Canadian HQ Station in IARU

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Thu Jul 11 11:43:06 EDT 1996

In the IARU HF Championship this year, the Radio Amateurs of Canada HQ stationn
will move north to Yukon.  VY1RAC will be be active primarily on 20m, operated
by Jay VY1JA.  Jay will send "RAC" in the exchange.  
Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB
RAC HF Contest Manager
ve2zp at

>From harpole at (Charles H. Harpole)  Thu Jul 11 14:04:52 1996
From: harpole at (Charles H. Harpole) (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 09:04:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Avoid Hurricane nets
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.960711085942.207C-100000 at Pegasus>

My view of the 14.268 4U1UN emergency net is to serve primarily
international problems-- including Carribean-- and to slack off when U.S.
hams take over U.S. emergencies, primarily on 2meters.  However, remember
that clean-up is a very important phase of emergencies, which is now the
phase for the islands and our net's service.  That may be done by this
weekend, I hope.
Contesters who operate on GENUINE emergency nets deserve all the criticism
they can receive, but only such contesters (if any) should get the fire.
not us all, please.  73, K4VUD

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