Nunavut 1999 (VE8)

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Tue Oct 17 10:22:04 EDT 1995

In response to the inquiry by Fred K1VR about the future division of the
Northwest Territories, I can inform you of this much:

Nunavut will not be a province.  It will be Canada's third territory, on par
with the Yukon and what will remain of the old NWT.  Nunavut's population will
be quite small, perhaps 20,000 people.  

Right now, there seems to be some reluctance to accept the Yukon and the NWT as
separate sections in the ARRL SS, as "clean sweeps" are hard enough to achieve
as it is.  Adding Nunavut will do nothing to increase the ham population of the
area, so my guess is that there will still be reluctance to admit Nunavut as a
new section for the SS.  However, I'm fairly certain that Nunavut would be
added as a multiplier in the ARRL DX and 10m contests, but that's up to ARRL to

When Nunavut is created as a separate territory, it will be added as a separate
multiplier in the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) Canada Day Contest and Canada
Winter Contest.  

No decision has yet been made on a new prefix for the new territory.  It may be
up to Nunavut hams to agitate for a change, much as Yukon, PEI and New
Brunswick hams have done over the years.  

As for the ham population, it's pretty small. I don't know exactly how many
there are, but a browse through the InterNet callbooks should provide an
answer.  VE8RCS is certainly in Nunavut, but other centres of population
include: Iqaluit (ex- Frobisher Bay), Baker Lake, Rankin Inlet, Cambridge Bay,
and Resolute.  Iquluit is the biggest centre, but by souther standards it is a
small town.  I believe VE8HL is one active ham in the area.  

Nunavut will become a separate territory in 1999, and include most of the
eastern Northwest Territories.

73, Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB
RAC HF Contest Manager
ve2zp at

>From Hajime KATO <kh0g at>  Tue Oct 17 03:46:35 1995
From: Hajime KATO <kh0g at> (Hajime KATO)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 11:46:35 +0900
Subject: V85HG in WW SSB
Message-ID: <9510170246.AA00235 at>

Dear contesters;

    I will QRV from Brunei as V85HG in CQ WW SSB this year. 
I will take part in single OP/ all bands category. 
I will try to work NA stations during the contest.
Please QSL via JH7FQK (Buro).
    See you from "Nagara brunei Darussalam".
                   V85HG in WW SSB

Hajime Kato
E-Mail: kh0g at

>From sellington" <sellington at  Tue Oct 17 14:34:28 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 17 Oct 1995 08:34:28 -0500
Message-ID: <n1398203572.29534 at>

So, tell us, John,  do you thing you can copy anything on a receiver with
IF DSP that you couldn't copy on an and equivalent receiver with a good
set of crystal filters?  Can a DSP be any better than the signal processor
in a good operator's head?

Scott  K9MA
sellington at

>From Tim S. Ellam  <TELLAM at>  Tue Oct 17 14:47:59 1995
From: Tim S. Ellam  <TELLAM at> (Tim S. Ellam  <TELLAM at>)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 09:47:59 -0400
Subject: A New Section? -Reply
Message-ID: <s0837b65.095 at>


As I understand it Nunuvat comes into existance on January 1,
1999-it wil include the eastern part of the NWT-I understand it
will have its own prefix as a seperate territory(VY3?)

There are no plans by RAC to make it a seperate RAC section-it
will continue to be part of the Alberta section due to the low
number of amateurs residing in the NWT

However, depending on VE2ZP's comments we may very well make it a
seperate mult for the two RAC contests-no mugs for a sweep, but
maybe a touque?!?


PS: Hey Fred I am surprised you were listening to CBC-I thought
you 'mericans were like us and watched CNN!!

>From Jan Seay <jans at>  Tue Oct 17 15:21:35 1995
From: Jan Seay <jans at> (Jan Seay)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 06:21:35 -0800 (ADT)
Subject: 40-meter SSB intruders in CW band
Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.91.951017061938.19529A-100000 at>

Get used to it! With the deregulation and closing of FCC
offices, it's just a metter of time till the U.S. fishboats,
truckers, etc. find it convenient. We already have them  on 12 meters 
and 30 meters big time, as well as 80 and 10.

On Mon, 16 Oct 1995 k0od at MO.NET wrote:

>    In addition to those Indonesian pirates, I hear Central American SSB 
> stations most days on 7.003 Mhz around 1200-1400Z. They are quite loud in 
> the US Midwest. I have heard them sign XE and YS amateur calls in 
> Spanish. Anyone know whether these stations are operating legally? They 
> wipe out some of our most useful DX frequencies.   
>        -----------------------------
>        Jeff K0OD  St. Louis, MO  USA
>             e-mail:   k0od at
>        -----------------------------

>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at>  Tue Oct 17 15:27:49 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 23:27:49 +0900
Subject: JIDX contest result and rule
Message-ID: <199510171427.XAA28985 at>

JIDX contest committee official notice

  All detailed informations will be available from our 
Information server.
  Send an email to "jidx-info at" 

1. 1995 JIDX High Band CW result is now available.
with the following command in the body of the message
#get jidx95hfcw.dx

2. 1995 JIDX PH contest will be held in 4 weeks.
	Starts: Nov. 10 '95(Friday) 2300 UTC
	Ends  : Nov. 12 '95(Sunday)  2300 UTC
  Operating period is maximum 30 hours of the total 48, except 
for JAs, who can operate the full 48 hours. Off period must be 
longer than 60minutes length and clearly indicated in the summary 

  Top North American winner will be invited to Japan to receive 
the Plaque in FREE of charge.

  The complete rule will be available with the following command 
in the body of the message
#get jidxph.eng
#get jidxmult.lst

3.New JIDX RULE will be effective in 1996
  We now have the NEW JIDX rule and it will be applied to 1996 
JIDX Low Bands CW in Jan. 
  This new rule will be available with the following command 
in the body of the message
#get jidxnewrule.eng

  All these command must start with "#" and you can send 
multiple commands in the same email.

JIDX Contest Committee
Chairman Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at

>From Gerry Hohn <Gerry.Hohn.0285711 at>  Tue Oct 17 14:06:01 1995
From: Gerry Hohn <Gerry.Hohn.0285711 at> (Gerry Hohn)
Date: 17 Oct 1995 09:06:01 -0400
Subject: 40-meter SSB intruders in C
Message-ID: <n1398194147.70331 at>

Mail*Link( SMTP               40-meter SSB intruders in CW band

We in Western Canada hear lots of SSB in the "CW" portions of the bands
on 80/40/30 meters. Some of these are clearly amateurs, other are likely
illegal operations. The amateurs appear to be mainly Japanese and South

The point of this message is that these amateurs are likely operating
"legally" in that they, like Canada, are not restricted by sub-band
plans. Canadians generally conform to the old Canadian sub bands by
"gentlemen's agreement" but you have no doubt noted that during major
contests you hear Canadian SSB down as low as 7035. So, what is not
legal in the US may be quite legal elsewhere (although not conducive to
co-operative band use). We certainly need to continue fighting the
illegal use of our spectrum as well as encouraging appropriate
segregation of competing incompatible modes of amateur operation.


Gerry VE6LB

In addition to those Indonesian pirates, I hear Central American SSB 
stations most days on 7.003 Mhz around 1200-1400Z. They are quite loud
the US Midwest. I have heard them sign XE and YS amateur calls in 
Spanish. Anyone know whether these stations are operating legally? They 
wipe out some of our most useful DX frequencies.   
       Jeff K0OD  St. Louis, MO  USA
            e-mail:   k0od at

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Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 20:08:39 -0500
Message-ID: <199510170108.UAA28703 at Walden.MO.NET>
From: k0od at MO.NET
Reply-To: k0od at MO.NET
Subject: 40-meter SSB intruders in CW band
To: cq-contest at
CC: dx at
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>From John Kay <kay at>  Tue Oct 17 16:25:11 1995
From: John Kay <kay at> (John Kay)
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 10:25:11 -0500
Subject: 4X or G-land Contesters?
Message-ID: <199510171531.LAA21337 at>

My ever changing work travel may have me in Tel Aviv or London during the
weekend of CQWW-SSB.  Are there any Multi-op stations that need a hand or
care to have visitors? Or can anyone recommend people to contact in Israel
or southern England (who don't have internet access)?


John (WV9T)

John C. Kay                         Motorola
kay at                     Cellular Infrastructure Group
PH:(708)632-2519 Fax:(708)632-6999  Arlington Heights, IL 60004

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