albraun at socketis.net albraun at socketis.net
Thu Nov 30 01:37:44 EST 1995

To: Takao Kumagai - je1cka at dumpty.nal.gov.jp

Concerning your comments about not responding to (or removing from 
the log) people who ask you for fills on YOUR call when you are 
running a frequency during a contest:

1. Some stations (e.g.WH6X/6Y5 in the recent CQWW) send their calls 
so fast that even skilled CW operators have trouble copying them.  
There were several incorrect spots on our local packet cluster on 
this station, including one posted by a station on the DXCC CW 
honor roll!

2. Many stations identify so infrequently that a S&P station has to 
either waste a lot of time waiting for an ID, work them and risk a 
dupe, or just pass them by.  Usually I just pass them by.

Would you like to work a lot of dupes, or have a lot of people like 
me bypass you and thus lose the points from working us?  If so, 
the method you discuss in your note is GUARANTEED to work!  

Just a couple of thoughts from someone on the S&P end - not meant 
to be a flame!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Alan Braun MD, NS0B/V31EV *Internet: albraun at socketis.net       *
* Jefferson City, MO        *Packet: NS0B at N0LBA.#cemo.mo.usa.noam *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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