Hints and Kinks needed

bill.riffle at ccmail.bsis.com bill.riffle at ccmail.bsis.com
Thu Apr 25 15:37:41 EDT 1996

A few years back, I seem to remember there being an 
article in QST(?) about cleaning aluminum elements.  It had
something to do with using alcohol.  I am looking for a quick
way to clean elements on a yagi before putting it back 

Also how about cleaning stranded copper wire that has 

>From jfunk at adams.net (jim funk)  Thu Apr 25 20:33:49 1996
From: jfunk at adams.net (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 14:33:49 -0500
Subject: Sacrifices to RF Gods
Message-ID: <9604251933.AA08631 at golden.adams.net>

Regarding placement of JT1 etc cards in tower footings:
The intimation here is that the card has to be valuable and irreplaceable, 
correct?  Does the fact that I failed to follow this ritual explain why my 
FT8Z card was ruined by water in my basement?
Just wondering.                         73, Jim N9JF

p.s. I have an F1*** card on 160 meters that wasn't in my log.  Would that 
be too cheap to appease GORF?
Jim Funk - Amateur Radio N9JF - Rare Birds and Brown Cows, Ltd.

>From John Brosnahan <broz at csn.net>  Thu Apr 25 20:46:01 1996
From: John Brosnahan <broz at csn.net> (John Brosnahan)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 13:46:01 -0600
Subject: Hints and Kinks needed
Message-ID: <199604251946.NAA26313 at lynx.csn.net>

At 02:37 PM 4/25/96 -0500, you wrote:
>A few years back, I seem to remember there being an 
>article in QST(?) about cleaning aluminum elements.  It had
>something to do with using alcohol.  I am looking for a quick
>way to clean elements on a yagi before putting it back 

The only things I found in a quick search of the
literature are as follows (but no alcohol that
I noticed while scanning the text).

Fighting Antenna Corrosion  QST April 93 p 24
suggests cleaning with ScotchBrite pads and/or
steel wool and then using an anti-oxidant.  Fairly
extended article on corrosion--worth reading.

What's Up Top   QST June 60  p 38
suggests trisodium phosphate in a somewhat
higher concentration than recommended for
cleaning aluminum window screen

Cleaning Aluminum H&K  QST Dec 1965  p 46
Suggest using a metal polish called Met-All
Aluminum Polish Formula 1187

Suggest you check the grocery stores.  They
usually have cleanser/polish for both aluminum
and copper pots and pans.

I have pretty good luck with Duro brand Aluminum
Jelly.  It is a corrosion remover that "cleans and
brightens aluminum".  Duro is brand name for
the Loctite Corporation Automotive Division in
Cleveland OH.  Their stuff can be found in  hardware
stores as well as automotive stores.  It contains
phosphoric acid among other things so it is
powerful AND dangerous.  Wear rubber gloves.

73  John  W0UN

John Brosnahan  
La Salle Research Corp      24115 WCR 40     La Salle, CO 80645  USA
voice 970-284-6602            fax 970-284-0979           email broz at csn.net

>From De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu>  Thu Apr 25 21:13:19 1996
From: De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> (De Syam)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:13:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contesting and the Internet?
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960425160704.19074A-100000 at pascal.eng.umd.edu>

On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, PETER GRILLO wrote:

> At 09:21 AM 4/20/96 -0600, you wrote:
> >On 19 Apr 96 at 22:36, frenaye at pcnet.com <frenaye at pcnet.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Both CQWW and ARRL have no problem with a PacketCluster network being
> >> connected to the Internet as part of the normal interconnectivity of
> >> electronic worlds.
> >
> >Astounding.
> >
> >> 
> >> CQ's policy goes on to say that you can't spot yourself (no self
> >> promotion), and that you can't be directly linked to the Internet.  That
> >> means you can't have your own PC connected to the Internet to access
> >> someone else's packet node(one of the many available these days).  Under
> >> ARRL rules direct links to the Internet are permitted.
> >
> >But you can link to your next door neighbour, to whom you have loaned a 
> >PC for the weekend, and that one is connected to the Net. Right?
> >
> >> 
> >> Whether a direct connection is something that gives anyone a real
> >> advantage is another question.  I didn't ask but assume that an Internet
> >> connection to a "live" receiver isn't permitted under either set of
> >> rules.
> >> 
> >
> >I'm not sure that any assumptions are safe, given that the fundamental 
> >one that Net connections are not allowed has turned out to be incorrect.
> >
> >Your note brings loads of very nasty issues to mind regarding
> >enforceability and what devious people could get away with. Since there
> >is no logical difference beteen a packetcluster and any other piece of
> >software, there doesn't seem to be anything to stop one simply
> >installing an IP switch in a box and connecting through that; after
> >which one could use the Net however one liked during a contest. You
> >won't catch me operating in any contests where this is allowed. 

> I wonder what Fred, K3ZO thinks about all this.  

Since Pete has asked me to comment on this subject, I will (with
some delay, since I just got back from Visalia):
I use Packetcluster actively outside of contests.  As I told Bob
Cox (K3EST) when he interviewed me for a piece in CQ Contest
Magazine, I enjoy making a contest out of Packetcluster, which I
can play at any time I want to outside of regular contest times: 
that is, I spend time hunting for rare and relatively rare stations
to see how many of them I can put out on the cluster for others to
use.  In this way I can continually practice my S&P skills whether
or not there is a contest on, and at the same time help my fellow
DX'er find new countries or band-countries.   Outside of contests
I do occasionally call and work a station someone else puts out on
the cluster, and when working at the computer in the shack I often
have the cluster on and the rig on standby so I can call anything
that is put out while I am otherwise engaged.  But in general, I
put out far more spots than I take from others.
The Packetcluster is a wonderful invention.  For example, on VHF it
is an excellent early warning system for Sporadic E and aurora
openings which in earlier years might have been missed by most VHF
I will admit to occasionally going to the Web and looking at
OH2BUA's last 250 spots worldwide, especially if I hear a big pile
of Europeans calling someone who I can't hear, just to see what it
is that is making them so excited.  In fact, the OH2BUA 250 most
recent spots is the number one entry on my WWW bookmark.  (It's
also cool to see a spot you recently put out yourself listed
BUT when the CONTEST starts, my packet box is turned off (after
getting the latest WWV numbers) and it stays off throughout the
contest.  Even when some DX station asks me to spot them during the
contest, I politely say no, as I don't want to accidentally see
something I might end up using.  I prefer doing single operator/all
band without any help at all, but I would not wish to define for
others how they should operate the contest.  For example, Charlie,
K3WW, has made an art form of his SOA efforts and has blazed a
trail of learned experiences for others to follow and expand on, as
PVRC's own N3RR is doing these days.  If they like the contest
better this way, fine.  Variety is the spice of life, as they
I have never been terribly worried about someone cutting corners
and thereby coming in ahead of me.  My legitimate top competition
has a pretty good idea what it takes to come in with a top-ranked
score, and any score which is out of line is pretty obvious the
minute it is posted on 3830.  Without naming names, I have more
than once heard the score collector's voice change tone when a
certain score has been reported.       
I don't check logs myself, but as an adviser to the CQWW Committee
I am aware of the work that N6TR, N6AA and K3EST are putting in to
developing an ever-more accurate log checking procedure, and I can
tell you that, even as we speak, new advances in log checking are
being made.  That's why it takes so long to get the CQWW results
into print, but in my book, it's worth it because the integrity of
the world's most popular contest is assured.  Without being more
specific, I will say that it is possible to get the records from a
particular packetcluster node and compare them to a particular log
from that area which has aroused the interest of the log checkers.
So rest assured, at least in the CQWW, cheating by using packet is
not as easy to get away with as it might appear to be.
                                           Very 73,
                                          Fred Laun, K3ZO     

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