Cutting EHS
KY2T at
KY2T at
Wed Oct 11 22:26:54 EDT 1995
>We found a "pork chop" -
>slang for that gripping device you use to grab the guy wire when
>you want to tension it, for 10 bucks at a flea market
Here in SNJ, we call that device a 'Chicago grip.' Can anyone
offer a reason why? W0UN did a GREAT job on explaining
guy grips/preforms/etc. John ?
Tom, KY2T
>From km9p at (Bill Fisher) Thu Oct 12 02:42:06 1995
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher) (Bill Fisher)
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 21:42:06 -0400
Subject: Single/multi antenna switching??
Message-ID: <199510120142.VAA10216 at>
>I am looking for an improved method of switching between two antennas and two
>radios for a single op/multi radio setup. I would like to be able to access
>either antenna from either radio, and if possible, be able to use both
>antennas on a single radio.
Here is what I am doing... same as WM5G and which I think is the most ideal
situation as a single op.
Radio #1 Radio #2
| |
| |
Top Ten Devices Top Ten Devices
6 Pos Switch
that follows the
radio to each band
The six outputs of each Top Ten Devices box feeds a 2 position Daiwa manual
160M Pos Radio #1 -----------
2 pos Switch ---------> To 160 antenna or switch.
160M Pos Radio #2------------
You leave all the switches thrown to the multiplier radio since it's gonna
be the one doing the moving. When the CQ radio moves, you have to throw 2
manual switches. Very easy.
Now controlling your transmitter... You either use one 2 position switch
and switch which radio gets the keying line (crappy way). Buy N6TR's
program and become very good at it (I can't get used to it). Or...
Use 2 computers and 2 radios. Control the TX of the CQing radio by having
the PTT on the mult radio drive the transverter input of the CQing radio.
On the Icoms this takes 12V to switch in the transverter which drops the
output of the radio. NA/CT is still sending your CQ message, but you aren't
transmitting. You are also using less energy concentrating on the timing of
your calls on the mult radio. That's how I do it.
73... Back to net.
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at Wed Oct 11 21:18:05 1995
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 16:18:05 EDT
Subject: CAUTION on Guy Grips!!!!! (and a note on Nicopress fittings)
Message-ID: <307c267f.k1vr at>
On Wed, 11 Oct 1995 04:47:23 -0500, "John A. Ross, IV"
<wb2k at> wrote:
> and then asked the salesman "How do I smush these
Sorry, I can't resist.
Smoosh? (rhymes with push) or Smush? (rhymes with mush)
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
than small ones, low."
>From William G. Till" <wtill at Thu Oct 12 09:08:00 1995
From: William G. Till" <wtill at (William G. Till)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 01:08 PDT
Subject: CQP score - VE5FN in SK
Message-ID: <m0t3Ign-00061DC at>
Here is the score for VE5FN - single operator
Location: Lloydminster SK
80 ssb - 32 QSOs - 64 pts
40 ssb - 7 QSOs - 14 pts
20 ssb - 66 QSOs - 132 pts
20 cw - 8 QSOs - 24 pts
Total QSO points - 234
Total QSOs - 113
Counties worked - 47
Score - 234 x 47 = 10998
Great contest as usual. My first entry since about 1988. There could not
have been many VE5's
active in the contest because my call was usually greeted with great glee
and gratitude. Apparently I made a clean sweep for more than one station.
Now I am regretting that I didn't spend more time in the contest, but I
enjoyed every minute that I did operate. The effort made by the portable
stations to put rare counties on the air was much appreciated. Some of them
had very good signals in spite of their FD type stations.
Station here was: TS940S, Hunter Bandit (4 x 572B) @ 800-1000 watts, TH7DX @
50', 40m sloping dipole @ 45', 80m inverted vee @ 45'.
Thanks to the organizers and all participants.
73, Bill, VE5FN
William G. (Bill) Till Amateur Radio Callsigns: VE5FN & VE7LW Sysop:
VE6YLL packet BBS
3401 - 58th Avenue E-mail: wtill at
Lloydminster AB Phone: (403)-875-7619 Retired
and enjoying it!
T9V 1X3 Canada Fax: (403)-875-7687
>From Greg Becker <gb546 at> Thu Oct 12 11:51:54 1995
From: Greg Becker <gb546 at> (Greg Becker)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 06:51:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Web page
Message-ID: <Pine.A32.3.91.951012065041.90277A-100000 at>
Apologies in advance - what's the address of KA9FOX's Web page with all
the contest -related info?
Thanks & 73, Greg
Greg Becker NA2N
gb546 at
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