
K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Wed Feb 21 12:14:34 EST 1996

In a message dated 96-02-21 11:55:53 EST, you write:

>You'll love the mechanical design of the C-3 - no traps, rivets instead of
>sheet metal screws or tubing clamps make assembly a foolproof snap, the
>boom-to-element attachments will never rotate on the boom, and the boom to
>mast mount (with a single-point initial hook-up) makes wrassling the thing
>on the tower no problem.
Hiya, Pete --

   QSL your comments.  I've installed a couple of them myself and they sure
are easy to assemble and install.  Their light weight has positive
implications for wind and rotator loading.  The 3 element 40M beam was the
first 3L 40M that I could pick up by myself!
Comments from users are generally very positive.

73, Steve   K7LXC

       "Up The Tower"         now appears in CQ Contest magazine

>From silver at ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira)  Wed Feb 21 18:06:44 1996
From: silver at ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira) (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 15:06:44 -0300
Subject: Right freq. in ARRL SSB 96
Message-ID: <199602211806.PAA22399 at fama.ibase.br>

Dear friends,

I participated for the first time of the ARRL CW contest. It was fun, however
I could spend only 3 hours in the Contest due to the carnival holidays in Brazil, in other words, I took a trip with my family. So, no time for contest (but at least I read "The Complete DX'ER" by W9KNI - vy good book).

I intend now to participate of the ARRL SSB Contest. I will be on 20, 40 and 80 meters (not sure about this last one) and for this reason I dropped this note to the refletor. Can you point out good frequencies to call on each band mentioned above during the contest? 

My station will be a TS850S, FL2100Z (on 80 meters it is damaged), Cushcraft R4 on 20 meters and Butternut HF2V on 40 and 80 meters.

Thanks a lot and good contest,

Carlos - PY1CAS
E-mail: silver at ax.apc.org

>From silver at ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira)  Wed Feb 21 18:06:48 1996
From: silver at ax.apc.org (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira) (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 15:06:48 -0300
Subject: CT doubts
Message-ID: <199602211806.PAA22412 at fama.ibase.br>

I would like to convert my BIN file (ARRL DX Contest) to ASCII file in order
to submit my log to the ARRL. Do you know how to do it?


Carlos - PY1CAS
E-mail: silver at ax.apc.org

ps. My CT version is 9.10!

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