IG9 CQWW96 SSB Story

Fabio Schettino i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it
Sun Nov 10 18:43:12 EST 1996

IG9   LAMPEDUSA is.  AF 33  CQWW 96 SSB Story

some one has requested a brief story of these activity............

Once again we have setup 6 single band single op. from IG9. This is a
effort, a full six station was installed in a field day configuration,
unfortunatly we are not into 500m diameter so no M/S or M/M effort

A Brief history of the highlight moment :

160m. IG9/IV3TAN, Albert was located in the border of the island near
lighthouse of the island, off the ocean, operating from a little truck,
and a beautiful full 1/4 wave vertical antenna 39 m. high with 4
1/4 wave radial and over 1 Km of wire on the ground. Three 2m high
receiving antennas into N for EU, N/W for USA and S/W for SA direction.
Condition was incredible, more that 150 USA station, more that 100
and most of the best DX on the LOG, HS,XX,ZS8,ZS,CE,LU. The Island is
from EUROPE so is easy to found a clear, a very clear frequency, without
strong QRM.

80m.  IG9/I4UFH, Fabio has setup his station on a bungalow at 10m from
sea, with a 20m, full 1/4 wave vertical with 8 elevated radials, two
ge antennas, N to EU and N/W to USA dipole at 45m above the see into E 
direction, very useful for the KH2,KH0 mults. The Contest was opened
163 QSO in the first hour, a huge pile-up from EU and Asia. First night
the condition wasn't good for USA, but good mult's appear,
and almost all the Carabian mults. The second days start with a juiced
KH8, KH2, KH0, V85, XX9, JT, VU, 4S7 HC8, and a hard EU pile-up, the
appear a solid night for the USA guys, and finally, BOB W6RJ appear on 
Zone 3 is fixed !! Over 250 USA station on the log at the end of the
Last highlight, at 4 hours from the end of the Contest, the band open
JA, an incredible emotion to work as many JA on 80m.
40m. IG9/IT9GSF, Fabio has installed again the 2 element Yagi full size,
the top of a 25m, tower, with the World Score in mind. Some days before
Contest the Power Supply of the PA brokes, and ha you can immagine, on
island you can found only a TV techican with his 100 ohm 1/4 W resistor, 
no 2000V diode for the Power Supply !!! Even more in a some way he has
the problem with surplus diode found on a old tube military equipments.
The start was very hard, all EU station listening up for USA, so he has 
started with a huge USA pile-up, with good mults, the morning starts
Oceanian ZL, VK pile-up and all days with EU. more that 2200 QSO at the

20m. IG9/IK2QEI, Steve a newcomer into the IG9 story, a quite good op,
his very first 3 point operation. Antenna setup is a 20m high KT34XA in
center of the island, 800 m from the sea, IC765 and PA. Several RF
and computer difficults all fixed with a lot of RF ferrite choke, all
the shack. 20m is the most difficult ad critical band, you cannot sleep, 
as 15m and 10m ops, because is a a band edge from IG9, short EU skip is 
always present night and day. Starting with few QSO, the band is not
but no takers, they are all on lower band, the band begin to open at the
sunrise, and finally the pile-up appear, KH6 and KL7 are logged, all EU
mults in no more that 4 hours, and finally USA opening until the band
deading, all the most great mults from Asia appear on the log,
very easy. The second day condition seem worst, the rate drop down, and
the EU QRM is very strong. A lot of fun, has first experience.

15m.  IG9/IT9EQO, Antonello has setup his 5 element yagi long boom and
the equipment, but unfortunatly the location was the only one location
the island with a little hill trough USA to JA !! So the activity was
limited, some good rates wit JA trough long path, ma unsuccefully

10m. Same problem for the 10m station, worked over 200 S. American guys,
and 24 Zone, but only 2 EU station. A Contest to forget.

The island seem to have a particular advantage on the lower band, the
noise and the ocean helps to obtain fun and scores. The high band suffer
of the low sunspot cycle, we think that in a couple of year, IG9 could
an high class world location. Now IG9 dosn't have the capability to work
more that 6000 QSO in this period, we will wait for better condition.
We have a lot of work to do, but the Contest is the Contest .......  
Plans for the next  year a M/S WPX Contest and, finally, the best

73 de Fabio I4UFH  / IG9 / one of IR4T / KF6FBE

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Sun Nov 10 17:12:55 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 13:12:55 -0400
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by
(floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted: 11/10/96


K1IU        K1AM    Jeff Bouvier          k1iu at ids.net
WA1G        K1AJ    Bruce Marshall        bruce at shore.net
AC1O        KN4T    Walt Deemer           ac1o at gate.net
K1ZX        K4OJ    Jim White             k4oj at aol.com
K1YRP       W1EQ    Robert C. Garceau     bobgar at neca.com
WA1IML      K1SM    William A. Hassan     dxer at ici.net
K1CGJ       K1RC    John C. Marchand      jmarchand at ecrm.com
W1IHN    1  N4CW    Bert Michaud          W1IHN at GNN.COM
KJ1N        N0HF    Daniel C. Norman      dnorman at ucar.edu
KD1NG       K1SD    James M. Setzler, Jr. setzler_james_m at fs811.npt
K1MNS       K1CA    Larry Blouin          arnold.industries at channel1.com
K1FWF    1  K1AE    John D. Allen         jallen at vhfcom.com
WA1N        W1AO    Joseph M. Kozak
K1LL        K1ART   Arthur K. Hambleton
AA1LI       W1AZ    George B. Gardner
K1JKS       N1BB    William Bithell Jr.
WA1PEL      K1BD    William A. Dodge
W1BWS       W1CU    Jonathan A. Cunitz
AG1C        W1EG    Edward W. Goodhue III
N1OCS       W1EK    Joe Rich
KT1O        W1ES    Stephen E. Wedge
KD2EU       K1EU    Michael J. Russo
WO1P        K1GE    Glenn C. Edson
WA1KSY      K1HQ    Robert P. Olsen
N1ACU       K1IA    Raymond T. Trinque
WB1ELA      W1IA    Brent R. Desautel
WU1I        W1JO    Richard J. Rainville
KD1GG       AE1M    Robert A. Levine
N1OPZ       N1MD    Michael L. Therrien
WT1S        W1MD    Martin I. Durham
K1HMO       K1MO    David C. Mania
KA1YQ       K1MS    Ivan G. Pagacik
WA1VAR      W1NR    Michael A. McCarthy
WA2CJT      K1OA    Scott A. Ginsburg
WA1TTE      W1OHM   William H. Ohm
K1YXV       K1OW    George R. Rickley
KA1FMR      K1OZ    James A. Spear
KG1CS       W1PA    William P. Acito Jr.
NZ1U        W1RE    Robert A. Edry
AA1KY       W1RH    Robert P. Hess
AD1G        N1RJ    Roger D. Johnson
WZ1R        N1RR    Charles Morrison
KM1Y        K1RV    Harold L. Pugh Jr.
WA1EQU      W1RV    Richard P. Vitello
NO1J        K1TH    Thomas W. Hurley
NX1H        K1TI    Paul D. Terwilliger
WA1TET      W1TQ    David W. Foner
N1HEO       N1TT    Stanely A. White
KY1H        K1TTT   David R. Robbins
KB1AXF      K1WD    William H. Davis
KD1TM       W1XF    James A. Frier Jr.
WA1TZV      K0TV    Jeremy L. Muller
WB1HBB      K4VP    Warren L. Rothberg
N1EE        W6CT    Scott A. Lieberman
NY1I        AE7G    Robert C. Koerner
KA1MH       K1JN
N1MJC       W1FYB
KD1EG       W1CN
AA1AK       AJ1X
AI1N        K1MZ
K1CMI       W1MI
K1GBU       W1SM
K1HMO       K1MO
KA1BQ       W1NA
KB1BPE      K1ZL
KC1SJ       W1UK
NI1Y        N1WL
NO1U        W1WZ
W1HIC       W3BW
WA1AYS      K1SG
WA1EKV      K1KW
WS1H        N1ET
WS1J        W1CNY
WZ1R        N1RR

AB2BO       K3BU    Yuri Blanarovich      K3BU at AOL.COM
WM2C        K2KW    Kenny Silverman       ken.silverman at airtouch.com
WP2S        W4MK    Michael J. Kloc       w4mk at sunrisetech.com
AA2UA       K2DE    James Demos           k2de at monmouth.com
KF2ET       N2TX    Mike Anderson         N2TX at LI.NET
WT2G        W2ED    Ed Bailey             ebailey at earthlink.net
KB2NY       N2JT    Jack Trampler         kb2ny at fast.net
WB2DIN      W2CE    Robert Reed           HWDX09A at PRODIGY.COM
WB2DND      N1DG    Don Greenbaum         DON at AURUMTEL.COM
KR2J        N5NJ    Robert Naumann        KR2J at ix.netcom.com
KU2Q        K5DU    Susan M. King         ku2q at austin.ibm.com
WA2SRQ      K2SQ    Ed Gilbert            eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com
AA2DU       W2XX    J.P. Kleinhaus        w2xx at cloud9.net
KE2PF       WH2Z    David Mueller         WH2Z at JUNO.COM
N2MZH       AJ2U    Jeff Janock           jj at cybernex.net
KB2SE       K2FR    Fredrick R. Gern      K2FR at Juno.com
WA2STM      W2EQ    John S. Lash          John.Lash at Yale.EDU
KF2FB       K1PI    Sergei M. Gordienko
AA2Z        K1RO    Mark J. Wilson
KB2FD       W1SU    John J. Cuneo Jr.
WB2KMY      K2AD    Douglas A. Sharp
WB2YLR      W2GDJ   George D. Jones
K2SHL       W2LK    Leslie P. Kalmus
KF2ET       N2TX    Michael T. Anderson
N2AIF       K2XF    Seymour Miller
W2CRS       W0AH                          goforit at worldnet.att.net
WA2AGO      W7KW
N2GYY       K2DJQ
WB2AMM      K3HN
AA2UV       W2WG
K2PBP       K2BF
K2POF       W2WC
KA2DFO      KA2D
KC2QF       K2ZZ
KD2EU       K1EU
KD2L        W2KD
KE2N        K1NY
KW2P        W2SF
KZ2S        N2NC
NI2C        K2WE
NN2G        N2TU
WA2CJT      K1OA
WA2WYR   1  W2YR    John P. Gagen         W2YR at AOL.COM

KE3GA       K3AR    Beryl D. Simonson     k3ar at contesting.com
KY3N        W3EA    Wayne Kline           W3EA at AOL.COM
KI3V        N7TR    Richard Hallman       ki3v at rnodx.org
WR3E        W3UR    Bernie McClenny       bernie.mcclenny at mail.wdn.com
WR3O        K4RO    Kirk Pickering        K4RO at music-city.tdec.state.tn.us
WB3ESS      K3CT    John Bednar           jkbe at lucent.com
K3ZNV       W8ZA    Robert J. Biss        BISS at EPG.NIST.GOV
NZ3I        K3TD    Tad Danley            tad.danley at nextel.com
N3BDA       K3PP    Glenn D. O'Donnell    gdo at lucent.com
WR3G        N3RA    Scott Jones           sjones at sygnet.com
KF3P        K3MM    Tyler Stewart         kf3p at cais.com
W3CPB       W3CP    James M. Headrick     headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil
WA3TXR      W1TE    Charles R. Schwartz
N3AHF       W2KV    David McGee           david_mcgee at maca.sarnoff.com
K3YGU       K3KY
KV3J        W3KB
N3QYA       W3KN  
NY3G        K3SV
W3GOI       W4AU
WA3WJD      N3OC
WA3WQP      N3HR
WN3K     1  N9GG    Bob Penneys            radio at udel.edu
WZ3Q        K4ZA    Don Daso              wz3q at juno.com
KX3Y        N3EN    Art McDonald          amcdonal at erols.com

WZ4F        K4AB    Larry A. Crim         wz4f at nerak.companet.net
AD4TU       K4MW    Pete Wildman          ad4tu at esinet.net
WB4IUX      W4IU    Tom Skelton, Jr.      tskelto at ces.clemson.edu
W4RIM       K6RIM   Albert C. Burnham     w4rim at ix.netcom.com
AD4Y        N4NM    Charles M. Lewis      clewis at ro.com
KJ4VH       N4GN    Tim Totten            kj4vh at iglou.com
N4YOS       N4YO    Tom Thompson          tom at iquest.com
KI4HN    1  K4MA    Jim Stevens           ki4hn at nando.net
WN4KNN   1  N5KO    Trey Garlough         trey at cisco.com
KC4ZV       K4NO    Gregory F. Richard    kc4zv at iquest.com
N4PYD       W4WW    Scotty Neustadter     scotty at iquest.com
N4DVW       W4EA    Dan Nixon             adnixon at akorn.net
KI4M        W4RJ    Ted Pounders          tpound at hiwaay.net
WB4NFS      W4NF    John Francis 0'Mara   wb4nfs at erols.com
AA4FC       K4PX    George Fundis         k4px at palmnet.net
KF4BU       K4BU    H.J. Huddleston       huddlehd at wb.gulf.net
N4DVW    2  W4EA    Dan Nixon             adnixon at akorn.net
KJ4KB       N1KB    John C. Hennessee
KX4V        N1RL    Eric R. Lindquist
K4HWG       W4AD    Jack Omara            tury at erols.com
K4CPK       W8DC                          BillCombs at aol.com
WA4VCC   1  W4VHF   Ted F. Goldthorpe     TGOLDTHROPE at SunBelt.Net
AC4VA       ND4Q
AE4PC       WY4Y
N4EA        ND6A    W. Don McDoniel
KR4DL       K4WA    Steven R. Schmidt     k4wa at mindspring.com
WB4MAI      W4OX    Doug McDuff           dmcduff at gate.net
AB4PY       W4EP    Foy E. Privette       edpriv at juno.com
WB4VKW      K4NA    Thomas L. Bickley     tbic at juno.com
AC4VA       ND4Q    Bernard Blair
WB4FLB      K4UU    Gary Hext             K4UU at juno.com

KP4XS       N4UK    Ken Ramirez           ramirezk at emi.com

W5HUQ    8  W4UE    John R. Moore         w5huq at pobox.com
KB5UL    2  N5UL    Charles W. Shaw       shawcorj at wtaccess.com
AA5RB    4  N5KA                          russ at inetport.com
KK5EP       N5ZX    Michael Causey        kk5ep at netdoor.com
AB5KD       K5DJ    Ron Stailey           ron-stailey at easy.com
KJ5IR       K5TH    Tim Hayes             k5th at juno.com
KD5PJ       N9CO    Charlie Ocker         ocker at chasind.com
KC5RAS      K5WO    Bob Kmak              bkmak at airmail.net
WV5S        K5TT    Jim Hood              wv5s at icon.net
N5CT     1  W7CT    Jim Lawrence          n5ct at delphi.com
AA5BL       N5JA    Jon A. Barclay        aa5bl at intrastar.net
AC5BR       KK5GT

AB6FO       K6LA    Ken Widelitz          KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
N6UR        W6TG    Terry Gaiser          w6tg at aol.com
K6XO        KO7X    Alan A. Brubaker      alan at es.com
W6EMS       K6AW    Stephen Merchant      merchant at silcom.com
KC6CEX      N6ED    Craig Gullickson      cgullick at tuba.calpoly.edu
N6YRU       W2NA    John Downing          jdowning at intelenet.net
WA6AUE   4  W6EU    Jim Duffy             wa6aue at mcimail.com
WA6GDS      W6KC    Jim Stockwell         74503.53 at Compuserver.Com
KK6XN       W6KY    Art Wallace           W6KY at CONTESTING.COM
N6AZE       N6NC    Henry L. Serra Jr.    hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu
NF6H     2  N6RT    Doug Brandon          dab at kaiwan.com
AB6YL       K6GT    George T. Daughters   gdauth6 at leland.standford.edu
AC6XO       N6DE    Dean Wood             dwood at w6bhz.calpoly.edu
N6DLU       N7UE    David B. Ritchie      dbr at alumi.caltech.edu
KI6VY       AK6I    Darrel J. Van Buer    darrel at dii.com
NV6O        K6GV    Eric D. Woods         edwoods at pacbell.com
WA6IET      N6WS    Bill Shell            shell at callamer.com
KJ6HO    5  K6RO    Larry Shapiro         K6RO at aol.com
N6IP     4  K6XX    Bob Wolbert           k6xx at juno.com
N6NU        W6RW    Michael S. Mitchell   w6rw at earthlink.net
AA6MC       K6KR    Richard Dievendorff   dieven at almaden.ibm.com
WB6JMS   6  W6YJ    James Arther Jr.      jlarther at net.rocwell.com
WA6GVC      W4XP
AA6KX       N6NT    Bruce Sawyer          N6NT at worldnet.att.net

WR6R        AH7G    Al Crespo             pitts at maui.net
AH6NB    3  KH7M    Jim Reid              jreid at aloha.net

AA7FT    6  K7ST    Adam Kerner           pacarch at wolfnet.com
AA7NX       K7NT    Michael R. Conotore   aa7nx at aol.com
AA7BG       K7BG    Matt Trott            aa7bg at 3rivers.net
AA7NH       K7ZL    Thomas Trent          ttrent at oregon.uoregon.edu
W7LZP    1  W7TI    Bill Turner           wrt at eskimo.com
AA7VB       K7BV    Dennis Motschenbacker k7vb at aol.com
KD7EY       K9EY    Casey Conway          caconway at evansville.net
KC7EM       K7EM    Steve Kelly           srkelly at agora.rdrop.com
NS7Z        K5UO    Mike Bragassa         bragassa at hal-pc.org
WA7FOE      W7NN                          W7NN at AOL.COM
AB7CZ       K7MK    Jim Cullum            jcullum at micron.net
KR7Y        K7XM    Hugh Phillips         hugh at diac.com
WA7UVJ      N7WA    Michael Dinkelman     mwdink at eskimo.com
W7KJJ       K7JJ    Dave Earnest          k7jj at ix.netcom.com
KI7YO    1  KR7X    Hank Lonbert          hlonberg at hgi-pdx.usa.com
AA7TF    4  K7ZO    Scott Tuthill         k7zo at micron.net

AL7PT       W8PT    Rich Kennedy          rdk1 at niosr1.em.cdc.gov
AL7H        K0AV

AA8GL       W8EB    Wm. E. Blick          W8EB at aol.com
WA8SWM      W7WM    Steve Boone           boone at cookie.enet.dec.com
N8ATR       N8TR    Pete Michaelis        n8atr at en.com
KC8MK       K8MK    Jim Hurt              jhurt at freenet.columbus.oh.us
K8BRL       N1RT    Ron Toller            k8brl at worldnet.att.net
AA8FE       W5FX    Mike Bruening         aa8fe at aol.com
AA8OT       K3AO    Serge Kulyov          ipua3ap at redline.ru
K8HVT       W1NN    Hal Offutt            woffutt at netaxis.com
WA8YVR      N9RV    Patrick M. Barkey     pbarkey at wp.bsu.edu
WD8IXE   3  N8SM    Steve Miller          millersg at dma.org
K8JLF       K1HT    David C. Hoaglin      dave_hoaglin at abtassoc.com
K8QLK       K8GT    Gerry Treas           ah672 at detroit.freenet.org
AD8V        W1ZZ    Edward H. Stratton
WA8SMF   1  W8MM    Mike Valentine        #wa8msf at ix12.ix.netcom.com
KU8U        W8KX    John Lane             lane at glerl.noaa.gov
KU8P        K8RS   
WB8OGM      K8TJ
WA8LLY   1  K6UM    Steve Lund            wa8lly at pacbell.net
W8YA        W4AG
WB8VPA   1  N8RF    John Udvari           wb8vpa at en.com
K8MBH    2  W8WV    Dave Ellis            WA8WV at aol.com
AB8Y        W8RR    Gary Kaser            ab8y at net-link.net

AA9AX       N9FD    Steve Sample          aa9ax at iglou.com
WX9E        K9PG    Paul Gentry           PGentry at sbbs.net
W9NQ     5  K6ZZ    Bob Selbrede          w9nq at ccis.com
WN9JAT      K9MY    Jerry Douglas         wn9jat at aol.com
KF9PL    1  KX9X    Sean E Kutzko         kf9pl at cris.com
N9CKC       N9CK    Steven Franzen        n9ckc at inxpress.net
KK9W        K0RX    David R. Anderson     k0rx at solon.eng.uiowa.edu
WB9MSV      N9LR                          LarDX at aol.com
WA9KNP      W9FX    Brad Pioveson         nogap at intrnet.net
K9HCX       W9OZ
KE9A        K4ZW

AA0OB       K0OB    Greg Fields           aa0ob at skypoint.com
NI0E     4  W0MU    Mike Fatchett         fatchett.mike at tci.com
AA0XZ       K0GN    Greg Nunn             gnunn at mail.coin.missouri.edu
NG0X        N6NZ    David B. Curtis       david_b_curtis at ccm.sc.intel.com
AA0WO       W7II    William Frede         bfrede at poci.amis.com
NZ0V        K0ZZ    Robert Emerson        nz0v at ix,netcom.com
AA0SQ       K0MX    Jeff Fischer
AA0VQ       N0KK    Kirk Pengelly
K0IJL       N0IJ    John Baumgarten       JBaumgarten at aol.com
WA0VQR      W0DC    John Lockhart         jlockj at minn.net
N0DH     9  N7EX    Dave Henderson        n0dh at Comtch.iea.com
NQ0I     1  N7DR    Doc Evans             AL019 at freenet.uchsc.edu
AA0NV       N5BC    Felix J. Riess        n5bc at amsat.org
WY0J        KK0T    Jim Brown             jbrown at nyx.net
KC0O        W0LD    Lauren Libby          75151.2442 at compuserve.com
AB0CN       N0UK    Chris Cox             chrisc at Chris.Org
WA0QOA      NA2U    Fred W. Hoffert       cwman at juno.com
K0WWG    1  W6DX    Barrie Britton        bbritton at prolit.llu.edu


KB2ZTN      N2EE    Nicola TESLA Radio Club
KB2UGI      W2BC    Chain Lakes ARA
KB3BIJ   1  W3TT    N.E.R.D.S.
KB3BLJ   1  W2JJ    Hi-Tech Rednecks  
W3FRY       W3FRC   Frankford Radio Club
KF6AYQ      K6AO    Mother Lode DX/Contest Club
KE6URB      K6RCC   River City Contesters
KE6URI      K6CPU   Intel Emergency Amateur Radio Service
KE6TXM      K6RE    Alps Amateur Radio Club
KE6SWZ      N6UI    Cops Contest Club
KC7KMC      K7RAT   Boring Amateur Radio Club
KB9NLG      KX9ZZ   Cook County Contesters
KM9P        K4AAA   Dahlonega Contest Club

WP2AHW      WP2Z    Island Villa Contest Club


The calls were put by there old call and in that call area. Also you will
notice a number next to the old call. That is the number of the choice 
they receieved. The calls are in the order they were receieved by me.

Also Scott, KA9FOX has all the vanity call info on his home page with a 
complete listing if anyone is interested. 

I am sorry if this format laps some of the email addresses around. They
are just to long to get all on one line. I did put the new email addresses 
people gave me on here so if the mail bounces you will know why. 

73's Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys)  Sun Nov 10 19:11:47 1996
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 14:11:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Good vertical?
Message-ID: <199611101911.OAA14799 at copland.udel.edu>

Pardon me for asking such a vague question. I am in a deed restricted area
and just have a wire up. I might throw up a vertical. Not a four-square
or other array, just a single ground-mounted vertical.

Available are Cushcraft, Butternut, Hustler, Hy-Gain, and more.

Your .02 greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Bob

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Sun Nov 10 17:12:52 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 13:12:52 -0400
Subject: ARRL SS CW 96 Scores VI
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by
(floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted: 11/10/96

CALL              OP/SECT    SCORE    QS0'S     SECTS    HRS


K1TR (@N6BV/1)       NH    112,050     747        75     24
N0AX                WWA    107,464     707        76     24
K7MM                EWA    102,960     660        78     24 
K0EJ                 TN    100,950     673        75     20
WB9HRO               WI     86,700     578        75     21
WA0RPI                      85,824     596        72     24
KG5U                STX     85,644     549        78     20
WB9HRO                      85,500     570        75
WA1GUV               VT     77,550     517        75     24
KB2R (@K1VR)        EMA     75,313     523        72     24
WB8RUQ               MI     71,188     481        74     22
K5SL                 LA     66,600     450        74     23
K5ED                WTX     63,640     430        74     17 
K1CGJ               EMA     58,904     398        74     16
KF9PL                IN     55,522     391        71     20
WA0RJY                      52,500     350        75
KC5RAS              NTX     52,114     367        71     24 
WE9V                        51,832     341        76 
KU7Y                 NV     49,248     342        72     
KA1CZF                      49,128     356        69
AD4ZE                       38,350     295        65     20
KC4WQ                KY     33,500     250        67     11
AB5OU                NM     32,234     227        71     
AE4IC                       24,282     213        57
AE0Q                 CO     19,440     162        60
KR0U                        13,500     125        54
VE6SH/8             NWT      9,588     102        47     14
N1AFC                        8,080     101        40      8
WB2VUO              WNY      3,904      61        32     12
AB7OA                AZ        680      20        17     10
N6PDX                                  228        66


KR0Y/5                     211,380    1355        78
K8HVT/KP2                  202,972    1318        77
KP4TK                PR    201,240    1290        78     
N4ZZ                       189,072    1212        78
AA7BG                      174,040    1145        76
W4WA (AA4GA)         GA    169,260    1085        78     24
NM5M                       167,200    1100        76
AC1O/4                     162,084    1039        78
W7ZRC                ID    161,854    1052        77     24
KO9Y                       158,808    1018        78
WR3O                 TN    156,408    1029        76
W5XX                 MS    156,000    1000        78     24
KK9W                       154,908     993        78
KC6CNV              ORG    152,614     991        77     24 
N5FG (WQ5L)                152,000    1000        76
AB4RX                KY    148,980     955        78
AA8AV                MI    148,824     954        78
K4HHG                      148,668     953        78     23
N0AT (AA0VQ)               147,288     969        76
VE6EX                      143,250     955        75
N4OGW/5              NM    140,752     926        76     23
W9WI                 TN    139,776     896        78
WA6KUI               TN    138,016     908        76     24
N9CKC                WI    136,344     874        78     24
KZ8E                       134,550     897        75
K1JKS               EMA    131,670     855        77
VE4GV                MB    130,746     849        77     16
AA0OB                MN    129,132     874        74     24
N4YOS                AL    129,012     827        78     
WD8IJP                     128,700     825        78
K1JKS               EMA    128,590     835        77
N9XX                 WI    127,296     816        78     24
WT1O                EMA    124,024     838        74     24 
WA2STM                     121,656     822        74     15
KB0IHM               MN    121,034     829        73     24
K8NZ                       120,890     785        77     19
K3SA                 MD    119,042     773        77     20
N9JF                       118,248     758        78     24
NW1S                       114,884     746        77     
KB5UL                NM    115,192     748        77     22
WA0X                 MO    113,664     768        74     24
N4YDU                      113,616     789        72     23
KI4HN                NC    112,500     750        75
K3CR (KB3AFT)       WPA    112,200     748        75     24
K8JLF               EMA    111,112     731        76     24 
AA0SQ                MN    106,400     700        76     22
AC4ZO                NC    103,896     702        74     24
WA6GDS              LAX    100,928     664        76     21
VE6KRR               AB     99,864     684        73     23
KX4V                 VT     96,096     624        77     19
KK7A                 ID     92,720     610        76     18
AA9JY                       92,112     606        76
K1YRP                CT     91,464     618        74     22
NJ1V                STX     85,176     546        78     16 
NS0B                        82,800     552        75     11
K2WK                        80,542     523        77     11
AB5SE                AR     80,104     527        76     21
K7DBV                OR     77,824     512        76     19
WX9E                        76,000     500        76     16
WA0QOA                      75,192     482        78     23
WA8YRS               OH     75,168     522        72     20
K3MQH                       75,150     501        75     12
WC4E                NFL     73,292     502        73     14
W5HUQ               NFL     68,640     440        78     23
AC5BR                AR     68,400     450        76     18
AA0XZ                MO     64,972     439        74     24
KJ1N                 CO     64,116     411        78      7
AB5LX               NTX     63,332     446        71
WB0OLA               IN     52,716     382        69     13
KA8OKH               KY     50,978     359        71
K8QLK                MI     49,728     336        74
VE1GN                       42,884     302        71
K8GVK                MI     42,704     314        68     13
K0VBU                KS     37,888     256        74      8
W1HIJ/6             ORG     34,716     263        66     18
N1PBT                VT     31,122     247        63     18
KR2J                NTX     27,264     213        64      5
NS8O                 OH     22,806     181        63     10 
N2LSK               NLI     16,954     173        49      6
NF6H                ORG     15,688     106        74
WD4AHZ              SFL     14,178     139        51      3
AE4MH               SFL     13,452     118        57      6
WA1IML                      12,750     125        51      3
WA7BNM              LAX      9,384     102        46      3
W9SZ                 IL      5,328      72        37      2
K4OGG/M              TN      3,186      59        27
AA4LR                GA      3,000      50        30      3
AD4VH                                  670        76
N0AXL                                  605        76
WN6K                                   591        75
AB5SE                                  527        76
WA5JWU                                 342        78
NC7K                                   239        65


W0SD (WD0T)          SD    224,994    1461        77
W5WMU (N6TR)               224,952    1442        78
N5RZ                WTX    223,236    1431        78
K4VX/0 (WX3N)              217,620    1395        78
W6GO (N6IG)                213,096    1366        78
W5KFT (N5KO)               212,520    1380        77
W7RM (AA7NX)        WWA    207,012    1327        78
K7UP (KN5H)          NM    206,388    1323        78     24
K0RF                       206,206    1339        77
WB0O                 ND    206,206    1339        77
KM9P (K7GM)                205,296    1316        78
K6LL                       205,140    1315        78
KY7M                       203,580    1305        78
N7DD                       203,112    1302        78
K0KR                       202,332    1297        78
AI7B                       199,680    1280        78
AB6FO               LAX    198,744    1274        78
K5MR                NTX    197,736    1284        77
K5GO                       196,092    1257        78
KE3Q                       195,734    1271        77
VE3EJ (NJ2L)               195,312    1252        78
KC7V                 AZ    194,844    1249        78     24
W2PV (@K2TR)(WZ1R)         194,688    1248        78     24
KS9K (N0BSH)         WI    194,376    1246        78
W3GH (K3UA)         WPA    193,732    1258        77 
K1IU                 RI    191,412    1227        78
NA5Q                       191,100    1225        78
N6RO                       190,498    1237        77
K5ZD                       189,540    1215        78
K5NA                       189,112    1228        77
K8CC                       188,916    1211        78     24
W9RE                       188,760    1210        78
N6FU                STX    188,650    1225        77
N4BP                SFL    187,200    1200        78     22
K4PQL                NC    186,340    1210        77
KF3P                       186,108    1193        78
N6TV                SCV    183,300    1175        78     24
K3ZO                       183,144    1174        78
KT3Y                       181,258    1177        77
K7FR                EWA    176,748    1133        78     24 
WA6AUE               SV    174,252    1119        78     24
NN7L (NL7GP)               173,784    1114        78
W5ASP                      172,848    1112        78     22
W2VJN                OR    170,664    1094        78
K0IJL                MN    168,014    1091        77     24
N4ZR                 WV    166,452    1067        78     24
K0WA                       166,440    1095        76
KM0L                 MO    166,140    1065        78     24
KY2P                 TN    163,956    1051        78     24
K9BG                 IL    159,544    1078        74     24
N8RR                       158,184    1014        78     19
K0DEQ                MO    156,936    1006        78     20
W1XT                 AZ    156,408    1029        76     24
WX0B                NTX    156,000    1000        78     23 
K9WIE                      155,344    1022        76
NI6T                SCV    151,788     973        78     24
K0AD                 MN    146,919     954        77     24
W6QHS                      145,860     935        78
AA3B                       145,650     970        75     24
K0HB                 MN    143,336     943        76
K3JT                 WV    142,576     938        76     24
WA6CTA               SF    133,848     858        78
K6PU                 SV    132,240     870        76     18
AA0OB                MN    129,352     874        74     24
AA8U                       125,112     802        78     22
W5GN                NTX    120,450     803        76     20
WB4NFS                     119,850     799        75     24
W6XR/2                     110,760     710        78     15
AA0SQ                MN    106,400     700        76     22
W6MVW               SDG    102,718     667        77     23
KB2UGM              NNY     94,848     624        76     20
WB5B                NTX     94,050     627        75     14
N6MZ                        73,632     472        78
N1CC                ENY     68,400     450        76     10
K9MA                        61,568     416        74
KJ4VH                       44,250     295        75      4
K2ONP               ENY     42,344     316        67      6
W3CPB                MD     41,040     285        72     15
K8KFJ                WV     32,256     252        64
AL7PT                WV     31,600     220        72     16
W0LK                        15,960     140        57     11
AA7QY                AZ     11,200     102        55     10
N6UR (KR6X)                           1278        78
NJ8M                                   962        78
KO4EW                                  761        78
WB4RMJ                                 759        74
W1IHN                NC                740        78     18
W5NN (KB5YVT)                          713        75     11
VY1JA                                  520        77
WB4RDV                                 459        72
N2KJM                                  414        76
NO1J                                   300        76


K1ZX                       225,420    1445        78 
AA5B                 NM    216,216    1404        77
KS9W                 IL    193,752    1242        78
KY1H                       186,420    1195        78
N6KI                SDG    176,748    1133        78     24
K6XO/7                     175,500    1125        78
K0WA                 KS    166,440    1095        76
K6GV                 SV    165,672    1062        78     24
NJ4F                 VA    163,800    1050        78     24
K9UWA                IN    162,240                78     24
NJ8M                       149,136     956        78
K8JM                       148,980     995        78
WA2UKP              ENY    142,272     912        78	    24
W6BIP                      138,624     913        76
KE2VB               WNY    135,720     870        78     23
W6UE                LAX    118,872     762        78     17
KO4EW                TN    118,716     761        78
K3WW                       109,200     700        78     14
W5EHM                      103,800     692        75
N2BIM               NNJ     86,112     552        78 
N2MZH                       36,696     278        66


AA4NC        S0/HP   NC               1000        77     19
KF4APW       QRP     NC                165        56      4

1-W9OCF              OH     40,820     313        65      5
2-K8MR               OH     49,104     341        72      5
3-N8XPL              OH     33,356     262        64      4
4-AC8E               OH     38,364     278        69      4
5-N8ATR              OH     42,568     313        68      4
TOTAL                      204,392    1507        76     22



K1ZX          K1ZX,WC4E,K1TO
K6GV          AA6WJ,KM6AS,K6GV
KS9W          KD5PJ,AA9LX,KS9W
K0WA          WA0SXR,W0CEM,K0WA
K6XO/7        K6XO,AB7GM,N5CT
W6BIP         AE0M,N1EE,W6BIP
NJ8M          NJ8M,AB0S,KC0GC
NJ4F          NJ4F,N4GUS,K4GMH,K7SV
AA5B          AA5B,K5TA,K9RS,AI9X



This is the first posting and since I got scores off internet and also
off 3830 itself a score may be on here twice. Just let me know if yours
is and I will take the incorrect one off.

73's Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

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