KC8BCS results

Douglas L. Klein WD8AUB at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sun Jul 14 22:47:28 EDT 1996

The WRTC-96 Party team of AF8A, KA8D, KC8BBE, KF8UN, K8MFO, NF8R, W8TPS, 
W8XM, and WD8's AUB and LLD operated using the call KC8BCS which is a 
Club call licensed to the Ohio First Class CW Operators Club.  Doug, 
WD8AUB was the host of the party, and it also coincided with his 20th 
anniversary as a ham.

The location was near Akron, Ohio, and was a multi-operator operation, 
using a tribander and dipole (Force 12 - C-4, actually).  The tower was 
at about 70' on a city lot.  The only difference between the set up 
here and the WRTC team's was that we used an amp.  (To slice through the 

It was a success, and we were proud to have worked all 54 of the 
stations, and even 52 of the 54 on 20 meters CW.  We had a cookout, and 
watched DX/Contest Videos, and other fellowship that lasted until 2:30am 
local time.  (The entire WRTC contest period)

The WX was FB, and it was most enjoyable chasing ONLY the WRTC stations 
(but have to admit that one operator went on a CQ rampage in the last 

Even with our long/complicated call on CW, the WRTC operators were 
skilled competitors.  Well done!  Not one had any trouble getting the 
call correct (that we could tell... hi)

Our preliminary numbers are:

258 qsos with the 54 stations.  Roughly 2/3 were on CW.  CW numbers were 
47 on 40 meters.  52 on 20 meters.  44 on 15 meters.  And 30 on 10 
meters!!!  Decent E-skip to the West Coast!!!

One observation was that 40 meter SSB was poor here in Ohio.  Only 8 
qsos were made there... Not sure reason why so bad.  But, another 
observation was that looking over the qsos, several stations were worked 
on 4 bands... on CW ONLY.  Was that their strategy?  Cant believe that 
we missed them on SSB all together.

We worked 2 of the 54 stations on 7 bands.  K6T & K6C.  We missed K6T on 
10 SSB and K6C on 40 SSB.  Otherwise, swept them.  Is one of them the 

The most difficult for us was K6Q.  Only 2 qsos.  Almost missed 

All in all, a great event.  Looking forward to the next one, even if it 
is 6 years down the road.

Vy 73

Doug WD8AUB  for the KC8BCS Team

>From k3sa at access.digex.net (Steven Affens)  Mon Jul 15 03:40:44 1996
From: k3sa at access.digex.net (Steven Affens) (Steven Affens)
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 22:40:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: What URL?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.94.960714223909.7035B-100000 at access5.digex.net>

when we get the info, it will be on the CQ CONTEST web
under contest info
but... I suspect the folks on the west coast will email this reflector
before then.

73. Steve K3SA

Steven C. Affens
k3sa at access.digex.net

On Sun, 14 Jul 1996, Jerry wrote:

> What WWW location has the details of who, where and when for the WRTC. I am
> curious about the differences in the 40 meter signals from the various 1x1s.
> Did anybody check the stations out before the test? 
>                 de NO2T Jerry no2tj at bc.cybernex.net

>From aa4nu at raider.raider.net (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU])  Mon Jul 15 06:02:02 1996
From: aa4nu at raider.raider.net (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU]) (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU])
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 00:02:02 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: 4x Array's 50 ohm DUMMY LOAD ? (fwd)
Message-ID: <m0uffnH-0004HfC at raider.raider.net>

 Hello !
 If you are using a 4x array, what are you using for the "50 ohm port
 dummy load" ?  Here's why I am asking this question ...
 Was doing some work here on the 80m 4x array and discovered something
 of interest ... and you might want to check this out on your array ??? 
 I was using a MFJ-260-B 'dummy load' on the 50 ohm port. It had been
 in service for several years ... so I decided to check it's condition.
 What I discovered was that it was NO longer a 50 ohm load, but now
 measured 127 ohms on my Auteck RF-1.  A new MFJ-260-C measures 50 ohms
 on the same RF-1 for comparison ... Opening it up showed it to have
 been VERY HOT for some time or so it looks. 
 I have never measured just how much power was going into the DL, the array
 was completed just before a contest. The SWR curves were OK, and the
 performance of the array was FB ... So I never checked it ... just one
 of those things that you mean to, but never make the time to check out.
 You can bet I will now !
 So ... Two questions
 1. What are you using on your array for the 50 ohm dummy load ? Power rating ?
 2. How much power do you see going into your 50 ohm DL on CW and SSB ?
 Thanks for any suggestions !  Hope to work you on the low bands soon ...
 73 Bill AA4NU   aa4nu at raider.raider.net

>From k2mm at jzap.com (John LastMinute Zapisek K2MM)  Mon Jul 15 08:31:03 1996
From: k2mm at jzap.com (John LastMinute Zapisek K2MM) (John LastMinute Zapisek K2MM)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 00:31:03 -0700
Subject: WRTC Final Results
Message-ID: <199607150731.AAA06370 at jzap.com>

Here are the final results from WRTC-96.  Some checking is still going
on, so there may be subsequent small adjustments in the scores, but the
order of finish should remain the same.  Also, work is underway to try
to recover the lost portion of the OHs' log, and that may affect their
final position.

This whole week has been one of the most fantastic parties ham radio has
ever seen.  Too bad you all couldn't be here!  Maybe in 2000 :-)

73.  John Zapisek K2MM <k2mm at jzap.com>


Call    Op#1    Op#2    Judge   QTH     Score   QSOs    Mults   Uniq%

W6X     KR0Y    K1TO    UA6HZ   WA6AHF  761829  2457    183     1.7
K6T     K4BAI   KM9P    W6UM    NQ6X    678132  2511    162     1.2
W6R     K6LL    N2IC    WR3G    AF6S    655720  2424    169     1.1
K6P     VE3EJ   VE3IY   OH2KI   N6UUG   647112  2343    177     2.0
K6C     K4UEE   N6IG    BA1FP   WB6PCJ  644059  2355    169     0.9
W6T     K5ZD    WX3N    K6SSS   AB6CW   616308  2170    174     1.2
W6D     K1KI    K3UA    AA7FT   K6YT    606550  2145    175     1.6
W6Q     9A3A    S53R    W7NI    WA6GFY  598272  2233    164     2.1
W6V     KF3P    KR2J    N6RA    WB6YRN  577575  2352    151     1.6
W6P     K8CC    K5GO    K7LXC   WB6WSL  568435  2370    149     1.0
K6V     W2GD    W0UA    S59AA   KE6HUA  568378  2465    146     2.4
K6W     N6TV    K7SS    N6KT    AB6DI   556928  2261    152     1.5
W6I     K1AR    K1DG    S50R    KK6WP   547404  2204    156     1.3
W6Y     DL1IAO  DK3GI   NB6G    AD6E    545756  1993    167     1.7
K6D     DL5XX   DL1VJ   KJ4VH   NF6S    532728  2183    147     2.3
K6R     LZ1SA   LZ2PO   OK2FD   N6BT    531552  2256    147     2.1
W6F     OH2IW   OH1JT   KT3Y    AG6D    530000* 2100    155     2.0
K6G     NP4Z    WC4E    K5MM    K6MA    527592  2238    152     2.8
W6A     K3LR    WA8YVR  AB6NJ   KEOT    523672  2478    134     2.2
K6X     UA3DPX  RZ9UA   AI7B    WB6UTY  518666  1960    163     1.7
K6Z     JH4NMT  JE3MAS  W0UN    W6YX    512535  2318    141     3.4
W6S     LY2IJ   LY1DS   S50A    AA6YQ   508760  1956    158     1.9
W6B     S59A    S56A    I2UIY   AE0M    507318  2257    141     1.7
K6Y     OK1CF   OK2PAY  W7RM    W6DU    499796  2143    148     2.3
W6H     RW1AC   RV1AW   PY5EG   AI6V    497965  1841    163     1.0
K6I     JH7PKU  JO1BMV  CT1BOH  KN6VO   488940  2296    145     2.1
K6S     ON4UN   ON9CIB  W3ZZ    N6WFK   480326  2120    154     2.4
W6U     EA1AK   EA4KR   N0AX    W6JD    470744  1918    152     1.7
W6G     JE1JKL  JH7WKQ  OH2MM   N6OM    470237  1984    139     2.0
K6U     SM3DMP  SM3CER  N7NG    AJ6V    465075  2165    135     1.1
W6O     ZS6EZ   ZS6NW   VE7SV   KV6S    461553  2093    137     1.7
K6O     N6TR    WN4KKN  WA7NIN  KW6C    454476  2331    121     0.6
W6E     EA7TL   EA9KB   N2AA    K6XV    445356  1871    139     1.6
K6N     YT1AD   YU1RL   K3ZO    WB6AFJ  440358  2228    140     3.7
W6W     LU6ETB  LU/OH0XX I0JBL  W6OPO   437016  2319    131     3.3
K6J     N2NT    KZ2S    S57AL   KK6EK   426656  1902    134     1.1
W6K     F6FGZ   F5MUX   K5RC    W6VG    418375  2276    125     3.1
K6A     JH4RHF  JA8RWU  9A5W    K6SMH   412388  1981    131     2.7
K6H     DJ6QT   DJ2YA   RW9UP   N6DA    411376  2353    112     1.6
K6K     UT5UGR  UT4UZ   S59L    KG6FR   398399  1863    127     1.3
K6B     9A9A    9A3GW   G3SXW   AB6YL   383166  1886    126     1.2
K6Q     VE7NTT  VE7CC   K0KR    WM6R    362440  1546    130     0.4
K6E     HA0MM   HA0DU   AA6XZ   KK6PH   357885  1759    135     4.0
K6M     GI0NWG  G3OZF   K4XU    WB6JJJ  357094  1884    132     3.0
W6Z     VK5GN   VK2AYD  RU1AA   W6NA    343604  1822    124     2.2
K6F     IT9BLB  IT9VDQ  UA9BA   KM6OH   337152  2000    128     3.1
W6J     SP6AZT  SP9FKQ  K6NA    K6LM    330876  2023    117     2.4
W6L     UN4L    UN2L    W7YAQ   KM6AV   309518  1796    121     4.9
K6L     SP9HWN  SP9IJU  JA7RHJ  W6ISO   298178  2149    97      3.7
W6N     I4UFH   I2VXJ   KC7V    KE6KXO  269028  1728    106     3.3
W6M     PY0FF   PY5CC   S56M    AB6CJ   231066  1580    99      2.6
W6C     IN3QBR  IT9TQH  K8AZ    AA6LY   185070  1615    93      5.0

* approximate score -- damaged log file


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