Mobile engine noise

KR4DL at KR4DL at
Thu Feb 1 11:24:47 EST 1996

Ed:  Ford has published a technical service bulletin, no. 93-15-6, that
describes their noise-suppression kit for the fuel pump.  I understand there
have been mixed results with it.  I haven't done it on my Explorer, but
intend to, soo.  Let me know what works..I have exactly the same problem.
73,  Steve

>From john.devoldere at (John Devoldere)  Thu Feb  1 16:45:57 1996
From: john.devoldere at (John Devoldere) (John Devoldere)
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 16:45:57 +0000
Message-ID: <199602011644.RAA08293 at>


QSO'S: 1275
1SO POINTS: 8995

SCORE: 1,133,370 POINTS


The contest starts as usual with trying to work a JA. In these years of low
sunspot activity this is much easier than in the "high" years. After having
worked the multiplier, I start cleaning up the European stations. No point
in wasting time trying to work JA's. A DX is worth only two European
stations, and you can work them much faster.

The XV7 station is said to be active in the contest (from Hanoi), but he has
only one frequency, 1827. I still need him for a new coun-try, but don't
think we will hear him with all the contest QRM. Anyhow it's S9 plus QRM all
around 1827...

The conditions seem to be "fair" to the USA, but pile-ups are moderate.
Around 03:00z the Mid-West starts coming in and from then on the skip
lengthens to Texas, New Mexico etc. At 05:22 Mike, N7ML is the first W6/7
worked, followed one minute later by N6DX, and a few minutes later by Bob,
W7LR also in MT. All were really loud! No more West Coast was worked, and
the only multiplier before sunrise was 6D2J. At 07:50 I am off to bed for
some sleep.

At 15:3z (45 minutes before sunset) I am back. It's working European
stations until my first DX at 19:00z (EX8W) followed shortly later by a good
signal from VK2BJ. Some of the rarer Europeans are worked (Z3, LX, ZA, GU,
GD). At 19:30z the band is wide-open to Japan (2 and a half hours before
their sun-rise). I work a string. 

I worked Mark, ON4WW from his home QTH on Friday evening. He was leaving for
9X on Saturday early morning, and gave me a sked for Saturday evening. At
21.00z sharp 9X4WW calls me for a nice multiplier. In the next half hour I
work two other African sta-tions: 6W6JX (very strong!) and 7X2VZK.  Mark,
5N0MVE was the only other African station worked.

I run across a huge pile up for 1A0KM. Won-der if this is the "real" one?
Anyhow, hordes of Europeans must have worked him. 

The first W is worked at 22:40 (W2VO). The band starts opening really well
to the states at 23:30z the mid-West starts coming in at 00:30, and Ks
(W0CM), AR (K5GO) are added to the multiplier list. At  01:08 N6SS in
Arizona calls me with an excellent signal. This is early! The band remains
excellent to the US all through the night until sunrise, but never really
stretches all the way to the West Coast. The only W6 worked is Glen, K6NA,
and KX7VG in Utah. In total 2 W6's, and four genuine W7's (two in MT, one in
AZ and one in UT) were worked.

My last multiplier was PT7BZ at 07:30z, just on my sunrise. 

Being single op non-assisted, I am forced to switch being working pile-up
and do some search and pound across the band looking for pile-ups where the
rare multipliers are. While doing so, I call every station (DX or European)
that's not yet in my log. One very amazing thing happened to me in this
contest. On at least 20 (TWENTY) occasions, the station I called came back
with "wkd B4", while this clearly was not the case. This can happen once or
twice in a contest, but not 20 times! With some stations it took a bit of
convincing to give me a "real" QSO. This happened ONLY with European
stations. I wonder what happened? Did the computer let me down? Maybe it did
not log some contacts? After the contests I listened to the entire recorded
con-test, and ALL QSO's were in the log. Maybe someone wanted to harm me and
worked a bunch of European stations with my call while I was running a
pile-up somewhere? Who will tell?

I have only one funny story: UR5KDX. kept telling me to move out of the
DX-window ... As I did not react, he started jamming me. Hell, I can
understand the purpose of the DX window (it's great), but if the DX (that's
we ??) must also stay out of there, who is going to work who ??? ... Maybe
we have to explain the poor man what's DX for the US organisers of the contest. 

After the first night, ands in view of the local "factory generated" QRM, I
was convinced this year's results would not be as good as last year's. But
the much improved condition to the US on the second night soon made it clear
that maybe I would break the 1 Mi point barrier after all.  And yes, almost
3 hours before sunrise we went through the 1 Mi point barrier. I ended with
approx. 150 more QSO's than last year (1275 QSO's) and with 1.13 Mi points,
which is nearly 20 % better than last year's score. Last year we worked 340
US + Canadian stations, this year 460! I nevertheless worked fewer
multipliers (80 countries and  47 states, vs. 82/47 in 1995). In the US I
made all W!,2,3,4,5,6,8 and 9 states, missed N and S.D. in the W0 district,
and missed all but AZ, MT and UT in the 7th district. From Canada we worked
the easterly provinces (VO1 through VE3).

No sign of the XV7 station, nor from 9V1XQ who's been on 160 in the week
prior to the contest. From Europe I missed GJ, HB0, 3A, but worked a number
of the rarer ones: EA6, HV, OH0, C3 etc. No EA8, nor CU! Besides the 460 US
+  Canadian stations I worked from N/S America: 6D2X, 8P9DX(very strong but
deaf like hell, half of Europe vcalled him, and I had to call for at least
20 minutes before getting through!), JG3KIV/6Y5, PJ9Z, PT7BZ, PY0FF, TO5T
(strong), TI1C (Strong as always), YV1OB (who else), P40WA (deaf like
8P9DX), P40I (got mMike on my first call!) and 9A3A/4U.

Without the chemical plant QRM I am sure I would have been able to dig into
the prover-bial "third layer" of North American stations which would
undoubtedly have given me a few more W7 stations. Maybe next year we'll have
160 m contest without handicaps?


John, ON4UN

john.devoldere at  
Call us in all major 1996 contests: ON4UN (OT6T in WPX)
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)

>From Jimmy R. Floyd" <floydjr at  Thu Feb  1 16:19:23 1996
From: Jimmy R. Floyd" <floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 12:19:23 -0400
Subject: CQ 160 Mtr CW Contest 96 Scores III
Message-ID: <199602011723.MAA21987 at>

Raw Scores

Compiled by

Date Posted 02/01/96

Please do not submit scores to CQ-Contest Reflector. Send them to me
or the 3830 Reflector. 

CALL               HRS           SCORE       Q'S      PTS     ST/VE    DX


K0GU                             42,222      278       681      52     10
KA1CZF                           34,272      300                46      5
VE7CQK                              680       20        85       7      1


VP9AD                         1,220,880     1630                58     62
VE3EJ                           743,971     1287      6953      59     48
G0IVZ                           542,016      863      5646      41     55
VE9AA                           443,515      678      4145      56     51
WB9Z                            430,008     1123                59     55
KC8MK                           416,193     1084                58     54
AA5BL                           411,000     1165                57     50
W3GH  (W9XR)                    353,052     1057                58     50
W4MYA               16          331,886      925      3286      54     44
WZ3Q                            309,309      963                54     47
K8FC                            195,608      703                57     41
K1KI                 5          180,928      412                50     38
K2WK                 8          177,570      503                51     39
K3JT                            173,512      808                56     26
WR30                            172,172      746      2002      56     30
NW6N                            162,488      669                55     21
C31LJ               12          157,006      512                14     44
N6ZZ                            148,068      675                55     26
NC0P                            144,780      770                    76
OZ1AXG                          143,496      350      1993      17     55
W8CAR                           140,778      687      1782      52     27
K0EJ                13          131,978      637      1714      52     25
NI8L                12          131,824      638      1712      52     25
OI6YF  (OH6YF)                  129,584      439      2314       6     50
N3RR                10          122,122      498                47     30
AI7B                            120,085      634      1645      56     17
KR4DL                           103,842      461      1282      52     29
VE6KRR                           95,703      350      1679      52      5
KF3P                 6           91,500      432      1220      51     24
WB9HRO              13           91,242      506                58     16
WV5S                             89,836      480                55     19
VE6JY                            81,114      245                53     13
AB5YG                            81,114      518      1229      51     15
K9JF/7              15           75,768      451      1114      56     12
K9MA                 5           62,510      333                54     16
K8MR                 4           51,035      370                49     10
KC0EI                            47,100      347                52      7
N8ATR                            44,840      180       590      47     29
W5ASP                6           41,667      321                    57
N4OGW/9              3           32,480      215                46     12
WE9V  (KS9K)         3           25,596      180       474      43     11
N8RR                 2           17,360       84                34     18


K7SV                            217,168      816                58     40
KM9P                18          179,742      750                    87
VE6WQ                           120,734      366      1802      55     12
W5FO                            117,068      621                56     18
K04EW               18          103,464      602                55     17
WA6KOI                           80,036      501                54     14
WO1N                             79,560      420      1105      52     20
K7FR                             77,452      478      1156      56     11
KU8E                17           72,964      430      1073      50     18
WX9E                             59,085      387                54     11
AL7PT                            56,865      221
K9WIE               12           54,492      422       956      52      5
AA7BG                            33,276      218                50      9
NW8F                             32,791      281       643      43      7
WA8YRS               7           31,311      288       639          49
W3CPB                9           30,381      213                46     11
KM0L                             23,348      191       449      45      7
WA7VNI              21           18,630      159       405          46
KE5FI               10           17,850      141       350      42      9
WA7BNM               5           16,468      153                42      4
K5NA                 4           14,085      135       313      40      5
KJ6HO                            12,768      118       304      36      6
NM1Q                 3            6,238       71                28      3


W1KM                            789,538     1380                58     60
KY1H                            551,464     1273      4754      58     58
K3WW                            448,690     1088                58     52
SL3ZV                           376,112      758      4274      24     64
WX0B                            176,064      801                55     29
K8DO                25          157,850      872                57     20
DL8OBC                           85,332      348      1641      13     39


W2GD                            837,000     1515                58     70
DK1NO                           482,349      799      4683      35     68
AB4RU                           462,735     1108      3955      59     58
WD9INF                          202,895      940                56     29
N6DX                            200,260      733      2356      57     28
G4BUO                           198,922      416      2518      29     50
K7OX                            133,200      674      1850          72
K6XO/7                          116,178      694                56     11
K3KO                            101,634      511                53     25
W6GO                             57,120      309       840      55     13
AA8SM                            43,859      309       719      49     12
AB6FO                            40,016      225       656      49     12
N7AVK                            25,000      125                42     11
WB0O                              1,404       17                    12


Remember that I do not change anything sent to me. If the scores are
wrong then you need to send email to the people who gave me the scores. 
I will only orrect scores that are sent to me by the person with the 
score. Classes are according to how they were sent to me.

Read my statement above and it will answer all the questions about MS and 

73's  Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address: **NEW**  >> floydjr at << *

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