Grammer, sintax, and such

Sat Oct 7 16:09:16 EDT 1995

Before we'all get throwed off the reflecter, why not a limerick contest
[key werd hear]. With no offence to John, ON4UN, we mite begin with 1
like this: There once was a ham from Ghent who's 160 tower got bent...

Never mind. Just trash this message.

72.5 N8AAT

>From john.devoldere at (John Devoldere)  Sat Oct  7 21:33:26 1995
From: john.devoldere at (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 1995 20:33:26 +0000
Subject: proper grammar
Message-ID: <199510072033.VAA13436 at>

Wonder who caught the error I intentionaly sneaked in my text? Not too many
so far. Or were you all so polite not to let me know (thank you).  (You may
actually LOSE friends, not LOOSE....)

There were one or two unintentional errors (typo's?) as well. Thanks to
Gene, W3ZZ for pointing it out.. Gene also found the intentional error.
Wonder who else found the unintentional error?



john.devoldere at  
Call us in all major 1995 contests: OT5T or ON4UN
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)

>From john.devoldere at (John Devoldere)  Sat Oct  7 21:34:14 1995
From: john.devoldere at (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 1995 20:34:14 +0000
Subject: Grammer, sintax, and such
Message-ID: <199510072033.VAA13449 at>

>Before we'all get throwed off the reflecter, why not a limerick contest
>[key werd hear]. With no offence to John, ON4UN, we mite begin with 1
>like this: There once was a ham from Ghent who's 160 tower got bent...
>Never mind. Just trash this message.
>72.5 N8AAT

I laughed your message. Really had a good love 

John, ON4UN

john.devoldere at  
Call us in all major 1995 contests: OT5T or ON4UN
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)

>From James White <0006492564 at>  Sat Oct  7 21:42:00 1995
From: James White <0006492564 at> (James White)
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 95 15:42 EST
Subject: RE ham's problems
Message-ID: <54951007204245/0006492564PK2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

I just took W1CW and W1YL to the airport and on the way I mentioned Doug's
humorous posting this morning - W1CW hadn't read his e-mail today so it
(probably along with a few hundred other messages) will be seen when he and
Mom get back from celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Congrats guys!
Dad joked that Doug's whimsical posting probably closed, as so many ham's
letters seem to do, by saying a certain something incredibly stupid....what
is that?


Yeah, 73s....there is no such thing! Think about it.

The radioman's shorthand expression of 73 (not 73s) means best regardS - NOT
BEST REGARD, hence anyone who says 73s is saying:
                        Best Regardses 

To those of you who haven't ever noticed this routine ham faux pas, listen
for it on the upper ends of the bands - it is way way too prevalent amongst
a group (hams) that is on average more educated than the common man...and
sadly I see it even among what I and KR2Q both feel is an even savier
(spelling?) group - contesters! 

Luckily the CW guys seem to stay satisfied sending 73, the vocalization of
73 seems to have caused the bastardization of the expression. 
Now, back to work on the antenna farm...the 4 element 20 meter beam was
taken down and is being redesigned and hopefully will be reerected before SS

Many of the people who frequent this reflector have been helping me out with
the design of a new 4 element 20 meter yagi. If you have a 40 foot design
that has played well for you I would be interested in hearing from you.


After the WPX CW I was very upset at how crappy a job I had done on 20
meters, it wasn't until last weekend that I found out why my feelings were
so strong.

After the beam came down W1CW measured everything on it and when he got to
the reflector found its length was way, make that WAY off. The element had
apparently been bumped after it had been measured two years ago (or maybe it
was sabotage by Sweepstakes adversary WC4E....naw) The reflector's length
when it came down was almost 2 feet off, OUCH!

I took the tapers, plugged them into TAPER602, put it all into Yagimax and
hit the Polar Plot key....the result?

                        It Was A Dipole!

After two years of contesting on 20 with the the rotary dipole it is no
wonder I always seemed to find myself using the low tribander more than that

Conclusion? We have done well with a lousy 20 meter antenna for 2 years...if
I get the new beam up in time for the season - LOOKOUT!

Like I said, back to work on the beam - I stopped by the hardware store on
the way back from the airport - to buy pop-rivets, you'll never guess how I
plan on using them :-)

                        Hope to see EVERYONE for SS CW

                                Jim   zx        k1zx at                



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