ND3F/r "microwave" sprint plans

Nd3f at aol.com Nd3f at aol.com
Wed May 8 17:00:36 EDT 1996

Will try to activate FN00 and FM09 each for 1/2 of the contest.
Sites are on Sideling Hill, near Breezewood, PA at
FN00wa and FM09wx.
Coordinate on 432.110 MHz (100w, RIW19)
902 MHz 30w. and 12' looper
1296 MHz 15w. and 12' looper
2304 MHz (unclear, maybe 2w. and a single 8' looper, working
on feed for 4 foot dish)
CW preferred-- 432  and 902 amps are class C.

e-mail or call for skeds: nd3f at aol.com or 410 531 1699 (message)

>From reinc at IAEhv.nl (Rein Couperus)  Wed May  8 20:43:06 1996
From: reinc at IAEhv.nl (Rein Couperus) (Rein Couperus)
Date: Wed, 08 May 1996 20:43:06 +0100
Subject: European CW Sprint Rules ??
Message-ID: <199605082101.XAA09665 at iaehv.IAEhv.nl>

Hi Pedro,

copy of the rules is  on my homepage: http://www.iaehv.nl.users/reinc


-Rein PA0RCT

>	Hello fellow contesters !
>	I would like to know the rules for the upcoming European
>	CW sprint (How long it will be, report exchange, where do 
>	we send the logs to, etc).
>						73's
> | Pedro Pedroso                        |                            | 
> | l38217 at alfa.ist.utl.pt               |  CT1ELP                    |
> | Eng. Electrotecnica e Computadores   |  Founder member of GPDX    |
> | (Telecomunicacoes e electronica)     |                            |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Address: P.O.Box 116 , 2806 Almada Codex , PORTUGAL               |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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