KG8PE, how did you get interested in contesting?

Mon Feb 26 19:20:40 EST 1996


Congratulations on your showing this weekend...while I am a CW guy I still
admire contesting when it is done well, even on "the phone".

My question to you? I am another one of those "older" guys who don't see
enough new blood in contesting, where/how did you find out about contesting?
 It seems to have caught your attention much the way it caught the attention
of many of my age group - in our mid-teens....most of us got bitten by
attending an ARRL Field Day, and seeing some guys running.

As a group we need an inrush of new contesters, hopefully like yourself -
YOUNG! As a group we are aging and your letting us know what "bait" got your
attention would help us "fish" for more new guys. 

This is a part of ham radio where it takes years to develop the mental
database of hints and kinks of band openings, familiar callsigns, antenna
knowledge - in general many faceted knowledge....for someone who is up in
years to get hooked they will have a lotta work to do......for a young guy
like yourself, heah - you don't know its "work" 'cuz your young - and too
busy havin' fun running 'em!

Clue us old farts in on your "bio" case you haven't heard by now the
place to be come this May 17/18/19 weekend will be the Stouffers in beautiful
(?) downtown Dayton - I hope to meet you there.

Continued GL

Jim, K1ZX  (Florida Contest Group)

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