May/June issue of DX Magazine

Tue Apr 30 13:16:49 EDT 1996

Wet/rainy and windy here in Raleigh today; but made the trip down the street
to the PO box between the hard showers.  I was rewarded with the latest issue
of the DX Magazine.  This issue has two articles of interest to both
CONTESTERs and 160 meter enthusiasts.  The front cover photo shows EA9NP on
his tower in an unsafe situation that no sane ham should be found.

First:  160Meter DXing - Some Remarks on Top-Band Propagation and DXing, Part
1, by NM7M; discussions of signal absorption, path considerations, gray line
and black line propagation, auroral zone, and winter propagation.

Second:  80/160 Meter Receiving Loop - A Low Noise Antenna for Under $10, by
W0RJU; made with 1/2" EMT and #10 or 12 wire.

And a special bonus of a DX Crossword puzzle by N0AX.

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
henrypol at

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