Radio VFO problem

Ai7b at Ai7b at
Mon Nov 27 07:33:23 EST 1995

	Heil has a QA problem....I have had two of their mic cables with Bravo

>From weinfurtner at (Greg Weinfurtner)  Mon Nov 27 14:50:22 1995
From: weinfurtner at (Greg Weinfurtner) (Greg Weinfurtner)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 10:50:22 -0400
Subject: Contester's Diet Pt.2
Message-ID: <v01510100acdf7b9437e5@[]>

Here is the final installment of Contester's Diet with appropriate credit
given to contributors.

de KR2J at

Along the same lines,
at V26B, at the recommendation of WB2P, we consumed mass quantities of
"Crystal Light" drink mix.  It was great.  Of course, it was about 90 degrees
F outside and much hotter in the shack, so we had to keep hydrated.  This
stuff worked for us and I, personally, liked the Lemon-Lime variety best.
"Highly recommended."
de V26RN

Domestically, at N2RM, we also favor the "Tostito's" chips and Salsa.  Most
of us prefer the Mild variety of Salsa, but iron bellys like KZ2S and N2BCC
prefer the HOT stuff.  WM2H whips up his own concoction of "Shrimp Fra
Diavlo" or whatever he calls it these days.  This must be eaten with the
fingers by the way.  20 ounce coffees from Wa Wa* (local convenience store)
are the preferred drink of none other than the world famous K3UA.  These are
rapidly consumed 2 or 3 at a time.  N2RM himself seems to prefer "sticky
buns".  Contrary to rumour, these are NOT "stinky buns". In a totally
unrelated matter,  KA2AEV consumes several hot dogs from "Waldbaums" in
Queens, NYC that he cooks on his own portable grill. My favorite contest
snacks are large stick pretzels that we adoringly call "cigars" - they ain't
for kids!  "It's a good thing."


Fred Hopengarten K1VR
In general, no big meals.  Sandwiches, carrots, celery, pears, apples.
Nothing to drink Friday night.
Tea when I wake up (I take 90 minutes of sleep each night).  Water during
the day. Cola starting about 3pm Saturday, last one at 8 pm (as
caffeine still has effects up to seven hours later).
Sunday morning tea.  More sandwiches after morning EU run.
Starting Sunday noon, I'm very tired. I drink tea, iced
tea, and cola until end of contest.  Anything to keep me busy
and awake.  Throughout the contest, I like hard candies as a source of sugar.
     As you prepare for the contest weekend, try filling and
freezing a half gallon plastic container which formerly held
milk (or your favorite bottled water).  This, with a pair of
"blue ice" style freezer packs in a travel cooler will keep
your drinks cold.  Plant it right next to your operating
chair, eliminating the need to go out and buy a $149 half-
sized refrigerator.
     As the weekend goes on, and the frozen water melts,
drink the water.  It will be cold, refreshing, and water is
good for you.  Have another bottle frozen to keep things
cold for day two.  This small item of preparation will save
you a time-eating, run frequency-losing, trip to the
refrigerator each time you want a cold drink.


Main dishes served in past contests:

        Baked Halibut in wine sauce with ginger

        Roast Tom Turkey

        Baked Salmon with butter and herbs

        Moose meat stew

        Stuffed Dolly Varden (like a trout)

        Caribou Roast

For dessert, the usual fare is delicious pecan pie made by Marge,KL7YL
(XYL of OT KL7PJ)  You can do this kind of stuff if the bands aren't too
good.  The idea is to gain a pound per kiloQSOs.       KL7Y


Tyler KF3P/V26TS
That Crystal Light was a good choice for V26B...especially considering the
price of Coke down there!  Quite refreshing it was.... however I've found
that these "nutrasweet" drinks including Diet Coke make me run to the
bathroom too often...they and tea are diaretics, so if you are single op.,
they can be QUITE annoying!  I try to stick to very simple stuff for
single op:  A medium sized jar of Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts are tops on
my of these and something wet and I'm all set, but I usually
supplement with a couple apples, a thang of OJ (Whoa!), and perhaps some
little pretzel thingies (fat free, of course - us ham's have to watch our
weight...right?)  I drink Caffeine free Coke or Ginger Ale most of the time,
but water is a good choice.  I dont like to drink anything with caffeine,
because it usually keeps me up but does nothing for my acuity.

Note I violate these choices a lot, but I think these are the better ones.


Gene  W3ZZ
I have followed the wide varieties of eating habits with interest but I
would like to issue a warning about eating shaved turkey as suggested by
KM9P.  Bill's other comments are in the mainstream of what operators who
are serious about the "right" food are thinking, but beware of the
turkey.  At the risk of making Bill even more effective than he already
is, I would note that I have read several articles over the years (but
admittedly not in scientific journals) that indicate that turkey is high
in the amino acid, tryptophan.  Tryptophan puts you to sleep.  It is also
found in high amounts in milk (remember the glass of warm milk before
going to bed??).  I therefore NEVER eat turkey during or for 24 hrs before
a contest (and I like turkey as I will prove later today).  It is said
the reason everyone falls asleep after Thanksgiving dinner is NOT the
boring football games but the large amount of turkey!
If you are really rolling along, you really don't need much food - I
favor high protein, less fat (a rule I often violate) and high
carbohydrate (which I do not eat because I don't care for it).  I have a
serious carbon dioxide deficit, so I drink large amounts of diet soda.  I
know everyone swears by fruit juice but it contains lots of fiber and some
complex carbohydrates which may be less easy to digest - I don't know if
that is such a good idea.  All of what we have read is hearsay.  Is there
anyone reading this reflector who actually knows some nutritional
principles and knows what might be beneficial for a sedentary sport
involving intense mental
effort.  Or to add a bit of history, what W1ATE used to eat and what
physical regimens he followed before and during a contest -- he may have
been the pioneer at nutritional and physical preparation for a contest.
Whatsa oldtimers??


Bob, N3IXR
Wanted to drop you a note regarding my diet during contests.
First let me say that my food intake is reduced drastically during SSB
tests because of the obvious need to respond verbally (my mother taught
me not to talk with my mouth full as it will result in a messy microphone!).
CW Test Diet:
coffee, coffee, tea, coffee, good lunch (thanks Barb), coffee, tea,
good dinner (thanks Barb), all this is intersperced with lots of
cigarettes (sorry but I have to have at least one bad habit) and assorted
SSB Test Diet:
Pretty much the same as CW diet with the above exception of fewer snacks
and I always go to S&P mode when eating meals.  I probable smoke a little
less (thank goodness) but make up for it with a high intake of liquids
(almost always coffee and tea) to try to keep the throat cleared (and I use
a DVP for all CQ'ing and responses in SS SSB).
Believe me, this diet should not be attempted at home!  I'm sure it will not
be tops on the list of recommended diets for contesting but what can I say,
I'm comfortable with it and I always come very close to working the allowed
number of hours without passing out (however, watch the caffene, I catch
myself giving SSB exchanges at about 200 characters per second!).


The easiest to digest and fastest source of energy is fresh fruit.  Complex
fruits like bananas offer loads of vitamins as well as low fat energy

I make a fresh fruit salad that includes apples, bananas, melon and pears
before a contest.  It provides a good source of energy that does not tire the
body to digest.  Remember that digestion robs the body more energy than most
any other activity.  It's not a coincidence that your sleepy after a big
Complex carbs such as pasta and certain legumes (rice) are relatively easy
for the body to assimilate, provided they are not smothered in high saturated
fat like butter or cream sauces.  Staying away from processed sugar found in
cookies, Twinkies, snacks etc. is probably a good idea.  They do give you a
quick rush of energy but you crash shortly after to a point even lower than
before you consumed them.  The same for high saturated fat snacks like potato
chips, cheese, nuts etc.  They are tough to digest.
A good easy to eat meal that provides a balance of food groups is a simple
turkey breast sandwich with lettuce, tomato and mustard.  It is low in fat
and high in carbs and protein.
An often overlooked component of health and energy is the way we breathe.
 Considering we spend many long hours sitting on our cans during a contest
with no physical activity to elevate the heart or breathing rate, it makes
sense to look at breathing excercises.  Once every few hours or so try this:
 Inhale for a count of 8, hold for a count of 32 and exhale for a count of
16.  Do this 10 times each set and you will find yourself more alert and less


Tim Totten, KJ4VH
In all the msgs abt contest food and drink, I am shocked no one has
mentioned my first choice for contest juice.  It's called Ting.  I'm sure
most of you who have been to Zone 8 know what I'm talking abt.  As it
says on the bottle, it's a "naturally flavoured carbonated grapefruit
drink."  Believe me, it's much btr than it sounds.  With 40 g of sugar in
a 10.5 oz bottle, it's actually quite sweet.  160 Cal and no fat, but
lots of citric acid.  Perfect for phone contests, but I drink it during
CW contests too.  As soon as I get to the island, I always pick up a
couple of cases before starting the pre-contest antenna work.  After
looking all over the States for the stuff, I've finally found a local
specialty food company that carries it.  They tell me it's now one of
their biggest selling items!
I'll be drinking it this wknd, and since I'm operating from home this
time with 400 W and a multi-band vertical, I suspect it will be the only
part of this contest that will remind me of being in the Caribbean.


Hal    KC8FullaStuffing
We have been amused and entertained by the recent thread of suggestions and
recipes for contest nutrition.  We have been granted insight into these
culinary stamina builders that are being incorporated into the diets of Joe
Contestor --both before and during battle.  Actually, there are some
excellent suggestions here and I think most are useful.  Switching gears--I
want to pass on an idea that I tried during Phone CQWW.  It isn't dealing
with nutrition and diet but offers something along the lines of physical
comfort.  I hope I am not re-plowing old ground here.  You see, I am plagued
with a deviated septum.  Actually, I have enlarged turbinatesin my left
nostril.  Surgery 12 years ago was not much help.  A couple months ago, my
XYL bought me a box of Breath Right nasal strips to wear when we went for our
evening walk.  They did help my breathing tremendously.  I also wear them at
night (Actually not every night ;-). These are the band-aid looking
doo-hickies that you see football players wear on their noses. No- I don't
work for the company that makes them, nor do I have any connection with them
monetarily. There are millions of people who have this breathing problem and
most don't even realize it!!  If you have this problem and exert yourself or,
 talk fast and alot (AS IN A CONTEST!!), you have a tendency to breathe thru
your mouth.  This can cause air to enter your stomach and give you gas and
the discomfort associated with it.  I tried the Breathe Right strip during
the recent SSB CQWW (I didn't do the SS hard enuff to need it) and found it
to be quite beneficial!  My breathing was unrestricted and I didn't
experience the stomach gas problem that I normally get during times when I am
"swallowing" air.  I highly recommend them to anyone who has this
problem--contesting or otherwise.  Besides, they add a nice touch to the
spirit of the Contest--since we don't get to wear helmets or shoulder pads.


I always have a good time yanking on peoples chops here but this is truly a
good tip for phone contester especially.  I keep a few prepackaged CRT
wipes real handy to me.  I think looking at a dirty computer screen that
has little spit drops on it for 2 days would makem anyone nuts.
These little wipers can be found in K-Mart and most good office supply and
computer stores.  Certainly helps reduce eyestrain.



That's it!  (I think I'd like to go to dinner at KL7Y's !) Thanks to all
who sure was an educational and enjoyable to do the
survey.  CU all in the next 'test and I'll be trying out some of the
recipies and tips that you all have graciously included for the rest of us!
73! de

*     NN    N  SSSSS  888888  OOOOO   Greg Weinfurtner AEE BSS *
*    N N   N  S      8    8  O   O    Electronic Design Splst  *
*   N  N  N  SSSSS  888888  O   O     Ohio University  Athens  *
*  N   N N      S  8    8  O   O                               *
* N    NN  SSSSS  888888  OOOOO                                *
*                                   Canst thou send lightnings *
*  Amateur Radio NS8O               that they may go and say   *
*                                   unto thee,'Here we are'?   *
* weinfurtner at                  Job 38:35 *

>From hb at (Howard Brainen)  Mon Nov 27 15:49:05 1995
From: hb at (Howard Brainen) (Howard Brainen)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 07:49:05 -0800
Subject: WZ6Z CQWW CW score
Message-ID: <199511271549.HAA28669 at>

Single Operator, High Power, Assisted, All Band

160      14        10        11
 80      97        26        43
 40     328        37       100
 20     393        37       109
 15      79        21        47
 10       8         7         7
TOTALS: 919       138       317  =====>  1,165,710 points

15 and 10 were disappointing.  At least I got lots of South America
on SSB, but it was just completely gone this weekend.  Also, 15 was
my major JA run band on SSB, but I didn't even get my first JA contact
on 15 until Sunday afternoon on CW.  20 and 40 did perform very well,

Like on SSB, I used only the TS870, since with one amp its tough
to do two radios properly.  So the 950 again gathered dust.

But this time I'm not so happy with the 870.  There is some very
disturbing problem on a crowded band that doesn't show up in
casual DXing.  There seems to be little pieces of signals getting
into the passband.  These don't seem to be from strong adjacent
signals; they can come from anywhere.  I think its a product of
DSP filtering.  Kind of sounds like the spurious stuff you hear
when the noise blanker is cranked up full, but its there with
the NB and the DSP "NR" turned off.  Narrowing the passband
doesn't help or even affect it.

Has anyone else noticed this problem?

Also, wish the notch worked on CW as well as SSB.  The old
analog notch filters with the variable control allowed you
to move the notch across your passband, so you could take out
a close carrier even on CW.  Can't do that with the 870.

If there are any Kenwood technicians on here, I'd love to
carry on a dialog (even a private one).

Hope you all had a good time.  73, Howard WZ6Z

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