NV6O ssb Sprint

Sat Sep 16 22:31:55 EDT 1995

Operated from the Emergency Operations Center here at work.  Had to come
down and get a company vehicle so I can drive to Bakersfield (yechhh)
Sunday PM anyway.

10 el Tennadyne LPA on 50 foot utility pole with 10 foot mast
40 and 80 vees on same feedline.  Need tuner on ham bands

The station is in the basement of one of our telephone exchange
switches.  There is about 500 feet of half inch hardline to antenna.
The building is in a very commercial area of town.  Watt Ave and Marconi
Ave. - appropriate, huh?

Lots of line noise on 40 and 80.  I'm gunna have to get on the power
utility to pin this stuff down.  If this is an emergency radio station,
well - you can figure it out.  S9+20 on 40, S9+30 on 75.

After I worked all the loud stations on 75, I called cq till I was
exhausted and frustrated.  Had 10 q's in the last half hour.

Boy, AB6LJ's place sure seems like Shangri - La comparitively.

196 by 42.   Worse than CW.  Down lots of q's from last year.

Never again!  Did I hear that phrase last week?

Glad to see you all again.

Eric, NV6O
edwoods at pacbell.com

>From john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere)  Sun Sep 17 05:41:15 1995
From: john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 04:41:15 +0000
Message-ID: <199509170440.GAA01747 at box.eunet.be>

I am building new finals for the OTxT contest station. Years ago I bough
GROTH turns counters (I think it was model TC3) for the vacuum variables.
Does anyone know where these or equivalent can be obtained at a decent price?
Tks es 73

John, ON4UN

john.devoldere at box.eunet.be  
Call us in all major 1995 contests: OT5T or ON4UN
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)

>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart)  Sun Sep 17 09:18:56 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 04:18:56 -0400
Subject: ARRL DX results
Message-ID: <199509170818.EAA06618 at cais.cais.com>

>        Reply to:   RE>ARRL DX results
>Or how about turning in the best score in the world, 13M+ pts, one of the top
>five all time scores regardless of category and meriting only a single
>sentence. AND no plaque.  VP2MFM (multi-two) beat All multi-op categories, DX
>and W/VE.  Hell, we made more Qs on 15m than W3LPL did in the entire contest
>(no insult intended).  We are wondering who's punch bowl we pissed in.  Maybe
>that explains why the volcano is erupting and hurricanes are threatening the
>island, the Gods are angry....
>  73, Cliff  KO4FM/VP2MDI

I agree, Cliff.  I've heard this complaint before about the SS contest as

I think all that is need to correct this is to have Stan or Billy get on here
and tell us what plaques need sponsors....  no doubt, as K1AR knows, this method
works extremely well!

QSL Stan?

TU de KF3P 

>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart)  Sun Sep 17 09:19:12 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 04:19:12 -0400
Subject: October QST
Message-ID: <199509170819.EAA06643 at cais.cais.com>

>The mailman finally brought my October QST yesterday, days after I had heard
>comments from the east coast that led me to believe the ARRL DX contest
>results were burried in the back under a footnote.  Instead, what I see is an
>issue with more emphasis on contesting than I have seen in years.  That can
>only be due to your efforts to raise the visibility of contest activities in
>QST and gain greater prominence for the contesting community.  My personal
>and sincere thanks for your efforts, and my compliments on what I see as
>excellent results.  
>73...Bruce Sawyer, AA6KX

I agree, Bruce.

However, I think there were a few too many typos, and they should have broken
down the single band scores....but otherwise good!

73, Tyler

>From Paul Mackanos <pmackano at weather.Brockport.EDU>  Sun Sep 17 10:21:44 1995
From: Paul Mackanos <pmackano at weather.Brockport.EDU> (Paul Mackanos)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 05:21:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: TH6DXX Spec's ?
Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.91.950917052012.25592A-100000 at vortex.weather.brockport.edu>

 Can anyone give me the spec's on the TH6DXX ?? Boom length, element length,
windload, gain, etc ?? Thanks de Paul K2DB

>From john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere)  Sun Sep 17 12:26:17 1995
From: john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 11:26:17 +0000
Message-ID: <199509171125.NAA05197 at box.eunet.be>

I am building new finals for the OTxT contest station. Years ago I bough
GROTH turns counters (I think it was model TC3) for the vacuum variables.
Does anyone know where these or equivalent can be obtained at a decent price?
Tks es 73

John, ON4UN

john.devoldere at box.eunet.be  
Call us in all major 1995 contests: OT5T or ON4UN
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)

>From Robert Penneys <penneys at UDel.Edu>  Sun Sep 17 13:55:35 1995
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at UDel.Edu> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 08:55:35 -0400
Subject: No-power Sprint entry
Message-ID: <199509171255.IAA21539 at brahms.udel.edu>

I have greatly enjoyed the creative entries in the CW Sprint, and been
amazed at some of the response.

We lost the tower here this summer and have NO HF antenna. I sold all my
radios, because I'm at the store six days a week and can borrow anything I want.
I figured that I would see the new 870, 1000MP, whatever, let the guys put them
through the paces, tear 'em apart, and make my decision, and have tower back up
in the coming year.

Well, who can resist the Sprints? Not I. I took home a 775, stuck it on a wire,
no one could hear me, and made maybe 29 Qs on CW. That's low even for me.
Phone, 14 x 9 or so, we'll see who got my name right, kudos to KW8N and K1AR
who picked it right up.

Apologies to my CW teammates.

Anyone wanna take on the very low power, no antenna class, c'mon. I don't mind
a goofy challenge, but, past a certain point, it's ridiculous, and a more
intelligent choice was watching "Encino Man" on TV with the kids.

Next stop, who shot Mr. Burns....

Tnx all, 


Bob Penneys, WN3K           Internet:  penneys at brahms.udel.edu
      Frankford Radio Club    N.E.R.D.S.

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