W2CYA ground message

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Sun Jan 28 18:24:13 EST 1996

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John --
Recently you said:
" Read your message regarding your proposed ground system.
I would suggest that you get a copy of "Antenna Engineering
Handbook" by Johnson published by McGraw-Hill at about
$130.00.  There is also "Anetnna Handbook" by Krause
also by McGraw-Hill at about the same price.  There is also
"Vertical Antenna Engineering Handbook" by Lee.  Thes are
professional books on all forms of antennas for all freqs
     Yes, the books you mentioned are THE STANDARDS for
antennas and RF grounds for antennas. The original sender of
the message didn't say what the purpose of the ground system
was to be. A ground system for a vertical is a different
animal than a ground system designed for lightning
protection. And yes, ground system design is a LARGE subject
with little of it in the amateur resource domain.
73 and thanks for your comments.

Steve K7LXC         "Up The Tower"
                    now featured in CQ Contest magazine


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