Captive rovers? Cheating? Nah...

JGellerRVZ at JGellerRVZ at
Thu Jan 25 05:40:47 EST 1996

What in the heck are you blabbering on about????  I live a major city and
have never had to pad my log, run illegal power or any of the other blather
you think happens.  I don't know how they work contests in the northeast, but
here in So. Calif., we don't have problems such as you mention!

Besides, living here in the major cities, we don't have to worry about those
"Deliverance" types you guys will have to contend with... SQUEAL LIKE A PIG,
BOY!!!   =:o

Jeff N6RVZ

>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at  Thu Jan 25 14:05:00 1996
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 09:05:00 EST
Subject: IRQs
Message-ID: <31078E60 at>

Hello Barry, Here's an old Reflector message that *may* (or may not) help:
               73, Glenn, KB1GW
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <snip>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 - - - -

Ref:  Your note of Wed, 13 Jul 94 23:40:14 EDT (attached)

Hi Walt,

I just had a note from KJ6TC explaining this.  The original IBM PC used
8-bit cards that could be used for IRQ 0-7 only.  When the AT-bus was
introuced, they "cascaded" another 8-bit interrupt controller to handle
IRQs 8-15.  This controller was attached to the old controllers's IRQ2

In order not to obsolete any 8-bit boards that had to use IRQ2, they
set aside IRQ 9 on the 2nd controller.  You can specify IRQ 9 on your
software driver and it will work with an 8-bit card that is jumpered
for IRQ 2.  On an AT-bus, IRQ 9 is the way to get to IRQ 2.

Bottom line, you can have an 8-bit card configured for IRQ 2, or
a 16-bit card configured for IRQ 9, but not both.  Some older VGA
cards were hard wired to use IRQ 9, but apparently that is no longer

Bob, N6TV
 ----------------------------- Note follows ------------------------------

Date:     Wed, 13 Jul 94 23:40:14 EDT
From: Waltk at PICA.ARMY.MIL
To: ct-user at
Subject:  Re:  Band Map Question
Message-Id:  <9407132340.aa14794 at COR5.PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Sender: owner-ct-user at
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: ct-user at

Hi Bob. Thanx for the clarification. What is a cascade interrupt. I have
always been puzzled by this. For some programs setting COM3 to IRQ2 does
the same thing - makes my device communicate with the computer. I have
never fully understood why this is so and why specifying one or the
other interrupt works some times and not other.
To beat an old phrase to death: "Curious minds want to know."
73 de Walt - K2WK
                     73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK (FRC)
waltk at  K2WK > W2JT

 - - - - - - - - - - - - -<snip>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>From: barry
>To: cq-contest
>Subject: IRQs
>Date: Wednesday, January 24, 1996 3:45PM
>Return-Path: <barry at>
>Hi gang - Can anyone tell me the real truth about IRQ 9? I've read some
>literature syaing you can't use it cuz it's connected to IRQ 2 and ties
>all the IRQs together. Got some other literature that says it is normally
>"available." Anyone with real-life experience on the subject? This is, of
>course, for the CONTEST computer. 73 Barry
>Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry at
>Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
>                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at  Thu Jan 25 14:30:00 1996
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 09:30:00 EST
Subject: Propagation
Message-ID: <31079465 at>

Hi all,
     Judging by the info below, it sure looks like contesters might want
to focus their antenna-building efforts on the low bands for the next 
months. (I know, the low bands have been hot for awhile.) Guess I'll have to 

get that 160 -meter inverted L up soon! (Wanted  to do it this fall, but 
(and winter) got in the way! HI)
     Anyone have any hints to offer to someone trying to get (the
horizontal portion of) such an inverted L  antenna up over (across) several
treetops? PSE reply to me directly--I will summarize if there's interest.

               73! Glenn, KB1GW
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 1996 5:06PM
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 3  ARLP003
Seattle, WA  January 19, 1996
To all radio amateurs
ARLP003 Propagation de KT7H

Solar activity is extremely low.  On six of the past seven days
there were no visible sunspots, and every day the solar flux was
below the average flux number for the previous 90 days.  As we are
near the bottom of the solar cycle, don't expect much change.  For
the next year we should see many more periods with no sunspots.

For the next few weeks there should be little activity, except for
a possible coronal hole causing geomagnetic disturbances a few days
from now.

Sunspot Numbers for January 11 through 17 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and
11, with a mean of 1.6.  10.7 cm flux was 71.5, 69.5, 69, 69.7,
70.2, 69.9 and 70.4, with a mean of 70.


>From Chad Kurszewski  WE9V <kurscj at>  Thu Jan 25 14:49:36 1996
From: Chad Kurszewski  WE9V <kurscj at> (Chad Kurszewski WE9V)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 08:49:36 -0600
Subject: Inverted L Match
Message-ID: < at>

Can someone give me exact details of the match they used to feed
their Inverted L for 160?

We (N0BSH, WX9E, and I) will be putting up a Inv L for 160 down
at FS5PL for the CQ WW 160 SSB and ARRL DX SSB CONTESTS, and
need to know what supplies to bring down with us.

We will be able to have the vertical part up about 40-50' and the
horizontal part starting there and going to about 20-25' high.

If the length is cut right, do I only need a 2:1 XFMR?  Some air-wound
coil and a clip lead tap?  I prefer not to bring down an antenna tuner.

How many (read: few) radials can I get away with and at what length?

So, what do you guys and gals use to match your Inv-L????

(Direct replies please.)


Chad Kurszewski, WE9V              e-mail:  Chad_Kurszewski at
The Official "Sultans of Shwing" Web Site:

>From barry at (barry)  Thu Jan 25 15:23:33 1996
From: barry at (barry) (barry)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 10:23:33 EST
Subject: IRQs-the answer
Message-ID: <y0m0HD1w165w at>

Since several folks asked for the "answer" to my question, I'm posting 
this to the group. BTW, tnx all for the numerous, helpful replies.
To sum it up in a nutshell, without getting technical:
IRQ2 and IRQ9 are mapped together, and basically link the lower 8 IRQs to 
the upper 8. So, you can use IRQ2 or IRQ9, however, you cannot use both, 
as they are really one and the same.
73 Barry


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From Mitch, WA4OSR" <fmitch at  Thu Jan 25 17:48:00 1996
From: Mitch, WA4OSR" <fmitch at (Mitch, WA4OSR)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 11:48:00 -0600 (CST)
Subject: IRQs-the answer
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960125113809.23071A-100000 at ns1>

On Thu, 25 Jan 1996, barry wrote:

> Since several folks asked for the "answer" to my question, I'm posting 
> this to the group. BTW, tnx all for the numerous, helpful replies.
> To sum it up in a nutshell, without getting technical:
> IRQ2 and IRQ9 are mapped together, and basically link the lower 8 IRQs to 
> the upper 8. So, you can use IRQ2 or IRQ9, however, you cannot use both, 
> as they are really one and the same.
> 73 Barry

it has been my experience that you can't use IRQ 2 on most motherboards...
you have to use IRQ 9, which cascades *FROM* IRQ 2 (not *TO* interrupt
2)... IRQ 2 is not separately available... my advice is to tell the
software that you are using IRQ 9, and set the hardware jumper on the
device to IRQ 2, and if it works, stick with it... if it doesn't work,
then u can tell the software to try IRQ 2... 

i just went through this with a logitech bus mouse, which uses hardware
IRQs 2, 3, 4, or 5... if i set the jumper on the mouse interface board for
IRQ 2, i have to tell the mouse driver (in this case, my linux box) to use
IRQ 9... else it doesn't work... 


>From Jay Townsend" <jayt at  Thu Jan 25 18:28:42 1996
From: Jay Townsend" <jayt at (Jay Townsend)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 10:28:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: no subject (file transmission)
Message-ID: <199601251828.SAA09610 at>

                   * * * * * PRESS RELEASE * * * *

International Digital Radio Association
The 2nd Annual Digital Journal
World-Wide RTTY WPX Contest

February 10th and 11th 1996
Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday - Ends: 2400 UTC Sunday

For Single Operator and Multi-Single only 30 hours of the 48 hour
contest period are permitted. Off periods must be a minimum of 60
minutes in length and be clearly marked in the log. Multi-Multi
operator stations may operate the full 48 hours.

The 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHZ bands may be used. No WARC bands.

1. SINGLE OPERATOR (High Power All Band, Low Power All Band and a
Single Band) 150 Watts and less is low power. One signal on the air.

2. MULTI-Operator All Band. No power classes.
(a) SINGLE TRANSMITTER: Only one transmitter and one band permitted
during the same time period (defined as 10 minutes).
(b) MULTI-TRANSMITTER: No limit to transmitters, but only one signal
and running station allowed per band.

3. SWL.

classes of operation.

A RST report plus a progressive three-digit contact number starting
with 001 for the first contact.

Contacts between stations on different continents are worth three
(3) points on 28, 21, and 14  MHz and six (6) points on 7, and 3.5 MHz.
Contacts between stations on the same continent but in different
countries are worth two (2) points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and four (4)
points on 7, and 3.5 MHz.
Contacts between stations in the same country are worth one (1)
point on 28, 21, and  14 MHz and two (2) points on 7, and 3.5 MHz.

Multiplier is the number of different prefixes worked. A "PREFIX" is
counted only once regardless of the number of times the same prefix is
worked. No band multipliers.

Plaques and Certificates are plentiful. See writeup in the January 1996
Digital Journal.

This contest while inspired by the CQ Magazine events is solely put on
by the Digital Journal and is in no way connected with CQ.

Mail Contest Entry and Logs or Disks to:

Jay Townsend, WS7I
Post Office Box 644, Spokane, WA 99210-0644 U.S.A.
Logs Via Internet:   jayt at

Rules, logs, info all available via e-mail. Absolute log dead-line of
30 days. Plaques are awarded at Dayton.

>From Ron-Stailey at (Ron Stailey, AB5KD)  Thu Jan 25 18:57:31 1996
From: Ron-Stailey at (Ron Stailey, AB5KD) (Ron Stailey, AB5KD)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 12:57:31 -0600
Subject: IDRA WW RTTY WPX Contest, Plaques & Sponsors
Message-ID: <1389547845-39525537 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

On February 10th & 11th, the Digital Journal will sponsor it's second annual
IDRA WW RTTY WPX Contest. Just thought I would let all of you see the Plaque
program for 1996 WPX contest. 

   Plaques and Sponsors:

  Single Operator, High Power All Band
World----------John Troost, TG9VT Memorial (by W2JGR)
USA------------Irv Hoff, W6FFC Memorial (by WA7FAB)
Japan----------The IDRA Presidents Plaque (by W4ZB)  

  Single Band
World 10Mtrs--K0RC
World 15Mtrs--Eastern Washington Amateur Radio Group
World 20Mtrs--N2FF
World 40Mtrs--W2UP
World 80Mtrs--WA8DXD

  Single Operator Low, Power All Band

World---------Hal Communications, Corp.
USA-----------RTTY by WF1B
S.America-----International Digital Radio Association
Europe--------Euraf Communications, Benin (by TY1PS)

World---------PacCom Packet Radio Systems
N.A./Carib----The Digital Journal

This contest while inspired by CQ Magazine events,
is solely put on by the Digital Journal and is in 
no way connected with CQ.
We hope to see everyone during the contest.. 

   Good Luck,


   de Ron AB5KD

For IDRA WPX Rules, Log Forms or Information contact:
Ron AB5KD - <ab5kd at>
Jay WS7I  - <jayt at>



    de Ron, AB5KD <ab5kd at>

>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at  Thu Jan 25 19:40:00 1996
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 14:40:00 EST
Subject: Summary: 160-m inv. L -- installing the wire.
Message-ID: <3107DCD6 at>


>Anyone have any hints to offer to someone trying to get (the
>horizontal portion of) a 160-meter inverted L antenna up over
>(across) several treetops?
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My neighbor Tor N4OGW/9 found a bow at a garage sale for $5. He
made a special arrow by taping a couple welding rods along the shaft
and wrapping it in black tape. (Either that or wrapping it in solder, I'm 
sure which.) He then rigged a fishing reel on the bow. He can shoot the
arrow quite a long ways with the fishing line attached, which can then be
used to pull wires etc. It works great for getting wires over trees!
73, Zack
 - - - - - - - - -
Hi Glenn,
For  my infamous inverted L (refer to my post, 'NAQP SSB or Whhack! ...)
we slingshotted (?) a line over a tree and had a pulley on the end of the 
for the L wire to go through.  We were able to position the wire in the
desired vertical position as well as having the wire be 'free' to move about 

to the desired horizontal position.  We also used a line through another
tree to get the L horizontally positioned. The slingshot setup was a
Zebco 202 fixed to a "wrist rocket" and a 1 oz. sinker for the weight.
Good Luck,, Roger
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have many pines here, and use them to support several wires. I get them up
there with a fishing rod/reel:
Use 1-2 oz. weight on spincast reel, vertical arc, many tries (just cut off
weight and pull line back for unsuccessful ones).
When finally satisfied with placement of monofilament, tie intermediate
heavier line to end (remove weight), pull it back up and over the tree
toward you (the reel). When can reach it, disconnect intermediate line from
monofilament, tie heavy support line (or the insulated antenna wire if
desired) to the intermediate one, pull it up and over.
Keep your knots compact. I often tape over them to help them pass through
the branches without snags.
I only have to go over one tree at each end for my needs. If you are simply
"laying the insulated wire" across several treetops, you repeat the above
for the next tree, etc.
Long ago my son had hunting bow & arrow setup. I tried to use it, wound up
sticking one of his $5 "pointed" hunting arrows high up in the dam
treetrunk!. Luckily, it fell out by itself, but only after several weeks in
the tree.
I have used the rod/reel successfully maybe 20 times over the years. Not
easy, but it works.
To make sure they stay up, I have started using small wire rope (like the
winch cable you see, only smaller) as guy wire. Very reliable.
My trees vary from 50 to 75 feet.
 - - - - -
I've been quite happy with using a bow and arrows with monofilament line.
Shoot the line over the tops of the trees and pull a heavier line across
after (be sure to tape the joint, so that it'll slide easily through the
many crotches between branches that the monofilament inevitably drops into).
I have never bothered to try to elevate the antenna wire above the trees,
and never noticed any effect on either transmit or receive.
GL!  73, Pete
 - - - - - - - - - - -


>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at  Thu Jan 25 19:48:00 1996
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 14:48:00 EST
Subject: 160-m summary -- one more msg.
Message-ID: <3107DED9 at>

 Hello Glenn,

    Lots of guys thought I was kidding them last year at Field Day when I
    pointed to some 90-100ft tree and I told them that's where the 160m
    dipole will hang from, and we're going to use this tree for the G5RV.

    I went to the local department store in the sporting goods section and
    purchased what was called a "Wrist Rocket" years ago, can't remember
    what this brand was called. Its one of those sling shots that you slip
    your hand up thru the hand support. I purchased some fishing line, and
    "borrowed" to bolts out of our maintenance department, they were at
    least 3/4" bolt (nuts). I taped the two nuts together, tied the fishing
    line on to them and up an away! I was always a good shot in
    trapshooting, so I asked the guys which fork of the tree they
    preferred, BINGO! I tied some light weight stranded nylon string on to
    the end of the fishing line and pulled the antenna up in the tree at
    the height that I wanted.

    This year when it was time to think about getting on 160 I used the
    same procedure with the nice 85ft tree in my backyard. The vertical
    section of Inverted-L is 85ft, and it really works!

    If you can't find one of these sling shots let me know, I'll send you
    one. They're only about $6 or 7. They're light weight and they collapse
    so you can throw it a suit case or your Field Day antenna kit or

    GL & 73 de Scott

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Thu Jan 25 19:41:14 1996
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 11:41:14 -0800 (PST)
Subject: CW Sprint Team - C'mon C'mon
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9601251114.D24262-8100000 at>

I'm taking applications for an all-low-power CW Sprint team, to be known
as "Watt, Me Worry?".  The use of the name "Alfred" is optional.  Please
reply direct and do not debase yourselves in front of the entire reflector.

73, Ward N0AX

>From Ronald D Rossi <rrossi at>  Thu Jan 25 19:50:25 1996
From: Ronald D Rossi <rrossi at> (Ronald D Rossi)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 14:50:25 -0500
Subject: More Wind
Message-ID: <9601251950.AA28792 at>

On Wed, 24 Jan 1996 23:58:11 EST Wa7kph at wrote:
>Hello all,
>After reading all the messages about antenna wind loading and the
>associated gobble-de goop math that went with it, has any one 
>thought to go outside and stand at the base of their tower in a big
>wind and watch and listen to their antennas?

On a similar note...I was putting up a dipole before SS and man was it windy.  When I ran the 450 Ohm line I noticed a large tug from the wind.  I twisted the ladder line about 1 twist per yard and the drag dropped to 1/4 or so.

73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi at <><

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