Ron Stone
ron at gw3ydx.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 3 22:42:44 EDT 1995
| Ron Stone, GW3YDX - EMail ron at gw3ydx.demon.co.uk
Do any of you know the shipping weight of the Model 1022 (the "little"
one) please ?
Hint - if you don't I guess 1-800-TIC-RING (their customer service
number) would know ! We can't ring that number free from here of
>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> Mon Sep 4 07:53:37 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 95 06:53:37 UTC
Subject: JA bashing
Message-ID: <79677 at ljutcp.hamradio.si>
Hi Contesters,
K8DO comment on OMNI-VI does NOT sound fair to me as remote (from JA & USA)
reader. With my humble knowledge of market economy, I understand that one
buys best value for money regardless of country of origin. As far as I under-
stand the USA history, you resisted "Buy British" policy some 200 years ago!
My "rice box with 10.000 knobs" with IC-735 sticker on the front did a wonder-
full job this weekend in IARU Region I SSB Field Day while running inside my
Chrysler car. I wonder where USA hams were as I got more JA's in the log of
370 QSO with 42m Windom antenna.
Following an interesting thread on investments in new radios, I am currently
testing 20 years old Drake TR-7 for my second station. Together with TH6DXX
and 402BA it makes a lot of "made in USA" hardware here.
I am looking forward to work you all next weekend in EU DX contest on SSB from
S50L multi/single crew with Yeasu FT-990/FT-1000, ICOM 751A and SB-221...
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
>From R.B. Vallio" <wsixrgg at crl.com Mon Sep 4 08:32:03 1995
From: R.B. Vallio" <wsixrgg at crl.com (R.B. Vallio)
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 1995 00:32:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Ham IV or Ham M rotator needed
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950904002218.26525A-100000 at crl2.crl.com>
Del, HL9DC, has a broken Ham IV rotator. He needs to replace it
before the DX contest season starts, so he can finish his last
tour of duty in Korea in style! If you have a Ham IV, or Ham M
rotator for sale, Del would like to purchase it post haste. He
says he really needs only the rotator itself, as his indicator is
fine, but if you don't want to break up the set, he is willing to
buy the whole thing. Please include air mail shipping costs in
your price, as he needs it there before the next ship arrives!
Del can be reached at - bweber at soback.kornet.nm.kr. Thanks for
any help you may provide to him.
73, Bob
wsixrgg at crl.com
>From David Robbins KY1H <robbins at guid2.dnet.lmco.com> Mon Sep 4 12:17:31 1995
From: David Robbins KY1H <robbins at guid2.dnet.lmco.com> (David Robbins KY1H)
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 95 07:17:31 EDT
Subject: simple ring rotor cable solution
Message-ID: <199509041114.HAA05556 at franklin.vf.mmc.com>
when i did my ring i just ran rg-8 up the tower leg inside the ring. positioned
the ring mid way in its rotation. attached the coax to the tower leg at about
the same hieght as the ring boom brace struts, looped it down about 3/4 of the
way to the ring and up to the top of the brace strut. this way it can never get
down low enough to get into the ring mechanism and it has plenty of slack to
loop halfway around the tower either direction.
73, Dave KY1H Robbins at guid2.dnet.lmco.com
>From Dieter Dippel" <dippel at rrze.uni-erlangen.de Mon Sep 4 15:51:35 1995
From: Dieter Dippel" <dippel at rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 1995 14:51:35 MET
Message-ID: <693EDDB5323 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de>
DF4RD @DB0BOX de:DL2DN 04.09.95 10:39 UTC 1145 Bytes
950904/1036z DB0ABH, 950904/1035z DB0AAB, 950827/1048z DB0RBS
Transfer 04.09.95 12:13 by DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU
From: DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU (Herbert)
Many thanks for reading this mail -
here are unchecked high scores from logs received until 26 August:
single op: DJ7MG 165222, DK4RM 154512, DL8DYL 117180, DJ9MT 116510, LY6M
415140, OH8LAE 166320, OK2RU 110187, SP5CJQ 526713, YT1AD 387136,
9Q2L 895088, JA9CWJ 105336, KE2PF 968760, K1JKS 845130, K2SX/1
multi op: LU4FM 825845, DJ9MH 238544, DL8QS 222024, DA0SAX 164573, DA0IU
Please send your logs to: WAE Contest Committee, Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim,
There is also an e-mail address available now: 100712,2226 at compuserve.com
The compuserve e-mail address is accessible via INTERNET.
73, Herb, DL2DN @DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU
04.09.95 12:21 DB0BOX R: DF4RD
DF4RD @DB0BOX de:DL2DN 04.09.95 10:39 UTC 919 Bytes
950904/1037z DB0ABH, 950904/1036z DB0AAB, 950904/1003z DB0RBS
Transfer 04.09.95 12:14 by DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU
From: DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU (Herbert)
Many thanks for reading this mail -
here are unchecked high scores from logs received 28 August - 2 September:
single op: W2AX 25284, DL6USB 167692, DL2ZAE 184250, DL8UCC 110398,
DK9ZQ 112360, DL2OBF 104300, DK3BN 107709, DL1JF 132997,
DL5JQ 142766
multi op: WB2R 547317, RK9AWN 911569, N3RD 1090800
Please send your logs to: WAE Contest Committee, Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim,
73, Herb, DL2DN @DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Mon Sep 4 15:38:35 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 1995 07:38:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Ham IV or Ham M rotator needed
Message-ID: <810225515.676395.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> If you have a Ham IV, or Ham M rotator for sale...
Please refer to the Yellow Sheets, or rec.radio.amateur.swap, or
some other buy/sell/swap forum.
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
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