TDXS Claimed Scores
Jastaples at
Jastaples at
Tue Sep 12 23:35:19 EDT 1995
Texas DX Society September 1995 CW Sprint Teams
Claimed Scores:
Team 1
AD5Q - Roy 243 x 42 = 10,206
K7UP - Steve (KN5H) 262 x 45 = 11,790
KC5PRF - Mac (K5GN) 232 x 42 = 9,744
K5GA - Bill 295 x 45 = 13,275
KI3L - Don 209 x 38 = 7,942
W5NN - Mike 198 x 42 = 8,316
N5DU - Bob 193 x 37 = 7,141
AA7VB - Denny 185 x 37 = 6,845
NM5M - Eric 253 x 42 = 10,626
W5ASP - Joe 225 X 44 = 9,900
TOTAL 95,785
Team 2
KE4GY - Frank 158 x 38 = 6,004
K5RC - Tom 50 X 21 = 1,050
>From Brian Bogh <0006125879 at> Wed Sep 13 04:24:00 1995
From: Brian Bogh <0006125879 at> (Brian Bogh)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 95 22:24 EST
Subject: sprint ex
Message-ID: <14950913032441/0006125879NA3EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Your right John, the order or callsign exchange did suffer a lot
maybe due to the fact that some of us didn't use are little helpers.
Computer logging in the sprint is a push with me, still not quick
on the keys yet, but getting the exchange order is a snap.
>From R.B. Vallio" <wsixrgg at Wed Sep 13 03:39:56 1995
From: R.B. Vallio" <wsixrgg at (R.B. Vallio)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 19:39:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: N7DD on talk show
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950912193709.15137A-100000 at>
On Tue, 12 Sep 1995, Trey Garlough wrote:
> > Larry Pace, N7DD, will be the guest this Sunday, 9/17/95, on the Ham Radio &
> > More Show. Larry has all the tricks of how to win the "big ones" and he'll
> > share MOST of them with us this Sunday; so tune in!]
> Makes sense -- after all, he is the World's Greatest Contester[TM].
Is that with or without portfolio?
Bob - W6RGG
>From gnemeth at (George Nemeth) Wed Sep 13 05:09:10 1995
From: gnemeth at (George Nemeth) (George Nemeth)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 22:09:10 -0600
Subject: Rotator Query Results
Message-ID: <199509130409.WAA26936 at>
Here is a condensed version of the replies to my query abt Yaesu vs Hygain
- 450 degrees of rotation
-The rotator control box looks great and has presets so you can press one
button and the beam moves to the location, leaving you free for other things.
- Only 5 conductors required for control and these connect through a plug
and socket, not the failure-prone terminal strip Hygain uses
- Adjustable rotator speed - in high winds you can slow things down a bit and
reduce your nervousness
- Yaesu rotators are cheaper/stronger than HyGain
-The rotator control is sensitive to RF when you have the Preset engaged. It
will click annoyingly while you transmit. While this can be cured, these
things really should have been designed to tolerate RF better.
- The brake cannot be controlled independently from the rotation
- The holes on the underside of the rotator are not located in the same place
as the HAM series rotators, so they won't fit into Delhi or Rohn towers without
drilling holes for bolts.
-The mast clamps are made of aluminum and break quite easily if
overtightened. The later versions have modified the clamp and include a
bolt to run through the mast to prevent slippage.
I had 18 people reply with what they liked and disliked and the above is
what they said about the Yaesu. The real guts of it all is that there were
2 who said to stay away from Yaesu and 16 that said that Yaesu is way to go.
I have a G1000SDX on the way so I will be able to add my experience to the
next person who wants info. There were also 10-15 people who wanted to know
what I found out so I am posting this to the reflector. Thanks to all who
replied. I will see you in CQWW ( if the beam gets here in time) 73
George Nemeth VE5TQ gnemeth at
>From Steve Merchant <merchant at> Wed Sep 13 06:24:56 1995
From: Steve Merchant <merchant at> (Steve Merchant)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 22:24:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Asia Pacific Sprint - Station Wanted
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950912222046.18069B-100000 at>
I'll be in VK-land for the second AP Sprint, having completed a week at
VK9L. If anyone knows of a spot for me to operate from,
I'll be on here until late Sept 16, or look up VK9LX after the 19th.
And of course I'll have a radio, laptop and probably loads of wire.
This assumes the VK9LX license is good on the mainland..??..
Thanks --
73, Steve N4TQO
merchant at
>From jkl at (JUKKA KLEMOLA, NMP, R&D, SALO, 010-505-4472) Wed Sep 13 08:17:09 1995
From: jkl at (JUKKA KLEMOLA, NMP, R&D, SALO, 010-505-4472) (JUKKA KLEMOLA, NMP, R&D, SALO, 010-505-4472)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 07:17:09 GMT
Subject: Scandinavian Activity Contest & OH0 ad
Message-ID: <95091307170937 at>
Hello all!
Please, remember that SAC CW is on from Sep 16 / 1500 Z to
Sep 17 / 1800 Z.
SAC SSB is the following weekend, from Sep 23 1500Z to Sep 24 1800 Z.
The contest exchange is signal report + serial number starting at 001.
This contest is for the Scandinavia (JX, JW, LA, OH, OH0, OJ0, SM, TF)
to QSO the rest of the world.
There is supposed to be no activity on OJ0 this time, but OH0 is on the
OH0BDA probably all band, windom antenna, 100 W
OH0JJS 80 m single, full size antennas + beverages, 600W
OH0LIH 20 m single, KT34, 600 W
OH0AAQ is supposed to QRV as all-band, multiop, single TX class from the
famous OH0W location, big antennas, 600W
OH0JJS 80 m single, full size antennas, 600 W
OH0AAQ or OH0MAM from OH0W location
Jukka (OH0JJS aka OH1JJS or OH6LI)
PS. OJ0/OH8AA QSLs will be off the printing office by Sep 20th and
the directs will be answered first, during the September.
If you sent more than a dollar in the envelope, the tiny rock you receive
in the letter back to you is from OJ0!
OJ0/OH8AA QSLs via buro->OH6LI
or Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 SOMERO, FINLAND, EUROPE
>From mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) Wed Sep 13 16:29:08 1995
From: mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) (Kris I. Mraz)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 10:29:08 CDT
Subject: TS-940 Battery Summary
Message-ID: <9509131529.AA22693 at>
I received some alternative sources for replacement BR2032 batteries. Here
is a summary. (Recall the local radio repair shop wanted $16 per battery).
Radio Shack sells CR2032 Lithium batteries for $2.79.
Newark Electronics, $1.95 each. $25 minimum order.
Cross reference:
BR2032 = CR2032, DL2032, ECR2032
There is a store that deals extensively with batteries just down the street
from where I work. Checking with them they have the 2032 style battery.
However, the ones removed from the 940 have long solder tabs attached. This
store has the facilities to tack weld solder tabs of the appropriate length.
The cost was $2.95 each including the solder tabs.
This store has an 800 number for your ordering convenience. 940 owners
on the net may want to keep this for future reference. They carry a very
extensive line of batteries.
Elect-A-Van Service, Inc.
1350 E. Arapaho, Suite 126
Richardson, TX 75081
Kris AA5UO
mraz at
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