MRIR Effect - June 96 CQ, PROPAGATION column
K8DO at
K8DO at
Thu May 23 19:24:26 EDT 1996
Hello George...
I found your relating of the findings of Chuck Bolland, KA4PRF to be most
interesting... I had the immediate reaction of "why didn't I think of that?",
as I find his hypothesis that reflected solar radiation from the moon can
affect the level of ionization in the ionosphere of the night side as being
both plausible and likely...
I would like to discuss the term "unscientific" used by both the author and
you, to describe his work to date... I have to disagree with that
assessment... While his system of measuring the signal quality can be
markedly improved and made less subjective, I find his work to date to be in
the tradition of field research in science... Galileo, DaVinci, Mendel,
Darwin, Marconi, Feynman, and many others, would immediately recognize his
methodology... new scientific findings are frequently the result of a chance
observation or hunch, and the initial field data, which helps convince the
observer (and others) that the topic is worth following in a more rigorous
fashion can be quite subjective...
For an example I refer you to Fleming's chance observation of mold spots
which led to penicillin... nothing could be more unscientific at first blush
than happening to notice that a common mold on a _single_ laboratory dish
appeared to be growing in areas where the E. Coli bacteria had failed to
grow, and deciding that this was an important finding... other scientists
would have argued that the mold grew there by sheer chance because of the
lack of competition from the bacteria, and that nothing could be learned by
expending further time and effort on the matter... So, the "unscientific"
method is not necessarily bad...
The opposite corollary is an important finding which was shrugged off as
being an error...
Shockly and his team were working with various materials in a diode junction
arrangement, measuring their conductive properties... when analyzing the lab
data he noticed one series of measurements, where a small current flow
injected by a third lead into the mercury droplet used to make the electrical
connection to the material being tested caused a larger change in the current
flowing through the other two leads of the circuit - i.e. the first
transistor had been created in a glass dish in the laboratory... he remembers
looking at that data and deciding that it had to be a lab error because it
violated the well understood science of electrical circuits... this decision
delayed the discovery of the transistor by years... so, the scientific method
is not always good...
I find the possibility of the MRIR Effect (Moon Reflected Ionizing Radiation
) <term by k8do> to be an exciting addition to the contestors armamentarium
and I am interested in participating in this research...
Cheers ... Denny k8do at
>From ik0hbn at ( IK0HBN ) Fri May 24 00:18:51 1996
From: ik0hbn at ( IK0HBN ) ( IK0HBN )
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 01:18:51 +0200
Subject: W4ETO
Message-ID: < at>
Thanks for spending time reading this message....
I am looking for the E-MAIL of W4ETO. In the summary appared on the
reflector few weeks ago, inherent to AMPLIFIERS, Brian gave for W4eto
address the following : jkahrs at , but it seems an error..nobody
answers from there....
If you have a fix for that, please mail direct to me.
Thank you....ciao Sante
Localita' Saineta, 3
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy
home telephone: +39 (0) 761-407543 (FAX on request)
E-mail: ik0hbn at
packet adr: IK0HBN at I0INU.IUMB.ITA.EU
DX cluster : IK0HBN > I0JBL-6
>From va3wto at (VA3WTO,Rui) Fri May 24 00:52:53 1996
From: va3wto at (VA3WTO,Rui) (VA3WTO,Rui)
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 19:52:53 -0400
Subject: TVI PROBLEM Solved.!!!!!!
Message-ID: < at>
Hello dear friend`s firs`t of all i will like to tank you all for all the
reply`s to my problem,i did not ad time yet to fix any thing yet maybe i
will do the job this weekend just to confirm if all the tv cables got good
conections,after puting up the new force12 monobander`s last weekend i keep
asking next door and no problem`s so far,maybe because they are much higher
than before.?(from 48 to 65 feet,also the previous ant was a quad 2 elem.)
Special tank`s to:
73 TO ALL DE Rui Wittwer
VA3WTO Email: va3wto at
/ / / Rui Wittwer Phone:416 656-5728
/ / / 307 Caledonia rd
\ / / Toronto Ontario VA3WTO is a member of the VA3SK contest team
/ \ / M6E-4T4 Canada please call us at the major Contests
/ /|\
/ /
/ /|
/ |
/ |
>From donovanf at (Frank Donovan) Fri May 24 01:09:53 1996
From: donovanf at (Frank Donovan) (Frank Donovan)
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 20:09:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: W3LPL Open House: 15 June (was: Our Clique - SK?)
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.93.960523195552.31481C-100000 at>
The previously semi-annual W3LPL Open House -- always held on the Saturday
of Father's Day weekend -- is now an annual open house! This year it's a
joint Potomac Valley Radio Club/National Capital DX Assocation event.
All contesters and DXers (newcomers and old-timers!) who are interested in
travelling to the far northern Maryland suburbs of Washington DC
are welcome to join in the fun, and its a good excuse for a Spring
weekend in Washington. We've always had well in excess of 100
contesters and DXers here when it was a semi-annual PVRC/FRC/NCDXA joint
meeting (and FRC will certainly be invited to join us again next year!).
No cliques here, just a good time and good fellowship.
donovanf at <---reply address
On Thu, 23 May 1996, William R Liporace wrote:
> This has been a very interesting thread on the net!! I have been a new
> ham since May 89. I became a member of the Albany ARA. The club was very
> friendly and encouraged me to participate! We had a few contesters in
> the club (K2XA, N1CC, N2DU, K2ONP, & a few others) that encouraged the
> new comers to become active on HF & HF contests.
> I was doing some contesting from home. I was invited to K2TR's for a
> visit. This was nice, I was put on the 10mtr position and told to look
> for a clear freq and give a call. I was also invited to operate from
> K2VV's during a 10mtr contest. This was even more exciting, some CW help
> that was needed( and still is :-).
> After a couple of contests, I was also invited to a YCCC meeting. I got
> to meet AK1A, K1EA, KY1H, K1VR, and many of the big guns of the east
> coast. I was hooked. I love this contesting and DXing. Last year I
> helped organize a multi-multi from KY1H and we had 4 new contesters show
> up.
> Friendly is all reletive. I like to think that we are all in the hobby
> to have FUN!! I hope that many peaple do not sight of this fact. I will
> probly not make Dayton for a few years, Now it falls around my wifes
> bithday. That is not good to miss :-) I will get to Dayton and I want to
> meet many of the big guns from around the country and world that I have
> had the pleasure to work and get QSL's from.
> 73 es 55 de KB2HUN ...-.-
> William Liporace KB2HUN kb2hun at
> 325 Mountain Street KB2HUN @ K2TR (yccc packet cluster)
> Albany, NY 12209 KB2HUN @ WA2PVV (NEDA)
> 518-449-1397 home 518-471-2837
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