CAUTION on Guy Grips!!!!! (and a note on Nicopress fitt

sawyers at sawyers at
Mon Oct 9 17:54:41 EDT 1995

Thank you for the excellent information.

de n0yvy Steve

>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek K2MM)  Mon Oct  9 23:20:25 1995
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek K2MM) (John Zapisek K2MM)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 15:20:25 PDT
Subject: Oops! CQP E-Mail Log Correction
Message-ID: <9510092220.AA22931 at greylock.local>

Here's a correction to my previous posting re CQP e-log submisison.

> Note that there were two e-mail addresses circulated for logs:
>     cqp-1995 at
>     nccc-cqp at

Bzzzt.  The first one should be:

    cqp-1995 at

Mail sent to the address will probably bounce.  In that
case, just re-send to the correct address.  Duh.

Sorry for the confusion.  73.  --John/K2MM

>From k7fr at (Gary Nieborsky)  Tue Oct 10 00:09:45 1995
From: k7fr at (Gary Nieborsky) (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:09:45 -0700
Subject: TL-922 and CW
Message-ID: <199510092309.QAA15922 at>

Thought I sent this out but got a rude error message back.

Is there a really good reason why you can't run a 922 on CW with the MODE SW
set to the SSB position??

If so, is there a good fix for amp is out of the question, yl
just bought new furniture.

Gary K7FR

>From Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at  Tue Oct 10 00:25:11 1995
From: Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at (Dick Dievendorff)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:25:11 -0700
Subject: Contest exchange?
Message-ID: <9510091625.ZM21872 at>

How much do you send when correcting an incomplete or busted call?

On CW, my relatively recent practice has been:

Him: K1ABC
Me:  K2ABC 5NN3 (or whatever)
Me:  K1 TU AA6MC

or on SSB:

Him: (garble) ABC
Me:  ending ABC, 59 3
Him: K1ABC 59 5
Me:  K1, thanks, QRZ?

I'd like to survey the forum community's practice in this area.  I have in the
past tended to use the CT AUTOCORRECT feature which will resend the entire call
on CW, but recently in an attempt to speed things up I've started to manually
send just the part I got wrong, prefix or suffix.  But a contester who I
greatly respect discouraged this practice, in essence saying that I hadn't
completed the required exchange.  Another contester I greatly respect
abbreviates this even further, as:

Me: (garble) ABC
Me:  ABC, 59 3
Him: K1ABC 59 5
Me:  AA6MC

What do you say?  Please send your opinion to me, I'll tabulate the votes and
share the summarized results.

Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC

>From long at (Stephen Long)  Mon Oct  9 23:50:20 1995
From: long at (Stephen Long) (Stephen Long)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 15:50:20 -0700
Subject: CQP: AC6T & N8SR
Message-ID: <v01510100ac9f57713f94@[]>

some cqp scores for the summary:

n8sr/6 (@n6dx)  LAX     1054 x 55      173910        all cw
ac6t   (@n6vr)  VENT    1657 x 56      225008

missed hawaii and alaska!

>From CTA <0006806220 at>  Tue Oct 10 00:29:00 1995
From: CTA <0006806220 at> (CTA)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 18:29 EST
Subject: CQP - WA6CTA
Message-ID: <70951009232907/0006806220DC2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

                       California QSO Party  1995
      Call: WA6CTA                   County: Marin  
                                     Category: Single Operator
      MODE      QSO    QSO PTS  MULTS
      CW       477     1431        0
      SSB      342      684        0
      Totals   819     2115       54  =   114,210
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description:
Ten Tec OMNI VI, Alpha 89, Force 12 6 element, Verticals
Club Affiliation: Nothern California Contest Club
What happened to propagation?? Almost no one on 160, either!
Conditions were el-stinko!!I can't believe I missed Hawaii again
(plus a few others!). I even turned the beam West and called CQ,
to no avail - just worked lots of 5's off the back! Still, lots 
of fun. I had some great runs. This is ALWAYS a great contest.
I hope I can put in the full 24 hours next year (this year was
about 15). At least the station performed flawlessly!

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