KF4BTH (yuk) results

KM9P at aol.com KM9P at aol.com
Sun Sep 10 21:29:56 EDT 1995

Never 100w again folks.  The Sprint is a QRO contest from Georgia.  My hat's
off to AA4GA who always does it low power.  20m from here at 00Z is the pits.
 70% of the Qs are back scatter.  At 100w, it's impossible to work these back
scatter QSOs.

Saturday summary:

4:30am:  Wake up and make the 1.5 hour trip to the mountain contest QTH.
Saturday:  Raise the 402CD to 115' by myself.  Solder all of the connectors
on the two 15m towers.  Other misc. junk.
7:30pm:  Arrive at N4RJ after grabbing a Guido-Burritto at the Loganville
quick-stop store.
8:00pm:  Start... sorta.
12:00pm:  Couldn't turn off the radio fast enough.

KF4BTH turned out to be harder than I thought it would be to send.  Many
mistakes sending it.  Putting LOTS-O-SPACE in the call and the name helped.
 Beat up fingers from tower work didn't help.

80         69         
40         86        
20         38         
T         193         39     7,527

If it would increase participation... I think a 100w box for the Sprint is a
great idea.  If it doesn't change participation, then what's the point?


>From barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Mon Sep 11 01:02:52 1995
From: barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 95 00:02:52 GMT
Subject: WAE score
Message-ID: <H8i9aD1w165w at w2up.wells.com>

Band  QSO  QTC  Cty
80     18   18   10
40     57   56   19
20    404  404   45
15     19   19    9
10    yeah, right
      498  497   83 = 203,975    (about 10-11 hours op time)

Overall, mediocre condx. As usual, 40 was best just as the contest was 
ending. 15 meters was strange - Saturday afternoon a few EU beaming South 
Africa. On Sunday several LOUD stations, but very little activity. At one 
point F2BS was 10 over 9 on 15, and was the only European on the band!

Last 2 letters - drove me nuts! Seems the Italians universally do the 
last 2 letter routine. The Spaniards were next, then a smattering of 
everyone else. At times, I came back to these guys " Xray Zulu make your 
call," but nobody laughed except me.

Seems to have been less begging for QTC than on CW. A couple of stations 
went thru following scenario -
EU: Any QTC?
Me: QTC 22/10
Can't figure that one out...

One point of embarassment - Seems a lot of folks knew me by name, but I 
didn't know them. Is my notoriety from the Contest Reflector, or 
something else? I apologize to anyone I should have known :.)

73 Barry


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry at w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net>  Mon Sep 11 02:29:37 1995
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> (Steven Affens)
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 1995 21:29:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Need RUFZ again
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950910212839.23066A-100000 at access2.digex.net>

It is on the K2MM link on the PVRC Home Page

73 de K3SA

Steven C. Affens

On Sun, 10 Sep 1995, Craig Cook wrote:

> I have corrupted my rufz files beyond repair, may I please have the ftp 
> sites again?  I AM LOOKING FOR THE ZIP VERSION. I got it the first time from 
> maspar.maspar.com/pub/k2mm/ but no way now. I can not connect. Please reply 
> DIRECT and thank you.
>                                     ccook at agora.rdrop.com  <N7ENU>

>From KQWB55A at prodigy.com (MR STEVEN K NACE)  Mon Sep 11 02:55:40 1995
From: KQWB55A at prodigy.com (MR STEVEN K NACE) (MR STEVEN K NACE)
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 1995 21:55:40 EDT
Subject: CW Sprint Operating "Techniques"
Message-ID: <013.01100421.KQWB55A at prodigy.com>

Hey Guys:  What an interesting Sprint that was. Lots of wondering if 
finally making the
Top Ten was "valid". Well, that's not the point of this posting.

My question is this:

I call CQ Sprint and receive an answer. I give that station my 
exchange and then listen
to his reply BUT, after I get his number,  I QSY off to find another 

Now, common courtesy tells me that I should "dit" the guy so he knows 
he can proceed
on with his own solicitation. But on the other hand, why wait?

so, please respond with your opinions and I will summarize them and 
re-post, if any
interest exists in this so-called operating technique.

CU in SSB w/ amp on and no memory keyers in use.

Steve  KN5H

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