Kt3y at aol.com Kt3y at aol.com
Tue May 28 19:41:43 EDT 1996

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KT3Y  CW WPX Score S/O HP unassisted

My congratulations to KE2PF for an exceptional score. With marginal condx=

overall and heavy QRN on the low bands, a "super" station clearly makes =

a difference. =

In addition, my congratulations to Bob KQ2M  (4.6M) who beat my "all wire=
" =

antenna score with a similar setup.  Also congratulations to Fred K3ZO  =

for taking the PVRC top spot with 4.7 M.   =


         QSO     Points   Prefixes  =

160        2            4          0   Compressed delta loop =

  80      92         372        20   Phased dipoles NE/SW, NW/SE dipole
  40    790       3554       376   3L wire beam NE,  N/S, E/W dipoles
  20    997       2412       259   5L wire beams NE and NW, stacked dipol=
(N/S, E/W)
  15     46          114        19   5L  wire beam NE,  3 lazy Hs
        1927       6456       674 =3D  4,351,344  =

 Station Description:
All antennas mounted between trees. Heights 70 to 80 feet maximum.
Three two wire beverages (maximum length 450 feet) for receive.
I was pleased with the performance of the 3L 40 beam. It is an exceptiona=
l =

antenna with a very good pattern.  I am not sure of the exact height but
would estimate 75 feet maximum.
The phased dipoles on 80 (spaced about a quarter wave) also appear very =

promising. Computer modeling indicates that the gain over a dipole at  =

70 feet is 4.5 db bidirectionally with a lower radiation angle. =

73,  Phil =



>From dave at egh.com (David Clemons)  Tue May 28 23:42:02 1996
From: dave at egh.com (David Clemons) (David Clemons)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 18:42:02 -0400
Subject: station cost/personal motivation
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9605281834.A4852-0100000 at newman.egh.com>

        The idea that "radio contesting costs too much money" has been put
forth for quite a few years.  I think one of the reasons for this notion is
that our present society is noted for the desire for instant gratification.
When someone suddenly discovers radio contesting, does he/she feel they need
to have the best equipment and antennas before they enter their first serious
contest?  And if they can immediately afford that super station, how will
they cope with the inevitable fact that they will be outdone by several
operators with far inferior setups?  It seems to me that people who go 
through life with this attitude will seldom achieve much, and what they 
achieve will not give them any satisfaction anyway.

        The way most of us serious operators have progressed is by starting
small, getting a taste of what contesting is, finding out what we can 
presently accomplish, and deciding what we would like to accomplish in 
the future.  Then we begin to work towards our goals accordingly.  Wouldn't 
it be foolish if all K1's quit contesting because we could not beat the likes 
of K1AR, for example?  (Wouldn't it be equally silly for all NBA players to 
quit because they will never quite be like Mike?)  Well, if you must 
immediately be tops, then I guess you need to start your own unique activity.

        Several ops have posted mail as to how they put together a good 
station without a large expenditure of money.  I too can verify that my 
station, put together over a period of 14 years, has cost very little.  
(If I didn't have family obligations it would have been quicker.  But so 
what?  My family is, after all, more important than my hobby.)  About half of 
my tower sections and half of my antennas have been acquired as used items, 
some of them needing repair.  One of my best moves was to take a welding 
course at the local trade school in the early 80's.  You'd be surprised at how 
much you can save when you can do your own arc welding.  (Small arc welders 
are fairly cheap on the used market too.)  And my radios have seldom been top 
of the line models.

        I will never be quite like the Mikes of contesting, but I am starting
to approach some of my goals.  If I reach them, I'll simply set some more 
goals and keep on going.  For the serious contester, I think it boils down to 
this - no matter what our level of contesting, it's the goal setting and the 
chase that keep us going.

73, Dave Clemons K1VUT

>From km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P)  Wed May 29 00:15:04 1996
From: km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P) (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:15:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: KM900P
Message-ID: <199605282315.TAA12671 at paris.akorn.net>

>I wonder how your KM900P paid off ! Any comments on that ?

Clearly a mistake in judgement on using this callsign.  I was having trouble
using the second radio anyway (since there were so few times 2 bands were
actually open and the QRN on the low bands was so bad), but add in the
KM900P callsign and S&Ping was a terrible experience.  

I've learned two lessons this year:

#1:  Never operate the Sprint with a funny call and 100w.
#2:  Never operate any other contest with a funny callsign.


Bill, KM9##P
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