You guys are NUTS!!!

frenaye at frenaye at
Fri May 3 18:59:48 EDT 1996

NV6O says

>Boy......I wouldn't sign NV to my call if there was any other choice.

Every contest I enter I hear people sign NV after their calls, sometimes I 
even do it.  Some people make it sound like NST or TEST also.

73 Tom

E-mail: frenaye at  
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

>From David Robbins <ky1h at>  Fri May  3 23:28:49 1996
From: David Robbins <ky1h at> (David Robbins)
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 22:28:49 +0000
Subject: Elevated cable runs
References: <199605031058.GAA23115 at>
Message-ID: <318A88A1.580F at>

Scott Detloff wrote:
> I'm getting ready to start running cables from my two towers.  They are located
> 170' and 310' away from the house, and the plan is to use 8' 4X4's buried
> 2' and spaced every 10'.  A "U" shaped bracket will hold a 1/4" guy wire on each
> 4X4, and the the cable runs attached to the guy wire.  There will be atleast
> five 3/4"
> CATV, and 6 control line/ rotator cables coming from each tower.  Any
> suggestions
> on your installation, or installations that you have seen would be greatly
> appreciated
> for tips.
> 73...Scott

i have a run of about 200' from one tower.  i have 5 supports along it. 
 i used 10' or 12' 4x4's buried about 2', this gets the wires just high 
enough that i can walk under them except at the bottom of the dips.  to 
attach to the posts i pre-drilled and screwed in a heavy eye bolt (abt 
1/2" diameter i think).  for 2 of the posts i used 16' 4x4's so i could 
raise the cables up with ropes thru the eyebolts like a draw bridge to 
get backhoes and cement trucks under for future towers.  of course 
always use pressure treated wood for posts like this.

ky1h at   or   robbins at

>From Charles Epps <epps at>  Fri May  3 23:57:56 1996
From: Charles Epps <epps at> (Charles Epps)
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 15:57:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: WRTC Awards Program
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9605031510.A7297-0100000 at netcom16>

Many people have asked about the awards which will be available for 
stations who work the 52 competing WRTC teams.  Here is where things 
stand as of today.  Please contact me if you have questions, need 
additional information, or would like to sponsor one of the plaques.

Thanks de Rusty Epps, W6OAT
WRTC96, Inc. Publicity Chairman


Fifty-two teams of top amateur radio contest operators from 30 countries 
will travel to San Francisco July 10-15 to compete head to head in the 
1996 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC-96).  These operators were 
selected for this competition by national amateur radio organizations, 
leading contest clubs, and an international panel of judges.  Among their 
ranks are the holders of world records in virtually every major HF contest.

The WRTC competition is a "sub-competition" within the framework of the 
larger IARU HF World Championship contest scheduled for the weekend of 
July 13 and 14, 1996.  The WRTC competitors will enter the IARU contest 
as 52 two-person multi-operator, single-transmitter entries.  All 52 
teams will be located near San Francisco Bay on flat terrain in 
relatively close physical proximity so as to minimize propagation 
differences, and all will run exactly 100 watts output into nearly 
identical antenna systems.  By eliminating many of the station and 
propagation variables normally associated with radio contesting, the WRTC 
strives to present a meaningful competition in which the winners can 
rightfully claim to be "the best of the best."

Although the WRTC stations will be competing only with each other, they 
can work anybody and everybody operating in the IARU contest.  The WRTC 
stations will be on the air from 12:00 UTC, July 13 until 06:00 UTC, July 
14, on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.  You can work them once on cw and once 
on ssb on each of these bands, so the maximum number of QSOs possible 
will be 4 (bands) x 2 (modes) x 52 (stations) = 416.  The WRTC stations 
will be easy to identify because they will be signing 52 distinctive 
"1x1" callsigns specially approved by the Federal Communications 
Commission for the competition.  These callsigns are W6A through W6Z and 
K6A through K6Z.  

Several incentives exist to encourage everyone to find and work the WRTC 
teams.  Those who "slice through" the pileups will earn a customized WRTC 
letter opener endorsed for making 10, 25, 50, 75, or 100 QSOs on any 
combination of bands and modes.  If you're lucky enough to achieve a 
"grand slam" by working all 52 different 1x1 callsigns, you'll garner a 
special commemorative deck of WRTC playing cards.  

Numerous radio clubs and individuals have donated plaques to be awarded 
to amateurs in specific geographical areas who make the most QSOs with 
WRTC team stations.  These areas are Worldwide (excluding the San 
Francisco Bay Area*); Africa, Asia, Oceania, and South America; ITU Zone 
6 (excluding the SF Bay Area), Zone 6 (SF Bay Area), Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 
11, Zone 18, Zone 27, Zone 28, Zone 29 and Zone 37.

Each WRTC team using a 1x1 callsign will have a unique, distinctive QSL 
card so work them all to collect the entire set.  WRTC stations will QSL 
100 percent via the bureau and it is not necessary for you to send your 
QSL to them.

The competition organizers will use a computer for processing the 52 WRTC 
station logs to generate QSL labels and to determine award eligibility, 
so you do not need to submit your log.  This means, though, that if you 
have any doubt whether a WRTC station got your call right, you should 
work it again as there will be no chance to correct your callsign after 
the contest.

If you work at least 10 WRTC stations and would like to have one of the 
above-mentioned awards, send a self-addressed adhesive mailing label (not 
an SASE) containing your name, callsign, and address, along with $1.00 or 
2 IRCs for postage and handling, to WRTC-96, Inc., c/o Rusty Epps, W6OAT, 
651 Handley Trail, Redwood City, CA 94062, USA.  Please submit your 
request by August 15, 1996.

Plaque:                 Donated By:

Worldwide (No SF)       Radio Amateurs of/du Canada, Inc.
Africa                  (Donor being sought)
Asia                    Morioka Contest and DX Association
Oceania                 Carl Cook, AI6V
South America           Radio Club Quilmes in memory of Jorge H. Bozzo, LU8DQ
ITU Zone 6 (No SF)      WRTC-90 (Seattle) Organizing Committee
ITU Zone 6 (SF)         Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC
ITU Zone 7              Bill Hider, N3RR
ITU Zone 8              Frankford Radio Club
ITU Zone 11             Dennis Motschenbacher, AA7VB
ITU Zone 18             Nokia Corporation
ITU Zone 27             (Donor being sought)
ITU Zone 28             A.R.I. - Italy
ITU Zone 29             (Donor being sought)
ITU Zone 37             (Donor being sought)

*The "San Francisco Bay Area" consists of the California counties of 
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa 
Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, and Sonoma.

>From barry at (Barry Kutner)  Fri May  3 23:55:18 1996
From: barry at (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Fri, 03 May 96 22:55:18 GMT
Subject: Elevated cable runs
Message-ID: <VeHDND2w165w at>

K7LXC at writes:

> In a message dated 96-05-03 15:33:34 EDT, you write:
> >Scott, elevated cable runs are an open invitation for lightning and other
> >problems.Use em if you have to, but be aware of the dangers!
> >
> Tom --
>       Over 90% of commercial cellular, paging, broadcast, communications and
> microwave installations all have elevated cable runs.  I'm not sure what you
>  mean by your statement about the dangers.

I think the potential problem (pun intended) being alluded to is the
fact that a cable brought in above the ground may not be at
ground potential. I believe the key is to bring it to physical (and 
electrical) ground first at the tower base before running it in.
As a simplified example, if you have a 100 ft tower, and bring the cable 
down to 10 ft, then run it into the shack, you may retain 10% of the 
voltage of a lightning strike on the cable. This is (as I'm sure you 
know) because the tower appears as an inductance to the quick pulse of a 
strike, and the cable at the 10 ft level appears as a "tap" 10% above 
ground potential of the tower/inductor.
As long as the shield of the feedline is grounded at the tower BASE, the 
way the cable is carried into the shack is irrelevant.


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From Ken Silverman" <ken.silverman at CCMAIL.AirTouch.COM  Sat May  4 01:52:03 1996
From: Ken Silverman" <ken.silverman at CCMAIL.AirTouch.COM (Ken Silverman)
Date: Fri, 03 May 96 16:52:03 PST
Subject: Dayton Rooms Available (come and get em)
Message-ID: <9604038311.AA831167801 at CCMAIL.AIRTOUCH.COM>

This message is being relayed for NCCCer Ed, W0YK:

"I have 2 rooms available at the Stouffer Hotel, as I am no longer going to 
attend Dayton.  I would appreciate your posting this message on CQ Contest.  
I will give the confirmation number(s) to the first callers and they can 
switch the credit card number.  Have them call me at 408-353-1853."

(Note:  this is Ed's home number, and he lives in California.  Please contact Ed
directly if you need a room.  73, Kenny WM2C)

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