15:  get above 3800
Nov 19 05:58     10:  Why?
Nov 19 05:58     15:  wanna work only extras?
Nov 19 05:59     10:  Good point!!!!
Nov 19 05:59     10:  Get off my antenna
Nov 19 06:10     15:  I'm fried. Time for zzzzz's
Nov 19 06:13     10:  What time should I sign off 3?
Nov 19 06:18     15:  sleep on fold-out couch in new room - all ready pulled 
Nov 19 13:31     15:  Auf Wiedersehn!!
Nov 19 13:32     15:  I'll tune around 15 on the Quad when aspirin kicks in.
Nov 19 13:35     15:  Was N1OEZ a YL?
Nov 19 14:17     15:  Come on SF.
Nov 19 14:27     15:  Ann's trying to run on 15m.
Nov 19 14:30     10:  ANY ROOM ON 15? 2 IS FULL
Nov 19 14:31     15:  Plenty of room but your rate will suck.
Nov 19 15:11     15:  ann's running pretty fast - try 15!
Nov 19 15:13     10:  QSYING TO 15M
Nov 19 15:13     15:  go!
Nov 19 15:15     10:  what's ann's run freq.
Nov 19 15:16     15:  21260 something i think
Nov 19 15:20     10:  Nice and quiet.
Nov 19 15:20     15:  run run run
Nov 19 15:23     15:  break for SFO?
Nov 19 15:23     10:  Where is SF?
Nov 19 15:23     15:  west; 14243.8; on earth?
Nov 19 15:45     10:  I'll be pissed if we miss it by Alaska.
Nov 19 15:45     15:  no worries, mate! prop charts say 1 more hour till he 
Nov 19 15:45     15:  im tuning nw for him
Nov 19 15:46     15:  11.5 hours left!
Nov 19 15:46     10:  Where's our 9:00 AM op
Nov 19 15:46     15:  BTSOM
Nov 19 15:48     10:  SCV guys are in the muck.
Nov 19 15:48     15:  must have been the BIg quake!
Nov 19 15:49     15:  20 seems quiet. maybe we've been flared!
Nov 19 16:30     10:  I'm getting hungry.
Nov 19 16:31     10:  15m suddenly
Nov 19 16:31     15:  I'll take over. Go go forage!
Nov 19 16:35     15:  Gweet
Nov 19 17:11     10:  take over whiule i east
Nov 19 17:39     10:  At some point should we just point at AK.
Nov 19 17:40     15:  if he shows on 20, he'll get spotted
Nov 19 17:45     10:  Some good ole boys on my freq
Nov 19 17:47     15:  if no room on 20, cud go to 15, I'll tune for kl7
Nov 19 17:48     10:  Ok I'll qsy to 15m
Nov 19 17:57     10:  Could the exchange BE any longer?
Nov 19 17:58     15:  yeah - give underwear size and internet addres
Nov 19 18:17     15:  Alaska 14250.4
Nov 19 18:17     15:  kl7y
Nov 19 18:24     15:  I'm going to mess around on 10m. But I'll clean up after 
Nov 19 18:26     15:  Don't forget underwear size and internet address!!!
Nov 19 18:33     10:  15s getting a bit thin - find a freq on 20?
Nov 19 18:35     15:  How 'bout 14233 ;)
Nov 19 18:36     15:  142418
Nov 19 18:37     15:  PSE CPY 1105 B K1KP 68 EMA SZ 34 K1KP at AOL.COM OVER
Nov 19 18:41     15:  I'm going to tune around 15m and spot.
Nov 19 18:43     15:  How does this rotor work?
Nov 19 18:43     10:  turn the knob
Nov 19 18:52     10:  whats rate on 15 look like?
Nov 19 18:53     10:  think we worked enm all
Nov 19 18:53     15:  I'll get back to you.
Nov 19 18:53     15:  My impression is not that great.
Nov 19 18:54     15:  We might actually have to (dare I say it) S&P.
Nov 19 18:54     10:  qsy packet to nk1k
Nov 19 18:58     15:  SB is working about 100/hr 0's and 5's I can't hear.
Nov 19 19:00     15:  General portion of 20m start at 14.200 ?
Nov 19 19:06     10:  what's up, Michelle?
Nov 19 19:22     10:  find ky1h on 20 and get there number
Nov 19 19:22     15:  Roger!
Nov 19 19:30     10:  wanna run? (if u can call it running)
Nov 19 19:47     10:  Think I successfully ran off nm5m
Nov 19 19:49     10:  Find ky1h?
Nov 19 19:49     15:  nope but 40 sounds interesting
Nov 19 19:50     10:  Shall I QSY?
Nov 19 19:50     15:  maybe give it a try
Nov 19 19:53     15:  7218.6
Nov 19 19:59     15:  Kris is an hour late - looks like its just us!
Nov 19 19:59     10:  I'll QSY to 40m
Nov 19 19:59     15:  all the turkeys are hiding! gobble bobble
Nov 19 20:35     10:  gg back to 20 OK?
Nov 19 20:56     15:  I'm going to 40m.
Nov 19 20:57     10:  im gg to 80
Nov 19 21:04     15:  ky1h on 40m at 1445 maybe.
Nov 19 21:13     15:  gg to 20m.
Nov 19 21:40     15:  move mic closer so vox doesn't drop out
Nov 19 22:13     15:  What kind of pizza do you like?
Nov 19 22:17     15:  I'm going to 20 and see if I can fill up the band map.
Nov 19 22:46     15:  Try going to 20m.
Nov 20 00:28     15:  what happened? loose ur freq?
Nov 20 00:28     15:  whats the hold up? get rolling!
Nov 20 00:28     15:  find a freq! I'll spot u!
Nov 20 01:02     15:  You're killing my rate! ;)
Nov 20 01:03     10:  come over here and do better!
Nov 20 01:03     10:  u too can work 30 dupes an hour
Nov 20 01:04     15:  I don't think I'll ever be THAT good!
Nov 20 01:38     10:  Muck muck muck muck
Nov 20 02:02     10:  Why don't you S&P now!

-Tony, K1KP, fisher at

>From weinfurtner at (Greg Weinfurtner)  Tue Nov 21 12:31:11 1995
From: weinfurtner at (Greg Weinfurtner) (Greg Weinfurtner)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 08:31:11 -0400
Subject: Contester's diet...what's best?
Message-ID: <v01510101acd772baf697@[]>

        I've been on this mail reflector for a few months and I haven't
seen any mention as to what constitutes a good "fuel" to keep an operator
awake and alert during those long wee hours of the night.  With the contest
season in full swing, this may be a good topic to persue.
        I've tried the coffee and doughnut diet and that usually results in
a headache from the caffine and the "shakes" from all the sugar!  (Which is
not all bad... if you can keep your CW key in sync with the shakes, then
you can send like a machine !)  807's tend to put me to sleep early.
(Although I usually don't care by then...)  During the CW SS I tried a lot
of juices and fruit,  and that worked pretty good.  Fortunately the "can"
was only a door away.
        What do some of you do/eat/smoke/drink/chew/ to keep alert for the
24 hours or so of a contest?  E-mail me direct and I will post a summary to
the list.

*     NN    N  SSSSS  888888  OOOOO   Greg Weinfurtner AEE BSS *
*    N N   N  S      8    8  O   O    Electronic Design Splst  *
*   N  N  N  SSSSS  888888  O   O     Ohio University  Athens  *
*  N   N N      S  8    8  O   O                               *
* N    NN  SSSSS  888888  OOOOO                                *
*                                   Canst thou send lightnings *
*  Amateur Radio NS8O               that they may go and say   *
*                                   unto thee,'Here we are'?   *
* weinfurtner at                  Job 38:35 *

>From Patrick Collins <pcollins at>  Tue Nov 21 13:27:53 1995
From: Patrick Collins <pcollins at> (Patrick Collins)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 08:27:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Kw8n SS SSB score.
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9511210853.A26194-a100000 at acme>

160	 40
80	757
40	777
20	385
15	285
10	9
	2253 - 70 dupes x 77 = 336182 (rough score)

ops: kw8n,ku8e,kf8ty,nz4k
eqp: 4 computers,4 radios (1 w/o amp - 160 was low power)

No we don't have a problem with our PTT.

Best hour 189 (0100z first night)
best qrm: the guy on 40 who talked for 20 minutes straight about contests.

We keep trying....will beat K9RS yet.

Pat Collins                                    pcollins at

>From Richard Wilder <wilder at>  Tue Nov 21 14:22:39 1995
From: Richard Wilder <wilder at> (Richard Wilder)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 09:22:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: out of band SS
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951121091050.4878B-100000 at>

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Jan & Del Seay wrote:
> >Date: Fri, 04 Jan 1980 16:34:56
> >To: ken smith <kgsmith at>
> >From: Jan & Del Seay <seay at>
> >Subject: Re: out of band SS
> >
> >At 03:21 PM 11/20/95 -0500, you wrote:
> >>In casual listening on Saturday night of SSB SS I was amazed at the number
> >>of US operators who were working VE9AA below 3750. I guess it's dog eat dog
> >>, but don't get caught.
> >>73   Ken  VA3SK
> >>
> >>You should grab a pen & paper, take calls and post them
> >on the reflector. Maybe then these yoyos would stop that
> >nonsense!
> >73, Del, KL7HF

A couple years back in a DX contest, a European was on 3750.5 and many
USA stations were working him.  On CW, I sent "out of band" a couple 
times with my quick ID.  One USA guy replied, "I'm not out, my dial says
3750.5."   I gave up and QSY'd.  I wonder how many folks too close to
the band edge really don't understand that the LSB slops out.
73, Dick Wilder, K3DI   (ZF2-- in ARRL-CW in Feb.)

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Tue Nov 21 14:50:02 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 06:50:02 -0800 (PST)
Subject: 5T5 in WW?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9511210602.D25292-7100000 at>

Does anyone know if 5T5JC a.k.a. 5T6E will be on in WW CW?

73, Ward N0AX

>From dgf at (David Feldman)  Tue Nov 21 15:20:05 1995
From: dgf at (David Feldman) (David Feldman)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 07:20:05 -0800
Subject: 1995 Phone SS de WB0GAZ (Q/CO)
Message-ID: <199511211520.HAA06900 at>

Category:   Q/Unassisted
Section:    CO
Check:      71
Hours:      24, off midnight-6AM local
QSO count:  160M (0)   80M (10)   40M (115)   20M (282)   15M (300)  10M (0)
Sections:   74, missed WY (always...), AK and MAR.  (claimed score 104636)
            (never heard WY even on backscatter, never heard MAR, couldn't 
            get thru pileup for AK on 20M after lots of trying).
Equipment:  TS940 at 5 watts PEP (Bird 43/peak reading/50H slug)
Logging:    CT 7.13 on old 386 box
Antenna:    Telrex TB6EM at 45', Cushcraft 40-2CD at 55', vee on 80M
Other:      MFJ-432 voice keyer (junk! - never again!), 
            R/S DSP-40 (just to kill carriers on TS-940 - recommended!)

MUCH more difficult than any recent year of memory. 10 never open, 15 was
mediocre at best, 20 and 40 jammed, and 80 from Colorado is no fun anyway.
I think I'll take up dentistry - I have LOTS of experience pulling teeth now!

Decided not to chase multiplers, and just concentrate on QSOs (except for 
about 15 minutes wasted trying to get KL7). Several straggled in really late 
(MS, YU) but still snagged 74 of 77.

15 meters was never really open that well - signals 10-20 dB below prior
years experience. Heard very little backscatter this year compared to prior.  

Main complaint was people with severely misadjusted speech processing - there
is a point beyond diminishing returns that I ran into frequently. It's easy
to adjust speech processing by playing a voice recorder into your main rig
and listening on a second radio that's got it's antenna disconnected.

73 Dave WB0GAZ dgf at

>From Hans Brakob <71111.260 at>  Tue Nov 21 15:19:31 1995
From: Hans Brakob <71111.260 at> (Hans Brakob)
Date: 21 Nov 95 10:19:31 EST
Subject: Who is Grey?
Message-ID: <951121151931_71111.260_EHM133-1 at CompuServe.COM>

Doug Smith sent me a breakdown from the logs of
N4ZZ (SSB) and W9WI (CW). Their percentages are 
strikingly similar to mine as shown below.

            SSB                  CW
        ------------        ------------
Check   K0HB    N4ZZ        K0HB    W9WI
<46      4.2     3.0         6.4     3.9 
46-50    3.0     2.4         3.1     3.6 
51-55    7.2     6.7        12.1    12.7 
56-60   11.6    10.5        16.0    18.6 
61-65    9.5    11.6        14.3    15.3 
66-70    9.9    10.3        13.7    13.1 
71-75    6.6     7.5         9.3     8.7 
76-80   10.8    12.2        10.8     9.2 
81-85    5.8     5.7         2.5     3.2 
86-90    9.4     8.7         4.4     4.8 
91-95   21.9    21.3         7.4     6.9

QSOs  1,355   1,712         910     919 

The "Top 5" checks from N4ZZ log SSB log were:

1993 -- 94 QSO's
1994 -- 92 QSO's
1991 -- 80 QSO's
1992 -- 74 QSO's
1977 -- 70 QSO's

(I don't have a "top 5" breakdown from the other 3 logs.)

Doug suggested a theory that the high "hit rate" in 91-95 SSB is not 
CONTESTERS at all, but new folks filling the blanks in their WAS 
application. If this is the case, how do we convert these wallpaper 
chasers into contesters?

73, de Hans, K0HB

>From Ronald D Rossi" <rrossi at VNET.IBM.COM  Tue Nov 21 16:01:05 1995
From: Ronald D Rossi" <rrossi at VNET.IBM.COM (Ronald D Rossi)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 11:01:05 -0500
Subject: SS score and comments
Message-ID: <9511211601.AA25933 at>

  # A N1PBT 93 VT

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

  160SSB       1           1          2       0
   80SSB     254         254        508      35        23.1hours
   40SSB     142         139        278       9
   20SSB      85          85        170      16
   15SSB     106         106        212      15

 Totals      588         585       1170      75
                                           (no PQ, NWT)
    Final Score = 87750 points

Rig: Ten-Tec Omni-D @ 100W
Ants: Butternut HF6V; 80m dipole
Log: TR Logger V5.53

A definite improvement over last year's score.  I learned from last
year that with an LP station and farm league aluminum that the popular
band is not the best band.  I had my best hour on 40m between 15:50
and 16:50 with 50 contacts.  Certainly not stellar, but I had a great
time.  I started on 15m and was able to keep the freq I had from 20:45
only until 21:08.  Was doing pretty well too...c'est le guerre!  It
wasn't the last time that happened.  TR Logger marks log entries as
S&P or CQ, and I can clearly see when I switched modes.

A 50 hour on 40m...Working PAC, PR, and VI on 40m...Getting N7DF/KL7
in the second hour on the first call...working stations easlily on
80m from the new dipole @ 35ft...nearly doubling last year's Q count...
hearing the majority of serial numbers very near or below mine from
"A" power stations (for the first time ever)...WB0O said I was VERY
loud for "A" power on 80m...K1RQ pulling me out of the QRM/QRN for
Maine (I missed them last year).

Missing VE2 from only 7miles away!!!  I heard VE2CUA in the last 45
minutes QSO KG4SH on 40m.  Both disappeared when I called VE2CUA.
Having to modify my schedule somewhat for a family thing I got shamed

Ronald D Rossi...N1PBT <><
e-mail: rrossi at

>From cooper at (Tom Cooper)  Tue Nov 21 16:31:47 1995
From: cooper at (Tom Cooper) (Tom Cooper)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 11:31:47 -0500
Message-ID: <199511211631.LAA23975 at>

WA1GUV 1995 Phone SS 

VT section
Qrp class
single op

167 Qso's X 48 multipliers = 16,032  in 12 breathless hours.

Omni-V @ 5Wts
bent, end-fed 130' wire @ 30'
Carolina Windom/2 @ 25'

This was not a good year for QRP from the east coast, I'm afraid.
I got a lot of very nice signal reports from those who heard me,
but mostly no-one heard me.  Combine that with my natural squeamishnes
about phone and you have the makings of a real low score.

The freq-fights were swell. CW is so much more refined. 

See you on 10 & 160 in December!



>From jcullum at (James Cullum)  Tue Nov 21 16:31:52 1995
From: jcullum at (James Cullum) (James Cullum)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 95 09:31:52 MST
Subject: AB7CZ SS SSB Score
Message-ID: <9511211631.AA22706 at>

                         1995 ARRL NOVEMBER SWEEPSTAKES
    Call used: AB7CZ                                Location: ID
    Category: Multi Operator             Mode: SSB  Power: 150W
    Callsigns of Operators: AB7CZ, N0ZQM 
    Exchanged Information: nr A AB7CZ 93 ID  
    Hours of Operation: 09:19

    band      QSOs     points
    160          0          0
     80          7         14
     40         61        122
     20         77        154
     15         40         80
     10          0          0
    TOTAL      185        370   X   66 mult =  24,420

    Rig: FT-890, HF6VX, Heil Proset HC-4, NA 

    Comments: First semi-serious contest effort.  We tried to fit
    in QSO's between visiting with guests (N0ZQM + yl) and the usual
    family stuff.  All and all a great time!

    73...    Jim  AB7CZ            jcullum at

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