Brent Smith
bsmith at tx.ncsu.edu
Mon Nov 18 16:35:18 EST 1996
>From cooper at gmpvt.com (Tom Cooper) Wed Nov 20 19:23:36 1996
From: cooper at gmpvt.com (Tom Cooper) (Tom Cooper)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:23:36 -0500
Subject: ARRL 160 or 10 op needed?
Message-ID: <199611201923.OAA02865 at web.gmpvt.com>
Does anyone need an extra CW operator for the ARRL 160M or 10M contests?
Hvae credit card, can travel.
>From ac1o at gate.net (Walter Deemer) Wed Nov 20 19:33:39 1996
From: ac1o at gate.net (Walter Deemer) (Walter Deemer)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:33:39 -0500
Subject: Two More SS Jammming Incidents
Message-ID: < at pop.gate.net>
I'm reluctant to add my own SS jamming stories to the recent flurry, but am
doing so anyway -- in the hope that smarter heads than mine can come up with
possible solutions.
Incident #1. It's 30 minutes into the contest. I give out #27, and a Good
Old Southern Boy comes on frequency to tell me that some stations are
already up to 200. He doesn't go away. I tell him this isn't 75 meters (a
BIG mistake, I realize later; the thing to do, as people on here have said
repeatedly, is to ignore him completely). The GOSB stays with me for 8 or 9
minutes. I finally shake him with a suddenly-remembered reflector-taught
trick: a few fake QSO's (each one "acknowledged", just when the GOSB shut
up, with a hearty "QSL --and FB on the QRP station, OM!" The GOSB
disappears after the second such Q. The only really notable thing about
this incident, sadly, is that it took place on FIFTEEN METERS.
Incident #2. Sunday morning on 20. I find a hole at 14,301.3 and start
CQ'ing. After a while somebody stops by and asks if I realize that there is
an International Maritime Mobile Net on 14,300, and could I please move. I
slide up to 14,301.8. He's right back at me: "That's not far enough." "How
far do you want me to go?" "At least 3 kc." "Jesus -- you want 3 kc. on
THIS BAND at THIS TIME OF DAY?!" I respond, then resume CQ'ing. He tells me
"You won't make any contacts!" I try another CQ -- and am greeted with the
TV audio from a Midwestern station. I sigh (I'm running low power) and move
up the band. I expect this type of behavior in the area of the electronic
sewer at 14,313 -- but I never thought the Maritime Mobile net people would
stoop to that sort of stuff. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I can think of lots of ways to combat jamming; unfortunately, most
counter-measures require a BIG, LOUD station to stop what he's doing in the
middle of the contest and counter-attack -- which, of course, is out of the
question. And so I present my incidents to the wiser heads on the
reflector, in hopes they can come up with something...
73, Walt, KN4T (ex-AC1O)
WWW: http://www.4w.com/deemer; amateur radio, news, weather & financial info.
>From k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller) Wed Nov 20 19:42:45 1996
From: k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller) (Lee Buller)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 13:42:45 -0600
Subject: QRP Contesting
Message-ID: < at southwind.net>
LADIES and Gentlemen...
Here is one for you. Durring SS SSB weekend...a station from NTX calls me
with a BIG...BIG....BIG signal on 40 meters. One of those signals where you
know the exchange will be fast. This guys is 20 over S-9 on the 950. My 40
meter beam is to the East.
He gives me a Q! A Q! I asked him how did he have such a large signal. He
told be a full three element 40 meter beam at 100-some-odd feet. WOW!
I wonder what costs more....buying and amp or putting up that antenna?
Well, we all know the answer to that one.
Back in the lat 70s, there was a guy working the DX Honor Roll using QRP
(5-watts). He was actually using an Argonaut into four 20 meter 4-element
beams at 100 feet. Big array...big signal. He was on all the lists and had
no trouble working them.
Also there seems to be a FD group in Iowa that uses QRP into a rhombic
antenna they have in the trees. He told me the rhomic was 5 wavelengths on
a side on 80 meters. He says he played incredibly well on 40 and they could
stay on 40 meters for most of FD.
Well, as my Elmer told me years ago....invest in an antennas first....an
antenna will take you around the world.
Just some ramblings from the contest and idle thoughts why I try to revocer
the the weekend at work. Now...back to work!
k0wa at southwind.net
>From w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) Wed Nov 20 20:00:46 1996
From: w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 12:00:46 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Vanity database
Message-ID: <199611202000.MAA04180 at netcom13.netcom.com>
Just in case there is a PacketCluster system operator who isn't
subscribed to the PacketCluster Reflector, or perhaps a PacketCluster user
whose system operator isn't subscribed, this is an update of the message
posted yesterday to the PacketCluster reflector.
The database is in ASCII format and with a text searcher you can easily
find new Contesters' vanity callsigns and club calls. You don't need
PacketCluster software to be able to do a lookup. The ZIP file is 38k.
73, Jay
w6go at netcom.com
Posted to PacketCluster reflector:
I have posted a PacketCluster database on my ftp site which contains the
3924 lookups from the FCC's gate 2 transaction files through Tuesday 11/19.
I have placed this into SH/BUCKMASTER on my node so users can look up the
new callsigns. It returns the old call or the trustee's call in the case
of a club.
Instructions are contained in a READ.ME file in the ZIP file.
To obtain the database, ftp to ftp.netcom.com/pub/w6/w6go and use the DIR
command to see the available files. Get (binary) VAN008.ZIP. This is the
8th edition of this database, and later editions will have a higher number
if they are created.
73, Jay
w6go at netcom.com
FYI: To subscribe to the PacketCluster reflector, send mail to
listserv at postoffice.cso.uiuc.edu
place the following in the body of the message:
SUBscribe pcluster-l full_name, callsign
example: SUBscribe pcluster-l Hiram Maxim, W1AW
note that the -l in "pcluster-l" is a lower case L, not a "one".
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