Free IONSOUND HDX HF Propagation Software

David Robbins ky1h at
Sat Jun 8 02:19:19 EDT 1996

Jacob Handwerker wrote:
> As the author of IONSOUND software, I have on hand a limited quantity of FREE
> disks for IONSOUND HDX (from SkyWave Technologies). This is a more robust

as the author of the Contest MOF prediction program i have an unlimited number
of downloadable copies available on line.

> version of the DOS propagation prediction program bundled with The ARRL Antenna
> Book (17th Edition) and comes on 3.5" DSHD disk. Covering 1.8-30 MHz
> ionospheric propagation modes, it deals primarily with the fixed locations
> found in QST Magazine's "How's DX?" column but has been enhanced with other
> locations to provide world-wide coverage. (Note: The big brother to this HF

this program covers 1.8-30mhz and deals with world-wide propagation predictions
specifically for contest type operations (i.e. not MUF predictions, but MOF and 
LOF which are the max and min OBSERVABLE frequencies, not traffic handling 
good copy frequency limits).

> prediction software is IONSOUND TURBO v3.8 which accommodates any
> latitude/longitude or location selections from a user-modifiable DXCC

prediction software started out based on MINIMUF 3.5 and updates from NOSC.
it will provide predictions based on your lat/lon for the whole world in a
dos or windows graphical display.  it doesn't know about dxcc, but it does
plot the whole world in rectangular, polar(north pole only), or polar 
projection centered on your qth.

> database.) Please include $3.00 (or equivalent in IRC's) to cover the
> shipping/handling cost. Please send your first-come, first-served request to:

please, if you have large m/m or m/s logs from serious all band operations in CT 
i will take them in trade to help improve predictions in future versions.  but 
don't send any money or irc's... e-mailed logs are more than sufficient and
comments from users of any kind are plenty.
download from my web site at
other free software also available for packet cluster and ct.

> P.S. Please do not construe this as advertising for IONSOUND software which can
> be found in various issues of QST and NCJ.

P.S. Please do construe this as adversiting for MOF software which can't be
found in any issue of QST or NCJ... Only here on the web!

ky1h at   or   robbins at

>From aa8u at (AA8U)  Sat Jun  8 02:52:21 1996
From: aa8u at (AA8U) (AA8U)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 21:52:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Station Building
Message-ID: <199606080152.VAA25410 at>

I seek the wisdom of the multitude.

I have been building an inverted-L antenna. It has an 80M CW trap and is
resonant on 1825 and 3575 approx. Seems to work fine. The vertical section
is 58' as that is what my trees will allow. The 80m trap ends up being about
six feet from the top end of the vertical section. The horizontal section
tips up a bit. I have the feed point mounted at the top of a ground rod, not
deep, and it sticks above the ground about 1.5'. There are six 133' radials
and about eight 68' radials, all insulated #16 copper, laying on the ground. 

My question is, given the height limitation, would it be a better antenna
with the feed point raised to about 10' with the radials elevated, loosing
an additional ten feet of radiator in the process? Or would it be better to
leave it ground mounted and elevate the radials. Maybe just elevate the long

I haven't modeled this one because I don't know how to model the Undilla
KW-80CW trap with AO 6.5  Maybe some of you have already done it.

This inverted L will be the 80/160 tx antenna for our ZK DXpedition on
Rarotonga in July. It may have to be ground mounted, radials included. If we
can get it elevated the ground losses might be less. 

The feed point, when operated on 160M, is fed via a 28:50 un-un. I take this
out when on 80M. Bandwidth is a bit on the narrow side, but I take that to
indicate the ground losses aren't prohibitive. The MFJ says the feed point
is about 30-35 ohms without the un-un on 160M.

I intend to make up a bunch more shorter radials, about 16-20', just in case
it has to be ground mounted.

Anyone care to pass along your thoughts?

Since this is directly related to contesting, station building,
DXpeditioning, antenna technical, etc. I am not shy about posting this one. :')

Please respond to aa8u at, tnx in advance.


>From ki4hn at (Jim Stevens)  Sat Jun  8 02:57:20 1996
From: ki4hn at (Jim Stevens) (Jim Stevens)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 21:57:20 -0400
Subject: Vanity Calls
Message-ID: <01BB54BC.53848840 at>

As I promised, I've written a program to extract the vanity calls issued from
the FCC's daily database updates on their ftp server.  Here is the output from
the program from the first 3 days of vanity calls: 6/4 - 6/6.  It appears that
the first vanity calls were not issued until Tuesday 6/4.  I'm putting the
info here initially for comment.  Please comment on the content and format and
let me know what other info you would like to see extracted for each entry.
I don't intent to continue putting the data here because it is of limited
interest to non-US subscribers to CQ-CONTEST.  I'll probably put subsequent
data on my personal web page (which is still under construction).

Here are the current caveats/info regarding the data:

- The data comes from the FCC's ftp server.  Point your web brower at:

- If you're familiar with the databases there, I'm assuming that vanity
  calls are indicated by a 'S' in the type_purpose field of the appl
  database.  According to the readme file, 'S' indicates a Special Callsign
  Change.  So far, the published list of issued vanity calls matches this
  character in the database.

- The data is sorted by callsign.  If you'd like to see it sorted 
  otherwise let me know.

- A 'C' in the class category indicates a Club call.  A 'P' in the class
  category indicates Technician Plus.  I think the rest of the class values
  are self-evident.

- If the vanity call is for a Club call, the OLD CALL is actually the call of
  the trustee.

- No, the program is not available.  I will support it, but I hacked it
  together in about 3 hours and it has only been tested with limited data
  and it has my assumptions about the FCC's databases (which are known to 
  have problems).  For the curious, it is 2 pages of C code.

73, Jim KI4HN
ki4hn at

Here's the data:

NEW CALL    NAME/CLUB                                           OLD CALL CLASS

K5AM        MANDELKERN, MARK                                    KN5S        E 
W3OR        ALLEN, RONALD H                                     AA3NF       E 
W6RM        WEBSTER, JOHN                                       WA6L        E 
W7GGR       ELDREDGE, FRANK A                                   N7BRG       P 
WB5CTQ      COLDWELL JR, CHARLES E                              KC5EBG      T 
WB9JVM      SANTUCCI JR, JOHN P                                 WD4FMN      P 
W3IIJ       TWARDOWSKI, SIGNE R                                 KC7QFI      P 
W1HSO       DAVIS, WENDELL D                                    N1GJW       A 
W8RWS       EVANS, ERNEST R                                     N8ELO       G 
W4ECS       WARD, JOHN S                                        N4EBG       G 
W6QC        KELSEY, WILLIAM F                                   WA6FVC      E 
K0BGD       WHITEHEAD, CLAY T                                   W6HYF       E 
K0TOF       MEYER, LORENE C                                     KB0VCS      T 
K1HSV       LANNAN, JAMES H                                     KD4DZS      T 
K4NYE       BALLARD, JAMES R                                    KE4UYB      G 
K5ONE       BLANTON, FELIX W                                    NV5D        E 
K6IUI       KLEIN, ARNOLD                                       N6GAP       A 
K6KVL       ROOT, MANFORD L                                     N6GVJ       G 
K8LEE       MC KENZIE, WAYNE M                                  W9OEH       A 
W0FHS       MOREHOUSE, DAVID F                                  N4IQJ       G 
W4JTV       MC ELWEE JR, JOHN R                                 KC4UPP      P 
W4WA        HOOPER, CHARLES R                                   AB4RU       E 
W4WMM       WALDO, ALAN W                                       KD4QK       A 
W5KBY       BOWMAN, JOHN M                                      KC5QDW      T 
W6FUG       AZEVEDO, JOHN D                                     KE6AOF      P 
W6QQQ       REITEN, EDWIN S                                     AC6HR       E 
W6TZM       MARTIN, KRISTI D                                    KD6QCE      T 
W8QQN       BREWER, LEWIS J                                     KE6PTN      P 
W8VVV       MATHEWS, MATT E                                     KB6LPJ      E 
W9AC        CHRISTENSEN, PAUL B                                 N9AZ        E 
W9CID       JACKSON, JEFFERY E                                  KA9BON      A 
W9KOY       SMITH, BRUCE E                                      KB7QEY      G 
WA6HII      GRIFFIN, KENNETH                                    KE6THI      P 
WA8LAG      MASTANDREA, MICHAEL R                               KC8CHI      G 
WB2UZE      BERNSTEIN, HOWARD R                                 N2FDH       G 
WA4EKG      BLACKSTONE, HAROLD                                  WB0ZDL      G 
WR0P        BJORKLUND, BRUCE E                                  AB5EJ       E 
W9LC        CRUM, PAUL C                                        KF9BH       A 
K0USA       AK SAR BEN AMATEUR RADIO CLUB INC                   N0AZ        C 
K4AW        MITCHELL JR, JOSEPH H                               KM4E        E 
W8KXX       LEIKETT, SCOTT M                                    KF6DJQ      T 
WD4ETO      GREER, JEFFREY L                                    KF4GKH      G 
WB0PDP      ADKINS, WALTER L                                    N7EQN       G 
K2HE        CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY AMATEUR F M ASSN INC              NY2Z        C 
W3LEQ       KAISER, ALBERT B                                    W2ZVR       A 
W3JDW       MC GILL SR, THOMAS L                                KA3TSQ      G 
K1AWW       MAIA, PHILIP P                                      N5PUZ       G 
W9BEA       KLINGER, WALTER J                                   WB9SGV      A 
W7AQK       YARNES, THOMAS D                                    W5RMZ       E 
K0GID       BROWN, STEPHEN M                                    N0RQT       G 
WD4ICH      MC HUGH, NANCY G                                    N0NIT       T 
W5QKL       BARBAY, FLOYD L                                     KF5KG       A 
W5YSA       KIKER, JON D                                        K4IST       E 
W0AD        STAUPE, PAUL T                                      WZ0V        E 
W6VR        GONSETT, ROBERT F                                   WA6QQQ      E 

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