RF Chokes 1 MH - help pse
Ron Stone
ron at gw3ydx.demon.co.uk
Sat Sep 30 20:45:22 EDT 1995
| Ron Stone, GW3YDX - EMail ron at gw3ydx.demon.co.uk
Anyone know a source of old fashioned tube type RFC's please ?
Typically 1 mH or so, four pie wound elements usually coated in wax.
Current rating maybe an amp or so....
Cant get them over here any more. What a shame
>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> Sat Sep 30 09:53:27 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 1995 17:53:27 +0900
Subject: [cq-contest 8589] CQ WW DX CONTEST
Message-ID: <199509300853.RAA20907 at dumpty.nal.go.jp>
Hi Hamad
I guess you already did have some answers to your questions on
the cq-contest reflector
In message "[cq-contest 8589] CQ WW DX CONTEST"
on 95/09/29, morpheus at kuwait.net writes:
: I have few question about the coming contest in the last week end of
: october, because this is my first time I will join this contest.
Sure! 9K2 will be really appreciated. Hope you do have the lots
of activities on several bands.
: 1- do I need to send any thing to CQ before I join the contest?
No nothing except your interest to the contest.
: 2- It's important to have member ship in the ARRL or not important? and if
: it's important how to get it?
No. CQ WW DX contest has been sponsored by the CQ-Publishing Co
and this contest is not related to ARRL ato all. Anyone who has
the legal amateur radio license can particpate in the CQ WW DX.
I attatched the '94(sorry 95 is not available here yet but only
had a minor change) CQ WW DX rule herewith. Hope this will help
you a lots.
Hope to work you from Saipan KH0AM Multi/Multi!.
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at nal.go.jp
I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact other
amateurs in as many zones and countries as possible
II. BANDS: All bands, 1.8 through 28, except for the WARC bands.
III.TYPE OF COMPETITION (choose only one).
For all categories, all transmitters and receivers must be
located within a 500 meter diameter or within the property limits
of the station licensee's address, whichever is greater. All
antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires
to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant.
1. Single Operator Categories: single band or all band; only one
signal allowed at any one time; the operator can change bands at
any time.
a. Single Operator High: Those stations at which one person
performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. The
use of DX alerting assistance of any kind places the station in the
Single Operator Assisted category.
b. Single Operator Low: Same as 1(a) except that the output
power shall not exceed 100 watts (see rule XI. 11).
c. QRPp: Same as 1(a) except that the power output must not
exceed 5 watts (see rule XI.11).
2. Single Operator Assisted. Single operator Assisted stations are
those at which one person performs all of the operating and logging
functions. The use of DX spotting nets or any other form of DX
alerting assistance is allowed.
3. Multi-operator (all band operation only).
a. Single Transmitter. Only one transmitter and one band
permitted during any 10-minute period.
Exception: One-and only one-other band may be used during any
10-minute period if-and only if-the station worked is a new
multiplier. Logs found in violation of the 10-minute rule will be
automatically reclassified as multi-multi.
b. Multi-Transmitter: No limit to transmitters but only one
signal and running station allowed per band.
4. Team Contesting: A team consists of any five radio amateurs
operating in the single operator category. A person can be on only
one team per mode. Competing on a team will not prevent any team
member from submitting his personal score for a radio club. A team
score will be the sum of all the teammember scores. SSB
and CW teams are totally separate. That is, a member of a SSB team
can be on
a totally different CW team. A list of a team's members must be
received at CQ
Headquarters by the time the contest begins. Mail or FAX the list
to CQ, Att:
Team Contest, 76 North Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 U.S.A.: FAX
Awards will be given to rhe top team on each mode.
IV. NUMBER EXCHANGE: Phone: RS report plus zone(i.e.,5705).
CW: RST report plus zone(i.e.,57905).
V. MULTIPLIER: Two types of multiplier will be used.
1. A multiplier of one (1) for each different zone contacted
on each band.
2. A multiplier of one (1) for each different country
contacted on each band.
Stations are permitted to contact their own country and zone
for multiplier
credit. The CQ WAZ written definitions, DXCC country list, WAE
country list, and WAC boundaries are standards. Maritime mobile
stations count only for zone multiplier.
1. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth
three (3) points.
2. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different
countries, one(1) point. Exception: For North American stations
only, contacts between stations within the North American
boundaries count two (2) points.
3. Contacts between stations in the same country are permitted for
zone or country multiplier credit but have zero (0) point value.
VII. SCORING: All stations: the final score is the result of the
total QSO points
multiplied by the sum of your zone and country multiplier.
Example: 1000 QSO points x 100 multiplier (30 Zones + 70
Countries) =
100,000 (final score).
VIII. AWARDS: First place certificates will be awarded in each
category listed
under Sec.III in every participating country and in each call area
of the United
States, Canada, European Russia, Asiatic Russia, and Japan.
All scores will be published. To be eligible for an award, a
single Operator
station must show a minimum of 12 hours of operation.
Multi-operator stations
must operate a minimum of 24 hours. A single-band log is eligible
for a
single-band award only. If a log contains more than one band it
will be judged
as an all-band entry, unless specified otherwise.
In countries or sections where the returns justify, 2nd and
3rd place
awards will be made. All certificates and plaques will be issued to
the licensee
of the station used.
IX. Trophies & Plaques (Donors)
World: Dave Rosen, K2GM - WA2RAU Memorial
World Low Power:Slovenia Contest club
World Assisted: Snake River Contest Club
World-QRP: Doc Sayre, N7AVK
U.S.A: Potomac Valley R.C. - KC8C Memorial
U.S.A. Low Power: North Coast Contesters
Canada: Niagara Frontier Int'l DX Assoc - VE3WT Memorial
Caribbean/C.A.: Alex M. Kasevich, VP2MM/W4
Europe: Potomac Valley R.C.- W4BVV Memorial
Europe-Low Power: Scott Jones, WR3G & Tim Duffy, K3LR
Africa: Gordon Marshall, W6RR
Asia: Japan CQ Publishing Company Ltd.
Japan: Japan Crazy Contesters Club
Oceania: Northern California DX Club
South America: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
World-28MHz: Joel Chalmers, KG6DX
World-21MHz: French 21170 DX Net/LNDX - FY5AN Memorial
World-14MHz: North Jersey DX Assn - K2HLB Memorial
World-7MHz: Fred Laun, K3ZO - K7ZZ Memorial
World-3.8MHz: Fred Capossela, K6SSS
USA-28MHz: Donald Thomas, N6DT
USA-21MHz: Bill Gioia, K2EK
USA-14MHz: Southern California DX Club
USA-7MHz: Stanley Cohen, WD8QDQ
USA-3.8MHz: Arnold Tamchin, W2HCW
USA-1.8MHz: J. Bruce Siff, W2GBX
Carib./C.A.: Snake River Contest Club
Europe-28MHz: Chod Harris, VP2ML
Europe-21MHz: OH6JW Memorial
Europe-14MHz: A.G. Anderson, GM3BCL
Europe-7MHz: Roger Burt, N4ZC
Japan-28MHz: Take Yokoyama, JL1BLW
Japan-21MHz: DX Family Foundation
Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter
World: So. Calif. DX Club - W6AM Memorial
U.S.A.: Carolina DX Association
Europe: Bob Cox, K3EST
Carib./C.A.: Eric Scace, K3NA
Oceania: Junichi Tanaka, JH4RHF
Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter
World: W6QHS and KK6QM
U.S.A.: Paul Hellenberg, KS9K
Europe: Finnish Amateur Radio League
Contest Expeditions
World-Single Operator: NCDXA - Stuart Meyer, W2GHK Memorial
World Multi-Single: Carl Cook, AI6V
World Multi-Multi: The German CDXG & SDXG - DJ3NG & DJ4EI Memorial
Special-Single Operator Award
World-All Band Under 21 years old: Ham Radio Bookstore
World-All Band YL: JH3DPB - KA6V memorial
Single Operator, All Band
World: Albert Kahn, K4FW - W9IOP Memorial
World Low Power: Slovenia Contest Club
World Single Operator Assisted: Snake River Contest Club
World QRPp: Gene Walsh, N2AA
U.S.A: Frankford Radio Club
U.S.A. Low Power: North Coast Contesters
Canada: Canadian DX association
Carib./C.A.: Larry Brockman, N6AR
Europe: Edward Bissell, W3AU
Europe Low Power: Scott Jones,WR3G & Tim Duffy, K3LR
Africa: Gordon Marshall, W6RR
Asia: Japan CQ Publising Company Ltd.
Japan: Japan Crazy Contesters Club
Oceania: Maui Amateur Radio Club
So.Amer.: Venezuela DX Club
Single Operator, Single Band
World-28MHz: Joel Chalmers, KG6DX
World-21MHz: Don Busick, K5AAD - N5JJ Memorial
World-14MHz: North Jersey DX Assn. - W2JT Memorial
World-7MHz: Alex M. Kasevich, VP2MM/W4
World-3.5MHz: Fred Capossela, K6SSS
World-1.8MHz: Kenneth Byers, Jr., K4TEA
USA-28MHz: Michael Conatore, AA7NX
USA-21MHz: Wayne Carroll, W4MPY
USA-14MHz: Northern Illinois DX Association
USA-7MHz: Jan Perkins, N6AW - W6AM Memorial
USA-3.5MHz: CQ Magazine
USA-1.8MHz: Peter Hutter, WW2Y
Canada: Radio Amateurs of Canada
Carib./C.A.: Snake River Contest Club
Europe-28MHz: Southern New England DX Club
Europe-21MHz: Robert Naumann, KR2J
Europe-14MHz: Maud Slater - G3FXB Memorial
Europe-7MHz: Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/T93A
Europe-3.5MHz: Frankford Radio Club - K3VW Memorial
Europe-1.8MHz: WA8YVR & N4TZ
Japan-21MHz: DX Family Foundation
Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter
World: Anthony Susen, W3AOH
U.S.A.: Douglas Zwiebel, KR2Q
Canada: Eastern Canadian DX Assn.
Carib./C.A.: Northern Nevada DX Club
Africa: Ralph Bellas, Jr., K9ZO
Europe: Friends of K3AO - K3AO Memorial
Oceania & Asiatic Pacific Rim: Junichi Tanaka, JH4RHF
Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter
World: Hazard Reeves, K2GL Memorial
World-SSB/CW Combined: Ehrhorn Technological Operations
U.S.A.: Bob Ferrero, W6RJ - N6RJ Memorial
Europe: Finnish Amateur Radio League
Contest Expeditions
World-Single-Opr.: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
World Multi-Single: Carl Cook, AI6V
World Multi-Multi: Bill Schneider, K2TT
Special-Single Operator Award
World-All Band-Under 21 years old: Ham Radio Book Store
World SSB/CW: CQ Magazine - W1WY Memorial
Non-USA SSB/CW: No.Calif. Contest Club - N6AUV Memorial
A station winning a World Trophy will not be considered for a
sub-area award.
That trophy will be awarded to the runner-up of that area.
1. The club must be a local group and not a national organization.
2. Participation is limited to members operating within a local
geographic area
defined as within a 275 km radius from center of club area (except
DXpeditions especially organized for operation in the contest: club
of DXpedition scores are percentaged to the number of club members
on the
3. To be listed, a minimum of 3 logs must be received from a club
and an officer
of the club must submit a list of participating members and their
scores, both
on phone and CW.
1. All times must be in GMT.
2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.
3. Indicate zone and country multiplier only the FIRST TIME it is
worked on each
4. Logs must be checked for duplicated contacts, correct QSO points
multipliers. Submitted logs must have duplicate contacts clearly
5. DISKS: Please send us your computer disk. IBM, MS-DOS compatible
disks are
required: The format we want is your CT.Bin file, for example
HS0AC.BIN or your
N6TR.DAT file or your .DBF files. Please name the appropriate file
as: your
call.extension. If you use a different program than mentioned
above, the generic
format we want is a separate file, for each band, containing a
vertical single
column of calls in chronological order. The committee will require
a disk for any
possible high score on request, provided that the paper log or dupe
material as originally submitted was a computer printout. The
outside of the disk
should be labeled clearly with the Call of the entrant, the files
included, the
mode (SSB or CW), and the category. Disks must be accompanied by a
paper log
satisfying all logging instructions.
6. Use a separate sheet for each band.
7. Each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet showing all
information, category of competition, contestant's name and address
LETTERS, and a signed declaration that all contest rules and
regulations for
amateur radio in the country of operation have been observed.
8. Sample log and summary sheets and zone maps are available from
CQ. A large
self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage or IRC's must
accompany your
If official forms are not available, make up your own 80
contacts to the
page on 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
9. All entrants are required to submit cross-check sheets (an
alphabetical list of
calls worked) for each band on which 200 or more QSOs were made.
All other
entrants are encouraged to submit cross-check sheets.
10. Duplicate contacts and broken calls penalty: up to 3% - three
(3) additional
contacts removed; over 3 %, is grounds for possible
11. QRPp and low power stations must indicate same on their summary
sheets and
state the actual maximum power output used, with a signed
XII. DISQUALIFICATION: Violation of amateur radio regulations in
the country of the contestant, or the rules of the contest;
unsportsmanlike conduct; taking credit for excessive duplicate
contacts; unverifiable QSOs; or unverifiable multipliers will be
deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. Incorrectly logged
calls will be counted as unverifiable contacts.
An entrant whose log is deemed by the Committee to contain
a large number of discrepancies may be disqualified from eligibility
for an award, both as a participant operator or station, for one year.
If an operator is disqualified a second time within 5 years, he will
be ineligible for any CQ contest awards for 3 years.
The use of non-amateur means such as telephones, telegrams,
etc., to elicit contacts or multipliers during a contest is
unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to disqualification.
Actions and decisions of the CQ Contest Committee are official and
1. All entries must be postmarked NO LATER than December 1,
1994 for the
Phone section and January 15,1995 for the CW section. Indicate
Phone or CW on
the envelope.
2. An extension of up to one month may be given if requested
by letter or
other means. The granted extension must be confirmed by letter sent
to the
CONTEST DIRECTOR, must state a legitimate reason, and the request
must be
received before the log mailing deadline. Logs pstmarked after the
deadline will be listed in the results but will be declared
ineligible for an award.
Both Phone and CW logs should be sent to CQ Magazine, 76 North
Hicksville, NY 11801 USA
More information about the CQ-Contest
mailing list