November CQ/10 Meter Contest Canceled?

Martin Ellis jmellis at
Fri Nov 8 23:22:05 EST 1996

HENRYPOL at wrote:
> The ARRL 10 Meter Contest was not listed in the latest CQ column
> Contest Calendar sidebar 'Calendar of Events'.
> Just because 10 hasn't been great lately is no reason to cancel a > contest; is it?  A quick check of the latest QST
> confirmed that, at least as far as the ARRL is concerned,
> it is still on!   So mark your calendars, and plan to get on 
> and try to work KE5FI and myself;
> 73,  Henry Pollock - WB4HFL

Good morning Henry,
Most of us wrote off the poor condx in the ARRL 10 meter test
of December 1995, as being the low point of the last 10 years.
And we hoped that the 10 meter test in December 1996 would
show an improvement when/if Cycle 23 got underway.

But our F2 conditions here in ZL are not as good as we had
a year ago.  

Does anyone have access to a propagation forecast for
December 14-15, 1996.  What does VOACAP have to say about 
the Stateside to South Pacific path on 28.5 MHZ?

Yes I promise to be QRV, if only to work Henry WB4HFL and
Chuck KE5FI once again...

BTW Henry, I hope you are not applying in Gate 2 for a new call.
I once had nice contacts with Don W6HFL (SK), who used the 
phonetics *Hurray For Love*

Martin ZL1ANJ
< jmellis at >

>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys)  Fri Nov  8 11:47:41 1996
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 06:47:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Vanity Miracle!!
Message-ID: <199611081147.GAA10732 at>

And to beat a dead horse just a little more (it's only fair) -

When I ran across my 610V last night while looking for something else,
I saw that we had received first choices on both's clubs' calls as
well as my own! What are the odds of THAT on three separate apps!
Must be picking what no one else would want. What a pisser!

ex-you know who

>From HWDX09A at ( ROBERT   REED)  Fri Nov  8 12:27:03 1996
Date: Fri,  8 Nov 1996 07:27:03, -0500
Subject: Calls/QSLs/CDs
Message-ID: <199611081227.HAA03432 at>

Don't jump the gun in buying new CD-ROM's looking to have the 
corrections for the Vanity Callsigns.

Radio Amateur Callbook. - The paper editions were sent to the 
printers in early October and the CD's were send for pressing the 3rd 
week of October. Obviously neither will have what will amount to 4,
000+ chnages. This new 75th Edition is sorely outdated from the start.
 Combine the fact that RAC Publisher Ted Misa suddenly resigned in 
October after the edition was completed leaves RAC in what was said 
to be a quandry last I spoke with Ted's old secretary.

Buckmaster traditionally publishes in October which would be too 
early but we could all wait for the April edition and all have what 
to buy extra at Dayton.

QRZ Ham Radio could be a good source but you MUST check when the 
Edition was pressed as they often are behind. One would assume their 
Winter Edition to carry the November changes but don't count on it. 
Either message QRZ and ask or buy only from a hamfest dealer that can 
demo the CD or is real sure of the data date.

AM-SOFT World of Ham Radio is likely to be the first CD pressed with 
the new Vanity Data. Pete is very proud of being up to date in his 
seasonal editions. His lookup is pretty quick and the CD has an 
excellent collection of shareware data.

My personal choice is to wait for the QRZ CD to be updated. Besides 
having the lookup ability I want the Internet addresses registered 
with each callsign in a home reference. Hopefully everyone has 
regiestered theirs with QRZ. It is a simple process - just look up 
your call and update the Internet address.


 73,   Bob Reed, W2CE
       1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109
       Toms River, New Jersey  08757

       Internet : hwdx09a at

       Pager  :  (908) 288 - 6552

>From sevar at (Severino Dal Grande)  Fri Nov  8 12:56:51 1996
From: sevar at (Severino Dal Grande) (Severino Dal Grande)
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 13:56:51 +0100
Subject: E-mail WF5E ?
Message-ID: <32832E13.4285 at>

please E-mail WF5E for Dx Qsl Service ?

Thanks. 73.
* Dal Grande Severino  *
* Arzignano (VI)Italia *
* sevar at    *
* IK3PQG               *

>From jwatson at (John Watson)  Fri Nov  8 14:00:08 1996
From: jwatson at (John Watson) (John Watson)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 09:00:08 -0500
Subject: Random or ?
Message-ID: <199611081401.JAA01663 at>

Someone get this guy a good shrink quick!! 
It appears that he has either read too many conspiracy novels or suffers
from the delusion that the government is out to get him.

                                DE KC4TBH

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