Antenna article

bscott at bscott at
Thu Jul 25 19:08:45 EDT 1996

>I've just read the most interesting antenna article I've ever read. August
>CQ, Antennas and Digital communications. I think everyone will enjoy this
>article, especially Kurt N. Sterba. I can't wait 'til he sees it! 
>Among the highlights are the following bits of wisdom:

>9.) Coax feedlines MUST be cut to a multiple of 1/2 wl or the antenna will
>not work because of backpressure.

Tom, apparently you missed my ad in there for the NEW coax pressure-relief 

>10.) Coax feedlines must be the correct size because, like a pipe and a
>water pump, if too large or to small they won't match the pump. The
>electricity will slow down and maybe even stop and bounce backwards in
>waves. Both the diameter and length of the pipes feeding our antennas are
>important. They have to match the flow, so they can't be too big or too
>small....too long or too short.
>I wonder if anyone else enjoyed this article as much as I did?
>73 Tom
 Also, in the same ad, the one-way valve to stop those pesky waves from 
traveling back!  :)

Tom, you made my day!

Address: bscott at
Name: Bob Scott
Amateur radio call: KF9YH
Society of Midwest Contesters
Member: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (Paramedic)
The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author.

>From km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P)  Fri Jul 26 01:06:37 1996
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P) (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 20:06:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: K6T (K4BAI & KM9P) Rate Sheets
Message-ID: <199607260006.UAA28913 at>

station: K6T         
contest: World R/S Team Championship   
       40   40   20   20   15   15   10   10
UTC    CW  SSB   CW  SSB   CW  SSB   CW  SSB  rate total
12Z   104    0    3    0    0    0    0    0   107   107
13Z   122    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   122   229
14Z    43    0   85    7    0    0    0    0   135   364
15Z     0    0  177    0    0    0    0    0   177   541
16Z     0    0   43    0  113   37    0    0   193   734
17Z     0    0    8    0   91   40    0    0   139   873
18Z     0    0    0   34    0   17  115    2   168  1041
19Z     0    0    0    1   64    0   58    0   123  1164
20Z     0    0   40    0    7    5    7   58   117  1281
21Z     0    0   28    1   61    1    0    0    91  1372
22Z     0    0    3  153   29   22    1    0   208  1580
23Z     0    0  113    0    2    2    0    0   117  1697
00Z     0    0   28  137    2    0    1    0   168  1865
01Z     0    0  130    0    0    0    0    0   130  1995
02Z     0    0   36  146    0    0    0    0   182  2177
03Z    63   37   22    0    0    0    0    0   122  2299
04Z    63   72   12    1    0    0    0    0   148  2447
05Z    66    1   14    0    0    0    0    0    81  2528
tot   461  110  742  480  369  124  182   60  ----  2528

station: K6T         
contest: World R/S Team Championship   
        40    40    20    20    15    15    10    10
UTC     CW   SSB    CW   SSB    CW   SSB    CW   SSB   rate  total
12Z    208     0     6     0     0     0     0     0    214    214
13Z    244     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    244    458
14Z     86     0   170     7     0     0     0     0    263    721
15Z      0     0   354     0     0     0     0     0    354   1075
16Z      0     0    86     0   226    37     0     0    349   1424
17Z      0     0    16     0   182    40     0     0    238   1662
18Z      0     0     0    34     0    17   230     2    283   1945
19Z      0     0     0     1   128     0   116     0    245   2190
20Z      0     0    80     0    14     5    14    58    171   2361
21Z      0     0    56     1   122     1     0     0    180   2541
22Z      0     0     6   153    58    22     2     0    241   2782
23Z      0     0   226     0     4     2     0     0    232   3014
00Z      0     0    56   137     4     0     2     0    199   3213
01Z      0     0   260     0     0     0     0     0    260   3473
02Z      0     0    72   146     0     0     0     0    218   3691
03Z    126    37    44     0     0     0     0     0    207   3898
04Z    126    72    24     1     0     0     0     0    223   4121
05Z    132     1    28     0     0     0     0     0    161   4282
tot    922   110  1484   480   738   124   364    60  -----   4282


Bill, KM9P
| Contesting Online... The ultimate           |
| source of ham radio contest information     |       
|                   |

>From n4zr at (Pete Smith)  Fri Jul 26 02:42:01 1996
From: n4zr at (Pete Smith) (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 18:42:01 -0700
Subject: Antenna article
Message-ID: <199607260142.SAA23121 at>

At 09:46 AM 7/25/96 -0400, W8JITom at wrote:
>Subject:	Kurt, help us please!
>From:	w8jitom at (W8JI  Tom)
>Date:	24 Jul 1996 22:32:38 -0400
>I've just read the most interesting antenna article I've ever read. August
>CQ, Antennas and Digital communications. I think everyone will enjoy this
>article, especially Kurt N. Sterba. I can't wait 'til he sees it! 
>Among the highlights are the following bits of wisdom:
(stuff deleted)
>I wonder if anyone else enjoyed this article as much as I did?
>73 Tom

Tom, I'm surprised at you.  After all, the author says "...With over 40
years as an amateur and over 30 years as director of engineering for a group
of television and radio stations, and with my experience as a communications
engineering consultant, I've learned some very valuable lessons with regard
to the radiating element of the station."  How could you doubt someone with
credentials like that?

73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at 

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