W7TSQ at aol.com W7TSQ at aol.com
Thu Jun 27 14:42:26 EDT 1996

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Just in time for all contestors to check out all the changes amde after the
IARU test, the Western Washington DX Club is sponsoring the Annual Washington
State Salmon Run.
Great timing for verifying all your changes and systems before the CA QSO
Party and the upcoming Contest Season.
The Smoked Salmon prizes will go great with the wine you win in the CQP and
the cheese you will win in the Wisconsin QSO Party !!!!!
CU all in September

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CONTEST PERIODS - 1200 UTC Sept 21 till 0700 UTC 22 Sept 1996
		  	1200 UTC Sept 22 till 2400 UTC 22 Sept 1996
CLASSES		CW or SSB or Mixed Mode =

		CW ONLY in CW portion of Band
		QRP, Low Power (200 watts) and OPEN
		Single Operator or Multi Op Single Transmitter
	There will be a special competition among Washington 	=

	State Clubs in the Multi OP Single class
QSO POINTS	2 for SSB, 3 for CW and 6 for Novice/Tech CW
		(no bonus for N/T on SSB)Novice/Techs will =

		sign /N or /T
	Same station may be worked for QSO points on each band
	and each mode. Mobiles and Portables may be worked for
	QSO credit in different Counties.
EXCHANGE	RS(T) and County for Washington Stations
		RS(T) and State, Province or DXCC Country for
		stations outside WAshington
MULTIPLIERS	For Washington Stations: States, Provinces,
			DX Countries and Washington Counties
		For stations outside Washington: Washington
			Counties (39)
	Each Multiplier may be counted only Once per Mode
		(SSB or CW) regardless of bands
SCORING		QSO points from all bands X total multipliers
		QRP bonus: Multiply total score X 3
		Low Power bonus: Multiply total score X2
	Package of Smoked Salmon to highest score in each DX
	Country and each U.S. Call District.
	First Place certificate to highest score in each Washington
	Special Award to Highest Washington Club score
	Participation Certificate for each log submitted
	Mobile working from Most Washington Counties and other
	awards at the discretion of the Contest Committee
	To qualify for Awards and prizes the minimum number of QSO's
	U.S.A. 50 QSO's; DX 25 QSO's; Washington Stations 100 QSO's
BANDS	All HF bands EXCEPT WARC with the suggested following
		CW:  1805, 3530, 7030, 14030, 21030, 28030
		SSB: 1815, 3925, 7260, 14280, 21380, 28380
		Novice/Tech: 3700, 7125, 21150, 28160
Send LOGS to W7TSQ, Bob Preston
		809 Cary Rd
		Edmonds, WA 98020
Logs must be postmarked no later than 31 October 1996. Logs must
show date and time in UTC, stations worked, exchanges sent and
received, bands and modes used and score claimed. Dupe sheets are
required for logs of 200 QSO's or more.
Log sheets, summary sheets and a list of Washington Counties are
available from Western Washington DX Club at W7TSQ address - PLEASE
an SASE though. =



>From gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)  Thu Jun 27 21:31:00 1996
From: gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW) (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 16:31:00 -0400
Subject: Prop-pitch stuff wanted...
Message-ID: <m0uZMrW-000f4SC at mgate.arrl.org>

 - - - - -
HEELLLPPP!!!!!! I would like to find a vendor or someone who might have
some information on some Prop Pitch motors and gear box to turn a 40+
foot 4 element quad. If you could perhaps give me a direction to look. I
did find the add in QSL but have'nt heard from them as of yet. I would
really appreciate any help. Also any area on the NET where one could go
like a ham traders net. Thanks a million, KA4UPI, Mark

Reply DIRECTLY  to: Mark Melton <meltonm at lfp.robins.af.mil>

>From ac1o at gate.net (Walter Deemer)  Thu Jun 27 22:58:23 1996
From: ac1o at gate.net (Walter Deemer) (Walter Deemer)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 17:58:23 -0400
Subject: WRTC/Florida Contest Group Challenge Pie Breaker
Message-ID: <199606272158.RAA76526 at osceola.gate.net>

At 12:44 AM 6/27/96 -0400, BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com wrote:
>RE: The Florida Contest Group W inner  R equests  T opping  C hallenge:
>AC1O has stated we need a tie breaker for the upcoming Winner Requests
Topping >Challenge - Pizza challenge - he feels FCG WRTC entrants could all
possibly >sweep, succeeding in working all of the 52 different teams. 
>So, if it is ok with Low Power King, AC1O - its okay with me if we make the
>QSOs with the 1X1 WRTC teams count 1 point each, and multiply the sum of WRTC
>QSOs times the number of different WRTC teams. If we do so, like SS, remember
>that a high score is not always based on a Sweep. :-)

I realize that, Jim, and I'll try to keep it in mind while I am sipping
coffee from one of my two 1995 SS mugs during the WRTC event.  (Remind me to
bring one to the next club meeting so you can see what they look like, since
you seem to have missed out on them again this year; in fact, the only mug
I've seen at your CONTEST station recently says "World's Greatest Grandpa".) 

>i.e.: K1ZX works 50 teams and a total of 200 WRTC QSOs the  score would be
>10,000 pts. If AC1O sweeps with 52 ( after all, multipliers ARE) and he makes
>192 WRTC QSOs, so he scores 9,984 points. ZX wins, QSL? 

QSL, Jim.  Wishful thinking on your part, I think, but QSL.

>I know, there's a question your asking yourself - do you feel lucky and wanna
>gamble on the "tie breaker" idea? Well, do you Walt?

"Never confuse wisdom with a bull market", errr, "Never confuse skill with

>And Walt, how do you want to handle the two additional exhibition teams,
>should we count them as multiplier/QSO potential as well....making a possible
>mult total of 54? If I remember correctly they will also have unique (poor
>choice of wording, eh Dick?) callsigns as well.

Yes, count 'em; the exhibition teams will have travelled a long way, and
deserve to be in the hunt!

>This is shaping up nicely, not just a pie in the sky idea after all Walt! 

I agree!  Hey -- Anyone else out there wanna play?  N4BP?  (Heck; I already
owe him one pizza...)

>"its not a contest, its an eating event" 

Maybe we should move this thread to rec.radio.pizza

73, Walt, AC1O
WWW: http://www.4w.com/deemer; amateur radio, news, weather & financial info. 

>From hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)  Thu Jun 27 23:14:13 1996
From: hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra) (H. L. Serra)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 15:14:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Charlie W6UQF SK
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9606271450.A5995-0100000 at pwa.acusd.edu>

Besides being a local legend, Charlie was a great mentor and supporter of 
local and DXpedition contest activities. He was a panel participant for 
the Southern California Contest Club videotaped Sweepstakes Clinic 
(along with K6NA and K6LL), which has been shared with other contest clubs, 
and was an active contributer when SCCC won the Medium Club gavel in the 
ARRL Sweepstakes. 

Charlie was a team member in our efforts to start the 6E2T Mexpedition
contest station from Puerto Nuevo and Ensenada, which resulted in the team
winning the World in the 1995 ARRL DX CW Contest (M/2). On an earlier
Mexpedition, Charlie awed us with his CW prowess by working and logging by
hand the first 862 CW contest QSOs from 6E2T while I drove back to San
Diego to gain a monitor that would work with our logging computer. He
never ceased to amaze us in many ways, including his incredible sensitivy
for foreign cultures, and appreciation of foreign travel with his wife,

We'll miss you, Charlie.

73, Larry N6AZE (for 6E2T contest group)

>From ah3c at burgoyne.com (PETER GRILLO)  Fri Jun 28 05:16:26 1996
From: ah3c at burgoyne.com (PETER GRILLO) (PETER GRILLO)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 22:16:26 -0600
Subject: 40 M Phased Verts
Message-ID: <199606272218.QAA20556 at burgoyne.com>

At 07:34 PM 6/21/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>Your predicament reminds me of Field Day, 1970.  K9UIY, W6YB, and I put
>>together a perfect "midwest field day quad" for 40 meters.  It does require
>>a nob or mild hiltop location, however.  You simply hang two quad elements
>>in a diamond configuration from the ends of a 20 foot boom.  We used a Radio
>>Shack 35 foot push up mast to support the boom.  We cut the parasitic
>>element such that it was a director and added a stub to give the equivalvent
>>length of a reflector.  Then we added a small relay on the stub to short it
>>out as a director and open as a reflector.  The relay was operated using
>>telephone cable, to keep from weighing down the element.  The feed point
>>ended up about 4 feet above the ground.  The diamond corners of the quad
>>were spread out using kite string.  The whole thing took us about 1 hour to
>>put up and about another hour to tune.  It worked like a champ!  I seem to
>>recall about 750 CW qso's on 40 that year....
>Pete, quads look neat, are fun to erect, and have a mysterious aura about
>them only loop antennas possess.  However, had you chopped off the bottom of
>each loop and fed the array as an inverted-V array using the same apex
>angle, the antenna would have performed better.
>Low quads have two drawbacks:
>1.  The current is just as high at the feedpoint as it is at the apex.  This
>high current near lossy ground greatly increases ground losses.  You
>wouldn't operate a dipole only four feet above ground, but half your power
>is exciting a similar wire in a low quad.
>2.  The radiation occurs at higher angles because half of the radiating
>conductors are very low.
>You can easily verify these properties by experiment or with an
>antenna-analysis program.
>                      73--Brian, K6STI
>                          k6sti at n2.net
>Hi Brian -

Agree with your comment on losing 3 db.  This is an acceptable compromise
for field day because of the 20 or so db f/b achieved.  Also, consider the
mechanical problem of switching the stub...our relay was just 3 feet off the
ground.  We used a sandwich bag to protect it from the rain.  Field day
antennas are just that....we have coined the phrase "field day splice" to
accomodate sloppy connections that work for the week end, then are simply
disposed of!  Sometimes, what we perceive as the optimum design leaves some
fundamental errors in the final configuration.  Yet, attitude can sometimes
make up for that 3 db's, Hi.

73, Pete

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