K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Jerry Fray
jefray at comsys.net
Wed Dec 4 11:19:33 EST 1996
Spike Lazar wrote:
> From: NBC,CBS,ABC,CNN, MSNBC & BNS (Bafoofnik News Network)
> The poles have been open 30 seconds and judging from the
> exit votes dr. Bafoofnik predicts K5ZD will carry the
> reflector by a landslide. We are still awaiting N3RR's
> conceiting statement!
What abt:
ESPN, AP Wire, and the Moral Majority? :-)
Jerry KB9NMU
"No Code - No HF....Know Code KNOW HF!"
>From george at epix.net (George C. Cook) Wed Dec 4 16:32:54 1996
From: george at epix.net (George C. Cook) (George C. Cook)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 11:32:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: QST all contesters and CW fans
Message-ID: < at epix.net>
Gang I am going to use a little of your bandwidth with a desperate plea for
My local Ham Radio Club the Delaware Lehigh ARC is holding it's annual
special event
for Christmas time on the weekend of Dec 14 - 15 using the call sign WX3MAS.
Well this ARRL affiliated club whose president is a No Code tech has
of CW for this officially sanctioned event.
You read that correctly those were there EXACT words CW was to be FORBIDDEN.
I guess
the influx of the codeless crowd has gone that far, the local voice of the
ARRL would speak those words.
Mind you they gave me some drivel that CW was not a popular mode and few
people would make
contact with them in that mode and that the Techs would not be able to enjoy
the station.
I have managed to convice one of the old timers to let me and a friend set
up a classic home brew
CW station seperate from the main station. It will be on from 00:00 z to
02:00z on Sun Dec 15.
(Thats 7 to 9 pm eastern time Sat) And this is where you come in.
I need all of my brother and sister contesters to listen for us on 7.047 +
or - durring that time
I NEED your pile up! Only a contester would understand and have enough fight
in them to be
able to pull this off. The signal will be weak only about 35 watts or so.
Lets show these fellows that we who struggled so hard to learn this mode
will never allow it
to be FORBIDDEN for any reason. Lets let them know that what happened to
the MARS
frequencys will not happen on the amateur frequencys.
Please don't let this turn into a huge battle over code / No code
requirments now it seems we
are fighting for our very survival.
Please help.
If you hear WX3MAS on SSB ask for a CW qso
And please work this station on 7.047 12/15/96 00:00 to 02:00z
God bless you and happy holidays.
*George Cook.....AA3JU.....AKA "The Ratman" *
*george at epix.net.....AA3JU@W3PYF *
*http://www.epix.net/~george *
* *
*Proudly Frankford Radio Club......... *
*.......Proficiency Through Competiton. *
*"Not just words but a way of life" *
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