Lawyerphobia? You Bet!

David Robbins ky1h at
Thu Aug 8 22:24:01 EDT 1996

cncnet - Bill Snider wrote:
> At 10:33 PM 8/7/96 -0800, Wayne Overbeck wrote a message entitled
> "Lawyerphobia."
> Lawyerphobia? Fear of lawyers? You bet I fear lawyers. Both attack
> lawyers and rabid skunks can cause in individual extreme damage if
> not avoided. Unfortunately by the time you know that you are dealing
> with an attack lawyer, you're already in deep doo-doo. The rabid
> skunk can be evaded or shot. Shooting the lawyer will bring on a
> whole new set of problems, and he'll just be replaced anyway.
> As so many others have said, U. S. amateur radio has just entered
> an era of limitless civil liability. We are constantly at risk. We
> have no way to prove whether or not we're "legal," to ourselves or
> to our rightfully concerned neighbors. We can't show anyone a mean-
> ingful meter or spread sheet to prove that we're in compliance
> with the regs. If we can't prove we're right, some neighbors will
> recognize the opportunity to take our houses, cars, bank accounts
> and radios the moment Grannie develops a tumor.
> This stuff happens, Wayne. It WILL happen.
> Count on it.
> Bill, K6KM

whats even worse, you don't even have to be actually violating the
rules for someone to sue you.  just the fact that the rule exists
is enough of an admission by the federal government that there MAY
be harm in rf energy.  this will be enough for someone to claim that
they have been harmed, be it real or imagined.  and some hungry lawyer
will pick it up and find a judge thats po'ed at his cb neighbor for
interfering with the superbowl and away we go!  all it takes is one
success and the rest of the vultures will start circling neighborhoods
looking for antennas to sue.

after all, congress started this whole thing... so enough of them 
must have been convinced by someone to force the fcc to put in 
these rules.  i wouldn't be surprised if some smart lawyers are 
already sitting on cases against deep pocket broadcasters, and once
the big cases get going the little ones can't be far behind.

ky1h at   or   robbins at

>From kj5yf at (Larry Johnson)  Fri Aug  9 10:08:18 1996
From: kj5yf at (Larry Johnson) (Larry Johnson)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 02:08:18 -0700
Subject: contester's antennas and proteolytic enzymes
Message-ID: <BMSMTP83958153312kj5yf at>

>  From: G.DAUGHT at Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (George Daughters), on 8/7/96 08:12 AM:
>  hi;
>  it isn't the MSG in the meat tenderizer that's
>  the "active" ingredient against wasp venom.  the
>  important component is *papain*, a proteolytic
>  enzyme.  besides denaturing wasp venom, it also
>  tenderizes meat.
>  73, ab6yl

To those of you studying for your Extra upgrade...the question about
neutralizing your wasp stings will be in the pool. See answer

* Larry Johnson
* Houston, Texas   U.S.A.

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