AB6FO CQP Results

KWIDELITZ at delphi.com KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
Mon Oct 9 01:11:06 EDT 1995

AB6FO CQP, High Power, LAX

        CW      SSB   MUL

 160    13       0
  80    74      32
  40   279     210
  20   335     550
  15   147     161
  10     1       0
 VHF     0       0
 ALL   849     953    58  total 1802 QSOs

     CQP Score: 258,274


1.  Beating Murphy. Apart from the gum in the shorts trick  noted
in a separate post, as I was setting up Friday night, Murphy took
out  COM4. It took quite a while to realize it was the  COM  port
that was out and not the radio or interface. Fortunately, I  have
COM6 available. Murphy also screwed me up on my computer  keying,
as  I  forgot  that CT, while it  supports  two  radios,  doesn't
support keying them on two LPTs. (I've got to send Ken a  message
about  that.) I had set up two TopTen decoders for  bandpass/stub
selection  and was going to use the keying circuitry in  them  on
LPT1 and LPT2 for each radio. Had to go to a COM port for  keying
via my two radio switch at the last minute.

2.  Finding KH6 and KL7 for the sweep. While I was running 40  CW
Saturday evening, I pointed the 20 meter antenna to KH6 and tuned
the phone band. The second station I came across was in QSO  with
a  KH6 mobile. I jumped in as the QSO ended and asked the KH6  to
move  up 2, which he did. Sunday afternoon, I  added  "especially
Alaska"  to my DVP CQ message, and after an hour on 20  phone,  I
was rewarded.

3.  Overall  Fun!! CQP is just great. I had a 117 hour on  40  CW
Saturday evening. There was a lot of activity overall, even  with
nothing  on 10. 15 opened enough Sunday to keep  it  interesting.
Mixed  mode is a kick. There is nothing like CQing on  phone  and
using  the second radio to pick up CW QSOs. CT now  automatically
picks up the right mode, so you can be using the DVP to call  CQ,
hit  ALT  "." to switch radios and F4 sends your call  in  CW  on
radio2. That is so cool.

4.  Force  12  20 meter monobander. For the first time  I  had  a
presence  on 20 phone. I've never been able to hold  a  frequency
when 20 phone is crowded with the PRO-96. I've been so  impressed
with this antenna that I ordered a 15 meter monobander and an  80
meter  rotatable dipole from Force 12. They should be up in  time
for CW Sweepstakes.


NONE. When there are no lowlites, you know you had fun.


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