CQWW CW, KB8N (Part-time effort)
PaulKB8N at aol.com
PaulKB8N at aol.com
Sun Nov 26 21:39:09 EST 1995
Here's the raw breakdown. About 12 hours of operating. ALC problems
rendered primary radio unusable, used second radio. All low power to wire
Band QSOs/Mults/Zones
160 0/0/0
80 44/24/14
40 122/50/21
20 120/56/23
15 57/32/16
10 1/1/1
All Band Total 344/163/75 = 208,120
First CQWW since returning from Germany as DA1AM, and first stateside CQWW in
7 years. I'd heard that its not easy from 5-land, and now I really
appreciate the challenge. In addition to struggling with wire antennas, I
experienced problems with my primary radio just two hours prior to the test.
I was testing antennas on 80M when the Corsair popped a fuse under high SWR
conditions. After I replaced the fuse, output power was severely reduced
(20-40W out). I suspected the alc circuitry and pulled the SWR and ALC
boards, replaced some diodes, adjusted the bias, and bench checked the radio,
but got no significant improvement.
Even though I had not planned a serious effort, I had hoped to get off to a
good start and get some idea how the station and antenna would play in a
major contest from the states. I started off using the Corsair, since it had
better AGC and filters than the older Omni A. I soon realized how tough it
is to compete from 5-land, especially when you're averaging 30W out! It took
nine long minutes to make the first contact, with only 20 in the log by the
end of the first hour. Amazingly, I cracked a couple of early pileups with
only 20W! I decided to use the Omni exclusively when I realized how much
easier itwas to make QSOs with the full 100W out.
Pluses: One of my major objectives was to test my 80M Delta Loop, and it
really proved itself. I basically reconfigured my 80M inverted vee into a
corner fed loop. The apex is at about 35' and it slants downward to a height
of about five feet. I was able to work Europe and Japan on 80M, although it
was a challenge. The bright spot in the contest was a QSO with SM2EKM, when
it was noon his time (11Z) I had just completed QSOs with JA asnd KH6, so
the antenna is spreading out the signal fairly well. I must compliment the
courtesy of the 80M operators. When I was lucky enough to get a response
from a Eu station, several stations waited on the frequency until, often with
many repeats, the DX station got my call.
Negatives: 15M seemed spotty, with some good openings for brief periods, 10M
produced almost nothing, save a QSO with HC8N, the only station heard on ten
all weekend. I tuned 160 but could not raise anything. The time I spent
trying to fix the radio was the time I had planned to use getting the loop to
resonate on 160.
Overall: This was a struggle! It seemed like it was a fight for every mult.
I'm looking forward to refining the 80M loop, getting the primary radio
working, and possibly building a wire array fixed on Europe. Look forward to
hearing how the rest of you did!
73, Paul, KB8N
>From Stephen Lufcy <km0l at tyrell.net> Mon Nov 27 02:34:07 1995
From: Stephen Lufcy <km0l at tyrell.net> (Stephen Lufcy)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 20:34:07 -0600 (CST)
Subject: CQww CW Score
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951126195808.17599A-100000 at tyrell.net>
call: KM0L
class:Single op, High power, Ass't
Q's: 758
Band Q's pts zones cty's ant's
160 12 26 8 7 Inv L
80 63 159 13 31 Inv V at 60'
40 130 341 25 55 Dipole at 65'
20 411 1117 31 92 A4 at 65'
15 134 349 24 56 "
10 8 19 5 5 " ,HF6V
totals 758 2011 106 246 => 707,872
station 1: FT101ZD w/DSP, SB221
station 2: IC736, MLA2500B
computer1: 386, CT 7.06
soap: The multi-op at superstation fell thru at last minute so I ran my
lil' pistol station single op. Got 23.2 hours in according to my
ancient CT program.
After one hour in contest Friday nite got a visit from neighbor. TVI!
Took an early break and got back on later, after tv shows were over.
Then, Saturday evening, just when last 10 rate hit 140 with a nice JA
run, there is another knock on door. Guess only award I'll get is
worked all TVs. Worked 40 meters barefoot until after hours.
I have decided that packet is a detriment. It directs you to the
unbreakable pile-ups where you spend all your time getting frustrated
by not getting that double multiplier. Did get a few tho- worked BY
in last 15 minutes.
All tolled, was gud fun- even from lil' pistol station. Really neat
stuff to work. Came close to DXCC on 20 meters.
See you all in the next one. 73 de KM0L
>From Bill Straw <0007359114 at mcimail.com> Mon Nov 27 02:52:00 1995
From: Bill Straw <0007359114 at mcimail.com> (Bill Straw)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 95 21:52 EST
Message-ID: <03951127025230/0007359114PJ2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
160 49 14 26 INV-L
80 247 25 68 ELEVATED 4-SQUARE
40 198 34 84 ELEVATED 4-SQUARE
20 304 30 94 TH7 @ 50' FORCE 12 DXer@ 50'
15 113 24 53 ( QTH IS ON A 400' HILL )
10 17 6 8
928 133 333 = 1,197,620
One TS-930 and my Titan bit the dust during the
phone SS. My other 930 went up in smoke 3 days
later. There I was, 5PM Wednesday, no rig, no amp!!
I live 100 miles from the nearest HF ham, so this
is a real problem. I called the nearest contester,
Glenn, WA0PUJ, who lives 300 miles away. He had a
spare radio, a TS-50, plus he would let me have an
Alpha for the test. So I spent 10 hours in the car
on Thanksgiving to pick this stuff up.
The TS-50 is not a contest radio. It has horrible
distortion on a crowded band and no decent CW filter.
My station looked like one of K7SS's old ads. A big
huge bench with just this tiny little radio in the
middle of it. The knob is the size of a quarter,
which made for a long weekend of S & Ping.
Worked 20 EU and 5 JA on 15M. Whenever I get to
thinking about spending $20K on big stacks, it's
good to realize that antennas won't make up for
propagation that just isn't there.
>From w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) Mon Nov 27 03:59:35 1995
From: w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 19:59:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Did you work NB6G in CQ CW?
Message-ID: <199511270359.TAA08646 at netcom14.netcom.com>
Did you work NB6G in the CQWW CW contest? Dave was operating here
S/O 20M at the W6GO station using his call, while N6IG was using the
W6GO call on 40M S/O.
Dave was using one of my computers, and the computer for some reason
added 72 minutes to its clock during the contest. I think it happened
at one time, but I don't know when. The problem was corrected at 2158Z
on 26-Nov, just two hours before the end of the contest.
If you worked NB6G, would you please send me the time of your QSO?
It will help in providing a narrative to the CQ Contest committee which
explains the time discrepancy in Dave's log.
Thank you!
73, Jay
w6go at netcom.com
BTW, and for WA4ZXA, Dave (NB6G) was guest op and guest callsign at
W6GO, 20M only, S/O, High power, unassisted (no packet or other
help), aprox 39 hours, score 486,180, 1058Q, 2890 QSO pts, 39Z
(missed zone 37), 123C. N6IG will post his W6GO 40M score in
another message.
>From Tony and Celia Becker <becker at shell.portal.com> Mon Nov 27 01:59:17 1995
From: Tony and Celia Becker <becker at shell.portal.com> (Tony and Celia Becker)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 20:59:17 -0500
Subject: AE0M CQWW CW Score
Message-ID: <199511270459.UAA25668 at nova.unix.portal.com>
Contest : CQWW
Mode : CW
Contest Dates : 25-Nov-95, 26-Nov-95
Call : AE0M
Cat : Single Operator, High Power, All Bands
Ops : AE0M
Excg : 5993
Hrs : 20
Club : Northern California Contest Club
Name : Anthony J. Becker
Address : 3273 B. Rocky Water Lane
City/State/Zip : San Jose, CA 95148
Country : United States
RIG : FT-990, FL7000 at 500W & 486DX2-66 MHz running TRLog.
BAND QSOs Points Countries Zones Ants (100% aluminum free)
40CW 179 475 34 23 Delta Loop @ 10'
20CW 81 194 25 16 Delta Loop @ 20'
15CW 71 186 24 16 Delta Loop @ 20'
Totals 337 855 83 55 => Score: 117990 points.
Irony: Why are there so many contests packed into these 5 weekends? Since
I was just about contested out, I decided not to get serious with this
one. Naturally, this meant no HOA or EMI interuptions. On Saturday
afternoon I was trying to run JAs when Celia started a new jigsaw puzzle on
the table behind me. The jigsaw got a good deal more of my attention than
the radio and the rates show it. I had fun without the pressure, though.
AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at shell.portal.com - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.
>From Cleve D Leclair <dleclair at efn.org> Mon Nov 27 05:27:08 1995
From: Cleve D Leclair <dleclair at efn.org> (Cleve D Leclair)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 21:27:08 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951126211634.18447A-100000 at garcia.efn.org>
CALL: N7IXG COUNTRY: United States
80 2 4 2.0 2 1
40 24 55 2.3 13 18
20 39 106 2.7 12 12
15 36 73 2.0 14 19
Totals 101 238 2.4 41 50 => 21,658
Equipment Description: FT-757GX, SB-200, 40M-1 @ 55', 2L TRIBANDER @ 50',
G5RV @ 30', CT626,
Good to OK sigs just not enough of them....errrrr not enough at my
speed... Nice to FINALLY do a WAC on 40! No rig smoke!
Almost got 3V8BB on 40m! took a nap while calling CQ on 15m sun
aft...woken up by K7DBV abswering my call....something about 20 over sigs
into the little bity space inside the headphones... not a big score....
about 100+ Q's short of almost anybody... a quick run down of N7IXG
CQWW-PH N7IXG N7IXG 256 86,310
SS-CW K7GDN K7GDN 152 14,896
SS-PH N7IXG N7IXG 432 64,800
CQWW-CW N7IXG N7IXG 101 21,658
Fitting that my house is made of bricks...
Not far to go to "beat my head on a brick wall."
CU in ARRL DX ...
Cleve/Don - N7IXG
>From Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> Mon Nov 27 05:57:38 1995
From: Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> (Gary Schwartz)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 23:57:38 -0600 (CST)
Subject: CQ WW CW 40M S/B Assisted
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9511262338.A22202-c100000 at solaria.sol.net>
Had a lot of fun. Great conditions. Wish I had spent more time. Got a
lot of "hey you's" done (like honey do's only more pressing!)
Best part was hearing HS toward end of contest with great signal.
Call: K9GS Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Single Operator/Low Power/Assisted
Single Band 40M
160 0 0 0.00 0 0
80 0 0 0.00 0 0
40 109 283 2.60 25 64
20 0 0 0.00 0 0
15 0 0 0.00 0 0
10 0 0 0.00 0 0
Totals 109 283 2.60 25 64 => 25,187
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description:TS-850, Homebrew 1/4 wave vertical,
CT 9.23
Club Affiliation: Society of Midwest Contesters
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature _________________________________
Gary Schwartz K9GS
W328 S8072 Hickory Nut Lane
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Gary K9GS (You have to STOP the Q-Tip when there's resistance !)
| |
| Gary Schwartz K9GS E-Mail: garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net |
| Society of Midwest Contesters Packet:K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM |
| Greater Milwaukee DX Association Secretary/Treasurer |
>From Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> Mon Nov 27 06:03:44 1995
From: Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> (Gary Schwartz)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 00:03:44 -0600 (CST)
Subject: N9AU 40M SB/HP/Assisted
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9511270044.B22202-a100000 at solaria.sol.net>
I'm posting this for Ron, N9AU.
358 QSO's
37 Zones
114 Countries
~ 150K
Gary K9GS (You have to STOP the Q-Tip when there's resistance !)
| |
| Gary Schwartz K9GS E-Mail: garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net |
| Society of Midwest Contesters Packet:K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM |
| Greater Milwaukee DX Association Secretary/Treasurer |
>From w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) Mon Nov 27 06:26:37 1995
From: w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 22:26:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Getting rules from ARRL
Message-ID: <199511270626.WAA13546 at netcom8.netcom.com>
This must be my day for clock problems.
I sent a request to INFO at ARRL.ORG for several contest rules and forms. I
sent the request at 22:09 PST, according to my Internet server. I
received all that I asked for in less than 30 seconds.
The time on the responses from ARRL was 01:05 EST, or four minutes BEFORE
I asked for them!
Now that's fast.
73, Jay
w6go at netcom.com
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