FW: Field Day 96

rvhoeft at ingr.com rvhoeft at ingr.com
Mon Jun 24 17:50:14 EDT 1996

Well, I think I successfully got quite a few young hams interested in 
contesting this year at FD. Now if I can just convince them that 6 QSO's 
an hour isn't a great rate! (Well, it's a START!)

[ ... ]

73, Zack W9SZ
Twin City ARC, K9CW in FD
Champaign, IL

As a follow-up to Zack, I brought my oldest son along Saturday nite to get a 
flavor for operating (also to reduce the amount of ... say, ... 'harmonic 
distortion' the XYL would have to put up with). I prepped him on how to make 
the exchange and put him to work on 20 phone.  He made about 10 or so Qs 
that evening before sacking out.  

I ran 75 phone from 11 pm to 5am local time.  Had so much fun, that I sat on 
3770 from midnite until the band died at 5.  After checking the log, My 
average rate was 55 over 6 hours - probably much higher between midnite an 
5am.  All that non-stop talking really did a number on my bronchitis though. 

Later that morning we listened in on 15.  I wanted to drive for a while as 
my voice was getting pretty horse.  After logging 100 Qs in an hour, my 
voice was shot.  During this time, my son was asking (begging?) to operate 
again.  So I let him drive for the remaining 2.5 hours of the event while I 
ran the log and dupe sheets and spun the knobs.  By the end of the event, 
 he had the exchange down pat, knew when to change phonetics of the call, 
and was more relaxed with the conversation aspects of the exchange 
("thanks," "QSL," "have fun," etc.)  He had close to 50 Qs total.  I think I 
have helped carry the torch one more generation.

The only thing he didn't like was being called a girl.  11 year olds and 
their identity crisis ; ) !!  I was guilty with a 9 year old YL as well.

Thanks to all who had the patience with my son and all other soon-to-be's as 

Come NAQP,  I think I will let him drive some more.  

Tonight we start super morse (maybe Dad can re-learn the code) and on to his 
Novice ticket.  (Maybe we can tag team the NAQP CW event!!)

	Roger ...

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>From rlboyd at CapAccess.org (Rich L. Boyd)  Mon Jun 24 23:29:30 1996
From: rlboyd at CapAccess.org (Rich L. Boyd) (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 18:29:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: FD is not a contest
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.960624182739.11130C-100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>

I concede to W3ZZ that Field Day is, number one, an emergency 
preparedness exercise.  This is easy to concede because it's not 
incompatible with participating competitively.  Running up a good score 
and being competitive against our own previous best, last year, or our 
competition help us hone the emergency preparedness skills that are 
inherent in a Field Day operation.

Rich Boyd KE3Q

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