NAQP Results, KB8N

PaulKB8N at PaulKB8N at
Mon Aug 5 00:12:38 EDT 1996

Here are results from KB8N, Single Op, CW NAQP:

160     80        40         20        15       10

0/0      62/26   151/42  153/42   32/15   5/4

403 QSOs(before dupes)  @ 129 Mults = 52272

Hours of operation = 9.2

Soapbox Comments:  Horrendous QRN during daylight hours on all bands,
conditions improved later in the day.  Was hopeful for a 500 Q effort, but
didn't seem to have enough signal on 20M to maintain a decent rate.
 Experienced some good runs on 40M and 80M, but never anything sustained. 

Several station improvements really helped.  Added a second Corsair, and both
radios with narrow filters really helped clear the QRM from my head.  I also
set up a switching system that lights up the Daiwa wattmeter face of the
active transceiver, which helped me minimize false starts and bandswitching

I was out in the heat (100 degrees) all afternoon reworking the 80M Delta
Loop.  Got the apex up a little higher and should hopefully see a little
improvement in the longer skip.  Also got it to match on 160M, so will have
to see if it actually radiates.

This was the first contest with my upgraded computer.  Went from a 386 SX to
133 MHz AMD 586.  There was a noticeable speed improvement and no glitches!
All in all, I was pleased with the ergonomics of the station, but 20M and 80M
need some work.
                                     73, Paul

>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart)  Mon Aug  5 05:03:54 1996
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 00:03:54 -0400
Subject: NAQP and QSYing
Message-ID: <199608050403.AAA14771 at>

Another thing that would help out K1IU and others would be if we all adhered to
the suggested times for meeting on 10, 15 and 160 meters, also adding more
of them.

Although there does seem to be some support, it would be much improved if the
rare mults would adhere to them.  I'm sure their rates would support the
move (not to mention the mults!).  Let's add 1800Z to 10, 1830Z to 15 at the
There should be 4 suggested times minimum for 10,15 and 160. 

Also the suggested frequency of 1815 on 160 for some reason is not adhered
to...there seemed to be more support for operating from 1820 to 1835 (maybe
guys cant get there SWR's under control at 1815?)  My guess is that they are
trying to pick up some of the activity by guys monitoring the "DX window".

It's up to everyone, especially the "mults", to adhere to these "skeds".  It
should save you a lot of QSYing later (or the time expended saying no).

73, Tyler KF3P

>From jfunk at (jim funk)  Mon Aug  5 05:18:33 1996
From: jfunk at (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 23:18:33 -0500
Subject: ARRL CAC and 160 test
Message-ID: <9608050418.AA12439 at>

My vote is to leave the rules for ARRL 160 the same and recognize 
significant efforts from West Coast and Black Hole.  This is an entirely 
different contest from various regions of the USA but can be fun for 
everybody if we don't get too hung up on a nationwide "winner".
                                        73, Jim N9JF

"I just said a little prayer." -- Kerri Strug

>From TREY at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)  Mon Aug  5 09:24:06 1996
From: TREY at TGV.COM (Trey Garlough) (Trey Garlough)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 01:24:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: NAQP CW - the "pse qsy" contest
Message-ID: <839233446.38691.TREY at>

> I agree wholeheartedly with you.  
> Speaking from a little pistol point of view, I have some feelings about the
> QSY business in NAQP: 

I am sympathetic to Jeff's point, but only to a point.  Being in
demand is hell.  :-) The advice I have given to various DX-residing
buddies of mine is "Just Say No" or just keep CQing, or just keep
tuning, or don't acknowledge the request.  It's not really *that*
hard, and you should learn to keep such requests from diminishing your
own enjoyment of contests -- this behavior is here to stay.  

That being said, I still ask these buddies of mine to QSY when I work
them in contests, and they still hate it.  :-)  When folks ask me to 
QSY when I don't want to, I usually say "SRI" and go about my business.
If they keep bugging me, then I call CQ in their faces.

--Trey, WN4KKN

>From dippel at (Dieter Dippel)  Mon Aug  5 15:50:10 1996
From: dippel at (Dieter Dippel) (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 14:50:10 MET
Subject: (Fwd) Bavarian Contest Club "Homepage"
Message-ID: <15376B20B16 at>

Forwarded message:
From:     Self <ISIS/UNRZ45>
To:       @G:\MAIL\8A030001\LIST243F.PML
Subject:  Bavarian Contest Club "Homepage"
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 14:49:01 MET

Hello everybody,

The Bavarian Contest Club is now also on the web !!!!!

Try the following homepage:

These are the first steps .... so pse be patient ... some pages are
still under construction ... and pse send corrections, hints, tips, 
etc. to our web-manager:

DL6RAI, Ben: root at

or to DF4RD, Dieter: dippel at

73 es "good surfing"

Ben, DL6RAI es Dieter, DF4RD
  (Bavarian Contest Club)

[]       name: Dieter DIPPEL, amateur-radio-callsign: DF4RD
[] university: Erlangen-Nuernberg, Regional Computing Center
[]    address: Martensstrasse 1, D-91058 Erlangen
[]      phone: +49 (0) 9131 85-7030  fax: +49 (0) 9131 30 29 41
[]   internet: dippel at
[]        www:
[]             /docs/RRZE/hardware/wartung.html
[]     packet: DF4RD at DB0BOX.#BAY.DEU.EU

>From jfeustle at UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU (Joseph A. Feustle, Jr.)  Mon Aug  5 15:23:44 1996
From: jfeustle at UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU (Joseph A. Feustle, Jr.) (Joseph A. Feustle, Jr.)
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 09:23:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Wasps
Message-ID: <v01510100ae2b6c20c00f@[]>

The bottom line with wasps is extreme caution: their stings can kill. I
knew a bulldozer operator who had the misfortune of running over a nest. He
died on the way to the hospital.

Nightime is indeed the best time to even the score. For those that nest
underground, a tablespoon of cyanide will usually do the trick. The rising
vapors will take care of the few who show up late.

For tower work, I like a spray can. I've found some larger cans with an
effective range of twenty feet.

I'm allergic to the damn things, so I pay a LOT of attention to what I am
doing. I even check the accuracy of the spray can before I attack. Then,
again, I practice accuracy a lot with my Glock.

WASPS? I'm surprised there are any left since the political correctness
cops appeared.



>From rdidonna at (Rich DiDonna)  Mon Aug  5 14:53:26 1996
From: rdidonna at (Rich DiDonna) (Rich DiDonna)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 09:53:26 -0400
Subject: computerized cw programs.
Message-ID: <01BB82B4.66F3D2C0 at>

During my abscense from the world of contesting, I heard that there were
a couple of programs which were created for CW training - specifically one
which does pile-up stuff (sorta like the old Dr. DX for C-64)....

Rich KI6ZH

>From aa7bg at (AA7BG Matt Trott)  Mon Aug  5 15:30:06 1996
From: aa7bg at (AA7BG Matt Trott) (AA7BG Matt Trott)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 08:30:06 -0600
Subject: Yaesu rotor report
Message-ID: <199608051430.IAA04255 at>

>>I have noticed that.  fortunately yaesu replaces them free at least
>>once.  i had one on a g-1000 that i was extra careful with and didn't
>>break it, but then the mast slipped in it. so i went up and tightenened
>>it some more.... it broke.  it ended up staying broke all winter and 
>>the mast never slipped again.

I thought Yaesu now recomends pinning the clamp to the mast? Has anybody
done this and wished they hadn't?? Also, has ANYBODY ripped the guts out of
a 1000SDX yet?? If so, what were you turning or trying to turn? 
AA7BG	    "Who turned out the lights?" --Alfredo D. Dark 	 Matt Trott

>From hwardsil at (Ward Silver)  Mon Aug  5 15:55:04 1996
From: hwardsil at (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 07:55:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: NAQP and QSYing
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960805075131.27052D-100000 at>

Regarding the scheduled times...10 has been so can we get 10
to adhere to the sked?  Gotta go when there's propagation!  Same for 15.
Dunno about 160.

My tendency would be to use common "go-to" frequencies (28050, 21050) and
then keep an ear on them to see when you can hear QSOs.  In a few years,
this will all be very, very moot...I hope!

73, Ward N0AX

>From hwardsil at (Ward Silver)  Mon Aug  5 15:46:26 1996
From: hwardsil at (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 07:46:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: WN3K NAQP CW results...
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960805074413.27052A-100000 at>

On Sun, 4 Aug 1996, Robert Penneys wrote:

> Keyboard was entirely different. Funny
> how it slows you down.

At WRTC, my Spanish team (EA1AK and EA4KD) was unable to use the Spanish
language keyboard they brought from home...imagine having to use a
keyboard that doesn't even have all the same LETTERS!  They still made 2k
QSO's...makes my excuses seem pretty puny ;-)

73, Ward N0AX

>From n5ia at (Milt Jensen)  Mon Aug  5 15:33:49 1996
From: n5ia at (Milt Jensen) (Milt Jensen)
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 10:33:49 EDT
Subject: N5IA: Dentron GLA 1000 C Linear Amplifier
Message-ID: <19960805.143141.2838.5.N5IA at>

---Milt Jensen @ ARS N5IA---
---Virden, NM Route Box 176---
---Duncan, AZ -- 85534---
---H: (505) 358-2105      W: (520) 359-2503---
---Reply to n5ia at

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: N5IA
Subject: Dentron GLA 1000 C Linear Amplifier
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 14:30:16 PST
Message-ID: <19960805.142727.2838.4.N5IA at>

	I am inquiring for a friend, Charlie, WA7HUH, if someone has
available a copy of the operating manual including schematic diagram for
the Dentron GLA 1000 C linear amplifier.
	Thanks in advance for any and all replies.
	73 de

---Milt Jensen @ ARS N5IA---
---Virden, NM Route Box 176---
---Duncan, AZ -- 85534---
---H: (505) 358-2105      W: (520) 359-2503---
---Reply to n5ia at
--------- End forwarded message ----------

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Aug  5 12:03:14 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 08:03:14 -0300
Subject: NAQP CW 96 Scores I
Message-ID: < at>

Raw Scores

Compiled by
>> WA4ZXA <<
floydjr at

Date posted: 08/05/96

CALL                   SCORE       QSO'S      MULTI


KM9P                 177,310        745        238
WB5VZL               158,108        841        188
NM5M                 150,021        711        211
K0RF                 149,100        700        213
N4OGW/9              123,004        644        191
N4OGW                122,360        644        190
AD5Q                 118,300        650        182
K1ZX                 115,000        599        192
K5GA                 113,883        609        187
KF3P                 111,328        568        196
AC1O/4               110,048        608        181
N5DX                 109,824        572        192
WA2SRQ               108,519        593        183
KC4ZV                107,835        553        195
AB4RX                105,138        594        177
K4PQL                102,869        535        193
N0AX                  99,288        592        166
AA6KX                 99,224        628        158
N0AX                  98,770        595        166
AB6FO                 95,004        546        174
N6TV                  91,512        558        164
K9BG                  90,825        525        173
WB5B                  90,100        530        170
WR3O                  87,348        502        174
NX1H                  81,836        499        164
KM0L                  79,707        489        163
AB5LX                 78,186        498        157
AA4NC  (KI4HN)        77,989        467        167
WA6KUI                75,198        453        166
WF3T                  74,998        487        154
N5CT/7                72,065        497        145
KK9W                  68,310        495        138
AA0OB                 67,896        492        138
WA8YRS                67,200        448        150
AA9AX                 64,684        412        157
WA0I                  63,840        456        140
N8AAT                 56,400        400        141
WD4AHZ                54,576        379        144
W5ASP                 54,496        417        130
KB8N                  52,272        403        129
WN3K                  52,122        357        146
K7NPN                 47,795        395        121
KE7GH                 43,200        450         96
KG5U                  39,625        317        125
WB0OLA/7  (@N9ITX)    36,296        349        104
AE0M                  34,542        342        101
W7MAP                 30,800        265        120
KK5ZX                 14,000        175         80
K0EJ                   9,900        165         60
KJ6HO                  4,800         96         50


Coast-to-Coasters                       473,243


73's Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From n5ia at (Milt Jensen)  Mon Aug  5 15:30:33 1996
From: n5ia at (Milt Jensen) (Milt Jensen)
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 10:30:33 EDT
Subject: Dentron GLA 1000 C Linear Amplifier
Message-ID: <19960805.142727.2838.4.N5IA at>

	I am inquiring for a friend, Charlie, WA7HUH, if someone has
available a copy of the operating manual including schematic diagram for
the Dentron GLA 1000 C linear amplifier.
	Thanks in advance for any and all replies.
	73 de

---Milt Jensen @ ARS N5IA---
---Virden, NM Route Box 176---
---Duncan, AZ -- 85534---
---H: (505) 358-2105      W: (520) 359-2503---
---Reply to n5ia at

>From k5na at (Richard L. King)  Mon Aug  5 16:10:15 1996
From: k5na at (Richard L. King) (Richard L. King)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 10:10:15 -0500
Subject: Peer Pressure/WAE s/o at @ m-s, or op @ m/s
Message-ID: <199608051510.KAA01497 at>

>Wow, this is a test of how far the envelope was meant to be pushed.
>....(stuff deleted)
>This is very interesting in that the motivation is solely to enhance the m-s
>score. I do not feel this is an opportunity for some guys to get in some op
>time thanks to it NOT being legislated against.  

I am surprised at the lack of discussion on this reflector about this subject. 
Besides Jim's (K1ZX) comments, only one other contester responded about this
to me off-line. 

The lack of discussion here tells me that it is a non-issue with most
contesters. I have to believe that the other contesters either don't care or
don't want to stick their neck out with an opinion. Still, I respect their
silence and see it as a statement from my peer group saying that anything is
OK as long as as it is within the rules of the contest. I am a little
disappointed but can accept that and move on.

>There is a rule in a lot of the con tests that only one callsign may be used
>from a station during a contest - it kind of dampens things for us Ham
>families, eh Susan...but it would, I guess, handle this problem. How about
>it, Rich...I think that would be a simple enough rule to instill....or am I
>missing something again!

Jim (I am recalling this from memory), I believe that family stations
licensees are expressly excluded from this rule. It has always been within
the contest rules for Susan (KU2Q) and I to line-up and work stations in a
contest. Those of you that know us well know that we don't sign each others
call in those situations. Many of our friends are disappointed after working
K5NA because they immediately give KU2Q a report and there is no answer.
That only happens when she is not in the shack at the time of the QSO. But
that happens seldom since we usually operate together when we aren't doing a
contest seriously.

Funny_story_along_these_lines:  When Martti Laine was operating from ZA1A, I
needed him for my last SSB DXCC country. When I finally cracked through the
pileup to Martti, I said "Thanks for the last country). Martti responded by
saying "fine, but what about Susan?" At that time Susan nearly broke all my
fingers on my hand by ripping the microphone from me and saying, "This is
KU2Q and you are 5 and 9". So Susan can lay claim to being the only station
called blind by ZA1A. My fingers are still sore.

73, Richard

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