Gate 1

Lee Hiers AA4GA aa4ga at
Fri Jun 7 04:50:17 EDT 1996

On  6 Jun 96, Gary Nieborsky wrote:

> Browsing through the QRZ daily updates shows the first Gate 1 calls coming
> out.  The FCC is moving rather briskly on this.  Anyone heard how big the
> pile was for Gate 1's?  My Dad applied for his old W6 call and is starting
> to get'd think he was a 8 year old.

AB4RU overnighted his application on May 30.  According to the 
database, he was issued W4WA on June 5.

Anybody gonna keep a before and after list like 20 years ago?  (no, 
I'm not volunteering!)

73 de Lee

"I ain't changin' my call, I'd have to change my computer 

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, GA
aa4ga at   

>From palooka at (Joe Pontek, K8JP)  Fri Jun  7 07:13:40 1996
From: palooka at (Joe Pontek, K8JP) (Joe Pontek, K8JP)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 01:13:40 -0500
Message-ID: <199606070613.BAA26441 at>

Yes, after an acquaintence obtained his Genral, Advanced and Amateur Extra 
license using a medical certificate given to him by a doctor because Morse 
code caused him to have headaches, I knew there was now to be, a "NO CODE 
EXTRA" class of license. The VE system should be pround of it's self????? 
The medical exception program was put into place to allow those who could 
not DEMONSTRATE their ability a variance, not a way to avoid acquiring the 
skill. This guy can barely copy 5 words per minute, let alone 13 or 20 words 
per minute. He has neither the ability required for the Extra class nor the 
ability to demostrate. This is fraud! There is nothing that states that 
everyone has the RIGHT to an amateur license, only the right to apply.

73, K8Joe"Palooka"

palooka at

snail mail:
Joe Pontek, K8JP
P. O. Box 59573
Schaumburg, IL 60159-0573
(847) 885-8871 (home)
(847) 519-7420 (work)
(847) 619-3250 (FAX)

>From n4zr at (Pete Smith)  Fri Jun  7 11:37:51 1996
From: n4zr at (Pete Smith) (Pete Smith)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 03:37:51 -0700
Subject: Tower Ordinance
Message-ID: <199606071037.DAA20679 at>

At 06:59 PM 6/4/96 -0400, Frank Donovan wrote:
>Section 106.E.3 of the Howard County (MD) Zoning Regulations requires that
>towers and antennae shall be set back a distance from all lot lines equal
>to the height of the structure as measured from ground level.  There are
>no further restrictions on the height or quantity of towers.  This liberal
>zoning regulation is exactly why I built my new home in Howard County in
>donovanf at
See you guys and raise you one.  Jefferson County WV has a height
restriction of 35 feet, which is however waived for antenna towers.  Only
requirement is a 50 foot setback and a fence (not to exceed 6 feet in
height) around the base of the tower (kid-proofing, I guess).  If the fence
is over 6 feet, it, not the tower, is the point from which the setback is
measured.  Building permit fee is $25.  Hand-drawn sketch of property to
illustrate setback required.
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at 

>From kb2hun at (William R Liporace)  Fri Jun  7 12:32:23 1996
From: kb2hun at (William R Liporace) (William R Liporace)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 07:32:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Tower Ordinance
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960607072445.29909A-100000 at>

Well I must have the Royal Flush of Tower Ordinances :-)
I the search of a new QTH that will keep the XYL happy and allow
me to put up a 70' tower, the town of Niskayuna said have fun 
raising the tower!!  No permit, no restrictions, no requirements, just 
use good engineering practices :-)
I will probly still get a permit to date the installation and to make
sure I have the P's & Q's inline.  I also want to head of any problems
with the neighbors.  
Now all I need is some concrete and guy anchors.  And of course the time 
to install them.  Hopefully we will close in about 2 weeks :-) and then 
the fun starts.  
CUL Will

William Liporace KB2HUN          kb2hun at
325 Mountain Street              KB2HUN @ K2TR (yccc packet cluster)
Albany, NY 12209                 KB2HUN @ WA2PVV (NEDA)
518-449-1397 home                518-471-2837

>From gaudier at (Dale Gaudier)  Fri Jun  7 14:21:22 1996
From: gaudier at (Dale Gaudier) (Dale Gaudier)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 09:21:22 -0400
Message-ID: <v02140b01adddd7d2e2aa@[]>

The first medical exemption certificate I was ever presented with as a VE
was from a "good ole boy" in Georgia who claimed exemption from the 13 wpm
CW requirement on the grounds of his colostomy!

As an ARRL VE, I was required to process his application (as I recall, he
failed his written), but I did put a note on the application papers when I
shipped them off to the ARRL VEC.

Whenever I tune through 75 meters I always wonder if he managed to get his

73 de Dale - N4REE/1

Dale Gaudier - N4REE/1 Darien, CT

>From ki4hn at (ki4hn)  Fri Jun  7 14:19:10 1996
From: ki4hn at (ki4hn) (ki4hn)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 09:19:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Gate 1
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960607091444.12236A-100000 at>

I'm working on a program that will pull this info from the FCC daily 
update files.  I'll see what I can pull together over the weekend.

73, Jim KI4HN

On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, Lee Hiers AA4GA wrote:

> On  6 Jun 96, Gary Nieborsky wrote:
> > Browsing through the QRZ daily updates shows the first Gate 1 calls coming
> > out.  The FCC is moving rather briskly on this.  Anyone heard how big the
> > pile was for Gate 1's?  My Dad applied for his old W6 call and is starting
> > to get'd think he was a 8 year old.
> AB4RU overnighted his application on May 30.  According to the 
> database, he was issued W4WA on June 5.
> Anybody gonna keep a before and after list like 20 years ago?  (no, 
> I'm not volunteering!)
> 73 de Lee
> "I ain't changin' my call, I'd have to change my computer 
> password...oops!"
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Lee Hiers, AA4GA
> Cornelia, GA
> aa4ga at   
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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