International Team Going to KP4!
ramirezk at
ramirezk at
Thu Mar 14 20:25:02 EST 1996
I know this is digressing from the normal subject matter of
late but just thought I'd let you all know that the KP4XS WPX
SSB Multi-Multi Team will be heading for Western Puerto Rico
next week for the assembly of the station. All equipment is on
site,enroute or being hand carried by the ops. All Cold Beer
will be purchased and consumed in a timely manner and the
octopus pot will be set on "low Boil" as soon as we arrive.
This years team has increased by 2 ops. 4 are newcomers to the
Here are the members and the likely bands you will hear them
WD8ISK- 10 meters. Terry is an experienced 6m scatter op. Lord
knows that scatter might be our only hope on that band! Listen
on 28.490 for the scatter burst.QTH Virginia
KP4XS-15 meters. I just hope the band opens to somewhere other
than LU!QTH South Carolina PVRC Member
KF3P- 20 meters Tyler will be doing his 20m magic just as he has
done over at W3LPLs for the last 20 years.QTH MAryland PVRC
AA6KX-40 meters- Bruce joins us from NCCC territory. His memory
banks WILL be erased before he heads back there so don't get
your hopes up NCCC.QTH California
K3JT-75 meters-Terry joins us from the Mountains of West
Virginia and hopes to feel the warm sun he hasn't felt in years!
ND3F- 160 Meters. Please make an effort to work us on 160!
e really need the QSO points. We'll have bevvies and Ewes in
place. We'll probably pass you from 75!
S50OO- That's Sierra Five Zero Oscar Oscar. Goran joins us from
Slovenia to assist on all bands.( If he survives the Airplane
We'll have the usual rag tag assembly of equipment I.E.
SB220s,Clipperton Ls,Icom 740s,Kenwood 830s,and 20 foot masts
for all our 3 element monobanders and low band wires. Hey,all
the Big Name equipment manufacturers wouldn't respond to our
request for loans.
Our most important pieces of equipment? The I.C.E. Band Pass
Filters! Don't leave home without em!
Good Luck to all in WPX SSB and Hope to work you.
Glen, was this more appropriate? Oops,forget that you signed
73 Ken KP4XS/now W4 Next week / KP4
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