IC775DSP - Display Model?
John D. Nicholson
jnichols at ednet1.osl.or.gov
Mon Sep 25 17:53:01 EDT 1995
Thought some of you CONTESTER'S might get a chuckle out of this
true story...
Saturday I made the plunge and drove up to HRO Portland to buy
their last remaining new-in-the-box IC-775DSP rig. I commented
to my xyl Patty KB7KUD that we were lucky to get the last boxed
one and not the demo on display. On our way home, she looked intently at
the side of the box and then blurted out "They sold us the display
model!". Puzzled, I asked how she got that idea; then she pointed to
where someone had marked on the box with a felt pen -- sure,
enough, there it was: DSP MODEL :)
If you're wondering, Patty now knows what the DSP stands for...and we
are having a ball. The radio is SUPER! It'll take a day or two to
get the DSP settings where I want them...many choices on rx/tx relating
to high and low pass setting, i.e., 1.5 - 2.9Khz and 80 - 500hz...it's
great to be able to tailor the cutoffs you may want for just the
right sound...even the Noise Reduction circuit seems to perform
admirably to a point; I don't have any heavy noise to begin with but you
can eliminate quite a bit of the noise floor before it begins to
chop up the received audio too much...
On cw IT IS RAZOR Sharp...
73s John K7FD
PS - If you're surfin' around, check out my web page...
>From Thomas J. Wall" <0006130613 at mcimail.com Tue Sep 26 01:24:00 1995
From: Thomas J. Wall" <0006130613 at mcimail.com (Thomas J. Wall)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 19:24 EST
Message-ID: <53950926002435/0006130613DC3EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
K2TW Multi-Single High Power CQWW RTTY Score:
80 184 12 64
40 350 17 99
20 456 25 105
15 94 17 50
10 5 3 6
TOTAL 1089 74 324 = 868,436 (avg 2.00 pts/qso)
Ops: K2TW and W9NGA in a true single transmitter effort, no mult station.
Congrats to the WU3V crew for a fine effort!
We lost AC power at sunrise on Saturday and ran the KW station and packet
node off the generator for 2.5 hours! A weird combination of Field Day and
Biggest disappointment was 15 meters, just could never generate enough of a
run. To me, DX RTTY activity seems to be on the upswing while US/VE is
stagnant or in decline, at least in WW. Any other views on this? It should
not be hard to work VT, DE, WY, SD or VE4 (even once) or ND, UT, NE, SC or
WV (more than once). Hopefully it's just the solar cycle...
Looking forward to next time...73 Tom K2TW at mcimail.com
>From Sergei Kulyov <skulyov at freenet.columbus.oh.us> Tue Sep 26 01:47:57 1995
From: Sergei Kulyov <skulyov at freenet.columbus.oh.us> (Sergei Kulyov)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 20:47:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CQ Dallas
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509252057.A28564-9100000 at acme>
Hi gang,
I moved from Columbus to Dallas and will be here for a long time.
I'm looking for some contest station/crew here. Please e-mail me.
Thanks for any help,
73! Sergei AA8OT, UA3AP
Sergei L. Kulyov This e-mail was telnet from Dalllas, TX
P.O. Box 540333
Dallas, TX 75354-0333
>From James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> Tue Sep 26 00:19:00 1995
From: James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> (James White)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 18:19 EST
Subject: concrete curing - summary
Message-ID: <15950925231951/0006492564PK5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
By now someone has told you that the secret to good concrete is if it never
dries out it will be good...the act of taking a really long time to dry out
(like never) means it is forever curing and consequently forever getting
When I was taking a materials course in college we studied the strength of
premixed concrete in the bag...a trick I learned from my Uncle held true:
Sakrete (or Quikrete or whatever) like any concrete is a mixture of three
basic items: Cement, Aggregate and Sand. My uncle always advised adding a
half shovel's worth of Portland cement to an 80 lb bag of the mixes. It
makes sense, of the three ingredients in the mixes it is obvious which is
the most expensive and which would probably tend to be kept to a minimum by
its producer. We did compression tests on the samples in our class and mine
came out having the highest strength, thanks to a tip from Uncle Ray. I
still have that busted up core on my bookshelf.
You may wish to study how much your pour cost you, on something as large as
a tower base having a truck come in should be competitive or cheaper - the
key is doing bases and guy points simultaneously so you have enough of a job
to be considered by the concrete companies...a ham job can be a second stop
for them. Get several bids, they may have several different PSI types so
make sure you are comparing apples to apples. A bag of the premix stuff is
great for a patio stepping stone, but to fill up big holes it takes a lot of
them. The going rate for the premix truck in Tampa Bay is mid $50s per cubic
yard - dunno what Sakrete runs in W3 but down South it just ain't worth
mixing your own, not to mention the sweat equity!
Jim, K1ZX k1zx at mcimail.com
>From floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) Tue Sep 26 01:55:29 1995
From: floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 20:55:29 -0400
Subject: Update #1
Message-ID: <199509260055.UAA09769 at larry.infi.net>
Compiled by
N4CC 710,940 957 1734 169 157 84
WE9V 703,131 1066 1937 159 139 65
4X6UO <OP CLASS) 487,012 758 2234 40 131 47
NA4M 429,805 757 1283 147 122 66
WA3WJD 314,534 541 ? 133 125 61
W3GG 302,872 472 1048 94 133 62
W7LZP 256,563 682 983 147 67 47
WA6SDM <Un or Asst> 140,499 426 603 124 61 48
WA4ZXA 285,948 512 1014 110 115 57
OH2LU 158,388 338 788 29 125 47
10 Meters/HP
10 Meters/LP
15 Meters/HP
15 Meters/LP
20 Meters/HP
20 Meters/LP
40 Meters/HP
WF5E 53,954 352 509 50 35 21
KN6DV 46,552 363 506 51 22 19
40 Meters/LP
80 Meters/HP
80 Meters/LP
WU3V 1,388,862 ? ? ? ? ?
N9TIX/7 <HP or LP> 545,490 1066 1653 158 109 63
N9ENA 199,045 ? ? ? ? ?
K8UNP 562,872 803 1497 147 158 71
I want to thank Chad for helping me setting this up better. I did
not realize that you needed the other info. This is my first time
doing this so bear with me please. I hope this is the way it should
be, if not send me mail and I will try to correct it.
73's Jim // WA4ZXA @N4ZC <> floydjr at nr.infi.net
ps: Remember if you send me your breakdown I cannot repost them on
the reflector. If you wish for everyone to see the breakdown you will
need to send them to the reflector yourself.
>From terwill at leotech.MV.COM (Paul Terwilliger) Tue Sep 26 13:11:55 1995
From: terwill at leotech.MV.COM (Paul Terwilliger) (Paul Terwilliger)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 12:11:55 GMT
Subject: CT M/S QSY
Message-ID: <znr812117515k at leotech.mv.com>
K2MM sayeth:
> > [John/N6YRU/V31DX] . . . the CQWW contest commitee has clarified the
> > Multi-Single 10 minute QSY rule; i.e., the clock starts on the first QSO
> > on the new band, not when you left the old band . . .
> Here's a tip when QSY'ing to 160m. Work somebody -- anybody, even a dupe --
> right away. This will start the new CQWW timer going, and you'll be able to
> QSY back to your rate band sooner :-)
> 73 and DGNOY. --John/K2MM
What happens if the duped station doesn't log you? Are dupes & zero-point
Q's verified? And after all, how many times can you go work KY1H on 160
before they stop logging it?
Paul, NX1H
>From Setzler" <setzler at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil Tue Sep 26 12:46:43 1995
From: Setzler" <setzler at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil (Setzler)
Date: 26 Sep 1995 11:46:43 U
Subject: FW: K1NG CQWW RTTY Claimed Score
Message-ID: <n1400006635.5644 at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil>
Posting this for Rick.
1995 CQWW RTTY Claimed Score
Station/Call used: K1NG
Operator: KI1G
QTH: Exeter, RI
Single operator, all band, high power, unassisted
Band QSO Sec DX Zone
80 125 42 19 11
40 363 48 55 23
20 581 43 83 29
15 218 37 53 22
10 24 11 9 7
Total 1311 181 224 92
2711 pts * (181+224+92) = 1,347,367 claimed score
>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu Tue Sep 26 16:58:05 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 08:58:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Salmon Run Scores?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509260805.B18874-a100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>
Anybody count how many fish on the stringer? Please send me your awesome
and not-so-awesome scores! I know K6LL and K9BG were seriously bashing
Activity was hurt by the absolutely fabulous weather on both Saturday and
some of Sunday here in Washington. Us wet-siders get real panic-y this
time of year when it's nice, 'cause we know it's not gonna stay that way
very long and we gotta waterproof the deck/put on a new roof/take that
last hike/etc. before the Rain Festival (Oct-May) begins ;-)
At any rate, there were several mobiles out and some good activity,
particularly on 80 CW Saturday night and on 20 Phone Sunday afternoon.
Now if we can just arrange for it to rain like crazy on this weekend next
73, Ward N0AX
>From Richard Riley #7122" <RRILEY%ESA.BITNET at vm.gmd.de Tue Sep 26 23:12:43 1995
From: Richard Riley #7122" <RRILEY%ESA.BITNET at vm.gmd.de (Richard Riley #7122)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 17:12:43 EST
Subject: seek keen ops/SWLs
Hi guys and gals
F6BEE,FGZ,ARC,5MUX,SNJ,9IE and G0JFX seek keen ops/SWLs for the
upcoming CQWW Phone and CW events.
Contact me at the address below for details.
Richard Riley
email: rriley%esa.bitnet at vm.gmd.de
packet: G0JFX at F6KBF
>From junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger) Tue Sep 26 17:51:41 1995
From: junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger) (John Unger)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 12:51:41 EDT
Subject: Summary - concrete curing
Message-ID: <9509261651.AA24594 at mtn.er.usgs.gov.er.usgs.gov>
I have received even more replies to my original query about
how long to allow the concrete in a tower base to cure
before putting up the sections. At Scott's (KA9FOX)
suggestion, I have put all of the replies together into
one file and sent it to him to include with the information
at his www site. All of the responses are very useful
and well worth reading (about 2000 words). If you don't
have access to Scott's web site, I will be glad to email
members of this mailing list a copy of the replies, just drop
me a enote (like a short email message...).
Thanks again to all of you who replied.
73 - John, W3GOI
>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> Tue Sep 26 18:45:08 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 17:45:08 UTC
Subject: S56A CQ WW RTTY SOAB HP score
Message-ID: <85771 at ljutcp.hamradio.si>
SCORE 24-Sep-1995 S56A
Band QSOs Pnts Mult Zone
80M 88 181 38 9
40M 211 528 75 16
20M 684 1869 129 30
15M 210 556 78 22
10M 2 3 2 1
All 1228 3137 322 78
TOTAL : 1.254.800 Points
Rig : FT-1000 + QRO
Ant : KT-34XA + 402 + Inv. Vee
Comment: According to DB0BCC
DX Cluster I missed some 10m
openings! It is nice to see
top locations as CT3, EA8, P4
and PY0 being active on RTTY.
I hope to make it again in
top 5 WW this year.
It was a great fun!
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
P.S. I slept 8 hours on Sat.
>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> Tue Sep 26 18:51:28 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 17:51:28 UTC
Subject: TS-870 IMD
Message-ID: <85773 at ljutcp.hamradio.si>
TS-870 seems to be real good copy of TS-850 considering MDS which approaches
VHF threshold. Relatively poor IMD measured at 12.5 kHz is probably caused
by second mixer as both tones are well within roofing filter passband. I am
anxiously waiting for a similar test of IC-775! Keep us updated, California!
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
>From Setzler" <setzler at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil Tue Sep 26 17:04:10 1995
From: Setzler" <setzler at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil (Setzler)
Date: 26 Sep 1995 16:04:10 U
Subject: Summary: Multi Radio Beverage Sharing ?
Message-ID: <n1399990394.68150 at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil>
My question:
>In a multi transmitter set-up (I'm primarily thinking single op, multi radio)
>is there any reason that both radios can't be connected to the same Beverage
>at the same time? Say that one radio is running on 80 and the other is S&P
>160. Can they both be listening on the same Beverage at once?
The answer was deceptively simple. Use a power splitter. Several suggested
the ICE Signal Splitter (#I1124). It appears that the ICE unit covered most,
if not all, of the areas of concern that were raised when two (or more) radios
are sharing the same Beverages. It provides 50 ohm impedance matching,
isolation (to prevent the phenomenon called "suck-out" (loved that one!)),
overload protection, and a slight 2-4 dB gain (to overcome the insertion
loss). Others used CATV splitters, T connections, Y connectors, splitter
board from Mini-Circuits mounted in a Radio Shack box, and home brew from the
ARRL manual; all with varying degrees of success.
Thanks to N3RS, K9UWA, WX0B, NM5M, KY1H, K4XU, KJ1N, AD4VH (I'm popping the
Valiums too!), W3LPL, and K1KI.
73 James KD1NG >> setzler at c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil <<
>From john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere) Tue Sep 26 22:32:53 1995
From: john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 21:32:53 +0000
Message-ID: <199509262131.WAA19346 at box.eunet.be>
10 7 15 7 0 2
15 148 419 54 27 22
20 837 2292 80 52 29
40 390 1056 59 39 20
80 173 394 48 24 12
TOTAL 1551 4176 248 142 65
TOTAL SCORE = 1.900.060 points
Station:transceivers: FT1000D's
amplifiers: 2 KW output
RTTY modems: HAL P38
TU/logging program: WF1B
computers: 486 - 66 Mhz
10 m: 6 el (40 ft boom) at 62 ft
KT34XA at 60 ft
15 m: 6 el (40 ft boom) at 72 ft
KT34XA at 60 ft
20 m: 5 el (50 ft boom) at 82 ft
KT34xa at 72 ft
40 m: 3 el (35 ft boom) at 100 ft
4-square with elevated radials
80 m: 4-square with elevated radials
inverted-V dipole apex at 80 ft
Beverages: 5 directions (1000 ft long)
john.devoldere at box.eunet.be
Call us in all major 1995 contests: OT5T or ON4UN
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)
>From J. S. Jarrett" <jjarrett at CapAccess.org Tue Sep 26 23:24:21 1995
From: J. S. Jarrett" <jjarrett at CapAccess.org (J. S. Jarrett)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 18:24:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CT-BBS
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.950926182255.20265C-100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
I have apparently forgotten my password for the CT BBS, and cannot get
in. Can someone suggest an email adr I can send a question?
Steve Jarrett, K4FJ
jjarrett at capaccess.org
>From J. S. Jarrett" <jjarrett at CapAccess.org Tue Sep 26 23:24:21 1995
From: J. S. Jarrett" <jjarrett at CapAccess.org (J. S. Jarrett)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 18:24:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CT-BBS
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.950926182255.20265C-100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
I have apparently forgotten my password for the CT BBS, and cannot get
in. Can someone suggest an email adr I can send a question?
Steve Jarrett, K4FJ
jjarrett at capaccess.org
>From john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere) Wed Sep 27 00:06:50 1995
From: john.devoldere at eunet.be (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 23:06:50 +0000
Message-ID: <199509262305.AAA21086 at box.eunet.be>
A few weeks ago I asked if anyone could help with info where to find the
GROTH turns counters that are used on most ARRL amplifier projects in the
ARRL Handbooks over the years. I use them in a 12 years old amplifier with
great satisfaction. When inquiring with ARLL they told me that Groth was out
of business and the counters were no longer available.
Here is the information I received from NI6T:
The Groth counters are being turned out by Robert H. Bauman Sales Co., PO
Box 122, Itasca, IL 60143. Bob Bauman, W9NZM is the owner and he makes them
himself in a shed in the back yard.
The phone number is (708) 773-0573.
The 2" unit is $18.50 and the 3" unit is $19.50. Add $1.50 for a
spinner knob, plus shipping.
I've seen turns counters advertised at $70 a piece from an outfit in
Nebraska... At S 18.50 or 19.50, these Groth counters are a steal!
I have ordered the parts from Bob. He says there is a "waiting list", but he
can produce them in a few weeks. No wonder at that price!
Good luck with your amplifier projects!
John, ON4UN
john.devoldere at box.eunet.be
Call us in all major 1995 contests: OT5T or ON4UN
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)
>From Frank Donovan <donovanf at sgate.com> Wed Sep 27 01:23:53 1995
From: Frank Donovan <donovanf at sgate.com> (Frank Donovan)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 20:23:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: inclusion of radio call signs in unexpected places.. (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.950926202330.9381A-100000 at jekyll.sgate.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 25 SEP 1995 03:52:49 GMT
From: Bill Newkirk <wnewkirk at iu.net>
Newgroups: rec.radio.amateur.misc
Subject: inclusion of radio call signs in unexpected places..
local college radio station is running some stuff by a group called "SETI"
(Savyas Ysatis and Taylor 808, i believe the DJ said was the name of the
people involved...), 1995 release recorded in autumm of 1994, the cut
"Beacon 04" includes AE6Y calling "CQ Contest"....
Bill Newkirk WB9IVR The Space Coast Amateur Technical Group
Melbourne, FL duty now for the future of amateur radio
Lombardi's 1st Law of Business:
Companies succeed in spite of their best effort. If they succeed at all.
>From floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) Wed Sep 27 01:46:21 1995
From: floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 20:46:21 -0400
Subject: UPDATE II
Message-ID: <199509270046.UAA22244 at larry.infi.net>
Compiled by
KING 1,347,367 1381 ? 181 224 92
S56A 1,254,800 1228 3137 322 78
N4CC 710,940 957 1734 169 157 84
WE9V 703,131 1066 1937 159 139 65
NA4M 430,810 757 1286 147 122 66
WA3WJD 314,534 541 ? 133 125 61
W3GG 302,872 472 1048 94 133 62
W7LZP 256,563 682 983 147 67 47
WA6SDM 140,499 426 603 124 61 48
4X6UO 487,012 758 2234 40 131 47
KA4RRU 437,987 754 1373 125 134 60
WA4ZXA 285,948 512 1014 110 115 57
JH7QXJ 143,500 313 875 37 81 46
WB2HMF 127,160 313 578 96 80 44
4X6ZK (UN or ASST) 804,528 938 ? ? ? ?
K2PS (UN or ASST) 621,750 805 1658 142 164 69
OH2LU 158,388 338 788 29 125 47
10 Meters
15 Meters
20 Meters
N1OAZ 114,600 426 955 41 63 16
VE6WQ 83,625 299 669 44 55 26
JR2BNF/1 31,920 121 336 21 48 26
40 Meters
ZS6EZ 87,000 275 ? 39 50 20
W2UP 83,760 380 698 49 50 21
WF5E 53,954 352 509 50 35 21
KN6DV 46,552 363 506 51 22 19
80 Meters
OT5T 1,900,060 1551 4176 248 142 65
WU3V 1,388,862 ? ? ? ? ?
DF7RX 1,325,280 1164 3012 232 122 86
K2TW 868,436 1089 136 188 74
N9ITX/7 <HP or LP> 545,490 1066 1653 158 109 63
N9ENA 199,045 ? ? ? ? ?
K8UNP 562,872 803 1497 147 158 71
KF4KL 432,928 625 ? ? ? ?
AA5AU <NO SCORE> ? 929 ? ? ? ?
W3LPL ? 2046 ? 442 94
Well the scores are coming in fine. I am sorry for a typo or two but
just send me email and I will try to correct it. If you see ? in your
list I would like for you to send me the info for that space. It
helps the other people to figure out how you did it.
Personal note:Congrats to KA4RRU - Nice Score. Just have to wait and
see what AK5AD did. Cannot believe Ron went LP??
When you see a number between the QTH and the DX column it means that
the station added those two together and sent it to me. If they send
me a split of them I will update it.
Don't forget that info beside your call like this (UN or ASST) means
that you never sent which you were. If I do not know then I put you
in the higher one. Let me know if I have anyone in the wrong class.
73's Jim // WA4ZXA @N4ZC <> floydjr at nr.infi.net
ps: Remember if you send me your breakdown I cannot repost them on
the reflector. If you wish for everyone to see the breakdown you will
need to send them to the reflector yourself.
>From George Cook <george at epix.net> Wed Sep 27 01:57:47 1995
From: George Cook <george at epix.net> (George Cook)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 20:57:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: concrete curing - summary
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950926205332.16241A-100000 at mango.epix.net>
On Mon, 25 Sep 1995, James White wrote:
> You may wish to study how much your pour cost you, on something as large as
> a tower base having a truck come in should be competitive or cheaper - the
> key is doing bases and guy points simultaneously so you have enough of a job
> to be considered by the concrete companies...a ham job can be a second stop
> for them. Get several bids, they may have several different PSI types so
> make sure you are comparing apples to apples. A bag of the premix stuff is
> great for a patio stepping stone, but to fill up big holes it takes a lot of
> them. The going rate for the premix truck in Tampa Bay is mid $50s per cubic
> yard - dunno what Sakrete runs in W3 but down South it just ain't worth
> mixing your own, not to mention the sweat equity!
Here is a tip for what it is worth. I have a friend that is a stone
mason and after the towers hole had been dug I said to him "Hey Rock
(true name) how much for like 3 yards of concrete?" And he said that if
I could wait till he had a job on a basement that I could have the left
overs real cheep.
My cost was 1 pot of coffee and $25 to have Rock and his assistant come
over and shovel in rocks from my stone row and about 2 yards of basement
floor quality cement. And they even finished it with a nice little hump
in the middle so the rain would run away from the tower legs.
My advice in short if yer gonna build something get friendly with people
who build things!
* George Cook AA3JU Bangor, PA FN21 *
* george at peach.epix.net AA3JU at N3IQD.EPA.USA.NA *
* If you're not FRC remember:............... *
* .......There's no shame in being 2nd best! *
>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) Tue Sep 26 19:18:53 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 12:18:53 -0600
Subject: CT M/S QSY
References: <znr812117515k at leotech.mv.com>
Message-ID: <9509261218.ZM6253 at dr.att.com>
On Sep 26, 12:11pm, Paul Terwilliger wrote:
> K2MM sayeth:
> >
> > > [John/N6YRU/V31DX] . . . the CQWW contest commitee has clarified the
> > > Multi-Single 10 minute QSY rule; i.e., the clock starts on the first QSO
> > > on the new band, not when you left the old band . . .
> >
> > Here's a tip when QSY'ing to 160m. Work somebody -- anybody, even a dupe
> > right away. This will start the new CQWW timer going, and you'll be able
> > QSY back to your rate band sooner :-)
> >
> > 73 and DGNOY. --John/K2MM
> What happens if the duped station doesn't log you? Are dupes & zero-point
> Q's verified? And after all, how many times can you go work KY1H on 160
> before they stop logging it?
> 73,
> Paul, NX1H
>-- End of excerpt from Paul Terwilliger
IMHO, intentionally working a dupe violates the spirit of the rules. However,
even if you did feel good about working a dupe, I have to question the
usefulness of this technique. Assuming you are in the USA, how often would you
ever move your RUN station to 160 ? To work a random VE or XE that shows up ?
It's only going to take you a minute to work that VE/XE. How much sooner are
you going to be able to start the 10 minute clock by working a dupe ? More
typically, you would move your MULT station to 160. Working a dupe by the MULT
station to start the 10 minute clock would be a clear violation of the rules
(the dupe is obviously not a new multiplier !).
Steve, N2IC/0
n2ic at dr.att.com
>From Frank Donovan <donovanf at sgate.com> Wed Sep 27 03:17:00 1995
From: Frank Donovan <donovanf at sgate.com> (Frank Donovan)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 22:17:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: concrete curing - summary
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.950926215925.12549A-100000 at jekyll.sgate.com>
Earlier this summer N3RR and I discovered that we had been very sloppy
about the vital detail George referred to below, and had we not corrected
the problem we both may have faced disastrous consequences!
On Tue, 26 Sep 1995, George Cook wrote:
> And they even finished it with a nice little hump
> in the middle so the rain would run away from the tower legs.
Bill and I discovered that our lack of attention to water runoff and mud
accumulation during the construction and maintenance of our towers had
resulted in significant corrosion of the tower legs at the point where
they enter the concrete foundation! In both cases, we had discovered it
in time and we were able to implement effective corrective measures
before it was too late... Another ham in our area was not so lucky!
A word to the wise:
If you haven't inspected your tower for corrosion at the
tower-to-foundation interface, tomorrow wouldn't be too late to inspect it!
If all is well, you will find:
- - no deterioration of the galvanized surfaces of your tower legs
- - Your foundation will have a hump that causes water to
run away from the legs
- - no cavities in the foundation near the legs for water (or mud!) to
accumulate in
- - and a foundation that is several inches above the surrounding soil so
that mud cannot wash onto the foundation and accumulate
While you are carrying out the inspection of your foundation, check your
guys for proper tension and integrity of hardware and safety wires too!
Remember... safety first
donovanf at sgate.com
>From sneader at mail.ctenet.com (Scott Neader, KA9FOX) Wed Sep 27 03:42:13 1995
From: sneader at mail.ctenet.com (Scott Neader, KA9FOX) (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 21:42:13 -0500
Subject: KA9FOX SPRINT SSB (late)
Message-ID: <v01510104ac8e1cdb541d@[]>
Wow!!!!!! Never thought I'd ever break the 300 QSO barrier, or even come
close to the Wisconsin record (13,489 held by N0BSH since Feb '92).
Unfortunately, with just 302 QSOs, surely the log checkers will find a
boo-boo in there somewhere and dock me enough to put me under 300... but
the thrill of making that many Q's in THIS contest still blows me away!!!!
Spent most of the afternoon repairing various antennas at W9UP, some of
which were damaged when lightning hit and arched to a nearby lawnmower,
starting one helluva fire. Didn't get into the building to plug in
computer, etc., until about 20 minutes before the contest. That's cutting
it close at W9UP, with having to use manual tuners on 20 meters and 80
meters (sometimes hard & frustrating to find the nulls!), and having to
warm-up and tune-up the amp.
Fortunately, conditions were much better up here than the CW weekend (when
I got my butt kicked by the 5, 6 and 7 landers)
Callsign: KA9FOX (at W9UP)
State or Country: Wisconsin
Name: Scott Neader
Team: Dead Lizards Can't Talk #1 (SMC)
band QSOs
80 81
40 105
20 116
total: 302 QSOs X 49 mults = claimed score: 14,798
MULTS MISSED: Don't have 'em handy, but from memory:
CT, ME, ID, half of Canada - and no DX worked
40m 0000-0007 12 QSOs
20m 0007-0130 110 QSOs
40m 0130-0250 93 QSOs
20m 0250-0257 6 QSOs
80m 0257-0359 81 QSOs
RIG: Icon IC-751
AMP: Homebrew 4-1000 (old and huge)
20 METERS: Wilson System 40 Tribander at about 135ft
WARC Lazy H w/tuner
40 METERS: 5/8 wave 40M vertical,
Dipole at 45ft
80 METERS: Full wave 160M loop in triangular configuration with apex at top
of tower (slopes down from the top) with tuner.
BEVERAGES: Two 500' two-wire switchable beverages
73 - Scott, KA9FOX
/^^\__________ Scott Neader, KA9FOX
\~~/ \ E-MAIL: sneader at mail.ctenet.com
\/\____,( /\ | WEB SITE: http://www.infoanalytic.com/ka9fox/
/ \ \/| \| ADDRESS: 3323 South 29th St., La Crosse, WI 54601
| \ / | PHONE: Work: (608)796-5032 Home: (608)788-8889
>From Douglas S. Zwiebel" <0006489207 at mcimail.com Wed Sep 27 04:35:00 1995
From: Douglas S. Zwiebel" <0006489207 at mcimail.com (Douglas S. Zwiebel)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 22:35 EST
Subject: m/s 10 min rule loophole?
Message-ID: <32950927033523/0006489207PK3EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
I agree with N2IC portable zero, in that working a DUPE as your first
qso on a new band when M/S violates the spirit of the rules. To me,
this is a real slap-in-face to the sponsors of the contest. The ruling
is that the ten minute slot begins with your first qso on that (mult)
band. Working a dupe or non-mult is NOT a legal qso and will NOT establish
the time you hit the band. This is just an attempt to find a method of
skirting the real issue and intent of the original 10 minute rule. The
rules say you can ONLY work NEW MULTS on the non-run band. I can't say
that this is the OFFICIAL CQWW position, but it sure is my position!
de Doug KR2Q at mcimail.com
>From Bill Straw <0007359114 at mcimail.com> Wed Sep 27 05:08:00 1995
From: Bill Straw <0007359114 at mcimail.com> (Bill Straw)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 23:08 EST
Subject: K2TW:Contest Activity
Message-ID: <51950927040815/0007359114PJ2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Tom, K2TW, wonders why there is so little contest
activity (rtty or otherwise) from the center of North
America (ND SD MT NE WY UT VE4 VE5).
So everyone will know, let me explain it. In these
days of no sunspots, contesting is not much fun. In
spite of the "is everyone having fun" threads we see
on this reflector, most people enter contests to win,
or to be in some top ten box in the writeup. Those are
my goals.
It's just a fact of life that these last few years
one has to live on the East Coast to win DX tests, or
live in Texas and the Southwest to win domestic tests.
You can spend $75,000 on a mega station and be on the
cover of QST, but if you live in the center of N.A.
you're gonna be in the fine print in the write-ups.
The reason I avoided the WW RTTY contest this year
is: 1) They got my call wrong in last years write-up
2) In last years write up they listed all the US
scores in one lump column, without regard to
category. I had the highest W0 single op LP
score, but there I was, competing with an East
Coast Multi-Multi for top spot in the US list.
There is no solution to my concerns, except an early
return of the sunspots.My point is simple: I'm a hard
core contester but have been pretty bored the last few
years by my permanent residence in the fine print. Why
would you expect a casual entrant (from my part of the
country) to ever come back for a second try at any
particular contest?
>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) Wed Sep 27 06:49:28 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 01:49:28 -0400
Subject: m/s 10 min rule loophole?
Message-ID: <199509270549.BAA18024 at cais.cais.com>
>I agree with N2IC portable zero, in that working a DUPE as your first
>qso on a new band when M/S violates the spirit of the rules. To me,
>this is a real slap-in-face to the sponsors of the contest. The ruling
>is that the ten minute slot begins with your first qso on that (mult)
>band. Working a dupe or non-mult is NOT a legal qso and will NOT establish
>the time you hit the band. This is just an attempt to find a method of
>skirting the real issue and intent of the original 10 minute rule. The
>rules say you can ONLY work NEW MULTS on the non-run band. I can't say
>that this is the OFFICIAL CQWW position, but it sure is my position!
>de Doug KR2Q at mcimail.com
Can someone tell me if CQing with the mult station is allowed under current
CQWW Phone/CW rules? and how about RTTY?
An EU MS station was on this past weekend in the RTTY contest and reportedly
was calling CQ with the mult station and then turning down any Q that wasnt
a mult! Pretty rude, if nothing else.
73, Tyler KF3P
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