WR34SHE at WR34SHE at
Mon Jan 29 14:40:45 EST 1996

I bought a K1EA dvk board at a hamfest Saturday...I am not familiar with
this board so I have the following questions

1-  The cable that came with it is for Kenwood radio's and I need an Icom
    cable ...can I modify this cable or should I buy a new one?

2-  Would anybody possible have a Icom cable and want to trade?

3-  Any tips on installing this thing?

4-  Is this board a current model and have there been any changes...
    sn-644    DVP REV C  COPYRIGHT 1992 is stamped on the board.

5-  The guy said it worked but if I wasn't happy he would give my $25
     back..of all the things to gripe about the price won't be one...

    Also I am wondering if replacing my IC-781 with a IC-775 will get me
 improved performance...I an not unhappy with the 781 but the 775 has some
 appeal...The only drawback will be the remote tuning control which I will miss
 but since I make the things I probably can get it to work with the 775.

 If you have any comments please e-mail me at    k9sd at

 P.S. I make the remote tuning knobs for IC-765 IC-781 Kenwood TS-930 TS-940
 and I am trying to get up enough energy to make another run of the things
 is you are interested let me know.  We have a test model working fine on the
 FT-1000 but it will require some soldering...the others are all plug and play.


>From flanders at (Jerry Flanders)  Tue Jan 30 01:38:00 1996
From: flanders at (Jerry Flanders) (Jerry Flanders)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 20:38:00 -0500
Subject: Antenna Modeling Software for Windows

There is a neat "try-before-buy" package of antenna modeling software
 for windows available at

the file is NEC-WIN.ZIP

It is about 1.3 megs, so it takes awhile to download.

I just got it recently, and have only started evaluating it. If someone 
else has already looked it over, I would appreciate hearing from you.
I had been looking for a way to visualize the output of the generic
mininec3. At first glance, this package looks like a lot more than I was 
hoping for. 

Jerry Flanders    W4UKU    South Carolina    flanders at

>From Joe_Wilkowski at (Wilkowski,Joe)  Tue Jan 30 01:57:30 1996
From: Joe_Wilkowski at (Wilkowski,Joe) (Wilkowski,Joe)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 17:57:30 PST
Subject: VU7APR  1989 Logs
Message-ID: <"<1A560D3181B7677C>1A560D3181B7677C at X-MC-0819-MS2.XEROX"@-SMF->


Recently I made a qsl submission to the League and amongst the cards 
 was a Laccadives card from the '89 dx-pedition.  This card was for two 
 bands & cw and happens to be the only Laccadives card & contacts that 
 I have.  The league did not accept it because who ever filled out the 
 cards at the time, transposed the frequency ( 20 on 2-26-89 and 15 on 
 2-21-89) and realized his/her mistake and corrected the freq by 
 crossing out the old one and overwriting it.  Hence my predicament.

I have looked up the route for the card as it was then which was a ARS 
 club in India, all the info I can find says the route is no longer 
 reliable.  My question, does anyone have knowledge of the logs and 
 where QSL' s can be sent ?  I have sent a letter to the old address in 
 India, but thought I would try here also...

Thanks for any info you may have es 73's.

/joe k8fc

>From n3rr at (Bill Hider)  Tue Jan 30 04:51:18 1996
From: n3rr at (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 23:51:18 -0500
Subject: N3RR CQ 160 CW SO HP Score
Message-ID: <199601300451.XAA04189 at>

N3RR single op, high power, part time (9.6 hours) CQ160CW score:

498 Qs

30 countries

47 sections

122,122 points

GO P V R C !!

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