filters for TS-850

jkbe at jkbe at
Mon Jul 15 12:17:06 EDT 1996

I'm looking for CW filter suggestions for my TS-850. 

Are all brands similar (IRC, Kenwood, other)? Should I place 
the same BW filter in both IF's or just purchase one filter 
and then re-evaluate? 

With only the standard filters plus the optional Kenwood 1.8 khz
SSB filter, the filter action seems to be strange. In CW mode
when the 1.8 Khz filter is enabled I can hear strong stations
on the other side of zero-beat. That's why I asked the 
question about placing the same BW filter in both IF's.

Thanks in advance.

>From nt5c at (John Warren)  Mon Jul 15 16:19:13 1996
From: nt5c at (John Warren) (John Warren)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:19:13 -0500
Subject: WRTC Kudos
Message-ID: <1374696592-21422778 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

As everyone has said: a FANTASTIC job, and congratulations to Jeff and Dan.
Of course, Jeff's real callsign is KR0Y/5 - we would expect a Texan to win

Seriously - I think the W6Q team of 9A3A/S53R deserve special
congratulations. In a contest like this, despite major efforts to equalize
the stations, etc,  it's inevitable that the "home teams" (this time the
North Americans) will have at least a slight advantage. That doesn't spoil
the fun. 9A3A and S53R in 8th place were the only "visiting team", whose
native language isn't English, to crack the top 13. Great performance!

John, NT5C.

>From KR2Q at (Douglas Zwiebel)  Mon Jul 15 17:13:52 1996
From: KR2Q at (Douglas Zwiebel) (Douglas Zwiebel)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 16:13:52 GMT
Subject: WRTC results NEW!!!
Message-ID: <199607151613.QAA23820 at>

No, the results haven't changed as far as I know.  I've deleted some
stuff I don't care about, and have resorted the results according
to NEW criterea.

Hope you enjoy the NEW results:

>From gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)  Mon Jul 15 18:16:00 1996
From: gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW) (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 13:16:00 -0400
Subject: FW: IARU Comments/Score: KB1GW
Message-ID: <m0ufqNu-000f4wC at>

 -- FYI --
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW
To: '3830 Reflector - postings'
Subject: IARU Comments/Score: KB1GW
Date: Monday, July 15, 1996 12:11PM

Comments first:

At times, it was tough going on phone only, with no packet.
I felt that conditions were "marginal" most of the time.
(Never did get a "run" going to Europe, for example.)

Worked W1AW/3 on 4 bands: 15,20, 40 and 80.

Worked the following WRTC stations (18 total) on phone:
K6B, K6C, K6E, K6F, K6I, K6J, K6N, K6O, K6T, K6U, K6V,
K6Y, K6Z and W6I, W6R, W6V, W6W, W6Z.

One "odd" call sign in my IARU log: HGM1H.

My 12-hour-effort, SO, phone only, LP, unassisted, score:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 - - - - - - - - -
                      IARU HF Championship -- 1996

      Call: KB1GW           Country:  United States
      (* No packet *)       Category: Single Operator
      On time = 12 hours    Phone only, Low Power (100 W)

          QSO   QSO-PTS   PTS/Q  Zones  HQ STNS
     Totals    435       975       2.24      47        34

                 Rough Claimed Score: 78,975 points

Equipment Description:
Kenwood TS-850S/AT
Cushcraft A3S
Wires on the low bands.
CT (9.27)

Club Affiliation: YCCC



>From KR2Q at (Douglas Zwiebel)  Mon Jul 15 17:23:33 1996
From: KR2Q at (Douglas Zwiebel) (Douglas Zwiebel)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 16:23:33 GMT
Subject: WRTC results NEW!!!
Message-ID: <199607151623.QAA29111 at>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi...NO, the results have not changed as far as I can know.  Sorry
my first attempt at this screwed up.  So here are the NEW results,
sorted by UNIQUE RATE, QSO TOTALS, and TOTAL MULTS.  Hope you enjoy

de Doug  KR2Q at

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="WRTCALL"

These are the results for the 1996 WRTC, sorted by QSO totals.

  Pos   Op 1    Op 2      QSO's  Mult's   Uniq%   Score
   1    K4BAI   KM9P        2511     162     1.2  678132
   2    K3LR    WA8YVR      2478     134     2.2  523672
   3    W2GD    W0UA        2465     146     2.4  568378
   4    KR0Y    K1TO        2457     183     1.7  761829
   5    K6LL    N2IC        2424     169     1.1  655720
   6    K8CC    K5GO        2370     149       1  568435
   7    K4UEE   N6IG        2355     169     0.9  644059
   8    DJ6QT   DJ2YA       2353     112     1.6  411376
   9    KF3P    KR2J        2352     151     1.6  577575
   10   VE3EJ   VE3IY       2343     177       2  647112
   11   N6TR    WN4KKN      2331     121     0.6  454476
   12   LU6ETB  OH0XX       2319     131     3.3  437016
   13   JH4NMT  JE3MAS      2318     141     3.4  512535
   14   JH7PKU  JO1BMV      2296     145     2.1  488940
   15   F6FGZ   F5MUX       2276     125     3.1  418375
   16   N6TV    K7SS        2261     152     1.5  556928
   17   S59A    S56A        2257     141     1.7  507318
   18   LZ1SA   LZ2PO       2256     147     2.1  531552
   19   NP4Z    WC4E        2238     152     2.8  527592
   20   9A3A    S53R        2233     164     2.1  598272
   21   YT1AD   YU1RL       2228     140     3.7  440358
   22   K1AR    K1DG        2204     156     1.3  547404
   23   DL5XX   DL1VJ       2183     147     2.3  532728
   24   K5ZD    WX3N        2170     174     1.2  616308
   25   SM3DMP  SM3CER      2165     135     1.1  465075
   26   SP9HWN  SP9IJU      2149      97     3.7  298178
   27   K1KI    K3UA        2145     175     1.6  606550
   28   OK1CF   OK2PAY      2143     148     2.3  499796
   29   ON4UN   ON9CIB      2120     154     2.4  480326
   30   OH2IW   OH1JT       2100     155       2  530000*
   31   ZS6EZ   ZS6NW       2093     137     1.7  461553
   32   SP6AZT  SP9FKQ      2023     117     2.4  330876
   33   IT9BLB  IT9VDQ      2000     128     3.1  337152
   34   DL1IAO  DK3GI       1993     167     1.7  545756
   35   JE1JKL  JH7WKQ      1984     139       2  470237
   36   JH4RHF  JA8RWU      1981     131     2.7  412388
   37   UA3DPX  RZ9UA       1960     163     1.7  518666
   38   LY2IJ   LY1DS       1956     158     1.9  508760
   39   EA1AK   EA4KR       1918     152     1.7  470744
   40   N2NT    KZ2S        1902     134     1.1  426656
   41   9A9A    9A3GW       1886     126     1.2  383166
   42   GI0NWG  G3OZF       1884     132       3  357094
   43   EA7TL   EA9KB       1871     139     1.6  445356
   44   UT5UGR  UT4UZ       1863     127     1.3  398399
   45   RW1AC   RV1AW       1841     163       1  497965
   46   VK5GN   VK2AYD      1822     124     2.2  343604
   47   UN4L    UN2L        1796     121     4.9  309518
   48   HA0MM   HA0DU       1759     135       4  357885
   49   I4UFH   I2VXJ       1728     106     3.3  269028
   50   IN3QBR  IT9TQH      1615      93       5  185070
   51   PY0FF   PY5CC       1580      99     2.6  231066
   52   VE7NTT  VE7CC       1546     130     0.4  362440

   These are the result for the 1996 WRTC, sorted by Number of Mults.

  Pos   Op 1    Op 2     Mult's   Score   QSO's   Uniq%
   1    KR0Y    K1TO         183  761829    2457     1.7
   2    VE3EJ   VE3IY        177  647112    2343     2.0
   3    K1KI    K3UA         175  606550    2145     1.6
   4    K5ZD    WX3N         174  616308    2170     1.2
   5    K4UEE   N6IG         169  644059    2355     0.9
   6    K6LL    N2IC         169  655720    2424     1.1
   7    DL1IAO  DK3GI        167  545756    1993     1.7
   8    9A3A    S53R         164  598272    2233     2.1
   9    RW1AC   RV1AW        163  497965    1841     1.0
   10   UA3DPX  RZ9UA        163  518666    1960     1.7
   11   K4BAI   KM9P         162  678132    2511     1.2
   12   LY2IJ   LY1DS        158  508760    1956     1.9
   13   K1AR    K1DG         156  547404    2204     1.3
   14   OH2IW   OH1JT        155  530000    2100     2.0
   15   ON4UN UN   ON9CIB       154  480326    2120     2.4
   16   N6TV    K7SS         152  556928    2261     1.5
   17   EA1AK   EA4KR        152  470744    1918     1.7
   18   NP4Z    WC4E         152  527592    2238     2.8
   19   KF3P    KR2J         151  577575    2352     1.6
   20   K8CC    K5GO         149  568435    2370     1.0
   21   OK1CF   OK2PAY       148  499796    2143     2.3
   22   LZ1SA   LZ2PO        147  531552    2256     2.1
   23   DL5XX   DL1VJ        147  532728    2183     2.3
   24   W2GD    W0UA         146  568378    2465     2.4
   25   JH7PKU  JO1BMV       145  488940    2296     2.1
   26   S59A    S56A         141  507318    2257     1.7
   27   JH4NMT  JE3MAS       141  512535    2318     3.4
   28   YT1AD   YU1RL        140  440358    2228     3.7
   29   EA7TL   EA9KB        139  445356    1871     1.6
   30   JE1JKL  JH7WKQ       139  470237    1984     2.0
   31   ZS6EZ   ZS6NW        137  461553    2093     1.7
   32   SM3DMP  SM3CER       135  465075    2165     1.1
   33   HA0MM   HA0DU        135  357885    1759     4.0
   34   N2NT    KZ2S         134  426656    1902     1.1
   35   K3LR    WA8YVR       134  523672    2478     2.2
   36   GI0NWG  G3OZF        132  357094    1884     3.0
   37   JH4RHF  JA8RWU       131  412388    1981     2.7
   38   LU6ETB  OH0XX        131  437016    2319     3.3
   39   VE7NTT  VE7CC        130  362440    1546     0.4
   40   IT9BLB  IT9VDQ       128  337152    2000     3.1
   41   UT5UGR  UT4UZ        127  398399    1863     1.3
   42   9A9A    9A3GW        126  383166    1886     1.2
   43   F6FGZ   F5MUX        125  418375    2276     3.1
   44   VK5GN   VK2AYD       124  343604    1822     2.2
   45   N6TR    WN4KKN       121  454476    2331     0.6
   46   UN4L    UN2L         121  309518    1796     4.9
   47   SP6AZT  SP9FKQ       117  330876    2023     2.4
   48   DJ6QT   DJ2YA        112  411376    2353     1.6
   49   I4UFH   I2VXJ        106  269028    1728     3.3
   50   PY0FF   PY5CC         99  231066    1580     2.6
   51   SP9HWN  SP9IJU        97  298178    2149     3.7
   52   IN3QBR  IT9TQH        93  185070    1615     5.0

These are the result for the 1996 WRTC, sorted by Unique rate.

  Pos   Op 1    Op 2      Uniq%   QSO's  Mult's   Score
   1    VE7NTT  VE7CC        0.4    1546     130  362440
   2    N6TR    WN4KKN       0.6    2331     121  454476
   3    K4UEE   N6IG         0.9    2355     169  644059
   4    K8CC    K5GO           1    2370     149  568435
   5    RW1AC   RV1AW          1    1841     163  497965
   6    K6LL    N2IC         1.1    2424     169  655720
   7    SM3DMP  SM3CER       1.1    2165     135  465075
   8    N2NT    KZ2S         1.1    1902     134  426656
   9    K4BAI   KM9P         1.2    2511     162  678132
   10   K5ZD    WX3N         1.2    2170     174  616308
   11   9A9A    9A3GW        1.2    1886     126  383166
   12   K1AR    K1DG         1.3    2204     156  547404
   13   UT5UGR  UT4UZ        1.3    1863     127  398399
   14   N6TV    K7SS         1.5    2261     152  556928
   15   K1KI    K3UA         1.6    2145     175  606550
   16   KF3P    KR2J         1.6    2352     151  577575
   17   EA7TL   EA9KB        1.6    1871     139  445356
   18   DJ6QT   DJ2YA        1.6    2353     112  411376
   19   KR0Y    K1TO         1.7    2457     183  761829
   20   DL1IAO  DK3GI        1.7    1993     167  545756
   21   UA3DPX  RZ9UA        1.7    1960     163  518666
   22   S59A    S56A         1.7    2257     141  507318
   23   EA1AK   EA4KR        1.7    1918     152  470744
   24   ZS6EZ   ZS6NW        1.7    2093     137  461553
   25   LY2IJ   LY1DS        1.9    1956     158  508760
   26   VE3EJ   VE3IY          2    2343     177  647112
   27   OH2IW   OH1JT          2    2100     15   553000*
   28   JE1JKL  JH7WKQ         2    1984     139  470237
   29   9A3A    S53R         2.1    2233     164  598272
   30   LZ1SA   LZ2PO        2.1    2256     147  531552
   31   JH7PKU  JO1BMV       2.1    2296     145  488940
   32   K3LR    WA8YVR       2.2    2478     134  523672
   33   VK5GN   VK2AYD       2.2    1822     124  343604
   34   DL5XX   DL1VJ        2.3    2183     147  532728
   35   OK1CF   OK2PAY       2.3    2143     148  499796
   36   W2GD    W0UA         2.4    2465     146  568378
   37   ON4UN   ON9CIB       2.4    2120     154  480326
   38   SP6AZT  SP9FKQ       2.4    2023     117  330876
   39   PY0FF   PY5CC        2.6    1580      99  231066
   40   JH4RHF  JA8RWU       2.7    1981     131  412388
   41   NP4Z    WC4E         2.8    2238     152  527592
   42   GI0NWG  G3OZF          3    1884     132  357094
   43   F6FGZ   F5MUX        3.1    2276     125  418375
   44   IT9BLB  IT9VDQ       3.1    2000     128  337152
   45   LU6ETB  OH0XX        3.3    2319     131  437016
   46   I4UFH   I2VXJ        3.3    1728     106  269028
   47   JH4NMT  JE3MAS       3.4    2318     141  512535
   48   YT1AD   YU1RL        3.7    2228     140  440358
   49   SP9HWN  SP9IJU       3.7    2149      97  298178
   50   HA0MM   HA0DU          4    1759     135  357885
   51   UN4L    UN2L         4.9    1796     121  309518
   52   IN3QBR  IT9TQH         5    1615      93  185070
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>From n0dh at (Nawvemburr Zeeero Dawg House)  Mon Jul 15 17:29:44 1996
From: n0dh at (Nawvemburr Zeeero Dawg House) (Nawvemburr Zeeero Dawg House)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 09:29:44 -0700
Subject: K6XO/7 IARU
References: <199607151418.IAA01167 at>
Message-ID: <31EA71F8.3BCC at>

Alan Brubaker wrote:(on the 3830 reflector)

> The Rancho Costa Mucho contesters salute the WRTC teams for their
> oustanding and astounding efforts in the 18 hour competition which
> they participated in this past weekend. Who would have predicted
> the incredible 2400+ QSO totals posted by the top three teams? Our
> humble 1400 QSO total pales in comparison, even with a KW and
> monobanders. What's wrong with this picture?

Not everybody and his brother was standing line to get YOUR autograph has a lot to do with it!

> Have we fallen into the western black hole for sure this time?
> For several hours it seemed like it with not a European to be heard on any band until
> late in the morning.

For all practical purposes theer was not a usuable EU opening up here in Spokane until after 

> From then on the propagation was variable
> with marginal openings in all directions. One JA was worked on 15
> meters at about 1800Z - just about sunrise in JA. No others were
> heard. No Europe on 15 this time.
> Alan, K6XO

In my career I have operated from all over the country (FL,AL,PA,AZ,TX,IA, and now WA)  I'm 
amazed at how local propagation can be. Last year I never heard any JA's on 15 up here in 
Spokane. This year was another story all together. In all 150+ JA's were worked on 40/20/15 from 
here. With about 60 of those on 15 meters alone. What was even more surprising was on a hunch 
having run out of JA's to work on 20 meters on Sunday morning and having very loud signals coming 
from that direction I zipped up to 15 meters at 1AM, and what to my wondering ears should appear 
but lots of asian staions including several new mults, Between 1AM and 3AM in addition to several 
JA's I worked VS6BG, VR2KF, HL0B, YB1ASQ, several DU's, UA0's. Signals had lots of rapid QSB but 
were at times an honest S5 or better. I actually worked one european on 15 this year TM9C, none 
others were even heard.

The east coast had a least two openings to Europe on 10 meters that I heard about from my buds 
back east, I on the other hand made as many QSO's and more mults on 160 than on 10 and never did 
hear any of the WRTC gang on ten, even though I checked the band often.

Go Figure!
Thanks for the QSO's by the way
CU next year.

dit dit

>From jmagid at (Joel M. Magid)  Mon Jul 15 18:11:20 1996
From: jmagid at (Joel M. Magid) (Joel M. Magid)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 13:11:20 -0400
Subject: WRTC-96    Congrats all
Message-ID: <01BB724F.5A37A680 at>

	I had a great time working everyone....managed 27 out of 52
	on 20 meters late ..... all done in less than 30 minutes ....and
	never had to send my call more that once to any station.....

	Anyone have any info on AH3Cand AH3D ..... also will they
	be in the pool of qsl's that will flood the buro over the next 
	months ......	Also worked 3V8BB on 1 shot ..... anyone know
	any info on this station ....?

	Yes.... we should do this again ..... Joel WU1F

>From n6ip at (R P WOLBERT)  Mon Jul 15 19:33:49 1996
From: n6ip at (R P WOLBERT) (R P WOLBERT)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:33:49 PST
Subject: WRTC call signs
References: <34960714182843/0002104829DF2EM at>
Message-ID: <19960715.103350.12127.2.n6ip at>

We will post the winners, the scores, the callsigns, the "secret true
identities", etc. of the competitors on the WRTC web page as soon as I
can catch up on some sleep!


73 de Bob, N6IP

On Sun, 14 Jul 96 13:28 EST 0002104829 at (RONALD KLEIN) writes:
>-- [ From: Ron Klein * EMC.Ver #2.3 ] --
>Is there going to be a post disclosing who was assigned what calls in 
>the WRTC?
>I had little time, got on late, and missed the one station I wanted to 
>so it goes.
>Ron - W0OSK

>From slazar19 at (Spike Lazar)  Mon Jul 15 18:36:40 1996
From: slazar19 at (Spike Lazar) (Spike Lazar)
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 13:36:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: WRTC CW & SSB Breakdowns
Message-ID: <199607151736.NAA00423 at>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I reversed engineered the scores and believe I have the correct cw 
and ssb breakdowns. Also the scores or totals reported of by the
WRTC comittee for *K6N & *K6M appear to be incorrect. (maybe typo's)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

    Call    Op#1    Op#2    Score   Q's     CW Q's  SSB Q's  Mults   Uniq%

 1.  W6X     KR0Y    K1TO    761829  2457    1706    751      183     1.7
 2.  K6T     K4BAI   KM9P    678132  2511    1675    836      162     1.2
 3.  W6R     K6LL    N2IC    655720  2424    1406    1018     169     1.1
 4.  K6P     VE3EJ   VE3IY   647112  2343    1313    1018     177     2.0
 5.  K6C     K4UEE   N6IG    644059  2355    1456    899      169     0.9
 6.  W6T     K5ZD    WX3N    616308  2170    1372    798      174     1.2
 7.  W6D     K1KI    K3UA    606550  2145    1321    824      175     1.6
 8.  W6Q     9A3A    S53R    598272  2233    1415    818      164     2.1
 9.  W6V     KF3P    KR2J    577575  2352    1473    879      151     1.6
 10. W6P     K8CC    K5GO    568435  2370    1445    925      149     1.0
 11. K6V     W2GD    W0UA    568378  2465    1428    1037     146     2.4
 12. K6W     N6TV    K7SS    556928  2261    1403    858      152     1.5
 13. W6I     K1AR    K1DG    547404  2204    1305    899      156     1.3
 14. W6Y     DL1IAO  DK3GI   545756  1993    1275    718      167     1.7
 15. K6D     DL5XX   DL1VJ   532728  2183    1441    742      147     2.3
 16. K6R     LZ1SA   LZ2PO   531552  2256    1360    896      147     2.1
 17. W6F     OH2IW   OH1JT   530000* 2100    1319    781      155     2.0
 18. K6G     NP4Z    WC4E    527592  2238    1233    1005     152     2.8
 19. W6A     K3LR    WA8YVR  523672  2478    1430    1048     134     2.2
 20. K6X     UA3DPX  RZ9UA   518666  1960    1222    738      163     1.7
 21. K6Z     JH4NMT  JE3MAS  512535  2318    1317    1001     141     3.4
 22. W6S     LY2IJ   LY1DS   508760  1956    1264    692      158     1.9
 23. W6B     S59A    S56A    507318  2257    1341    916      141     1.7
 24. K6Y     OK1CF   OK2PAY  499796  2143    1234    909      148     2.3
 25. W6H     RW1AC   RV1AW   497965  1841    1214    627      163     1.0
 26. K6I     JH7PKU  JO1BMV  488940  2296    1076    1220     145     2.1
 27. K6S     ON4UN   ON9CIB  480326  2120    999     1121     154     2.4
 28. W6U     EA1AK   EA4KR   470744  1918    1179    739      152     1.7
 29. W6G     JE1JKL  JH7WKQ  470237  1984    1399    585      139     2.0
 30. K6U     SM3DMP  SM3CER  465075  2165    1280    885      135     1.1
 31. W6O     ZS6EZ   ZS6NW   461553  2093    1276    817      137     1.7
 32. K6O     N6TR    WN4KKN  454476  2331    1425    906      121     0.6
 33. W6E     EA7TL   EA9KB   445356  1871    1333    538      139     1.6
*34. K6N     YT1AD   YU1RL   440358  2228    917     1311     140     3.7
 35. W6W     LU6ETB  OH0XX   437016  2319    1017    1302     131     3.3
 36. K6J     N2NT    KZ2S    426656  1902    1282    620      134     1.1
 37. W6K     F6FGZ   F5MUX   418375  2276    1071    1205     125     3.1
 38. K6A     JH4RHF  JA8RWU  412388  1981    1167    814      131     2.7
 39. K6H     DJ6QT   DJ2YA   411376  2353    1320    1033     112     1.6
 40. K6K     UT5UGR  UT4UZ   398399  1863    1274    589      127     1.3
 41. K6B     9A9A    9A3GW   383166  1886    1155    731      126     1.2
 42. K6Q     VE7NTT  VE7CC   362440  1546    1242    304      130     0.4
 43. K6E     HA0MM   HA0DU   357885  1759    892     867      135     4.0
*44. K6M     GI0NWG  G3OZF   357094  1884    821     1063     132     3.0
 45. W6Z     VK5GN   VK2AYD  343604  1822    949     873      124     2.2
 46. K6F     IT9BLB  IT9VDQ  337152  2000    634     1366     128     3.1
 47. W6J     SP6AZT  SP9FKQ  330876  2023    795     1238     117     2.4
 48. W6L     UN4L    UN2L    309518  1796    761     1035     121     4.9
 49. K6L     SP9HWN  SP9IJU  298178  2149    925     1224     97      3.7
 50. W6N     I4UFH   I2VXJ   269028  1728    810     918      106     3.3
 51. W6M     PY0FF   PY5CC   231066  1580    754     826      99      2.6
 52. W6C     IN3QBR  IT9TQH  185070  1615    375     1240     93      5.0


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