Possible interference at a contest site.
Martin Ellis
jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Mon Aug 12 00:26:30 EDT 1996
ad4tu at esinet.net wrote:
> Gentlemen, what is the farthest that any of you have received
> substantiable RFI/TVI complaints from when operating 160-10M
> at high power? If you have had problems at these (1000+ feet) please reply direct with the details.
Hi Pete AD4TU,
I have operated contests both in city locations and in the a farming
area. My experience in the city is that if you run an HF linear,
it is impossible to avoid telephone, HiFi and probably TV interference
with the houses that are within say 100 feet of the antennas- and
perhaps 200 feet in the forward path of a yagi.
In the country you would be unlikely to cause interference
at 1000 feet unless
(a) You have excessive harmonic output.
or (b) It is a very low signal area for TV (on the limit...).
I did get telephone interference at a farmhouse over 1000 feet away,
but the telephone wires were on poles accross my property,
so filters were needed.
Hope this is of some help.
Martin ZL1ANJ
< jmellis at ihug.co.nz >
>From n4zr at contesting.com (Pete Smith) Sun Aug 11 14:43:21 1996
From: n4zr at contesting.com (Pete Smith) (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 06:43:21 -0700
Subject: A New Federal Antenna Preemption
Message-ID: <199608111343.GAA01727 at dfw-ix3.ix.netcom.com>
At 10:53 AM 8/9/96 +0800, Walter Spector wrote:
>snace at tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace) writes:
>> Wayne wrote:
>> >Amidst all the furor over the FCC's RF safety rules, the FCC
>> >acted on another docket that also was mandated with a 180-day ETC...
>> >but I see a little hope in this for amateurs....ETC
>> Gee Wayne:
>> You are just full of good news!!
>I saw this on the FCC web site and I think this is GREAT news too!
>Speaking as one who was CC+R-challenged for some years, (though as
>a Board member I did sneak an R7 on the roof), this ruling is very
>In fact, I think this new reg may be far more significant to the
>average ham - who doesn't use QRO - than the RF exposure reg. Think
>about it - most CC+R regs are there to increase the cable TV monopoly
>and also for asthetics. When every house on the block has a TV
>antenna or dish on it, a moderate-sized ham setup will not stick out like a
>sore thumb anymore. Asthetics become a non-issue.
In Reston, VA, where I used to live, there was once an absolute prohibition
on outside antennas. Then along came a ham/lawyer who threatened to attack
the entire antenna rule by arguing that the covenants prevented legitimate
reception of free TV. "Why not work with me," he said, "and help me find a
homesite where I can put up a TH-6 on a 70-foot tower without real esthetic
damage?" He got his site, and his tower (painted earth tones to blend with
the treeline). Once the absolute prohibition was breached, and antennas
were permitted on an exception basis, things began to get reasonable - I had
an approved R-5 in the woods behind my townhouse, and there are now at least
a few tribanders on detached homes scattered around. So it's my feeling
that on balance this thing can help, if only because its harder to argue "he
can, you can't" than "nobody can."
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at contesting.com
LOUDER is gooder....
>From bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) Sun Aug 11 15:26:53 1996
From: bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 07:26:53 -0700
Subject: Contest Calendar 96.8
Message-ID: <v02140b00ae32c5fad4bd@[]>
August 10, 1996 Edition (96.8)
Please send corrections and additions directly to me. I will
post an updated calendar on a monthly basis. Thanks to KA2GSL and VS6BG for
contest info.
An HTML version of the calendar is available on request.
73 de Bruce, WA7BNM (bhorn at netcom.com)
The contest calendar is divided into two sections:
1) CONTEST CALENDAR: Calendar showing dates and times of scheduled
2) CONTEST LOG SUBMITTAL DEADLINES: Deadlines and addresses for
submitting logs for contests that have
already occurred or whose deadline will pass
before the next issue of the calendar.
Please note that you may not be able to operate during all of the total
hours of the contests listed below. Total operating time may also vary
by entry category. See individual contest rules for allowed operating
August, 1996
WAE DX Contest, CW 0000Z, Aug 10 to 2400Z, Aug 11
SARTG WW RTTY Contest 0000Z-0800Z and 1600Z-2400Z, Aug 17 and
0800Z-1600Z, Aug 18
SEANET WW DX Contest, SSB 0001Z, Aug 17 to 2359Z, Aug 18
ARRL 10 GHz Cumul. Contest 0800-2000 local time, Aug 17 and Aug 18
Keyman's Club of Japan Contest 1200Z, Aug 17 to 1200Z, Aug 18
North Amer. QSO Party, Phone 1800Z, Aug 17 to 0600Z, Aug 18
New Jersey QSO Party 2000Z, Aug 17 to 0700Z, Aug 18 and
1300Z, Aug 18 to 0200Z, Aug 19
WSWSS VHF and Above Sprint 1900-2300 local time, Aug 21
TOEC WW Grid Contest, CW 1200Z, Aug 24 to 1200Z, Aug 25
Utah Centennial QSO Party 1500Z, Aug 24 to 2100Z, Aug 25
Summer QRP QSO Party 1800Z-2400Z, Aug 25
September, 1996
All Asian DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Sep 7 to 2400Z, Sep 8
European Field Day, SSB 1500Z, Sep 7 to 1500Z, Sep 8
North American Sprint, CW 0000Z-0359Z, Sep 8
WAE DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Sep 14 to 2400Z, Sep 15
Islands Contest 1700Z, Sep 14 to 2300Z, Sep 15
ARRL September VHF QSO Party 1800Z, Sep 14 to 0300Z, Sep 16
North American Sprint, Phone 0000Z-0359Z, Sep 15
ARRL 10 GHz Cumul. Contest 0800-2000 local time, Sep 21 and Sep 22
Washington State Salmon Run 1200Z, Sep 21 to 0700Z, Sep 22
and 1200-2400Z, Sep 22
Scandinavian Act. Contest, CW 1500Z, Sep 21 to 1800Z, Sep 22
CQ Worldwide Contest, RTTY 0000Z, Sep 28 to 2400Z, Sep 29
Scandinavian Act. Contest, SSB 1500Z, Sep 28 to 1800Z, Sep 29
October, 1996
VK/ZL/Oceania Contest, Phone 1000Z, Oct 5 to 1000Z, Oct 6
EU Autumn Sprint, SSB 1500Z-1859Z, Oct 5
California QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 5 to 2200Z, Oct 6
RGSB 21/28 MHz Contest, SSB 0700Z-1900Z, Oct 6
VK/ZL/Oceania Contest, CW 1000Z, Oct 12 to 1000Z, Oct 13
Asia-Pacific Sprint 1230Z-1430Z, Oct 12
EU Autumn Sprint, CW 1500Z-1859Z, Oct 12
Pennsylvania QSO Party 1600Z-2400Z, Oct 12 and 0000Z-0500Z and
1300Z-2200Z, Oct 13
JARTS WW RTTY Contest 0000Z, Oct 19 to 2400Z, Oct 20
Worked All Germany Contest 1600Z, Oct 19 to 1600Z, Oct 20
RGSB 21/28 MHz Contest, CW 0700Z-1900Z, Oct 20
CQ Worldwide Contest, Phone 0000Z, Oct 26 to 2400Z, Oct 27
November, 1996 (U.S hams should note that CQWW is before Thanksgiving)
ARRL Sweepstakes, CW 2100Z, Nov 2 to 0300Z, Nov 4
High Speed Club CW Contest 0900-1100Z and 1500-1700Z, Nov 3
Japan Int.DX Contest, Phone 2300Z, Nov 8 to 2300Z, Nov 10
WAE DX Contest, RTTY 0000Z, Nov 9 to 2400Z, Nov 10
ARRL Sweepstakes, Phone 2100Z, Nov 16 to 0300Z, Nov 18
RGSB 1.8 MHz Contest, CW 2100Z, Nov 16 to 0100Z, Nov 17
CQ Worldwide Contest, CW 0000Z, Nov 23 to 2400Z, Nov 24
December, 1996
ARRL 160-Meter Contest 2200Z,.Dec 6 to 1600Z, Dec 8
ARRL 10-Meter Contest 0000Z, Dec 14 to 2400Z, Dec 15
TARA RTTY Sprint 2100Z, Dec 14 to 0100Z, Dec 15
RAC Canada Winter Contest 0000-2359Z, Dec 29
January, 1997
Japan Int.DX Contest, 160-40m 2200Z, Jan 10 to 2200Z, Jan 12
Midwinter Contest, CW 0700Z-1900Z, Jan 11
North Amer. QSO Party, CW 1800Z, Jan 11 to 0600Z, Jan 12
Midwinter Contest, Phone 0700Z-1900Z, Jan 12
North Amer. QSO Party, Phone 1800Z, Jan 18 to 0600Z, Jan 19
ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes 1900Z, Jan 18 to 0400Z, Jan 20
CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2200Z, Jan 24 to 1600Z, Jan 26
REF Contest, CW 0600Z, Jan 25 to 1800Z, Jan 26
UBA Contest, Phone 1300Z, Jan 25 to 1300Z, Jan 26
February 1997
Delaware QSO Party Feb 1 to Feb 2
Dutch PACC Contest 1200Z, Feb 8 to 1200Z, Feb 9
Asia-Pacific Sprint 1230Z-1430Z, Feb 8
YL-OM Contest, Phone 1400Z, Feb 8 to 0200Z, Feb 10
RGSB 1.8 MHz Contest, CW 2100Z, Feb 8 to 0100Z, Feb 9
North American Sprint, CW 0000Z-0359Z, Feb 9
ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW 0000Z, Feb 15 to 2400Z, Feb 16
CQ 160-Meter Contest, Phone 2200Z, Feb 21 to 1600Z, Feb 23
North Carolina QSO Party 0000Z, Feb 22 to 2400Z, Feb 23
REF Contest, SSB 0600Z, Feb 22 to 1800Z, Feb 23
UBA Contest, CW 1300Z, Feb 22 to 1300Z, Feb 23
YL-OM Contest, CW 1400Z, Feb 22 to 0200Z, Feb 24
RGSB 7 MHz DX Contest, CW 1500Z, Feb 22 to 0900Z, Feb 23
End of calendar section
Please consult the individual contest rules to determine what log
documentation must be submitted (i.e. summary sheet, dupe sheets, etc.).
IARU HF World Championship August 13, 1996
E-mail: contest at arrl.org
Mail: IARU HF World Championship
Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905
11th CW Internet SprINT Cntst August 14, 1996 0300Z
E-mail: n6tr at contesting.com
Mail: (none)
QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprnt August 14, 1996
E-mail: CamQRP at cyberg8t.com
Mail: QRP ARCI Contest Manager
Cam Hartford, N6GA
1959 Bridgeport Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711
Australasian Sprint, CW August 16, 1996
E-mail: (none)
P.O. Box 401
Blackwood SA 5051
Australasian Sprint, Phone August 16, 1996
E-mail: (none)
P.O. Box 401
Blackwood SA 5051
North Amer. QSO Party, RTTY August 20, 1996
E-mail: ab5kd at easy.com
Mail: Ron Stailey, AB5KD
504 Dove Haven Dr.
Round Rock, TX 78664-5926
European HF Championship (Unknown)
E-mail: (none)
Mail: Slovenia Contest Club
Saveljska 50
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
CQ Worldwide VHF Contest August 31, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: Joe Lynch, N6CL
VHF Contest Chairman
P.O. Box 73
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
Wire Antler Contest, Phone August 31, 1996
E-mail: hysell at kodak.com
Mail: BARK Wire Antler Contest
c/o W. Keith Hibbert, KE2DI
41 N. Lake Ave.
Bergen, NY 14416
Colombian Indep. Contest August 31, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados
Colombian Independence Contest
P.O. Box 584
Santae de Bogota, Colombia
RSGB IOTA Contest August 31, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: RSGB IOTA Contest
c/o S. Knowles, G3UFY
77 Bensham Manor Rd.
Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7AF
South Pacific 160m Contest September 2, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: John Litten, ZL1AAS
Onemana Post
New Zealand
North Amer. QSO Party, CW September 3, 1996
E-mail: w9nq at ccis.com
Mail: Bob Selbrede, W9NQ
6200 Natoma Ave.
Mojave, CA 93501, USA
ARRL UHF Contest September 3, 1996
E-mail: contest at arrl.org
Mail: ARRL UHF Contest
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
WAE DX Contest, CW September 15, 1996
E-mail: 100712.2226 at compuserve.com
Mail: WAEDC Contest Committee
P.O. Box 1126
D-74370 Sersheim
QRP Summer Contest September 15, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: Dr. H. Weber, DJ7ST
Schlesierweg 13
D-38228 Salzgitter
Venzuelan Ind. Day Contest,SSB September 30, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: Radio Club Venezolano
Concurso Independencia de Venezuela
P.O. Box 2285
Caracas 1010 A
Venezuela, S.A.
SEANET WW DX Contest, CW&SSB October 31, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: SEANET Contest Manager
Eshee Pazak, 9M2FK
P.O. Box 13
10700 Penang
Venzuelan Ind. Day Contest,CW October 31, 1996
E-mail: (none)
Mail: Radio Club Venezolano
Concurso Independencia de Venezuela
P.O. Box 2285
Caracas 1010 A
Venezuela, S.A.
End of log submittal deadlines
>From oddball at prairienet.com (Dean Feistamel) Sun Aug 11 20:56:32 1996
From: oddball at prairienet.com (Dean Feistamel) (Dean Feistamel)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 12:56:32 -0700
Subject: Internet Sprint
Message-ID: <320E3AF0.544A at prairienet.com>
Well it was fun I am finally getting the hang of it.
The exchange of names is great and I should be incorporated into the
regular Sprint.
Some contest exchanges are boring but this one keeps you on your toes.
I was mobile and keeping a paper log in the dark with lots of biting bugs
sure make you appriciate operating indoors.
See you next month in the sprint MOBILE!!!
73 Dean AA9JY
>From bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) Sun Aug 11 19:54:13 1996
From: bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 11:54:13 -0700
Subject: RF Exp References
Message-ID: <v02140b01ae33402d7f9a@[]>
For those interested in learning more about RF exposure, the National
Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement has published three reports
on the subject. The NCRP is a non-profit corporation chartered by Congress
to collect, analyze, develop and disseminate in the public interest
information and recommendations about protection against radiation and
radiation measurements, quantities, and units. The NCRP's recommendations
are often included in regulations at the state and federal level by
The three reports are:
Report No. 67, "Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields -- Properties,
Quantities and Units, Biophysical Interaction, and Measurements" 134 pages,
includes an 8-page list of references.
Report No. 86, "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields" 382 pages, includes a 64-page list of references.
Report No. 119, "A Practical Guide to the Determination of Human Exposure
to Radiofrequency Fields" 233 pages, includes a 9-page list of references.
These reports are written for a professional audience, but contain
information understandable by someone of reasonable technical background.
Each report also lists the members of the committee of experts that wrote
the report.
All reports are available from
NCRP Publications
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 657-2652
73 de Bruce, WA7BNM (bhorn at netcom.com)
>From HWDX09A at prodigy.com ( ROBERT REED) Sun Aug 11 22:27:30 1996
From: HWDX09A at prodigy.com ( ROBERT REED) ( ROBERT REED)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 16:27:30, -0500
Subject: NJ QSO Party - Route for all Counties ?
Message-ID: <199608112027.QAA09090 at mime4.prodigy.com>
Next week is the New Jersey QSO Party. A few County Hunters have
asked me for help in some of the southern counties which I will make
a point to operate. More interesting would be to operate from all 21
counties during the contest. I wonder if anyone has every entered the
NJ QSO Party as an All County Mobile and if so what route you took.
73, Bob Reed, WB2DIN
1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109
Toms River, New Jersey 08757
Internet : hwdx09a at prodigy.com
wb2din at juno.com
Packet : wb2din at wt3v.nj
>From km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P) Sun Aug 11 22:07:45 1996
From: km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P) (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 17:07:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: WAE Signals Sunday 20M
Message-ID: <199608112107.RAA11208 at paris.akorn.net>
While mobiling back from camping in the mountains I heard:
ON4UN - S5 Worked on the 1st call.
RA3AUU - S0 Worked on the 1st call.
S58A - S0 Worked after 3 tries.
Most others were not moving my S-meter and when called, CQed in my face.
Nobody was even close to John's signal.
| Contesting Online... The ultimate |
| source of ham radio contest information |
| http://www.contesting.com |
>From n4xm at iglou.com (Paul D. Schrader) Sun Aug 11 22:34:00 1996
From: n4xm at iglou.com (Paul D. Schrader) (Paul D. Schrader)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 96 17:34 EDT
Subject: RF exposure
Message-ID: <m0upi97-0003GRC at mail.iglou.com>
Dear Dr. B.
This is really an insidious plot to reduce TVI, etc. complaints. As you
have gotten older you have perhaps weakened in your ability to read between
the lines to obtain the true meanings. It is obviously another plot by our
sinister Dr. B.B.--you know-- Dr. Big Brother. Perhaps too much flatulence
over the years (not too much RF) has affected your brain. Watch what you eat!
A Dr. Bafooknik assistant
>Hi All,
>While injesting all opinions of this subject, I would like to see some
>post from people who have not been exposed to this rf hazard. Who is
>running this asylum anyways? Considering all the flatulence I have read,
>(pro and con) we cannot put all the blame on 40 years of solder chewing.
>dr. Bafoofnik
>p.s., All you newbies, please don't send me e-mail asking what solder is!
>From tomf at neca.com (Tom Francis) Sun Aug 11 22:51:46 1996
From: tomf at neca.com (Tom Francis) (Tom Francis)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 17:51:46 -0400
Subject: Contest related questions...
Message-ID: <199608112151.RAA05069 at orion.neca.com>
Hi all:
The recent articles in CQ Contest caused me to think
about something and I'm not sure that I've given
myself the correct answer - to wit:
As a SO/QRP station I do a lot of S&P in the major
contests so I hear a lot of who's where. AND, I do not
belong to a Unlimted Club like YCCC, but I have a lot
of friends who are members.
Now, before I ask the question, let me explain my
station setup. I have a seperate computer for packet -
I use a portable computer for keying and loging.
If I log on to the YCCC network just to pass along
multipliers to the YCCC network, does that place me in
SOA category or can I remain in the SO category?
I don't believe there is an SOA in the QRP category,
but I'm thinking in terms of SO/LP for this coming contest
Thanks for your time..
Tom, NM1Q (tomf at neca.com)
"Life is short - Play Dead"....
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