VE3BMV RF radiotiontorial
Ve3bmv at
Ve3bmv at
Thu Aug 8 19:12:20 EDT 1996
First of all let me say "hello radio" to all little pistols and big guns and
sorry for my 10-year QRT. After we moved to NJ, it was a shock business wise,
life wise, radio wise and health wise. It got so bad that I coudn't continue
with Radiosporting Magazine, and more so with any of my ham radio activities,
my apologies to all those who missed it, but it was a matter of survival.
I almost joined the SK contest team - one day, driving a car, my heart
stopped and just my swift knockout to my chest got it restarted and pumping
again, thank God, I am still here. My blood pressure was way up, cholesterol
up to 320 and I was clogged up and overweight. Medical profession told me
vegetarianize and eat pills for blood pressure and cholesterol. I listened
for 10 years, but no improvement. After my QRT incident, friend told me about
this crazy doctor in NYC (Dr. Atkins) that tells people to eat eggs
(cholesterol) and meat (animal fat) and they would get better. I went to
listen to his presentation. Next day I got his book (New Diet Revolution)
read it, went on diet and vitamins/supplements and in 6 weeks i lost 30 lbs,
my blood pressure is now 118/78, cholesterol below 200 and dropping and no
more medication for anything. All this after eating bacon, eggs, fatty meat
and vegetables. Now I get sick of watching TV bombarding people with info
about harm of eggs and meat. The BIG CON job of getting you sick and under
the knife of bypass surgeoens is ON!!!
I mention this because I was as many of you, I was swallowing the
"cholesterol" garbage by media and sitting too much at the desk. I will have
more on this in articles at the later date, home page, even contemplating to
resurect Radiosporting in some form. I have some followers - Carl, AI6V who
is on the way to reclaim his lean mean contest machine posture and health.
Anyone else?
Bravo Fred, K3ZO!
Wayne, N6NB looks like too much VHF RF got to you! Please, don't take care of
my. I am mature enough. EDUCATION and not the GOVERNMENT is the word!
IS the RF bad?
I had the "priviledge" of operating underneath the VE3BMV Razor Beam
(Quad/Yagi but not QUAGI Wayne, this is a design from scratch, and not merely
replacing two elemnts in a Yagi with Quad elements on 432) antennas (7 el. on
62 ft booms, stacked) and running kool kanadian kilowat (2250WPEP). Besides
being poisoned by carbohydrates recomended by conventional doctors I have no
side effects and I will make myself available for scientific studies and
observations (but no needles poked in me!). My wife and children (2 boys) are
still with me and as far as I can tell normal and doing very well in the
college. (they resist getting their own ham license - being the only negative
RF thing I can possibly identify.)
We had a peculiar thing happened (my wife): after having two healthy boys
(born before Razors were "born") my wife had three miscarriages, doctors
could not explain why or what was wrong, there were no obvious problems,
deformities or defects. It appeared that as development of the fetus just
stopped and died off. While trying to figure out what could caused it, I
wodered if RF had anything to do with it. I knew it can make man sterile.
Miscarriages happened within 2- 3 weeks after the major contest (WPX or WW
when I ran 10 and/or 15 m monoband at that time). When I asked doctors about
the possibility this having the negative effect, they said no. This question
kept bothering me ever since. We wanted to have at least one more harmonic,
YL if possible. Even with absence of RF, no QSO, no more harmonics. Wondering
if anyone else had similar experience, if there is any possible connection.
Can RF be that bad? When I see what I have absorbed during the 48 hr marathon
running the max artillery, I wonder what's the story. I would like to see
some real life study showing efect of various frequencies and power levels on
living beings.
There is old friend on mine Dr. Karel Marha, OK1VE, VE3NBE who has a PHD in
medicine and electronics and who has done work on the subject in OK land. I
remeber him mentionig the study about having workers exposed to 7 MHz
radiotion (! Yea, raditiation from radio transmitter) and it made people get
into the fighting and arguing mood (sounds familiar with contest types by the
time Sunday rolls by?) but the effect dissapeared after the RF was turned
off. It is reversible.
Look at W8AH, W1BB and others, they live(d) their lives with their heads
practically inside the tuners! Joe WA2..?. had his eyes accidentaly coocked
by UHF, but thank god his sight came back. So what's bad Wayne? How much at
what frequency?
Would it be better to know that, and we are not that stupid (we learned morse
code!) to obey by the safety recomendation. But please Waynes, get the
#$%^^&* government out of my life. I ran away from the communist bastards,
(lost my father and sister to their "caring regime" for no reason) and now I
find the bastards rearing their ugly heads here, starting with immoral
Clintonistas to liberal governing dummycrats. (yea, I am a dittohead and wear
Rush ties proudly!) Is this attack on ham radio? So after they "clean out"
the talk radio, are we next destined to follow K3ZO scenario? God help us and
God help America! It is the last bastion of freedom and there is no more
place to run to. Wake up, stand up for what you believe and vote the bastards
out of the office!!!! This is the perhaps last chance! (What, Internet next?)
(Hey Waynes, CRT terminals are bad too, let's ban the computers, then who
needs the internet!)
What about good side of RF? (Listen Waynes):
I had a fortune to meet friend UB5 in Kiev (now Kyiv) who developed
magnetothermia machine. It is a RF transmitter around 27 MHz (what a band!)
that generates RF magnetic field. This is used to treat human body for
various problems (great for athletic injuries). I have tested it, UB5 cured
skin cancer on himself (his first case and application), and is now in use in
Ukraine in treatment of cancer (esp. prostate), swellings, fractures,
asthmas, arthritis. I dont' want to get into elaborate discussion here, but
the point is RF cures too (heating effects and possible magnetic effects).
And maybe more that it does damage. (Just like booze, you have a shot it is
medicinal, you have a bottle it's suicidal. But I don't need $%^&* government
to tell me and to inspect me how much I drink!!!) (Am I on Clinton's FBI list
now?) Maybe study of contest ham neighbors would reveal that nobody got
cancer within so many yards of those horrible antennas! How about them
bananas Waynes? I am sure that FDA will step in and make sure that we will
keep using chemotherapy to kill imune system and cancer together with
patients, rather than cure them with cheap treatment. Just like the
cholesterol BS.
Hey FDA, media and regular doctors: body makes cholesterol from carbohydrates
first. Why pigs and geese get fat from corn or wheat? Ha? They don't eat eggs
or meat, but yet their livers swell and they get fat and they get high
cholesterol. So did I, after being strict vegetarian for 10 years and ended
up almost joining SK bunch (that's DEAD HAMS you no code types).
You, who saw me in Dayton know that, I am a lean, mean contest machine
again, back to life, back to radio, back to building mother of all contest
stations. I am looking for volunteers and teammates, I am getting older and I
would like to leave exemplary contest Nicola Tesla Radioclub Station behind.
Sorry for my diatribe, but I am just about to leave on KL7 cruise (Aug 10 -
20) and I wanted to unload this off my chest and vent my feelings. (Yea, I am
taking IC706 with me and will try to be QRV around 14155)
Thanks to all past and future contest points and multipliers, I was P40A this
spring in WPX on 80 m and will be making noise this season on 160, if you are
with me just say "dit - dit" (that's ditto in CW Rush language).
God bless Dr. Atkins, Rush Limbaugh and all the decent and rsponsible people.
73 and EAT MEAT
"Never give up!" and "Impossible? Let me have a look at it." Yuri
OK3BU, VE3BMV, AB2BO, P40A, XJ3ZZ/1, F0SY and bunch of others
ve3bmv at
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