Your station setup
py2ny at
py2ny at
Mon Feb 19 21:13:15 EST 1996
PY2NY - PW2N in contests:
TS 140 S - no amplifier - 100 watts.
Two elements Quad 10-15-20 meters - inverted Vee 40-80
K1EA Software
73 - PY2NY - Vitor
>From n2ic at (LondonSM) Mon Feb 19 16:46:34 1996
From: n2ic at (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 09:46:34 -0700
Subject: LZ0A QTH?
References: <31289D35 at>
Message-ID: <9602190946.ZM3293 at>
On Feb 19, 10:58am, Assarabowski, Richard wrote:
> Whoever he was he called us both mornings on 40m, way past the European
> opening and was very, very weak, peaking to the SW (like everything was).
> Would be nice to know if that's another multiplier!
> -- Rich K1CC
> @K1KI M/M
> >LZ0A was active in ARRL contest... what is the QTH ?... appears to be in
> >antarctic somewhere
> > Dave
>-- End of excerpt from Assarabowski, Richard
I heard him give his grid square (or IOTA number ?) to someone. He said AN??
(I can't remember the number). Is that Antarctica ?
Steve, N2IC/0
n2ic at
>From Bill Fisher, KM9P" <km9p at Tue Feb 20 01:37:43 1996
From: Bill Fisher, KM9P" <km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 20:37:43 -0500 (EST)
Subject: 204BA & 40M problem - Want Flyback Xfrmer please!
Message-ID: <199602200137.UAA17448 at>
I posted a message on CQ-Contest a few weeks ago about the effects of my
204BA on my 402CD. Esspecially pronouned when the booms were not parallel
with each other. W6QHS (Who's opinion I value highly) suggested that I get
some old TV flyback transformer cores and tape them to the boom of the 204BA
as far from center as possible. ((This option is preferred over buying 2
new antennas of the Cushcraft variety.)) Dave said he wasn't sure if it
would work, but thought it might be worth trying.
Now... I've asked the 2 local TV repair guys that I know in town and neither
had any of these cores available for my scrounging. Does anyone on this
system have such cores that they would like to sell or give me for this
experiment? I would gladly give you credit in the writeup that I do after
the tests.
On this same subject... I decided to model the two antennas. The following
results are from AO with 10 foot spacing between the antennas (The 402CD on
402CD Alone - Frequency = 7.1Mhz - Free Space
Impedance 47.3 + j 7.0 _
SWR 1.17
Forward Gain 3.66 dBi
F/B 7.33 dB
402CD & 204BA with 10' seperation. Frequency = 7.1Mhz - Free Space
Impedance 49.4 + j 30.7 _
SWR 1.84
Forward Gain 2.75 dBi
F/B 3.90 dB
This is fairly close to what I am seeing in real life BTW.
If someone who is good with AO could take my file and rotate the 204 or 402
90 degrees in the model I would appreciate it. I would like to see the
effects with them this way too.
If I don't get the 204BA's detuned for 40M, I'm taking them down and selling
them. I didn't go to all of this work to have my 20M antennas detune my 40M
Thanks for your help in advance.
>From JE3MAS <masiii at InfoChan.COM> Tue Feb 20 05:34:51 1996
From: JE3MAS <masiii at InfoChan.COM> (JE3MAS)
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 00:34:51 -0500
Subject: 6Y5XX ARRL CW Result
Message-ID: <9602200534.AA00160 at>
Thank you for many calls.
This is the result of my 30hrs operation.
band Q's pts state/prov
160 224 672 40
80 583 1749 54
40 978 2934 57
20 1162 3486 54
15 754 2262 55
10 26 78 5
3727 11181 x 265 = 2,962,965
QSL via JE3MAS (only bureau)
or direct to
Hiroyuki Kozu
c/o JOCV
Box 8202 C.S.O.
Jamaica W.I.
de MasIII H.Kozu
JE3MAS / WH6X/6Y5 / 6Y5XX
de JE3MAS / WH6X/6Y5 / 6Y5XX 高津
>From Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at Tue Feb 20 01:56:50 1996
From: Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 20:56:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Wind-ups
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960219205552.18952B-100000 at Pegasus>
Always always, always pin a crank up tower--when down--with a
two-by-six run thru the tower rungs prior to climbing.K4VUD
>From AD1C at (Jim Reisert AD1C) Tue Feb 20 02:51:50 1996
From: AD1C at (Jim Reisert AD1C) (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 96 21:51:50 EST
Subject: LZ0A QTH?
Message-ID: <199602200251.VAA04543 at>
On Mon, 19 Feb 1996 09:46:34 -0700 you wrote:
LZ0A is S. Shetlands, VP8, according to the 20 December 1995 CT country
73 - Jim AD1C
Jim Reisert <AD1C at>‾reisert/
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