AA6KX at AA6KX at
Mon Sep 11 21:07:17 EDT 1995

In case you were fortunate enough to have missed it, AA2DU recently posted a
long message to the contest reflector in which he stated that I had made "not
so veiled [sic] insinuations of incompetence and cowardice on the part of the
CAC" and conducted a "full frontal a public forum", and then
continued on to lecture me about the importance of maintaining contact with
my CAC representative. 

The words I used which elicited all of this verbal bombast were as follows:
  "In contrast, it appears to me that the CAC has become so cautious
   since the VHF Rover debates that it won't make decisions.  Or, if 
   there is any action taking place there isn't much publicity given to 
   the results.  Am I missing something here, or do others sense the 
   same lethargy on the part of the CAC?"

It is left as an exercise for the reader to determine the equivalence of the

I have always found the ad hominem attacks which occasionally erupt here on
the contest reflector to be disgusting displays of immaturity.  The recent
spate of charges and counter-charges about CQ editorial staff participating
in CQWW is a prime example.  Thus I am loathe to become drawn into the same
kind of imbroglio myself.  I did promptly and directly respond to Mr.
Kleinhous' attack, in private, and share with him my views on his choice of
words, above, as well as his leadership of the CAC.   I believe I also
offered him some suggestions, though I doubt he considered them constructive.
 That is where I would choose to leave the matter.

Several people have written to me, however, and suggested that after having
been taken so severely to task for not communicating with my CAC
representative, any failure to respond in public is a tacit admission of
dereliction on my part.  I'll simply say in response that I have had frequent
conversations with my CAC representative and that it is largely on the basis
of those reports that I have concluded that the CAC has been slow and
cautious in reaching decisions and forwarding recommendations to the ARRL.
 This is not meant to impugn the patiotism, valour, fidelity, and abilities
of the individual members of the CAC.  Indeed, quite the opposite, the people
on the CAC whom I know are talented and dedicated individuals who are working
hard to represent the contest community to a board which is frequently
unsympathetic to our area of interest.  As a group, though, I don't feel the
CAC has been particularly effective in advocating our cause.  I think,
perhaps, that is only a reflection on the leadership of the group.   In
summary, I stand by my original statements.   

In response to the point of my query, though, Mr. Kleinhous did state that
the CAC had recently conducted a poll of the representatives and decided to
forward a recommendation to the ARRL that expedition scores be counted in
club competition in the ARRL DX contests.  That surely is welcome news, and I
hope they can forward this recommendation in time for the ARRL to consider it
and reach a decision in time for this year's contests.  The Northern
California Contest Club has been following this issue with avid interest and
long ago reached the decision to make this contest a focus event for the Club
if and only if expedition scores could be counted.  For months we have heard
discouraging reports on the attention being paid to this measure (yes, Mr.
Kleinhouse, from our division CAC representative), but now we have hope that
we can join in the February fun instead of once again having to be content
with tearing up the bands on the Sweepstakes weekends.  As the saying goes,
"been there, done that".

Bruce Sawyer, AA6KX   

>From k3ww at (Charles Fulp)  Tue Sep 12 01:08:03 1995
From: k3ww at (Charles Fulp) (Charles Fulp)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 00:08:03 +0000
Subject: CW SPRINT  --Der*
Message-ID: <199509120007.UAA06777 at>

I missed this sprint, no one put the strong arm to me to join a team, I
was busy with family activities (in preparation for another fall/winter
of solid contesting I hope), I would have been worn out fromt the WAE SSB
if I had not been distracted by poor conditions, beautiful weather, and
above mentioned activities.  I was in state of shock over my certificate
for winning FIRST PLACE....w3, In the Feb. CW Sprint, a first ever for
me I think.  

Now for comentary on the Der* controversy.  I like the idea of different
names, seems some guys have done that all along.  After reaching a certain
level we can sometimes loose track of what has made us successful, and 
I am sure many folks have various perceptions of what it is that lets some
guys appear near the top most of the time.  I would have bet that short and
very well known calls  (Trey keeps messing up this theory), are a real
advantage in most contests.  Being loud seems to be a big help in the sprint,
I keep getting beat trying to work a guy and make 2 QSOs on 1 frequency,
I assumed it was partly geographic, and partly that my station is aimed
at European contesting (physically and philosophically).  I think 
challenging widely held assumptions is truly commendable, and has made the 
sprint a
little more interesting for me.  Ill probably try to defend my big win in

As for not having KR0Y at full capacity decreasing the incentive, well I
still have some QSO total and Multiplier totals to worry about before
I have to worry about the strings or scores the eilete sprinters make.  
With the exception of fluctuations in activity and conditions, there are
some rather concrete milestones in demonstrating sprinting ability from
just about any part of N.A.  

73  Chas  K3WW   k3ww at

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue Sep 12 01:20:30 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 17:20:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Paul Blumhardt <0003243590 at>: Post to Contest Reflector]
Message-ID: <810865230.897894.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

Return-Path: <0003243590 at>
Received: from ([]) by TGV.COM via INTERNET ;
          Mon, 11 Sep 95 06:57:15 PDT
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Received: from by id ag12907;
          11 Sep 95 13:53 WET
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 95 08:52 EST
From: Paul Blumhardt <0003243590 at>
To: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at>
Subject: Post to Contest Reflector
Message-Id: <31950911135213/0003243590ND4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

Trey, please post this on the Reflector for me:


I am looking for a schematic for a WB4VVF Accumemory II memory keyer.

Jim Garrett (WB4VVF) sold these as either a kit or complete unit back in the
late 1970's - early 1980's.

Jim is inactive and not interested in supporting these keyers any longer.

I am trying to repair one of these keyers for a friend and need a schematic.
Can anyone help?

I'll pay postage and repro costs.

If you can help, you please contact me by any of the following:

Home: (214) 475-7752
Work: (214) 918-7314

E-Mail: 0003243590 at 

Address: Paul Blumhardt 
         2805 Toler Rd
         Rowlett, TX

                                        73 es Tnx
                                                Paul KS1G

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at>  Tue Sep 12 01:11:15 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 20:11:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CAC, re ARRL-DX
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950911200720.8828B at>

Hi JP,

You doth protest too much.  The CAC is not great at publicizing its 
actions.  The DXAC has multiple dx bulletins to pass the word.  The CAC 
just has NCJ and Internet.  I wasn't even aware of some of the things the 
CAC just voted on and I do try to pay attention to this stuff.

It is too bad that AA6KX had to pull your chain hard enough to generate 
the emotion needed for you to inform the contest community of the latest 
CAC actions.  Keep us informed and we won't complain so much.

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at>  Tue Sep 12 01:50:15 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 20:50:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Building a 205CA
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950911204112.8952A-100000 at>

Bill, KM9P asked me about how I built my 205CA so that I could assemble 
it on top of the tower.
- Preassemble antenna completely on the ground.  I mount it at the 4' 
level on the tower.

- I put stainless sheet metal screws in EVERY element joint.  Use 
stainless for every piece of hardware you can.

- Put bolts through the boom at 90 deg angles at each boom splice.  The 
stock antenna only uses one bolt through.  Using two will cut down on the 

- Make all elements level (use a level!), then drill a hole through the
boom at each element clamp.  You will find a 3-1/2"x1/4" bolt will go all
the way through both sides of the Hygain element clamp (this will replace
the two small bolts they use to prevent twisting).  This guarantees the
elements will NEVER spin on the boom, and that they will be level when you
get it all put together up on the tower! 


- Take the elements off AT THE FIRST JOINT.  Mark them (DE1Left, R1Right,
etc.)  This will also allow you to permanently attach and weatherproof 
the feed point connections.
Now you will have a very long boom 2m array!  Take it to top of tower and
assemble.  You will find it is easy to get the elements inserted.  Just
line up the sheet metal screw holes, tighten the hose clamp, then put the
screw in.  I did mine on the tower like this with just K1IU to help pull
the elements up. 
Good luck!

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at>  Tue Sep 12 03:33:07 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 22:33:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: What I learned...
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950911222333.9116C-100000 at>

What I learned during my Der* effort in the Sprint:

- Low power makes life more challenging!
- A call with a 5 followed by an S is not good for CW.
- People have trouble with a simple name like Dirk!
- Who the really good ops are (they copied it first time)

Now, for you elitist Sprinters...

It was interesting to operate a contest like this in disguise.  A 
recognized call, name and state is worth a lot of QSOs.  I know from my 
own experience that the good ops will always try to go with the first 
recognized call.  WB5SQG doesn't fit in that category.  Plus, no one 
expected a WB5 to be in MA.

People do seem to slow down for a WB5 call!  I guess they figured I must 
be new to the game and won't be able to copy 'warp speed.'

I could do this contest again low power, but only if everyone else was.  
I didn't mind getting beat out (well, I did mind a little) and it was 
interesting to see how strategy was a little different.  I tried to call 
CQ more since it was difficult to win in the pile-ups.  80 was more 
difficult too.

I won't follow the fun crowd again.  If I do a contest - I am doing it to 

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at

>From gejones at (Gary E Jones)  Tue Sep 12 03:49:53 1995
From: gejones at (Gary E Jones) (Gary E Jones)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 21:49:53 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Force-12 5BA
Message-ID: <9509120249.AA32317 at>

I made a previous post but never saw it come back to me. I am interested
in hearing from anyone on the contest reflector that might be using, or 
knows someone who is using the Force-12 5BA yagi antenna. This antenna has
a 10 meter yagi in front of a 15 meter yagi in front of a 20 meter yagi all
on the same boom. WN5IJZ is reconstructing his station and would like to talk
to someone who is running one of these. 
    If you have any information, drop me a note to my personal mailbox at
                         73    Gary   W5VSZ

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at>  Tue Sep 12 01:50:15 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 20:50:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Building a 205CA
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950911204112.8952A-100000 at>

Bill, KM9P asked me about how I built my 205CA so that I could assemble 
it on top of the tower.
- Preassemble antenna completely on the ground.  I mount it at the 4' 
level on the tower.

- I put stainless sheet metal screws in EVERY element joint.  Use 
stainless for every piece of hardware you can.

- Put bolts through the boom at 90 deg angles at each boom splice.  The 
stock antenna only uses one bolt through.  Using two will cut down on the 

- Make all elements level (use a level!), then drill a hole through the
boom at each element clamp.  You will find a 3-1/2"x1/4" bolt will go all
the way through both sides of the Hygain element clamp (this will replace
the two small bolts they use to prevent twisting).  This guarantees the
elements will NEVER spin on the boom, and that they will be level when you
get it all put together up on the tower! 


- Take the elements off AT THE FIRST JOINT.  Mark them (DE1Left, R1Right,
etc.)  This will also allow you to permanently attach and weatherproof 
the feed point connections.
Now you will have a very long boom 2m array!  Take it to top of tower and
assemble.  You will find it is easy to get the elements inserted.  Just
line up the sheet metal screw holes, tighten the hose clamp, then put the
screw in.  I did mine on the tower like this with just K1IU to help pull
the elements up. 
Good luck!

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at

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