Ref: N6NB

A51DX at A51DX at
Thu Aug 22 22:58:12 EDT 1996

Maybe Uncle Guido will help him jump start his car.....

Another case of running your mouth before having all your ducks in a row....

Thanks for the consideration.....  Wayne..we shall not forget...............

                de Eric

>From n6nd at (Rick Craig, N6ND)  Fri Aug 23 03:24:11 1996
From: n6nd at (Rick Craig, N6ND) (Rick Craig, N6ND)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 19:24:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: How to figure out your grid square.
Message-ID: <199608230224.TAA17895 at>

NI6T wrote....

>OTOH, the hand calculation from WB5VZL, posted a few days ago and 
>included in the N.E.W.S. page, certainly works, but it behooves one to 
>know his lat/long coordinates accurately. For example, my QTH is at 
>37.15N/121.98W--that is in CM97 but only about .57 mi from the meridian 
>border with CM87. I determined my QTH with a USGS 15 minute 
>quadrant--not everyone has one handy.

Another way to determine your Lat/Long is with Microsoft's AutoMap program.
For $40 you get two CD-ROMs that have street maps of every city, town, burg, and
wide spot in the road in the US.  You type in your address and it pops up a
local map showing where it thinks you are.  It is remarkably accurate in 
finding really obscure places.  It will also give you the coordinates suitable
for six digit grid square.

I looked up NI6T's address on the map and it says 20941 Nez Perce Trail is at
37.1626N, 121.9774W, but it wants to call Garry's city Lexington Hills instead 
of Los Gatos.  Regardless, it does give accurate numbers.  It will also let you
print out a map in whatever scale you desire so that you can find the next
antenna raising party without getting lost.  More toys....

73 Rick, N6ND

Rick Craig, N6ND
n6nd at
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic. -Clarke's Third Law

>From aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)  Fri Aug 23 03:21:27 1996
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman) (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 22:21:27 -0400
Subject: Grids, RSTs, etc.
Message-ID: <m0utltz-0000YZC at>

>From:        Zack Widup, w9sz at
>><sarcasm mode on>
>>Besides, everyone in a contest is 59(9) anyway. How does sending it make 
>>it official?
>><sarcasm mode off>
>>Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at
>I guess you still have to copy it!
>Overheard on 20 CW with 7J1AYK/JD1 the other night:
>"W4@@@ 5NN'
>"W4@@@ 5NN"
>"W4@@@ 5NN"
>"W4@@@ 5NN"
>"5NN TU"
>... Right!  :-)

Could be. He might be 599, but W4@@@ didn't have time to mention there 
was lots of S9+10 QRM.... (Does sorta invalidate the "5" part of the 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From lew at (N7AVK)  Fri Aug 23 04:15:01 1996
From: lew at (N7AVK) (N7AVK)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 20:15:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Grid Square Unknown
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.92.960822194227.20247A-100000 at>

  For those Hams who are vaguely familiar with the actual shape of their
state, island, country or geo-political entity... there exists a
publication whereby the Ham may look at the appropriate page in this 24
page booklet and discern pretty darn closely their true 4 place Maidenhead
locator Grid square.
   This publication is titled "The ARRL World Grid Locator Atlas".  It
appears to have been copyrighted by SM5AGM and distributed by the ARRL in
this part of the world. The price on my copy is $5.00.. but this was
several years ago. Perhaps this document also is distributed by other
national radio entities.
   This multi-faceted booklet will allow the Lat/Long challenged to know
what grid in the world they really are in... as well as when lain flat
will serve as a coaster to protect the operating surface from those nasty
condensation rings when the more boorish among us set ice cold beverages
on the table... as well as when rolled up into a tight cellulose cylinder
can be used to repel the attacks of winged stinging or biting creatures.
   I would urge that the great unwashed who know not their grid avail
themselves of this booklet. It is far better than simply making up  their
own grid identifier... which borders on morally bankrupt operating... but
interesting none the less.
   I stand to make no profit should you purchase this booklet.. other than
having an enlarging pool of potential Q's on 6M, 2M, and on up....and soon
on 160M!
     73 and I remain,      Lew      CN84

         Lew  Sayre   N7AVK               lew at
         P.O.Box  3110                    Fax 503-391-2258
         Salem, Oregon 97302              160M thru 1296MHz

>From aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)  Fri Aug 23 04:37:58 1996
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman) (Bill Coleman)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 23:37:58 -0400
Subject: CW & HF Licensing
Message-ID: <m0utn61-00018MC at>

>From:        Rich DiDonna, rdidonna at
>With all the talk about ending some of the CW requirements for HF, it
>would become obvious that the portions of the HF bands for voice would become
>jammed.  Yes?

I'm not so sure. It takes quite a bit of real estate, effort and expense 
to put up a workable HF station. An HT is fairly simple and inexpensive, 
fits on your belt and takes almost no effort to set up.

A lot of HF users take it for granted that VHF hams want to invade the 
bands, but I'm not sure it is true.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From tree at (Larry Tyree)  Fri Aug 23 04:58:32 1996
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 20:58:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Fwd: sprINT SSB]
Message-ID: <199608230358.UAA18058 at>

No, you didn't miss the sprINT ssb test.

There has never been one, and probably never will.

Tree N6TR
tree at

>From n6nd at (Rick Craig, N6ND)  Fri Aug 23 05:46:56 1996
From: n6nd at (Rick Craig, N6ND) (Rick Craig, N6ND)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 21:46:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: How to figure out your grid square.
Message-ID: <199608230446.VAA20876 at>

Actually Microsoft makes two versions of AutoMap, one for highways and one for
streets.  The AutoMap Streets will give you lat/long.

73 Rick
Rick Craig, N6ND
n6nd at
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic. -Clarke's Third Law

>From wsixrgg at (R.B. Vallio)  Fri Aug 23 07:01:23 1996
From: wsixrgg at (R.B. Vallio) (R.B. Vallio)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 23:01:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Fwd: sprINT SSB]
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960822225957.27035E-100000 at>

On Thu, 22 Aug 1996, Larry Tyree wrote:

> No, you didn't miss the sprINT ssb test.
> There has never been one, and probably never will.
>                               ^^^^^^^^
	Tree, tell me the word probably was just a joke!


Bob Vallio - W6RGG    wsixrgg at

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