ARRL CAC input sought

John Goller k9uwa at
Fri Aug 2 01:18:42 EDT 1996 as ABRAUN pointed out now we can "rubber clock"3-5 minutes 
and thats OK  !!!!  10 minute rule has outlived its usefullness!!  
What we really need is a "2 RADIO RULE" any more than 2 RADIOS and 
you are M/M. One radio is RUN the other is MULT ! 

re: 160 mtr rule change: Another change designed to drive what little 
DX we hear away! Why doesn't ARRL just call it a SS-160 Test and be 
done with it!

73 de JOHN K9UWA
John K9UWA

k9uwa at

>From stevens at (Walt Stevens)  Fri Aug  2 04:34:30 1996
From: stevens at (Walt Stevens) (Walt Stevens)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 23:34:30 -0400
Subject: Help
Message-ID: <32017746.2BD1 at>

I recently made a DX contact with the following <P40DC>. Being I have no 
way to check that call sign or QTH can anyone clue me in what or where?
Any answers appreciated. Tnx 

>From jdowning at (John Downing)  Fri Aug  2 05:43:35 1996
From: jdowning at (John Downing) (John Downing)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 21:43:35 -0700
Subject: ARRL CAC input sought
Message-ID: <01BB7FF2.8144BF00 at>

I'd like to pass my input to the group on the proposed M/S 10 minute rule change.  The
proposal is simple: eliminate it entirely.  Simple rule: only one transmitter and one receiver
allowed on at any one time. QSY as much as you want.  But no second rig for "running"
two bands at once.  (Call it the "30 second" rule if you like).  This approach keeps 
the amount of equipment for a competitive operation to a minimum - unlike the CQWW that
forces us to build two complete and separate high power stations to be competitive.   For those
of us that journey offshore for these shindigs minimizing the amount of stuff to be shipped,
broken, and lost makes a real difference.  The ARRL DX contest can be won M/S with a single
rig from the carib.  Let's not screw it up with more arcane rules -  six changes per hour will soon
turn into six per rig per hour.......... much like the present incomprehensible 10 minute rule where
each rig gets its own clock!


John N6YRU / V31DX

The Cuba Libre Contest Club

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