Power Line Interference Solved--Tip (LONG)

Garry Shapiro ni6t at scruznet.com
Tue Nov 5 20:03:58 EST 1996

Jerry Boyd wrote:
> A few months ago after retiring we moved to a rural area near Redding,
> Ca.  Wanted room for antennas (got it!) and an "rf quiet" QTH in the
> country.  Had that too until CQWW.  It rained here almost all of CQWW
> weekend and all of the sudden an S-9 noise level when the yagis were
> pointed at JA.  Forced to work JA's on 15 (which were weak anyhow) with
> beam pointed 60 degrees west of the actual JA heading.
> Monday morning after the contest(one week ago)  I took a vhf-aircraft
> (AM) handheld and a vhf yagi and went looking.  In short order found a
> PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) power pole with a transformer, various
> insulators, and lightening arrestors which seemed to be the source of the
> problem.  Called PG&E and explained the situation and they promised to
> have someone out within a week.  This morning (one week) a PG&E
> interference specialist arrived.  He was extremely well equipped with a
> variety of receivers (complete with attenuators) and yagis.  In short
> order he confirmed the pole I had identified and then using a handheld
> receiver isolated one insulator as the primary source of the "leak".
> Upon later inspection (same day!!) by a repair crew this insultor (which
> I'll describe momentarily) was found to be cracked at the point where one
> end of a HV line fuse was attached.
> According to the repair crew this particular type of insulator has been
> the source of MANY MANY problems (not just RFI, but power failures as
> well).  This type of insulator has been sold, in his words "to just about
> every electrical utility in the country".  He would not identify the
> maufacturer or model number of the insulator because of pending
> litigation between the manufacturer of this defenctive insulator and
> several utility companies which are suing the manufacturer.
> The repair supervisor told me that tens of thousands of RFI problems and
> power failures have been attributed to this insulator.  For lack of
> better identifying information I'll describe it.  It mounts ATOP the
> power transformer (a pair per transformer) and protrudes at a 45 degree
> angle.It is about 10 inches long and about 3 1/2 inch in diameter.  It is
> used to hold a long line fuse.
> The PG&E crew, which by the way I am commending in writing to their boss,
> not only replaced the faulty insulator and its mate, but re-configured
> the layout of lightening arrestors atop the pole to reduce the number of
> nuts and bolts that could later loosen and cause problems.  End result,
> noise is gone and an almost certain power disruption this winter averted.
> If you are experiencing a noise problem which you track to a particular
> pole you might look for the type of  line fuse insulator I've described.
>  The crew that came here was sharp and knowledgable, but not all are.
> Jerry

My good friend Jerry:

Pinch yourself--you are dreaming!

It is hard to believe you are talking about the Pacific Gas and Electric
Company--also known as the Grace L. Ferguson Storm Door and Public
Utility Company, also known as Lay Them All Off--We Don't Need Linemen,

This is the same company that allowed most of its poles to rot for over
30 years (it saved maintenance costs), laid off 3000 linemen a few years
ago--and almost laid off another 3000 until stopped by public uproar and
the state PUC, and which overran $3.5 billion on its infamous nuclear
plant at Diablo Canyon, which money--wasted through sheer managerial
incompetence--the state PUC has most generously allowed them to collect
from its ratepayers, making them the recipients of just about the most
expensive electricity in the USA.

First, to get someone out right away in response to your call is
notable--rare, in fact. To get the repair done immediately--unless it
was an "emergency," such as an imminent fire or pole collapse--is
virtually unheard of. Three months to forever is more likely. Either you
had beginner's luck, are annointed by God, or you have fallen into some
forgotten backwater, where PG&E's usual customer credo--"Let the
bastards rot"--has somehow been forgotten. I would have kept that
information to myself!

Whatever you have, Jerry, you should bottle and sell. I am sure you will
work Heard Island on the first call.
Garry Shapiro, NI6T
Editor, The DXer
newsletter of the Northern California DX Club

>From bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn)  Wed Nov  6 06:12:16 1996
From: bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 22:12:16 -0800
Subject: Contest Calendar (Vers. 96.11)
Message-ID: <v02140b02aea557052d6c@[]>

                              CONTEST CALENDAR
                        November 5, 1996 Edition (96.11)

Please send corrections and additions directly to me.  I will post an
updated calendar on a monthly basis.  Thanks to VE2PIJ, N0AX, W9WI, G4BUO,
JE1CKA for contest info.

An HTML version of the calendar is available on request, or the most recent
calendar may be found at:  http://www.primenet.com/~scdxc/contestcal.html

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at netcom.com)

The contest calendar is divided into two sections:
  1) CONTEST CALENDAR: Calendar showing dates and times of scheduled
  2) CONTEST LOG SUBMITTAL DEADLINES: Deadlines and addresses for
                       submitting logs for contests that have
                       already occurred or whose deadline will pass
                       before the next issue of the calendar.

Please note that you may not be able to operate during all of the total
hours of the contests listed below. Total operating time may also vary
by entry category. See individual contest rules for allowed operating

November, 1996  (U.S hams should note that CQWW is before Thanksgiving)

  Japan Int.DX Contest, Phone    2300Z, Nov 8 to 2300Z, Nov 10
  WAE DX Contest, RTTY           0000Z, Nov 9 to 2400Z, Nov 10
  OK/OM DX Contest               1200Z, Nov 9 to 1200Z, Nov 10
  ARRL Sweepstakes, Phone        2100Z, Nov 16 to 0300Z, Nov 18
  RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest, CW       2100Z, Nov 16 to 0100Z, Nov 17
  CQ Worldwide Contest, CW       0000Z, Nov 23 to 2400Z, Nov 24
  ARRL EME Competition           0000Z, Nov 23 to 2400Z, Nov 24 (2nd half)

December, 1996

  ARRL 160-Meter Contest         2200Z,.Dec 6 to 1600Z, Dec 8
  ARRL 10-Meter Contest          0000Z, Dec 14 to 2400Z, Dec 15
  TARA RTTY Sprint               1800Z, Dec 14 to 0200Z, Dec 15
  Stew Perry Dist.Challenge(160) 1500Z, Dec 28 to 1500Z, Dec 29
  RAC Canada Winter Contest      0000-2359Z, Dec 29

January, 1997

  Japan Int.DX Contest, 160-40m  2200Z, Jan 10 to 2200Z, Jan 12
  Midwinter Contest, CW          0700Z-1900Z, Jan 11
  Hunting LIONS in the Air       0900Z, Jan 11 to 2100Z, Jan 12
  North Amer. QSO Party, CW      1800Z, Jan 11 to 0600Z, Jan 12
  Midwinter Contest, Phone       0700Z-1900Z, Jan 12
  North Amer. QSO Party, Phone   1800Z, Jan 18 to 0600Z, Jan 19
  ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes   1900Z, Jan 18 to 0400Z, Jan 20
  CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW       2200Z, Jan 24 to 1600Z, Jan 26
  REF Contest, CW                0600Z, Jan 25 to 1800Z, Jan 26
  UBA Contest, Phone             1300Z, Jan 25 to 1300Z, Jan 26

February 1997

  Delaware QSO Party             Feb 1 to Feb 2
  Dutch PACC Contest             1200Z, Feb 8 to 1200Z, Feb 9
  Asia-Pacific Sprint            1230Z-1430Z, Feb 8
  YL-OM Contest, Phone           1400Z, Feb 8 to 0200Z, Feb 10
  RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest, CW       2100Z, Feb 8 to 0100Z, Feb 9
  North American Sprint, CW      0000Z-0359Z, Feb 9
  ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW     0000Z, Feb 15 to 2400Z, Feb 16
  CQ 160-Meter Contest, Phone    2200Z, Feb 21 to 1600Z, Feb 23
  North Carolina QSO Party       0000Z, Feb 22 to 2400Z, Feb 23
  REF Contest, SSB               0600Z, Feb 22 to 1800Z, Feb 23
  UBA Contest, CW                1300Z, Feb 22 to 1300Z, Feb 23
  YL-OM Contest, CW              1400Z, Feb 22 to 0200Z, Feb 24
  RSGB 7 MHz DX Contest, CW      1500Z, Feb 22 to 0900Z, Feb 23

March 1997

  RSGB Commonwealth Contest,CW   1200Z, Mar 8 to 1200Z, Mar 9
  Bermuda Contest                0001Z, Mar 15 to 2400Z, Mar 16
  BARTG WW RTTY Contest          0200Z, Mar 15 to 0200Z, Mar 17
  Russian DX Contest             1200Z, Mar 15 to 1200Z, Mar 16
  Virginia QSO Party             1800Z, Mar 15 to 0500Z, Mar 16 and
                                   1100Z, Mar 16 to 0200Z, Mar 17
  Alaska QSO Party               0000Z, Mar 22 to 2400Z, Mar 23
  CQWW WPX Contest, Phone        0000Z, Mar 29 to 2400Z, Mar 30

April 1997

  EA RTTY Contest                1600Z, Apr 5 to 1600Z, Apr 6
  Holyland DX Contest            1800Z, Apr 5 to 1800Z, Apr 6
  Japan Int.DX Contest, 20-10m   2300Z, Apr 11 to 2300Z, Apr 13
  UBA HF 80m Contest             0700Z-1100Z, Apr 13
  SP DX RTTY Contest             1200Z, Apr 19 to 2400Z, Apr 20

End of calendar section

Please consult the individual contest rules to determine what log
documentation must be submitted (i.e. summary sheet, dupe sheets, etc.).

  FISTS CW Fall Sprint           November 12, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Peter Kozup, K8OUA
           5115 N. Park Ave.
           Warren, OH  44481

  Tennessee QSO Party            November 12, 1996
    E-mail:  desmith at telalink.net
    Mail:  Doug Smith, W9WI
           1385 Old Clarksville Pike
           Pleasant View, TN  37146-8098

  California QSO Party           November 15, 1996
    E-mail:  cqp at contesting.com
    Mail:  NCCC
           c/o Al Maenchen, AD6E
           3330 Farthing Way
           San Jose, CA  95132

  Pennsylvania QSO Party         November 15, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Douglas Maddox, W3HDH
           Nittany ARC
           RD 1, Box 760
           Petersburg, PA  16669

  VK/ZL/Oceania Contest, Phone   November 16, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  John Litten, ZL1AAS
           Onemana Post
           New Zealand

  Worked All Germany Contest     November 20, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Klaus Voigt, DL1DTL
           P.O. Box 12 09 37
           D-01010 Dresden

  QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party, CW    Unknown (contest ended Oct 20)
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Cam Hartford, N6GA
           1959 Bridgeport Ave.
           Claremont, CA  91711

  Illinois QSO Party             Unknown (contest ended Oct 21)
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  RAMS
           c/o John Matl
           7079 West Ave.
           Hanover Park, IL  60103

  VK/ZL/Oceania Contest, CW      November 23, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  John Litten, ZL1AAS
           Onemana Post
           New Zealand

  Ten-Ten Int. Fall CW Contest   Unknown (contest ended Oct 27)
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Don Zielinski, K0PVI
           P.O. Box DX
           Genoa, CO  80818-0119

  All Asian DX Contest, SSB      November 30, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)              Logs must arrive by
    Mail:  JARL                  this date
           P.O. Box 377
           Tokyo Central

  CQ Worldwide Contest, RTTY     December 1, 1996
    E-mail:  gould at corpcom-events.com
    Mail:  Roy Gould, KT1N
           CQWW RTTY DX Contest Director
           P.O. Box DX
           Stow, MA  01775

  CQ Worldwide Contest, Phone    December 1, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  CQ Magazine (CQWW Phone)
           76 North Broadway
           Hicksville, NY  11801

  Ukranian DX Contest            December 3, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  Ukranian Contest Club HQ
           P.O. Box 4850
           Zaporozhye 330118

  ARRL Sweepstakes CW Contest    December 3, 1996
    E-mail:  contest at arrl.org
    Mail:  ARRL November Sweepstakes (CW)
           225 Main St.
           Newington, CT  06111

  High Speed Club CW Contest     December 15, 1996
    E-mail:  (none)
    Mail:  DL8WAA

End of log submittal deadlines

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Wed Nov  6 01:06:41 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 21:06:41 -0400
Subject: ARRL SS CW 96 Scores II
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by
(floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted: 11/05/96

CALL              OP/SECT    SCORE    QS0'S     SECTS    HRS


AA8U                       125,112     802        78     22
K1TR                 NH    112,050     747        75     24
N0AX                       107,464     707        76
K7MM                EWA    102,960     660        78     24 
K0EJ                 TN    100,950     673        75     20
KG5U                STX     85,644     549        78     20
WB9HRO                      85,500     570        75
WB8RUQ               MI     71,188     481        74     22
K5SL                 LA     66,600     450        74     23
KF9PL                IN     55,522     391        71     20
WA0RJY                      52,500     350        75
WE9V                        51,832     341        76 
KU7Y                 NV     49,248     342        72     
KA1CZF                      49,128     356        69
KC4WQ                KY     33,500     250        67     11
KR0U                        13,500     125        54
VE6SH/8             NWT      9,588     102        47     14
N1AFC                        8,080     101        40      8


KR0Y/5                     211,380    1355        78
K8HVT/KP2                  202,972    1318        77
AA7BG                      174,040    1145        76
W4WA (AA4GA)         GA    169,260    1085        78
NM5M                       167,200    1100        76
AC1O/4                     162,084    1039        78
KO9Y                       158,808    1018        78
W5XX                 MS    156,000    1000        78     24
KK9W                       154,908     993        78
KC6CNV              ORG    152,614     991        77     24 
AB4RX                KY    148,980     955        78
AA8AV                MI    148,824     954        78
K4HHG                      148,668     953        78     23
N0AT (AA0VQ)               147,288     969        76
VE6EX                      143,250     955        75
N4OGW/5              NM    140,752     926        76     23
W9WI                 TN    139,776     896        78
WA6KUI               TN    138,016     908        76     24
KZ8E                       134,550     897        75
N4YOS                AL    129,012     827        78     
WD8IJP                     128,700     825        78
K1JKS               EMA    128,590     835        77
N9XX                       127,296     816        78     24
WT1O                EMA    124,024     838        74     24 
WA2STM                     121,656     822        74     15
KB0IHM               MN    121,034     829        73     24
K3SA                 MD    119,042     773        77     20
NW1S                       115,500     755        77     
N4YDU                      113,616     789        72     23
KI4HN                NC    112,500     750        75
K3CR (KB3AFT)       WPA    112,200     748        75     24
KX4V                 VT     96,096     624        77     19
KK7A                 ID     92,720     610        76     18
K1YRP                CT     91,464     618        74     22
NJ1V                STX     85,176     546        78     16 
NS0B                        82,800     552        75     11
K2WK                        80,542     523        77     11
AB5SE                AR     80,104     527        76     21
K7DBV                OR     77,824     512        76     19
WX9E                        76,000     500        76     16
W5HUQ               NFL     68,640     440        78     23
AC5BR                AR     68,400     450        76     18
AA0XZ                MO     64,972     439        74     24
KJ1N                 CO     64,116     411        78      7
WB0OLA               IN     52,716     382        69     13
KA8OKH               KY     50,978     359        71
K0VBU                KS     37,888     256        74      8
WD4AHZ              SFL     14,178     139        51      3
AA4LR                GA      3,000      50        30      3
KR2J                                   213        64      5
N9JF                                   758        78
K3SA                                   773        76
AD4VH                                  670        76
KK7A                                   610        76
N0AXL                                  605        76
WN6K                                   591        75
AB5SE                                  527        76
WA5JWU                                 342        78
NC7K                                   239        65


W0SD (WD0T)                224,994    1461        77
W5WMU (N6TR)               224,952    1442        78
N5RZ                       223,236    1431        78
K4VX/0 (WX3N)              217,620    1395        78
W6GO (N6IG)                213,096    1366        78
W5KFT (N5KO)               212,520    1380        77
W7RM (AA7NX)        WWA    207,012    1327        78
K7UP (KN5H)          NM    206,388    1323        78     24
K0RF                       206,206    1339        77
WB0O                 ND    206,206    1339        77
KM9P (K7GM)                205,296    1316        78
K6LL                       205,140    1315        78
KY7M                       203,580    1305        78
N7DD                       203,112    1302        78
K0KR                       202,332    1297        78
AI7B                       199,680    1280        78
AB6FO               LAX    198,744    1274        78
K5GO                       196,092    1257        78
KE3Q                       195,734    1271        77
VE3EJ (NJ2L)               195,312    1252        78
KC7V                 AZ    194,844    1249        78     24
W2PV (@K2TR)(WZ1R)         194,688    1248        78     24
W3GH                WPA    193,732    1258        77 
K1IU                 RI    191,412    1227        78
NA5Q                       191,100    1225        78
N6RO                       190,498    1237        77
K5ZD                       189,540    1215        78
K5NA                       189,112    1228        77
W9RE                       188,760    1210        78
N6FU                STX    188,650    1225        77
K4PQL                NC    186,340    1210        77
KF3P                       186,108    1193        78
K3ZO                       183,144    1174        78
KT3Y                       181,258    1177        77
K7FR                EWA    176,748    1133        78     24 
NN7L (NL7GP)               173,784    1114        78
W5ASP                      172,848    1112        78     22
W2VJN                OR    170,664    1094        78
K0IJL                MN    168,014    1091        77     24
N4ZR                 WV    166,452    1067        78     24
K0WA                       166,440    1095        76
KM0L                 MO    166,140    1065        78     24
KY2P                 TN    163,956    1051        78     24
W1XT                 AZ    156,408    1029        76     24
K9WIE                      155,344    1022        76
W6QHS                      145,860     935        78
AA3B                       145,650     970        75     24
K0HB                 MN    143,336     943        76
WA6CTA               SF    133,848     858        78
AA0OB                MN    129,352     874        74     24
W5GN                NTX    120,450     803        76     20
WB4NFS                     119,850     799        75     24
W6XR/2                     110,760     710        78     15
AA0SQ                MN    106,400     700        76     22
KB2UGM              NNY     94,848     624        76     20
WB5B                NTX     94,050     627        75     14
WA1GUV               VT     77,550     517        75     24
N6MZ                        73,632     472        78
N1CC                ENY     68,400     450        76     10
KJ4VH                       44,250     295        75      4
K2ONP               ENY     42,344     316        67      6
K8KFJ                WV     32,256     252        64
AL7PT                WV     31,600     220        72     16
NS8O                 OH     22,806     181        63     10
N6UR                                  1278        78
WX0B                                  1000        78
NJ8M                                   962        78
KO4EW                                  761        78
WB4RMJ                                 759        74
W1IHN                NC                740        78     18
W5NN (KB5YVT)                          713        75     11
VY1JA                                  520        77
WB4RDV                                 459        72
N2KJM                                  414        76
NO1J                                   300        76


K1ZX                       225,420    1445        78 
KS9W                 IL    193,752    1242        78
KY1H                       186,420    1195        78
N6KI                SDG    176,748    1133        78     24
K6XO/7                     175,500    1125        78
K0WA                       166,440    1095        76
K6GV                SCV    165,672    1062        78     24
K8JM                       148,980     995        78
W6BIP                      138,624     913        76
KE2VB               WNY    135,720     870        78     23
KO4EW                TN    118,716     761        78
K3WW                       109,200     700        78     14
W5EHM                      103,800     692        75


AA4NC        S0/HP   NC               1000        77     19
KF4APW       QRP     NC                165        56      4



K1ZX          K1ZX,WC4E,K1TO
K6GV          AA6WJ,KM6AS,K6GV
KS9W          KD5PJ,AA9LX,KS9W
K0WA          WA0SXR,W0CEM,K0WA
K6XO/7        K6XO,AB7GM,N5CT
W6BIP         AE0M,N1EE,W6BIP



This is the first posting and since I got scores off internet and also
off 3830 itself a score may be on here twice. Just let me know if yours
is and I will take the incorrect one off.

73's Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

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