CQWWCW: ZM2K score & gossip.

Wilbert Knol wk at frc.niwa.cri.nz
Mon Nov 25 21:14:02 EST 1996

The following score was quickly scribbled on the back of a fish &
chips pack before the plugs were ripped out in the cleanup frenzy...

Call:    ZM2K
Country: New Zealand
Zone:    32
Class:   Multi/Multi

CQWW-CW 96 Results:

Band     Q     Z     C     D
160      31    11    13    3
80       424   24    52    9
40       1215  26    83    8
20       777   32    97    24
15       1792  32    84    85
10       267   12    20    6
ALL      4506  137   349   135

Score (provisional) 6,418,116


The score is still subject to the traditional 'massaging of 
the logs' process :-) No further details as yet available
as the support crew removed all computing equipment in order
to restore the contest premises into its original state, ready
for occupation by wool & mutton producing inhabitants.

The score brought a grin to our unshaven faces: almost 3 times
the 96 CQWW SSB score a month earlier. 'My' band (15) went well,
with good runs into the USA (with long path EA) in the local
morning, and lots of JA in the afternoon and evening, followed
by Europe (short path) right through to 1AM local time. No Africa was
worked on 15, and again we missed zone 12 who were beaming north and
didn't hear us. Also missed zone 40 (TF) on 15.

A great time was had by all. Malcolm ZL2UDF reckoned he dropped his
keys through the slats in the woolshed floor and faces a crawl under 
the building through the you-know-what to recover them :-(

We have a full year to rub it into the SSB boys :-) Hope you managed 
to work us. See you next 

Wilbert, ZL2BSJ.

Wilbert Knol, EE,  Acoustic Group, Marine Research,
Nat. Inst. of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd.
Wellington, New Zealand

>From ey8mm at sovam.com (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh)  Mon Nov 25 14:11:08 1996
From: ey8mm at sovam.com (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh) (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 14:11:08 MMT
Subject: CQ WW CW: EY8MM
Message-ID: <199611251111.AA24912 at scylla.sovam.com>


I had a very good weekend playing with my radio. Hi. Only 23 hours
of operation. As usual more DXing but some CQ also. 

I really enjoyed low bands propagation this year. No new ones on 40/80
but 160 m was surprisely good. OUTSTANDING signal form XZ1A and 5V7A
on top band. This guys did great job and operated very professional.
Great openning for NA LP on 40 meters. Never had pile up like this
from the states. Unfortunately I am cloused by mountain on the North
(SP) so did not copy well even big guns. SP is always easier and I had
good signals on my ex.QTH. Logged a lot (worked-every-contest) big guns 
from US but a lot of Vanity calls. So need to work them 5-10 years before
it will be recognized like W3LPL or K3LR...

Now we have some time for other things until next triple contest season

DX is!

73, Nodir

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1996

      Call: EY8MM                    Country:  Tajikistan
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator

      160      179      463     2.59     13      47
       80      313      787     2.51     20      58
       40      803     1954     2.43     34      91
       20       82      182     2.22     17      33
       15       52       73     1.40     13      20
       10        0        0     0.00      0       0
     Totals   1429     3459     2.42     97     249  =>  1,196,814

Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh EY8MM        *   tel:+7(3772) 214-706
Member of EY2Q contest team         *                212-844
ex. UJ8JMM, YA1MM, YA5MM, DL/EY8MM, *   fax:+7(3772) 212-847
RJ0J, RJ1J, RJ2S, RJ4X, RJ5R, RJ6K, *   
RJ8WCY, EU9J, EK8R                  *                                
Mailing address: P.O.BOX 303, Dushanbe, 734001, Tajikistan
e-mail: <ey8mm at sovam.com>
        <ey8mm at tarl.td.silk.glas.apc.org>

>From jomara at pdi-div.com (John O'Mara)  Mon Nov 25 12:41:54 1996
From: jomara at pdi-div.com (John O'Mara) (John O'Mara)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 07:41:54 -0500
Subject: Used Contest Rigs
Message-ID: < at pdis1>

Hello all,

        I presently have a TS-690SAT (which is the TS-450SAT with 6 Meters)
which I have been using for about 4 years.  I have loaded the rig up with
Fox Tango filters, a 2.1 kHz filter in the second IF, and 2 400 Hz CW
filters, one in each of IF.  I have used this rig during a number of contest
and it has served me well but during the recent two SS contests the receiver
seemed more susceptible to strong adjacent signal interference.  A kind of
crackling sound that only went away when I used the Advanced Intercept Point
(AIP) which adds about 11 db of attenuation in the line also.  Not good for
working all the QRPers during SS CW.  Anyway, I was starting to think about
buying a little better rig for contesting and I'll take care of 6 Meters
with a transverter.  So what is your educated opinion on the TS 930, TS 940
or others in that $1200 to $1300 price range.  Please email to my home
address wb4nfs at erols.com

  Thanks for your help and 73, Jack W4NF ex-WB4NFS 

>From junger at usgs.gov (Unger)  Mon Nov 25 13:26:58 1996
From: junger at usgs.gov (Unger) (Unger)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 08:26:58 -0500
Subject: More nasty interference stories
Message-ID: <961125082659.ZM25814 at junger6141>

I had a new experience this weekend while working te CQWW CW contest. I 
was setting around 14.070 about 1300Z yesterday happily running European 
stations at a (for me) a good rate when a strong station came on 
frequency and began calling CQ TEST right on top of me. I know, this 
happens to everyone, but this guy was using my callsign!! At first I 
thought it was a recording, but his fist was so bad that he messed up on 
my call a fair amount. I listened agast at first, not believing my ears. 
He actually began working unsuspecting stations with my call despite my 
trying to transmit disclaimers on top of him. He was giving 599 10 and 
other random checks instead of my zone 5, so I don't think he knew what 
the contest was all about. 

He did go away after about 5 minutes, but I am concerned that there are 
some people I never worked who have my call in their logs. Anyone else 
have this experience? Other than that experience and having too much 
work to do around the house, it was a great contest with good 
propagation. And, I think that I have finally trained my CW ears to my 
new callsign after many, many years of listening for W3GOI in pileups!

73 - John, W4AU


>From wb4iuy at ipass.net (Dave Hockaday)  Mon Nov 25 13:31:35 1996
From: wb4iuy at ipass.net (Dave Hockaday) (Dave Hockaday)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 08:31:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Floating screw-in anchors :-)
Message-ID: <199611251331.IAA13761 at passport.ipass.net>

>Isn't it more likely that what happens is that the wet sand above the anchor
>does not exert the same resistance to the guy-wire's pull as when dry?  Less
>cohesive soil (like saturated sand) would tend to flow around the anchor
>block, allowing the guy wire gradually to pull it to the surface.  I know
>this could happen in my Rohn-standard application, because the anchor blocks
>are not heavy enough by themselves to handle the maximum guy wire pull they
>could theoretically sustain.  They rely on the weight of the earth above
>them, and its cohesion with the surrounding soil.  Fortunately, mine aren't
>in sand, but I had a worried few days this summer when the area around one
>guy anchor flooded.

Hehehehe...as did I during hurricane Fran. We had several days of rain prior
to the big winds, and I was worried that the screw-in anchors for my 100'
tower would "float" to the top...but they didn't.

All joking aside, I think that the term "concrete floating to the top"
wasn't taken literally by most. I posted the bit about WETC's tower falling,
and I certainly didn't mean that the guy point popped to the top like a
cork, but rather slowly came to the surface through all the mud and water.
The ground was mushy with water, and there's no doubt that a 400' tower tugs
pretty hard on the cables in a 80 mph wind. 

73 and good DX!
Dave Hockaday WB4IUY
wb4iuy at ipass.net


>From DSNOWDEN at ncdc.noaa.gov (Snowden, Douglas)  Mon Nov 25 13:53:00 1996
From: DSNOWDEN at ncdc.noaa.gov (Snowden, Douglas) (Snowden, Douglas)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 08:53:00 EST
Subject: Signal Enhancement From Mountain?
Message-ID: <32995E3F at smtpgate.ncdc.noaa.gov>

Is there any experience out there in using the side of a mountain to enhance 
signal in the favored direction?  I will be on the side of a mountain, and 
will probably
use open wire feeders or low loss coax to get something near the top, but 
I'd like
to try and use the maountain to my advantage in the favored direction.... 
I'll have
lots of trees for the low bands.

Doug, N4IJ
dsnowden at ncdc.noaa.gov

>From aa4lr at radio.org (Bill Coleman AA4LR)  Mon Nov 25 13:32:27 1996
From: aa4lr at radio.org (Bill Coleman AA4LR) (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 09:32:27 -0400
Subject: How to S&P?
Message-ID: <961025092950.JAA21037 at gate.iterated.com>

>From:        Richard Sherman, srichard at aldus.northnet.org
>        After a successful, (for me) Sweepstakes, I have come to the
>conclusion that my operating skills leave a lot to be desired. I know I need 
to get
>my CW speed up. 

Me, too.

>But the
>question is, what do I need to practice to reach the mythical 50-60 Q
>hours while S&Ping? What are some specific things you do to keep the
>rate up while S&Ping? Obviously, this would not be limited to only
>operating skills, rig setup etc, seems to also be appropriate to this


I'll pass on some tips that Randy K5ZD gave me a few years ago. In SS, 
acheiving 50-60 Q/hr rates while S & Ping is quite difficult, mainly 
because the enchange is quite long. But the long enchange can work in 
your favor.

Your first tip is to tune faster. Your first objective is to find a 
station who you haven't contacted before. Once found, you have to call 
and then contact him. Don't waste any time here listening to pig farmers 
or ragchewers.

Once you've found a station, it may be some time before he's looking for 
another call. During that time, you can switch to your second VFO and 
tune around some more. (On my TS-430S, I hit the VFO A=B button, then 
continue tuning) With any luck, you'll find another station you haven't 
worked. Flip back and forth (My TS-430S has a rotary knob of this -- 
eventually, it is going to wear out) and call the first station who is 

In this fashion, you spend more time tuning, and less time waiting for an 
opportunity to call, and it doesn't require two radios. If you have one 
of those fancy receivers with dual receive, you can eliminate the 
flip-flop part.

The second problem is to call and get through. Early in SS, just about 
everyone is going to be a new contact, so you can skip the weaker 
stations and go for the stronger ones. If your antenna system is good 
enough, you should be able to get through on the first or second call. If 
not, keep tuning on the other VFO or try the other station.

The third tip is knowing when to give up. After two or three tries, you 
might as well move on. You'll come back to them later. If someone CQs in 
my face, I give them one more try and then move on -- I know I'm just too 
weak for them to work. Come back to them later when conditions are 
better. Don't think about multipliers until you are about 12 hours into 
the contest.

Another tip is to remove redundant phrases in the exchange. Kick yourself 
every time you say "please copy...." <grin> Keep it simple. 

The final tip is to try a CQ any time you find a clear frequency. You can 
acheive much higher rates calling CQ than you can S & P. I usually CQ for 
1 minute, then move on if I get no responses. If I make a few contacts, 
I'll CQ for 2 minutes before moving on. 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher)  Mon Nov 25 14:57:19 1996
From: fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher) (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 09:57:19 -0500
Subject: Rules Questions
Message-ID: <9611251457.AA21530 at hp-and2.an.hp.com>

Hi All-

Two rules questions for the self-proclaimed (as well as true) experts. I 
suppose I should already know these, but:

1. Can somebody explain the CQWW MS 10 minute rule to me? It's stated
pretty clearly in the published rules from the magazine, and I think
I understand what they mean. So why does CT apparently make it
so complicated with dual 10-minute timers, one for each of the
RUN and MULT station? They way I read it, I figure there should be
one timer. It starts counting down from 10 minutes when the RUN station
makes a Q on a new band. While the counter is alive, the MULT station
can work new mults only on ONE other band. So why two counters?

And one that's not as clear:

2. Suppose I work some no-clue DX station who's just fooling around,
and doesn't understand they're supposed to send me the CQ zone in the
exchange. Try as I might, I can't get this guy to send me something
that makes sense. So instead of sending me a zone which is proper for
his call sign, he sends me a serial number that happens to represent
a rare zone I need for a multiplier, like say 23. What do I do? Duly
log the exact information sent to me and take credit for the "rare"
zone 23 ? Or just type in the appropriate zone for the call sign?
No, the guy isn't signing portable anything...

What a riot it was hearing some folks trying to get through with the
new toy callsigns!! HAHA I bet they're filling out new 610-V's as we

-Tony, K1KP, fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com

>From mwdink at eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)  Mon Nov 25 08:59:03 1996
From: mwdink at eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman) (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 00:59:03 -0800
Subject: Advice: 160M Antenna
Message-ID: <199611251521.HAA21165 at mail.eskimo.com>

Hey guys, If your are a Top Band expert or kibitzer, I wanna pick your 
brain a bit before the upcoming ARRL 160 contest (and the Stu Perry chaser). 
I know this might be more appropriate for the Top Band Reflector 
but I get enough mail already and time is short. So stick with me.

The situation:
        1) One non-metallic support (tree) at 100-120 foot.
                a) situated on south property line (in other words,
                   the property extends 0 feet south.)
                b) property extends 100 feet west, 100 feet east (but
                   I can probably get a lot more to the east as it's 
                   unoccupied woods)
                c) property extends 200 feet north
        2) 100 watts max power
        3) Northwest (Western Washington) part of the country

I've had my nose in the ARRL Antenna book, Low-Band DXing Book, and my
old supply of QST's. I've come up some possibilities and am leaning 
towards #3.

        1)      A close to full full size vertical with maybe just a bit of
                linear loading at the bottom. I doubt that I will be able
                to do more than a minimum of radials (maybe 20 of various 
                sizes and none can go south.)

        2)      An inverted L with not much L (still need radials).

        3)      An inverted Vee with the legs going E/W or possibly
                with one leg N/S and the other E/W. (no radials
                required but a lotta coax up the tree and maybe useless
                or harmful directivity?)

        4)      Maybe something I haven't thought of that you have.

        I've rejected slopers as most seem to require a metallic support
        structure to the rear (am I wrong?) and are a bear to tune.

For sure, any antenna is a compromise. I am looking for those who have used
similar antennas and know the tradeoffs. I figure I have a couple days to 
build this thing over the holiday weekend (finals - not the transmitting
kind - are next week too).

While I am at it, I have never built a beverage and haven't looked too much
into the literature yet. Should I just run a wire as far east/southeast
as I can and hope for the best (the terrain is wooded and not very flat) or 
should I concentrate on the transmitting antenna for now? Is it worth 
having a beverage with only 100 watts of xmtr power available?

I figure ARRL 160M is going to be more fun than the ARRL 10M this year 
so I am aiming my sights in that direction. I have no illusions of 
working DX but covering North America should provide plenty of fun. 
Thanks for any help. 

Please respond direct to the address below.


Michael Dinkelman
Kent, WA
mwdink at eskimo.com

>From wa2syn at li.net (Jeff Singer)  Mon Nov 25 16:00:26 1996
From: wa2syn at li.net (Jeff Singer) (Jeff Singer)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:00:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Reset Alpha
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.961125105526.20567A-100000 at linet01>


There is a way to reset an overcount of hard faults. Just briefly connect
pins 13 & 14 of your serial connector on the rear panel. This according to
info given me by Chris Mason at Alpha abt 2 yrs ago. I don't recall if I
ever used it, don't hold me responsible if anything goes wrong (nothing

73 de Jeff K2KV
wa2syn at li.net

On Sun, 24 Nov 1996, Dale Belcher wrote:

> After 6 hard faults the Alpha 87a will not reset.  How can it be reset or
> problem resolved?
> Send reply to;
> W7WW at juno.com 
> Or
> W7LL at juno.com  or post it on the reflector.
> Thanks in advance.

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